Full Committee Markup of H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act (Day 2) (June 2, 2011)

Full Committee (112th Congress)
Jun 2, 2011
2123 Rayburn House Office Building
The Committee convened on Thursday, June 2, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn to conduct a markup on H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011.


"There are sensible improvements we could make, but we aren’t making them. Instead, this bill waives environmental requirements and short-circuits permitting reviews. That may boost oil company profits, but it won’t lower prices or enhance our energy security." - Ranking Member Waxman


Markup on "H.R. 2021"

H.R. 2021, legislative text - Approved by Roll Call Vote of 14 - 34 

Amendments to "H.R. 2021"
  • Rep. Eshoo - Defeated by Roll Call Vote of 15 - 31
    • Amendment enables other courts, aside from the DC circuit Court of Appeals, to hear reviews of permit decisions.
  • Rep. Waxman - Defeated by Roll Call Vote of 13 - 33
    • Amendment preserves review by the Environmental Appeals Board and allows an extension for a final permit decision of no more than 180 days if necessary to allow for administrative review.
  • Rep. Capps - Defeated by Roll Call Vote of 13 - 34
    • This amendment preserves state authority over OCS sources where states have been delegated authority to implement the program.
  • Rep. Matsui - Defeated by Roll Call Vote of 16 - 31
    • Amendment allows for 30-day extensions, if necessary, to provide adequate time for public participation or to ensure adequate participation by the States.
  • Rep. Markey - Defeated by Roll Call Vote of 13 - 34
    • This amendment ensures the use of modern support vessels that meet stringent standards.



112th Congress