S. Rept. 112-80 - 112th Congress (2011-2012)

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[Senate Report 112-80]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                                                       Calendar No. 172
112th Congress                                                   Report
 1st Session                                                     112-80




               September 15, 2011.--Ordered to be printed


           Mr. Nelson, from the Committee on Appropriations, 
                        submitted the following


                        [To accompany H.R. 2551]

    The Committee on Appropriations, to which was referred the 
bill (H.R. 2551) making appropriations for the legislative 
Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for 
other purposes, reports the same to the Senate with an 
amendment and recommends that the bill as amended do pass.

Amount of new budget (obligational) authority

Total of bill as reported to the Senate.................  $4,190,273,000
Amount of 2011 appropriations...........................   4,543,914,000
Amount of 2012 budget estimate..........................   4,862,245,000
Amount of House allowance...............................   3,318,421,000
Bill as recommended to Senate compared to--
    2011 appropriations.................................    -353,641,000
    2012 budget estimate................................    -671,972,000
    House allowance.....................................    +871,852,000


General Statement and Summary....................................     4
Title I:
    Legislative Branch Appropriations:
            Expense Allowances...................................     6
            Representation Allowances for the Majority and 
              Minority Leaders...................................     6
            Salaries, Officers, and Employees....................     7
            Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate......    12
            Office of Senate Legal Counsel.......................    13
            Expense Allowances of the Secretary of the Senate, 
              Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, and 
              Secretaries for the Majority and Minority of the 
              Senate.............................................    13
            Contingent Expenses of the Senate....................    13
        House of Representatives.................................    23
        Joint Items:
            Joint Economic Committee.............................    23
            Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies    24
            Joint Committee on Taxation..........................    24
            Office of the Attending Physician....................    24
            Office of Congressional Accessibility Services.......    25
        Capitol Police...........................................    25
            Salaries.............................................    26
            General Expenses.....................................    27
        Office of Compliance: Salaries and Expenses..............    28
        Congressional Budget Office: Salaries and Expenses.......    28
        Architect of the Capitol.................................    29
            General Administration...............................    30
            Capitol Building.....................................    31
            Capitol Grounds......................................    31
            Senate Office Buildings..............................    32
            House Office Buildings...............................    33
            Capitol Power Plant..................................    33
            Library Buildings and Grounds........................    35
            Capitol Police Buildings, Grounds, and Security......    35
            Botanic Garden.......................................    36
            Capitol Visitor Center...............................    37
        Library of Congress......................................    37
            Salaries and Expenses................................    40
            Copyright Office.....................................    40
            Congressional Research Service.......................    41
            Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.......    41
        Government Printing Office:
            Congressional Printing and Binding...................    42
            Office of Superintendent of Documents................    43
            Government Printing Office Revolving Fund............    43
        Government Accountability Office: Salaries and Expenses..    44
        Open World Leadership Center Trust Fund..................    44
        John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and 
          ment...................................................    45
Title II: General Provisions.....................................    46
Compliance With Paragraph 7, Rule XVI, of the Standing Rules of 
  the Sen- 
  ate............................................................    47
Compliance With Paragraph 7(c), Rule XXVI of the Standing Rules 
  of the Senate..................................................    47
Compliance With Paragraph 12, Rule XXVI, of the Standing Rules of 
  the Senate.....................................................    48
Budgetary Impact of Bill.........................................    54
Comparative Statement of Budget Authority........................    58


    The Committee recommends new budget (obligational) 
authority of $4,190,273,000, for the legislative branch for 
fiscal year 2012. This total is $671,972,000 below the budget 
request, $871,852,000 above the House, and $353,641,000 below 
the fiscal year 2011 level.
    The Committee notes that on March 16, 2011 the Senate as a 
whole voted 98-1 on a Sense of the Senate that funding for the 
agencies of the legislative branch should be reduced by no less 
than 5 percent. While the funding reductions proposed in this 
bill reflect that vote, the proposed reductions in no way 
suggest that the quality of work and professionalism of the 
agencies that serve the legislative branch should be 
questioned. To the contrary, the Committee has seen ample 
evidence that every agency that serves the legislative branch 
has always responded to any request or requirement by Congress 
with professionalism, efficiency, and accuracy. In terms of 
their primary responsibilities, CBO, LOC, and GAO consistently 
provide Congress with objective, nonpartisan and timely 
analyses, exactly as requested. The USCP are constantly 
adapting to changes in threats against Members in Washington, 
DC, and at home. The AOC diligently works behind the scenes to 
keep the Capital grounds and buildings a safe place to work and 
visit. And the GPO works around the clock to ensure that all 
information regarding the work of the three branches of 
government is available to all Americans immediately. Without 
exception, these agencies demonstrated great professionalism in 
working with the Committee to downsize their requirements and, 
where necessary, workforce for fiscal year 2012. The agencies 
of the legislative branch understand that we must lead by 
example when it comes to making difficult financial choices. 
The legislative branch cannot ask other Federal agencies or the 
private sector to make sacrifices if we are not willing to make 
them ourselves. Accordingly, this bill as reported, decreases 
overall funding for fiscal year 2012 by 5.2 percent below the 
fiscal year 2011 enacted level. As a result, the bill proposes 
significant reductions--11.4 percent--from the budget request. 
In certain circumstances, the Committee provides the agencies 
with flexibility to address, within the tight budget 
constraints, certain needs that if left unattended would be 
considered penny wise and pound foolish.
    The bill includes $331,403,000 for the U.S. Capitol Police; 
$506,613,000 for the Architect of the Capitol to maintain, 
improve, and construct buildings and facilities for the 
Congress; $504,518,000 for the Government Accountability 
Office; $579,171,000 for the Library of Congress; $116,814,000 
for the Government Printing Office; and $863,593,000 for 
operations of the Senate.
    Reprogramming Guidelines.--A reprogramming, as defined in 
these procedures, includes the reallocation of funds from one 
budget activity, budget line-item or program area to another 
within any appropriation funded in this act. In cases where the 
Senate report displays an allocation of an appropriation below 
those levels, that more detailed level shall be the basis for 
reprogramming. A reprogramming shall also consist of any 
significant departure from the program described in the 
agency's budget justifications. This includes proposed 
reorganizations, even without a change in funding. Any change 
to the organization table presented in the budget justification 
shall be subject to this requirement.
    The Committee shall be notified by letter, at least 15 days 
prior to reprogramming of funds in excess of $750,000 or 10 
percent, whichever is less, between programs, projects or 
activities; or in excess of $750,000 between object 
classifications (except for shifts within the pay categories, 
object class 11, 12, and 13 or as further specified in each 
agency's respective section). This provision is also applicable 
in cases where several activities are involved with each 
receiving less than $750,000. In addition, the Committee is to 
be notified of reprogramming actions which are less than these 
amounts if such actions would have the effect of: committing 
the agency to significant funding requirements in future years; 
increasing funds or personnel by any means for any project or 
activity for which funds have been previously denied or 
restricted by Congress; creating new programs, offices, 
agencies or commissions or substantially augmenting existing 
programs, offices, agencies, or commissions; or reorganizing 
offices, programs, or activities.
    Multiple reprogramming requests suggest an agency's 
inability to manage within appropriated funds and indicate the 
need for change in the execution of the agency's budget. The 
Committee expects each agency to manage its programs, projects 
and activities within the levels appropriated. A reprogramming 
of funds should be requested only after a careful analysis of 
available funding has been undertaken within the budget office. 
In general:
  --A reprogramming should be made only when an unforeseen 
        situation arises that could not have been anticipated 
        when formulating the budget request for the current 
        fiscal year; and then only if postponement of the 
        project or the activity until the next appropriation 
        year would result in actual loss or damage.
  --Any project or activity, which may be deferred through 
        reprogramming, shall not later be accomplished by means 
        of further reprogramming; instead, funds should again 
        be sought for the deferred project or activity through 
        the regular appropriations process.
  --Except under the most urgent situations, reprogramming 
        should not be employed to initiate new programs or 
        increase allocations specifically denied or limited by 
        Congress, or to decrease allocations specifically 
        increased by the Congress.
  --Reprogramming proposals submitted for approval shall be 
        considered approved 30 calendar days after receipt if 
        the Committee has posed no objection. However, agencies 
        will be expected to extend the approval deadline if 
        specifically requested by the Committee.

