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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Undercover Congressman

Since taking office in 2009, I have worked alongside fifth district residents in dozens of jobs so that I can better understand the challenges my constituents face on a daily basis. In D.C., we hear a lot about numbers, data and statistics, but it's a totally different thing when you hear about the impact policy and legislation is making in your district firsthand.

I've enjoyed going "undercover" in many business ranging from delivering mail to making pinball machines to working as a car hop at Superdawg. Below is a full list of the places where I have gone "undercover."

You can read more about my "undercover" visits in articles published by the New York Times, Inside Booster and Roll Call.

Connecting with Students

Bateman Band Class  Loyola  Loyola

Working in the Kitchen

Superdawg  Marriott  Bittersweet Pastry Shop

Working On the Line

Mars  Graymills  Apollo Plastics

Up Close and Personal with the Animals 

Beluga  Cleaning Pen  PAWS

  • Assisted volunteers in caring for dogs and cats at PAWS Chicago (2012)
  • Trained sea lions and baby beluga whales at the Shedd Aquarium (2012)
  • Participated in a training session at Pits for Patriots (2012)
  • Served as a beekeeper and animal feeder at Notebaert Museum (2011)
  • Cleaned the rhino pen at the Lincoln Park Zoo (2010)

Serving in the Community

Rags of Honor  Meals on Wheels  Illinois Masonic

Understanding Operations

Redbox    UPS

Keeping Our Neighborhoods Clean

Blue Cart  Street Sweeping  Asian Carp




If you would like Congressman Quigley to go "undercover" with you, please contact Emily Hampsten in our office. We will do our best to honor as many requests as scheduling permits.