U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Video: Senate takes historic step toward DOMA repeal

The Senate took an historic step toward equality Thursday, with the Judiciary Committee voting 10-8 for a bill that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. Chris is an original cosponsor of the measure and proudly voted for it today.  

After the vote, Chris joined several of his colleagues at a press conference to explain why he feels repeal is important for our country.

In an op-ed on Huffington Post earlier in the day, Chris said, "progress is a great victory here, and equality advocates have a lot to be proud of today."

"For those Americans who do not yet support equality, we must show them that the love same-sex parents have for their children is no less devoted than the love opposite-sex parents have for their kids. We must show them that families headed by same-sex couples do not have a negative impact on other families. In fact, they face the same challenges as every parent: arranging carpools, parent-teacher conferences, and getting their kids to eat their vegetables."

Defense of Marriage Act
Judiciary Committee