                                TITLE I



                           Expense Allowances

Appropriations, 2011....................................        $179,640
Budget estimate, 2012...................................         180,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................         168,840

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $168,840 for 
the expense allowances of the Vice President, the President pro 
tempore of the Senate, the majority and minority leaders, the 
majority and minority whips, the chairmen of the majority and 
minority conference committees, and the chairmen of the 
majority and minority policy committees. This is a decrease of 
$10,800 below the fiscal year 2011 enacted level and $11,160 
below the fiscal year 2012 request level. The Committee 
recommendation reflects a 6 percent reduction from the fiscal 
year 2011 enacted level. The recommended allowances are as 
    For the expense allowance of the Vice President, the 
Committee recommends an amount of $18,760.
    For the expense allowance of the President pro tempore, the 
Committee recommends an amount of $37,520.
    For the expense allowance of the majority and minority 
leaders, the Committee recommends $37,520 for each leader, for 
a total of $75,040.
    For the expense allowance of the majority and minority 
whips, the Committee recommends $9,380 for each whip, for a 
total of $18,760.
    For the expense allowance for the chairmen of the majority 
and minority conference committees, the Committee recommends 
$4,690 for each chairman, for a total of $9,380.
    For the expense allowance for the chairmen of the majority 
and minority policy committees, the Committee recommends $4,690 
for each chairman, for a total of $9,380.
    Expenditures from all the foregoing allowances are made 
upon certification from the individuals for whom the allowances 
are authorized, and are reported semiannually in the report of 
the Secretary of the Senate.

    Representation Allowances for the Majority and Minority Leaders

Appropriations, 2011....................................         $29,940
Budget estimate, 2012...................................          30,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................          28,140

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $28,140 for 
representation allowances for the majority and minority 
leaders. This is a decrease of $1,800 below the fiscal year 
2011 enacted level and $1,860 below the fiscal year 2012 
request level. The Committee recommendation reflects a 6 
percent reduction from the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.
    This allowance was established in the Supplemental 
Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1985 (Public Law 99-88). The 
funds were authorized to be used by the majority and minority 
leaders solely for the discharge of their appropriate 
responsibilities in connection with official visits to the 
United States by members of foreign legislative bodies and 
representatives of foreign governments and intergovernmental 
agencies. The recommended amount is to be divided equally 
between the two leaders.
    Expenditures from this allowance are made upon 
certification of the leaders and are reported in the semiannual 
report of the Secretary of the Senate.

                   Salaries, Officers, and Employees

Appropriations, 2011....................................    $185,608,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     186,570,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................     175,238,190

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $175,238,190 
for the subaccounts funded under the overall account for the 
salaries of officers and employees of the Senate. This is a 
decrease of $10,369,810 below the fiscal year 2011 enacted 
level and $11,331,810 below the fiscal year 2012 request level. 
The Committee recommendation reflects a 6 percent reduction 
from the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.
    It should be noted that except for a handful of positions 
in the Offices of the Secretary and the Sergeant at Arms that 
are required by statute, specific staffing levels are not 
stipulated either by the budget request or by the Committee's 
recommendation. Rather, lump-sum allowances are provided to 
fund staffing levels each office finds necessary and 
appropriate for the performance of its duties. Estimated 
staffing levels for offices funded under this appropriation for 
fiscal year 2012 are approximately 1,475 positions.

         [Estimated staffing levels--fiscal years 2011 and 2012]
                                                          2012 Committee
                                               2011       recommendation
Office of the Vice President............              45              45
Office of the President Pro Tempore.....              11              11
Offices of the majority and minority                  43              43
Offices of the majority and minority                  30              30
Conference committees...................              48              48
Offices of the secretaries of the                     12              12
 conference of the majority and the
 conference of the minority.............
Policy Committees.......................              55              55
Office of the Chaplain..................               4               4
Office of the Secretary.................             253             253
Office of the Sergeant at Arms and                   956             956
Offices of the secretaries for the                    18              18
 majority and minority..................
      Totals............................           1,475           1,475

    Any change from the allocation of funds in the subaccounts 
within this appropriation is subject to the approval of the 
    The total amount appropriated is allocated to the various 
offices of the Senate as displayed under the headings for the 
offices that follow.

                      OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $2,511,966
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       2,517,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       2,361,248

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $2,361,248 to 
fund the salaries of the administrative and clerical staff of 
the Office of the Vice President in connection with his duties 
as the President of the Senate.


Appropriations, 2011....................................        $750,496
Budget estimate, 2012...................................         752,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................         705,466

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $705,466 for 
the Office of the President pro tempore.


Appropriations, 2011....................................      $5,201,576
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       5,212,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       4,889,480

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $4,889,480 for 
the offices of the majority and minority leaders. The amount 
recommended is to be equally divided, providing $2,444,740 for 
each office.
    The administrative and clerical staffs funded by this 
appropriation were authorized under the provisions of Public 
Law 91-145, effective November 1, 1969.


