• Economy and Job Creation

    Marsha Blackburn believes that free markets are the best markets. She knows that the Federal Government cannot intervene in the market without fault. The surest path to American economic growth is through small, limited government that controls spend...

  • Government Accountability

    Congressman Blackburn believes that American's deserve a government that is both accountable and responsive. From eliminating government waste to ensuring that Congress maintains appropriate oversight over the federal bureaucracy, Congressman Blackbu...

  • Health Care

    Congressman Blackburn is leading the fight in Congress to Delay, Defund, Repeal, and Replace Obamacare with her legislation, H.R. 2809, that would delay all Obamacare provisions and taxes for one year. H.R. 2809 builds on efforts already taken by the...

  • Health Care Choice Act

    Health Care Choice Act · Congressman Blackburn introduced H.R. 371, the Health Care Choice Act, on January 20, 2011 as one of the first official acts after the House votes to repeal the law. The bill currently has 79 cosponsors, including Energy and ...

  • Health Care Choice Act

    H.R. 371, The Health Care Choice Act received its first hearing before the Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Health in May, 2011. The bill would allow Americans to purchase health care insurance across state lines. This empowers consum...

  • Marsha's Legislation

    In the 113th Congress, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) has introduced a series of bills aimed at cutting spending, eliminating waste, and reducing the size of government. Health Care: Health care costs continue to rise and have become unsustainable for ...

  • Save The Incandescent Light Bulb

    H.R. 91, the Better Use Of Lightbulbs Act (BULB Act) is sponsored by Rep. Blackburn, Rep. Joe Barton (TX) and Rep. Michael Burgess (TX). The bill repeals recent energy standards that virtually ban the reliable incandescent light bulb. Blackburn spea...

  • Taxes and Spending

    Marsha Blackburn believes that Americans, not the government, are the best stewards of their money. Everyday she fights against the notion that Washington has a right of first refusal on your paycheck. Keeping taxes and spending low is the best route...

  • Tech Conservative

    Congressman Blackburn is a leader among Members of Congress interested in technology policy. To Marsha, these are not boutique policy arguments about technical issues. Rather, they are vital debates that will determine the future of free markets, fr...

  • Tools For The Taxpayer

    UPDATE: USA TODAY has an outstanding summary of our Government's Debt. Read It Here. UPDATE: Blackburn Takes On "Mediscare" Tactics. Watch Below: America is facing a financial crisis driven by spending and debt. To get us back on track, Congress will...

  • National Security and International Affairs

    One of Congress’ primary responsibilities is to be responsible stewards of our national security and the men and women who defend it. Marsha Blackburn is honored to count the men and women of the 101st Airborne Division as well as Tennessee Guardsmen...

  • Immigration Reform

    Marsha knows that secure countries have secure borders. Today, every state is a border state and every town is a border town. Since coming to Washington, Congressman Blackburn has worked to ensure that our immigration policies are in sync with this n...

  • Energy

    Energy is on the minds of many individuals. In the heart of the 7th District lies the rural engine of Tennessee’s economy. Our state is home to men and women who spend every day working the land. Tennesseans are the true environmentalists and conserv...

  • Family Issues

    Marsha Blackburn brings her diverse background as a wife, mother, grandmother, and small business owner to bear on her public service. Her experience keenly informs her approach to family issues. Congressman Blackburn knows the tough choices that wor...

  • Veterans' Affairs

    Marsha Blackburn knows that our veterans rank as the bravest among us. While their sacrifice to our country can never be fully weighed or repaid, Congressman Blackburn works to ensure that America does right by her veterans and their families, includ...