This Week in Congress: July 28, 2014

Jul 28, 2014

This week, the House is expected to consider at least 24 bills, ranging from muscular dystrophy research to sanctions on North Korea.   Legislation under consideration this week includes: Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act (H.R. 935): This bill amends...

This Week in Congress: July 21, 2014

Jul 21, 2014

This week, the House is expected to consider 28 bills, ranging from a series of bills targeting human trafficking to some designed to improve the student loan program. Legislation under consideration this week includes: STELA Reauthorization Act, as...

This Week in Congress: July 14, 2014

Jul 14, 2014

  This week, the House is expected to consider at least 14 bills, ranging from expanding grants for STEM education to naming post offices. Legislation under consideration this week includes: The STEM Education Act (H.R. 5031): This bill expands the...

This Week in Congress: July 7, 2014

Jul 7, 2014

Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act (H.R. 1528): This bill amends the Controlled Substances Act to clarify that veterinarians are not required to have separate registrations to dispense controlled substances outside of their principal place of business...

This Week in Congress: June 23, 2014

Jun 23, 2014

This week, the House is expected to consider 17 bills, ranging from autism research and care to intelligence programs.   Legislation under consideration this week includes: Reliable Home Heating Act (S. 2086): This bill authorizes state governors to...

Jul 15, 2016

Himes leads letter to SEC, FINRA regarding IPO Gross Spreads

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04) led a letter signed by eight other members of Congress to Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Chairman Richard Ketchum raising...

Jul 8, 2016

Himes Statement on Week of Violence

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04) made the following statement about last night’s sniper attacks that took the lives of five Dallas police officers last night and wounded seven others: “Grief does not begin to describe the pain...

Jun 22, 2016

Himes statement on gun control sit-in in House of Representatives

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04) released the following statement today: By taking part in this sit-in, the rest of the Connecticut delegation and I are keeping our promise to end the silence and speak out in favor of sensible gun laws...

Jun 2, 2016

Himes statement on National Gun Violence Awareness Day

STAMFORD, CT – Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04) released the following statement today: Today is National Gun Violence Awareness Day, but the sad fact of the matter is that we are tragically aware of the impacts and devastation caused by guns in our...

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Approximately one out of every 18 people in Connecticut's fourth district is a veteran.