Appropriations, 2011....................................      $3,281,424
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       3,288,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       3,084,538

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $3,084,538 for 
the offices of the majority and minority whips. It is to be 
equally divided, providing $1,542,269 for each office.
    The authority for the administrative and clerical staff 
funded by this appropriation was created by Public Law 84-242, 
effective July 1, 1955.


Appropriations, 2011....................................     $15,812,312
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      15,844,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................      14,863,573

    For the salaries of the staff of the Committee on 
Appropriations, the Committee recommends an appropriation of 
$14,863,573, a decrease of $948,739 below the fiscal year 2011 
enacted level and $980,427 below the fiscal year 2012 request 
level. The Committee recommendation reflects a 6 percent 
reduction from the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.

                         CONFERENCE COMMITTEES

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $3,445,096
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       3,452,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       3,238,390

    For the administrative and clerical staffs of the majority 
and minority conference committees, the Committee recommends an 
appropriation of $3,238,390. The appropriation provides 
$1,619,195 in salaries for the staff of each conference 
    The chairman of each conference committee may transfer to 
or from amounts provided for salaries of each conference to the 
account for conference committee expenses within the 
``Miscellaneous items'' appropriation.

                       CONFERENCE OF THE MINORITY

Appropriations, 2011....................................        $848,300
Budget estimate, 2012...................................         850,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................         797,402

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $797,402 for 
the majority and minority conference secretaries.
    These offices were created by section 6 of Senate 
Resolution 17, agreed to January 10, 1977, and two positions in 
each office were first funded in the Supplemental 
Appropriations Act, 1977 (Public Law 95-26).
    Section 102 of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1979 
(Public Law 96-38), abolished the specific positions and 
established a lump-sum allowance for the employment of staff, 
effective October 1, 1979. The amount recommended is to be 
divided equally between the majority secretary and the minority 

                           POLICY COMMITTEES

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $3,518,948
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       3,526,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       3,307,810

    For the salaries of the administrative and clerical staffs 
of the majority and minority policy committees, the Committee 
recommends an appropriation of $3,307,810. The appropriation 
provides $1,653,905 in salaries for the staff of each 
    The chairman of each policy committee may transfer to or 
from amounts provided for salaries of each policy committee to 
the account for policy committee expenses within the 
``Miscellaneous items'' appropriation.

                         OFFICE OF THE CHAPLAIN

Appropriations, 2011....................................        $414,170
Budget estimate, 2012...................................         415,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................         389,320

    For the Office of the Chaplain, the Committee recommends an 
appropriation of $389,320. The amount recommended would provide 
the salaries for the Chaplain of the Senate and support staff 
to assist the Chaplain with his pastoral duties. The Fiscal 
Year 1988 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, Public Law 
100-202, established the rate of pay for the Chaplain at 
Executive Level IV.

                        OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $25,738,420
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      25,790,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................      24,194,115

    The Committee recommends $24,194,115 for salaries of the 
Office of the Secretary. Fiscal year 2012 staffing levels are 
estimated at 253 positions.
    This appropriation provides funds for four statutory 
positions (Secretary of the Senate, Assistant Secretary of the 
Senate, Financial Clerk of the Senate, and Parliamentarian of 
the Senate) and lump-sum allowances for the employment and 
adjustment of salaries of personnel in the Office of the 
Secretary of the Senate, as authorized by Public Law 97-51, 
effective October 1, 1981 (2 U.S.C. 61a-11).
    The following departmental guidelines for fiscal year 2012 
have been submitted by the Secretary to the Committee. The 
departmental budgets grouped in the apportionment schedule 
under executive offices include: the Executive Office of the 
Secretary of the Senate, Page School, Senate Security, 
Information Systems, and Web Technology. The departmental 
budgets grouped in the apportionment schedule under 
administrative services include: conservation and preservation, 
curator, disbursing office, gift shop, historical office, human 
resources, interparliamentary services, library, printing and 
document services, public records, chief counsel for 
employment, and the stationery room. The departmental budgets 
grouped in the apportionment schedule under legislative and 
legal services include: the bill clerk, daily digest, enrolling 
clerk, journal clerk, legislative clerk, Official Reporters of 
Debate, captioning services, executive clerk, LIS project 
office, and Parliamentarian.

         [Estimated staffing levels--fiscal years 2011 and 2012]
                                                          2012 Committee
                                               2011       recommendation
Executive offices.......................              32              32
Administrative services.................             172             172
Legislative and legal services..........              49              49
      Totals............................             253             253


Appropriations, 2011....................................     $76,846,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      77,588,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................      73,000,000

    This appropriation provides funds for the salaries of three 
statutory positions (Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, Deputy 
Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, and Administrative Assistant 
to the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper) and lump-sum allowances 
for employment and adjustments of salaries of personnel in the 
Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, as 
authorized by Public Law 97-51, effective October 1, 1981 (2 
U.S.C. 61f-7).
    The Committee recommends a total of $73,000,000 for fiscal 
year 2012, which is a decrease of $3,846,000 below the enacted 
level and $4,588,000 below the request. The Committee 
recommendation does not provide funding for merit increases, 
and adjusts the salary level for fiscal year 2012 based on 
fiscal year 2011 obligations. The Committee recommendation 
fully funds the SAA's current staffing level of 959 FTEs.
    The Sergeant at Arms structure reflects five major 
divisions: Capitol Division, Operations Division, Technology 
Development Services Division, IT Support Services Division, 
and Staff Offices Division. The Capitol Division consists of 
the Executive Office of the Sergeant at Arms, the Office of 
Security and Emergency Preparedness, the U.S. Capitol Police 
Liaison, the Senate Post Office and Recording Studio. These 
offices provide the executive management and leadership of the 
Sergeant at Arms for day-to-day operations; for security of the 
Senate side of the Capitol complex; for liaison with the United 
States Capitol Police; and mailing and recording studio 
services. The Operations Division provides printing and 
photographic services; furnishes and maintains the Senate side 
of the Capitol Building; and offers office support services 
such as desktop computer acquisition, State office liaison, and 
customer support. The Technology Development Services Division 
supports enterprise information technology systems, 
applications development, Internet/intranet services, 
information security, and network engineering. The IT Support 
Services Division provides desktop computer support; 
correspondence management system acquisition, maintenance and 
support; telecommunications equipment and services; general 
office equipment; and new technology assessment. The Staff 
Offices Division includes Financial Management, Human 
Resources, The Joint Office of Education and Training, and 
Process Management and Innovation.
    The offices and personnel covered by this appropriation are 
shown in the following table.

