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No More Russian Engines on American Rockets

Nov 13, 2014 Column

An invisible battle is raging between those who believe the U.S. military should rely only on secure defense suppliers and those who are willing to turn a blind eye, in the interest of globalization, to the dangers of foreign dependence. Despite...

No More Russian Engines on American Rockets

Nov 13, 2014 Column

An invisible battle is raging between those who believe the U.S. military should rely only on secure defense suppliers and those who are willing to turn a blind eye, in the interest of globalization, to the dangers of foreign dependence. Despite...

Death of Bin Laden: SEALs are heroes but Team Obama should have shut up about mission details

Nov 13, 2014 Column

Navy SEALs are disciplined, tactical and menacing warriors within the U.S. Special Forces community. They are often at the tip of the spear, operating in the shadows and conducting dangerous missions worldwide, and they have achieved much success:...

Death of Bin Laden: SEALs are heroes but Team Obama should have shut up about mission details

Nov 13, 2014 Column

Navy SEALs are disciplined, tactical and menacing warriors within the U.S. Special Forces community. They are often at the tip of the spear, operating in the shadows and conducting dangerous missions worldwide, and they have achieved much success:...

Reps. Hunter, Murphy to host panel discussion on broken mental health system

Oct 7, 2014 Press Release

Discussion to highlight HR 3717, bipartisan legislation authored by Murphy and praised nationally and throughout San Diego

Budget cuts should not weaken security

Sep 10, 2014 Column

In 2011, I presented a question to then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates during a budget hearing with the House Armed Services Committee. To get to zero threat, I asked, what would be the annual cost of the defense budget — $1 trillion, $2 trillion or...

Budget cuts should not weaken security

Sep 10, 2014 Column

In 2011, I presented a question to then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates during a budget hearing with the House Armed Services Committee. To get to zero threat, I asked, what would be the annual cost of the defense budget — $1 trillion, $2 trillion or...

It’s Time for Better Options for Rescuing US Hostages

Sep 4, 2014 Column

The deaths of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff give good reason why the Islamic State group must be crushed. Though less apparent in these tragedies is what the U.S. government must do differently to support Americans in captivity...

Hunter: Obama Fiddles While Marine Sits In Mexican Jail Cell

Aug 27, 2014 Column

In a jail cell in Mexico sits Andrew Tahmooressi, a former Marine Corps Sergeant who served honorably and survived two combat tours in Afghanistan. For almost five months, Andrew has languished in prison for simply taking a wrong turn into Mexico....

Strategic Budget Choices: Apache, Black Hawk Engine Upgrades Vital

Aug 18, 2014 Column

Within the complicated universe of military acquisition is a relatively new method of decision-making that forces the US Department of Defense and the military services to make choices that balance want versus need. A reversal of sequestration is...
