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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Investigating Waste, Fraud, and Abuse of Taxpayer Money

After more than three years of a Democrat-controlled Congress, the total national debt increased to more than $13 trillion. This unsustainable path threatens future prosperity and economic opportunity for our children and grandchildren. Regardless of the nation’s fiscal challenges, and indeed because of them, the American people expect elected officials to spend taxpayer resources wisely and efficiently.

The public continues to learn about the waste and abuse of taxpayer money in the Administration’s handling of the so-called stimulus funds. From the first days of the current Democrat Administration, Republicans worked successfully to defund the liberal activist organization ACORN. Building on this success, Republicans will continue to investigate the manner in which agency officials spend taxpayer money and support commonsense solutions in Congress to rein in wasteful Washington spending.

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Investigations into Waste, Fraud, and Abuse with Stimulus Funds

Republican Efforts to Eliminate Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

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House Republicans Adopt a Moratorium on Earmarks
Republican Efforts to Eliminate Federal Funding for ACORN
Republicans Introduce the “Priorities in Education Spending Act” to Focus Resources on Programs that Work
Committee Oversight of Minority Serving Institutions
Safeguarding the Student Visa System

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