                                                     Positions     2012 request   recommendation    Difference
Capitol Division................................             283     $20,539,000     $19,754,202       -$784,798
Operations Division.............................             311      21,120,000      19,460,585      -1,659,415
Technology Development Services Division........             145      16,585,000      15,725,622        -859,378
IT Support Services Division....................             113       7,995,000       7,692,405        -302,595
Staff Offices Division..........................             107      11,349,000      10,367,186        -981,814
      Total.....................................             959      77,588,000      73,000,000      -4,588,000

    The Committee expects to be notified in writing in a timely 
manner of any changes to the staffing levels or distribution of 


Appropriations, 2011....................................      $1,832,328
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       1,836,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       1,722,388

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $1,722,388 for 
the offices of the secretaries for the majority and minority. 
The appropriation is to be equally divided, providing $861,194 
for each office.

                          AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $45,409,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      45,500,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................      42,684,460

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $42,684,460 
for agency contributions for employees paid under the 
appropriation, ``Salaries, officers, and employees,'' employees 
paid under the appropriation ``Expenses of the United States 
Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control,'' employees 
paid under the appropriation ``Joint Economic Committee,'' and 
employees paid by the ``Senate Hair Care Services Revolving 
    Agency contributions include the Senate's contributions as 
an employer to the Civil Service Retirement System, the Federal 
Employees' Retirement System, the Thrift Savings Plan, Federal 
employee group life insurance, Federal employee health 
insurance programs, and FICA. The Senate is required by law to 
make these payments, and the total required is dependent upon 
the number of Senate employees, their compensation levels, the 
benefit programs in which they are enrolled, and the extent of 
the benefits elected.

            Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $7,139,692
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       7,411,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       6,711,310

    For the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate, 
the Committee recommends an appropriation of $6,711,310. This 
amount provides for the salaries, expenses, and agency 
contributions of the office.

                     Office of Senate Legal Counsel

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $1,540,912
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       1,544,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       1,448,457

    The Office of Senate Legal Counsel was established pursuant 
to section 701 of Public Law 95-521. The Committee recommends 
an appropriation of $1,448,457 for the Office. The amount 
provided pays for the salaries, expenses, and agency 
contributions of the Office.

Expense Allowances of the Secretary of the Senate, Sergeant at Arms and 
Doorkeeper of the Senate, and Secretaries for the Majority and Minority 
                             of the Senate

Appropriations, 2011....................................         $29,940
Budget estimate, 2012...................................          30,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................          28,440

    Section 119 of Public Law 97-51 authorized an expense 
allowance for the Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arms 
and Doorkeeper of the Senate, the Secretary for the Majority, 
and the Secretary for the Minority. Since fiscal year 1983, the 
amount has been provided through a direct appropriation. The 
Committee recommends an appropriation of $28,440 providing an 
allowance of $7,110 for each office.

                   Contingent Expenses of the Senate


Appropriations, 2011....................................    $140,219,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     161,346,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................     131,305,860

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $131,305,860 
for inquiries and investigations by Senate standing, special, 
and select committees of which $26,650,000 shall be available 
until September 30, 2014. This funding level is $8,913,140 
below the fiscal year 2011 enacted level and $30,040,140 below 
the request. The Committee recommendation reflects a 6 percent 
reduction from the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.
    This appropriation funds the liquidation of obligations 
incurred by committees under the authorization provided in 
Committee funding resolutions.


Appropriations, 2011....................................        $518,960
Budget estimate, 2012...................................         520,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................         487,822

    The Committee recommends $487,822 for the expenses of the 
U.S. Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control. 
Established in 1985 by the Foreign Relations Authorization Act 
(Public Law 99-93, the Caucus was created to monitor and 
promote international compliance with narcotics control 
treaties and monitor and encourage U.S. Government and private 
programs seeking to expand international cooperation against 
drug abuse. The Caucus is composed of seven Senators and five 
members from the public sector with a chairman from the 
majority party and a co-chairman from the minority party.

                        SECRETARY OF THE SENATE

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $6,187,600
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       6,200,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       5,816,344

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $5,816,344 for 
expenses of the Office of the Secretary, a decrease of $371,256 
below the fiscal year 2011 enacted level and $383,656 below the 
fiscal year 2012 budget request.
    The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration authorized 
the transfer of the Senate Information Services [SIS] program 
from the Office of the Sergeant at Arms to the Office of the 
Secretary of the Senate beginning in fiscal year 2011. The 
Committee recommends an appropriation of $4,200,000 for the 
Secretary of the Senate for this activity. This funding will 
remain available until September 30, 2016.
    The table printed below sets forth the apportionment of 
funds under this appropriation, followed by a brief description 
of the line items. Any deviation of more than 10 percent 
cumulatively from the stated levels for each item will require 
the customary prior approval of the Committee.

                Item                    2011 enacted     recommendation
Departmental operating budget:
    Executive office................          $548,900          $444,495
    Administrative services.........         5,578,820         5,323,359
    Legislative services............            59,880            48,490
      Total operating budget........         6,187,600         5,816,344

    Typical expenditures of the Secretary of the Senate 
    Consultants.--Funding is provided for not to exceed two 
individual consultants as authorized by section 110 of Public 
Law 95-94, August 5, 1977, which amends section 101 of Public 
Law 95-26, May 4, 1977. Consultants employed under this 
authority shall not be paid in excess of the per diem 
equivalent of the highest gross rate of annual compensation 
which may be paid to employees of a standing committee of the 
    Legal Reference Volumes and Dictionaries.--Funding is 
provided to furnish U.S. Senators with volumes of the U.S. Code 
Annotated or U.S. Code service, pocket parts and supplements, 
as authorized by Public Law 92-51, July 9, 1971.
    The Disbursing Office is responsible for providing the U.S. 
Code Annotated or the U.S. Code Service to Senators when they 
assume office and upon receipt of a written request of a 
Senator. In addition, dictionaries are also furnished to 
Senators from funds provided in this account.
    Contractual Legal and Administrative Services and 
Miscellaneous Expenses.--Funding is provided for various 
contractual, administrative, and miscellaneous expenses 
incurred by the Office of the Secretary. The Office of the 
Secretary of the Senate has contractual authority under Public 
Law 92-342, for the Federal Election Campaign Act and has 
utilized this authority to employ professional legal services 
in the past. In addition, the Office of the Secretary has 
incurred various types of legal and other expenses which have 
been authorized by the Senate. Administrative services and 
miscellaneous expenses are housekeeping expenses of the Office 
of the Secretary.
    Travel and Registration Fees.--Funding is provided for 
travel expenses and registration fees incurred by the Secretary 
of the Senate and the employees of the Office of the Secretary. 
This line item excludes funding for travel expenses for the 
Federal Election Campaign Act under the Office of Public 
Records, which is provided separately under the authority of 
Public Law 93-342.
    The authority for the travel portion of this account was 
provided for by section 101 of Public Law 94-59, July 25, 1975.
    Orientation and Training.--Funding is provided for expenses 
incurred by the Secretary of the Senate to conduct orientation 
seminars or similar meetings for Senators, Senate officials, or 
members of staffs of Senators or Senate officials, not to 
exceed $30,000 under the authority of 2 U.S.C. 69a.
    The Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the 
Senate is also authorized under these provisions to conduct 
seminars or similar meetings in the same manner and to the same 
extent as the Office of the Secretary of the Senate.
    Newspapers.--Funding is provided to furnish newspapers and 
magazines for official purposes to the Marble Room, leadership 
offices, Republican and Democratic Cloakrooms, Senate officers, 
and certain other offices.
    Senate Service Awards.--Funding is provided for the 
issuance of service pins or emblems as authorized by Senate 
Resolution 21, September 10, 1965. Senate Resolution 21 
authorizes the Secretary of the Senate, under the direction of 
the Committee on Rules and Administration and in accordance 
with regulations promulgated by the Committee, to procure such 
pins or emblems and award them to Members, officers, and 
employees of the Senate who are entitled.
    Postage.--This account also provides funding for postage 
for the Office of the Secretary of the Senate for special 
delivery, registered mail, and additional postage not covered 
under the frank.
    Education of Senate Pages.--Funding is provided for the 
education of Senate pages. Senate Resolution 184, July 29, 
1983, authorized the Secretary of the Senate to enter into a 
contract, agreement, or other arrangement with the board of 
education of the District of Columbia, or to provide such 
educational services and items in such other manner as the 
Secretary may deem appropriate. Public Law 98-125, October 13, 
1983, amended Public Law 98-51, July 14, 1983, striking out the 
heading and paragraph ``Education of Pages'' under the heading 
``Joint Items,'' and redesignated the funds provided in Public 
Law 98-51 for the education of pages between the House of 
Representatives and the Senate. Each House is to provide for 
the education of its own pages.
    Stationery.--Funding is provided for stationery supplies 
for the Office of the Secretary of the Senate. The funds 
provided have been allocated to the various departments of the 
Office of the Secretary.
    Senate Commission on Art.--Funding is provided for the 
Senate Commission on Art, authorized by Public Law 100-696, 
November 18, 1988, to acquire any work of art, historical 
object, documents or material relating to historical matters, 
or exhibits for placement or exhibition within the Senate wing 
of the Capitol, any Senate office building, or in rooms, 
spaces, or corridors thereof, and to publish a Senate 
historical objects inventory and calendar of exhibits on 
display within the Senate wing of the Capitol and Senate office 
    The Senate Commission on Art was formerly the Commission on 
Arts and Antiquities, which was authorized by Senate Resolution 
382, October 1, 1968, as amended by Senate Resolution 95, April 
1, 1977, and Senate Resolution 400, March 23, 1988.
    Representation Expenses.--Funding is provided (not to 
exceed $50,000 to the Secretary of the Senate to coordinate and 
carry out responsibilities in connection with foreign 
parliamentary groups or other foreign officials visiting the 
United States. Authorized by section 2 of Public Law 101-163, 
November 21, 1989.
    Office of Conservation and Preservation.--Funding is 
provided for the Office of Conservation and Preservation to 
develop and coordinate programs directly related to the 
conservation and protection of Senate records and materials for 
which the Secretary of the Senate has statutory authority.
    Book Preservation.--Funding is provided for the Office of 
Conservation and Preservation to use outside sources for the 
preservation and protection of the Senate book collection, 
including historically valuable documents under the care of the 
Secretary of the Senate.
    Office of Public Records.--Funding is provided for expenses 
of the Office of Public Records. This office has evolved 
through various pieces of legislation and various 
responsibilities authorized by the Federal Election Campaign 
Act, as amended, the Ethics in Government Act, as amended, and 
the Lobbying Disclosure Act, as amended. Public Law 92-342, 
July 10, 1972, authorizes the Secretary of the Senate to 
procure technical support services, consultants, use of 
detailed employees and travel expenses in carrying out his 
duties under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. The 
Office of Public Records is mentioned for the first time in 
Public Law 93-145, November 1, 1973, which authorizes the 
Secretary of the Senate to appoint and fix the compensation of 
a superintendent and other positions for the Office of Public 
Records. In addition, under the authority of Public Law 95-521, 
October 26, 1978 (Ethics in Government Act reports filed under 
section 101 shall be available for public inspection and a copy 
of the report shall be provided to any person upon request. Any 
person requesting a copy of a report may be required to pay a 
reasonable fee to cover the cost of reproduction. Any moneys 
received by the Secretary shall be deposited into the Office of 
Public Records Revolving Fund under the authority of Public Law 
101-163, November 21, 1989. The office also performs functions 
such as registration of mass mailings.
    Disbursing Office.--Funding is provided for expenses 
incurred in the operation of the disbursing office. Typical 
expenses for this office include online access charges for the 
Department of the Treasury systems, notary bonds, seals and 
supplies, necessary supplies in conjunction with the various 
machinery maintained in the office, which are not available in 
the stationery room, and necessary insurance policies required 
for the protection of the disbursing officer of the Senate for 
moneys assigned to his accountability.
    Office of Captioning Services.--Funding is provided for the 
closed captioning of the televised Senate floor proceedings for 
the hearing impaired. Closed captioning was first authorized 
under the authority of Public Law 101-163, November 21, 1989.
    Senate Chief Counsel for Employment.--Funding is provided 
for the Office of the Senate Chief Counsel for Employment. This 
office is a nonpartisan office formed in May 1993 at the 
direction of the joint leadership and is charged with providing 
legal advice and representation of Senate offices in all areas 
of employment law.


Appropriations, 2011....................................    $142,116,198
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     141,588,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................     131,040,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $131,040,000 
for expenses of the Sergeant at Arms, to remain available until 
September 30, 2016, which is $11,076,198 below the fiscal year 
2011 enacted level and $10,548,000 below the fiscal year 2012 
budget request. The Committee recommendation reflects an 8 
percent reduction from the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.
    The following table compares the fiscal year 2012 Committee 
recommendation for the component categories within this account 
to the fiscal year 2012 budget request.

                                                                   2012 request   recommendation    Difference
Capitol Division................................................      $9,413,000      $9,465,000        $+52,000
Operations Division.............................................      24,582,000      22,611,000      -1,971,000
Technology Development Services Division........................      40,040,000      32,574,000      -7,466,000
IT Support Services Division....................................      65,468,000      60,112,000      -5,356,000
Staff Offices Division..........................................       2,085,000       6,278,000      +4,193,000
      Total.....................................................     141,588,000     131,040,000     -10,548,000

    Any deviation of more than 10 percent cumulatively from the 
level for each item in the spending plan will require the 
customary approval of the Committee.

                          MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $21,102,710
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      18,860,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................      14,860,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $14,860,000 
for miscellaneous items to remain available until September 30, 
2014. Any deviation of more than 10 percent cumulatively from 
the stated levels for each item will require the customary 
prior approval of the Committee.
    The following table sets forth the apportionment of funds 
under this appropriation:

                                                            Fiscal year 2011
                           Item                              Public Law 112-      Committee        Difference
                                                                   10          recommendation
Resolution and reorganization reserve.....................        $5,099,000        $3,100,000       -$1,999,000
Unallocated...............................................         5,585,000         1,500,000        -4,085,000
Reserve for contingencies (miscellaneous items)...........           800,000           800,000  ................
Employees' compensation fund reimbursement (worker's               1,169,500           968,500          -201,000
Reception of foreign dignitaries (S. Res. 247, dated Feb.             30,000            30,000  ................
 7,1962, as amended by S. Res. 370, dated Oct. 10,  2000).
Foreign travel--Members and employees (S. Res. 179, dated            125,000           125,000  ................
 May 25, 1977)............................................
Federal employees compensation account (Public Law 96-499,         1,750,000         1,750,000  ................
 dated Dec. 5, 1980) (Unemployment Compensation)..........
Conferences for the Majority and Minority (Public Laws: 97-          300,000           300,000  ................
 51, dated Jan. 3, 1983; 101-250, dated Nov. 5, 1990; and
 107-68, dated Nov. 12, 2001).............................
Policy Committees for the Majority and Minority (Public              150,000           150,000  ................
 Law 104-53, dated Nov. 19, 1995).........................
Postage...................................................             6,000          \1\6,000  ................
Stationery................................................            16,500         \2\16,500  ................
Communications............................................            72,000         \3\72,000  ................
Consultants--including agency contributions (2 U.S.C. 61h-         4,000,000         4,000,000  ................
 6 as amended)............................................
National Security Working Group (S. Res. 480, November 21,           700,000           700,000  ................
 2004) (expires Dec. 31, 2010)............................
Committee on Appropriations (Public Law 105-275, dated               950,000           950,000  ................
 Oct. 21, 1998)...........................................
Office of the Chaplain (Public Law 108-199, dated Jan. 23,            50,000            50,000  ................
Senate Child Care Center:
    Agency Contribution costs authorized by Public Laws              320,000           320,000  ................
     102-90, dated Aug. 14, 1991 and 103-50, dated Jul. 2,
    Training classes, conferences, and travel expenses as             22,000            22,000  ................
     authorized by Public Law 104-197, dated Sep. 16, 1996
        Total.............................................        21,145,000        14,860,000        -6,285,000

\1\Postage Apportionment (Fiscal year 2012):
      President of the Senate..............................      $2,700
      Secretary for the Majority...........................       1,100
      Secretary for the Minority...........................       1,100
      Chaplain.............................................       1,100

        TOTAL..............................................       6,000
\2\Stationery Apportionment (Fiscal year 2012):
      President of the Senate..............................      $8,000
      Conference of the Majority...........................         300
      Conference of the Minority...........................         300
      Chaplain.............................................         700
      Senate Chamber.......................................       7,200

        TOTAL..............................................      16,500
\3\Communications Apportionment (Fiscal year 2012):
      Office of the Vice President.........................      $1,000
      Secretary for the Majority...........................      10,000
      Secretary for the Minority...........................      10,000
      Office of the Chaplain...............................       1,000
      Majority Leader......................................      15,000
      Minority Leader......................................      15,000
      Majority Whip........................................      10,000
      Minority Whip........................................      10,000

        TOTAL..............................................      72,000

    Resolution and Reorganization Reserve.--This line item is 
used to cover the costs of Senate resolutions and public laws 
that authorize expenditures from the contingent fund of the 
Senate that do not have specific appropriations for such 
    Reserve for Contingencies.--This line item includes payment 
for gratuities for family members of deceased Senate employees; 
damage to automobiles in the Senate parking lots; contractual, 
legal, and administrative services; and miscellaneous expenses, 
and is controlled by the Committee on Rules and Administration.
    Employees' Compensation Fund Reimbursements (Worker's 
Compensation).--Reimbursements made to the U.S. Department of 
Labor for total benefits and other payments made on behalf of 
Senate employees from the employees' compensation fund.
    Reception of Foreign Dignitaries.--The Committee on Foreign 
Relations is authorized to expend not to exceed $30,000 each 
fiscal year to receive foreign dignitaries under the authority 
of Senate Resolution 247, agreed to February 7, 1962, as 
    Foreign Travel: Members and Employees.--Senate Resolution 
179, agreed to May 25, 1977, authorized payment from the 
contingent fund of the Senate, of the domestic portion of 
transportation costs and travel expenses incurred by Members 
and employees of the Senate when engaged in authorized foreign 
    Federal Employees' Compensation Account (Unemployment 
Compensation).--This line item provides for expenses incurred 
for the Senate to reimburse the Federal employees' compensation 
account, pursuant to Public Law 96-499, approved December 5, 
1980, for unemployment compensation payments made to Senate 
    Conferences for the Majority and Minority.--The amount 
recommended provides for the expenses of the majority and 
minority conference committees.
    Policy Committees for the Majority and Minority.--The 
amount recommended provides for the expenses of the majority 
and minority policy committees.
    Postage.--Provides for postage allowances for the President 
of the Senate, Secretary of the Majority, Secretary of the 
Minority, and Senate Chaplain.
    Stationery.--Provides funds for stationery and office 
supplies for the President of the Senate, conference committees 
of the Senate, Office of the Chaplain, and the Senate Chamber.
    Communications.--Provides funds for cellular telephone and 
mobile data devices and services for the Office of the Vice 
President, Secretary for the Majority, Secretary for the 
Minority, Office of the Chaplain, Majority Leader, Minority 
Leader, Majority Whip, and Minority Whip.
    Consultants: Including Agency Contributions.--Provides 
authority for the appointment and payment of consultants to the 
majority and minority leaders, President pro tempore, and the 
legislative counsel. The following summarizes the current 
authority and limitations:
    Majority leader: Nine consultants at not to exceed the 
daily rate for maximum standing committee rate. All of the 
consultants may be appointed at an annual rate of compensation 
not to exceed the maximum annual rate for a standing committee.
    Minority leader: Nine consultants at not to exceed the 
daily rate for maximum standing committee rate. All of the 
consultants may be appointed at an annual rate of compensation 
not to exceed the maximum annual rate for a standing committee.
    Legislative counsel (subject to President Pro Tempore 
approval): Two consultants at not to exceed the daily rate for 
maximum standing committee rate. All of the consultants may be 
appointed at an annual rate of compensation not to exceed the 
maximum annual rate for a standing committee.
    President Pro Tempore: Three consultants at not to exceed 
the daily rate for maximum standing committee rate. The 
consultants may be appointed at an annual rate of compensation 
not to exceed the maximum annual rate for a standing committee.
    Senate National Security Working Group.--Provides funding 
for the Senate National Security Working Group, under the 
authority of Senate Resolution 75, agreed to March 25, 1999. 
The Senate National Security Working Group was formerly the 
Senate Arms Control Observer Group.
    Committee on Appropriations.--Pursuant to Public Law 105-
275 provides funding for administrative expenses for the 
Committee on Appropriations.
    Senate Employees' Child Care Center: Agency 
Contributions.--Provides for the payment of agency contribution 
costs as authorized by Public Law 102-90, approved August 14, 
1991, and Public Law 103-50, approved July 2, 1993, for 
employees of the Senate Employees Child Care Center. The Senate 
Employees' Child Care Center is intended primarily for the 
children of members and employees of the Senate.
    Senate Employees' Child Care Center: Training Classes and 
Conference Costs.--Provides for the reimbursement of any 
individual employed by the Senate Employees' Child Care Center 
for the cost of training classes and conferences in connection 
with the provision of child care services and for travel, 
transportation, and subsistence expenses incurred in connection 
with the training classes and conferences, as authorized by 
Public Law 104-197, approved September 16, 1996.
    Student Loan Repayment Program.--$1,500,000 is provided for 
this program for fiscal year 2012 for the repayment of student 
loans, for eligible employees at the discretion of the 
employing office, to enhance recruitment and retention of 
Senate staff.


Appropriations, 2011....................................    $409,180,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     446,967,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................     396,180,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation for fiscal year 
2012 of $396,180,000 for the Senators' Official Personnel and 
Office Expense Account [SOPOEA], a decrease of $13,000,000 
below the fiscal year 2011 enacted level and a decrease of 
$50,787,000 below the fiscal year 2012 budget request. The 
Committee recommendation along with the funding reduction 
included in Public Law 112-10 reflects a 6 percent reduction in 
funding for SOPOEA. Of the funding provided, $18,921,206 is 
available until September 30, 2014.
    This account funds salaries and benefits of Senators' 
staffs as well as the office expense allowance for Senators' 
offices. The SOPOEA is comprised of three components. Two of 
these are for salaries of personnel in Senators' offices.
    The allowance for administrative and clerical assistance is 
based on the population of States, beginning with States with a 
population of fewer than 5 million people to States with a 
population of 28 million or more. The table illustrates the 
allowances per population category and the States which fall 
into those categories. The estimate for fiscal year 2012 totals 
    The second component of the salaries allowance is for 
legislative assistance to Senators, as authorized by Public Law 
95-94. This allowance provides funding for three positions in 
each Senator's office at an annual rate of $159,291 for a total 
of $477,874 per office, or $47,787,400 for all 100 Senators.
    The third component of the SOPOEA account is for official 
office expenses and totals $18,921,206. Each Senator's office 
is allocated an amount for office expenses, as displayed in the 
following table. In addition, an amount of $200,000 is provided 
to cover additional expenses that may be incurred in the event 
of the death or resignation of a Senator, and to provide for 
transitional expenses during election years subject to 
regulations set by the Committee on Rules and Administration 
with respect to official mail.
    It should be noted that the amounts provided for the 
various components of the SOPOEA are interchangeable. Amounts 
provided for salaries may be used for expenses, and vice versa, 
subject to regulations set by the Committee on Rules and 
Administration with respect to official mail. It should also be 
noted that the figures in the following table are preliminary, 
and that official notification of member budgets is issued by 
the Financial Clerk of the Senate after enactment of this bill.
    The following table illustrates the several components of 

                                                   and clerical     Legislative      O.O.E.A.          Total
                      State                         assistance      assistance    allowance  10/  allowance  10/
                                                  allowance  10/  allowance  10/      1/2011          1/2011
                                                      1/2011          1/2011
Alabama.........................................      $2,361,820        $477,874        $172,247      $3,011,941
Alaska..........................................       2,361,820         477,874         237,270       3,076,964
Arizona.........................................       2,500,737         477,874         194,810       3,173,421
Arkansas........................................       2,361,820         477,874         158,898       2,998,592
California......................................       3,753,614         477,874         453,791       4,685,279
Colorado........................................       2,361,820         477,874         180,096       3,019,790
Connecticut.....................................       2,361,820         477,874         151,703       2,991,397
Delaware........................................       2,361,820         477,874         121,032       2,960,726
Florida.........................................       3,309,226         477,874         299,712       4,086,812
Georgia.........................................       2,709,112         477,874         206,003       3,392,989
Hawaii..........................................       2,361,820         477,874         263,991       3,103,685
Idaho...........................................       2,361,820         477,874         155,567       2,995,261
Illinois........................................       2,917,493         477,874         248,374       3,643,741
Indiana.........................................       2,500,737         477,874         181,702       3,160,313
Iowa............................................       2,361,820         477,874         159,077       2,998,771
Kansas..........................................       2,361,820         477,874         157,641       2,997,335
Kentucky........................................       2,361,820         477,874         166,079       3,005,773
Louisiana.......................................       2,361,820         477,874         174,676       3,014,370
Maine...........................................       2,361,820         477,874         139,238       2,978,932
Maryland........................................       2,431,275         477,874         163,187       3,072,336
Massachusetts...................................       2,500,737         477,874         185,212       3,163,823
Michigan........................................       2,778,576         477,874         218,259       3,474,709
Minnesota.......................................       2,431,275         477,874         177,042       3,086,191
Mississippi.....................................       2,361,820         477,874         158,202       2,997,896
Missouri........................................       2,431,275         477,874         184,492       3,093,641
Montana.........................................       2,361,820         477,874         152,541       2,992,235
Nebraska........................................       2,361,820         477,874         150,867       2,990,561
Nevada..........................................       2,361,820         477,874         166,704       3,006,398
New Hampshire...................................       2,361,820         477,874         134,930       2,974,624
New Jersey......................................       2,639,655         477,874         193,103       3,310,632
New Mexico......................................       2,361,820         477,874         157,391       2,997,085
New York........................................       3,353,663         477,874         303,495       4,135,032
North Carolina..................................       2,709,112         477,874         204,865       3,391,851
North Dakota....................................       2,361,820         477,874         141,174       2,980,868
Ohio............................................       2,848,036         477,874         236,868       3,562,778
Oklahoma........................................       2,361,820         477,874         169,182       3,008,876
Oregon..........................................       2,361,820         477,874         180,151       3,019,845
Pennsylvania....................................       2,917,493         477,874         243,952       3,639,319
Rhode Island....................................       2,361,820         477,874         131,005       2,970,699
South Carolina..................................       2,361,820         477,874         165,071       3,004,765
South Dakota....................................       2,361,820         477,874         142,660       2,982,354
Tennessee.......................................       2,500,737         477,874         184,076       3,162,687
Texas...........................................       3,620,295         477,874         350,796       4,448,965
Utah............................................       2,361,820         477,874         162,068       3,001,762
Vermont.........................................       2,361,820         477,874         128,461       2,968,155
Virginia........................................       2,639,655         477,874         185,255       3,302,784
Washington......................................       2,500,737         477,874         205,044       3,183,655
West Virginia...................................       2,361,820         477,874         138,165       2,977,859
Wisconsin.......................................       2,431,275         477,874         180,150       3,089,299
Wyoming.........................................       2,361,820         477,874         144,332       2,984,026
      TOTAL.....................................     126,917,495      23,893,700       9,460,603     160,271,798
                                                      2      2      2      2
      GRAND TOTAL...............................     253,834,990      47,787,400      18,921,206     320,543,596

    According to the most recent employment data compiled by 
the Secretary of the Senate, as of April 30, 2011, there were 
4,338 individuals employed in Senators' offices throughout the 
United States and covered by this appropriation.
    In addition to providing funds for compensation of 
employees within Senators' offices, this appropriation also 
provides for agency contributions for those employees; that is, 
the Senate's share, as an employer, of the various employee 
benefit programs for which Senate employees are eligible. These 
payments are mandatory, and fluctuate according to the programs 
in which employees are enrolled, the level of compensation, and 
the degree of participation. Budget requests for this account 
prepared by the Financial Clerk must be based on both 
experience and evaluation of trends. The fiscal year 2012 
funding level for this account anticipates $100,642,000 in 
agency contribution costs.
    The amount recommended by the Committee for the SOPOEA is 
less than would be required to cover all obligations that could 
be incurred under the authorized allowances for all Senators. 
The Committee is able to recommend an appropriation of a lesser 
amount than potentially necessary because Senators typically do 
not obligate funds up to the absolute ceiling of their 
respective allowances.

                       SENATE OFFICIAL MAIL COSTS

Appropriations, 2011....................................        $299,400
Budget estimate, 2012...................................         300,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................         281,436

    For the official mail costs of the Senate, the Committee 
recommends an appropriation of $281,436 which is $17,964 below 
the fiscal year 2011 enacted level, and $18,564 below the 
fiscal year 2012 budget request.
    The Committee recommendation reflects a 6 percent reduction 
in funding from the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.

                        ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISION

    Secton 1 clarifies the Secretary of the Senate's authority 
to establish procedures for the payment of expenses.

                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

Appropriations, 2011....................................  $1,311,396,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................   1,338,153,000
House allowance.........................................   1,225,680,000
Committee recommendation................................   1,225,680,000

    In keeping with the longstanding tradition of comity 
between the Houses on matters pertaining solely to one House, 
the Committee concurs with the House allowance of 
$1,225,680,000 for the House of Representatives.

                              JOINT ITEMS

                        Joint Economic Committee

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $4,490,002
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       4,814,000
House allowance.........................................       4,203,000
Committee recommendation................................       4,490,002

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $4,490,002 for 
the Joint Economic Committee [JEC]. This is the same as the 
enacted level and $323,998 below the request. The Joint 
Economic Committee was created by the Employment Act of 1946. 
The primary tasks of the JEC are to review economic conditions 
and to recommend improvements in economic policy. The JEC 
performs research and economic analysis, and monitors and 
analyzes current economic, financial, and employment 

         Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies

Appropriations, 2011....................................................
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      $1,237,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................       1,237,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $1,237,000 for 
the 2013 Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies 
[JCCIC]. This is the same amount that was provided for the 2009 

                      Joint Committee on Taxation

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $10,530,048
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      11,422,000
House allowance.........................................      10,424,000
Committee recommendation................................      10,761,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $10,761,000 
for salaries and expenses of the Joint Committee on Taxation. 
This is an increase of $230,952 above the fiscal year 2011 
enacted level, but $661,000 below the fiscal year 2012 request. 
Of the funding provided, $9,344,000 is for salaries, as 
requested, and $1,417,000 is for expenses.
    The Joint Committee is established under the Internal 
Revenue Code of 1986 to:
  --investigate the operation and effects of internal revenue 
        taxes and the administration of such taxes;
  --investigate measures and methods for the simplification of 
        such taxes;
  --make reports to the House Committee on Ways and Means and 
        the Senate Committee on Finance (or to the House and 
        the Senate) on the results of such investigations and 
        studies and to make recommendations; and
  --review any proposed refund or credit of income or estate 
        and gift taxes or certain other taxes set forth in Code 
        section 6405 in excess of $2,000,000. In addition to 
        these functions that are specified in the Internal 
        Revenue Code, the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 
        requires the Joint Committee to provide revenue 
        estimates for all tax legislation considered by either 
        the House or the Senate.

                   Office of the Attending Physician

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $3,400,186
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       3,403,000
House allowance.........................................       3,400,000
Committee recommendation................................       3,403,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $3,403,000 for 
the Office of the Attending Physician. This is an increase of 
$2,814 above the fiscal year 2011 enacted level, and the same 
as the request. The Office was first established by House 
Resolution 253, adopted December 5, 1928.

             Office of Congressional Accessibility Services

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $1,374,246
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       1,363,000
House allowance.........................................       1,363,000
Committee recommendation................................       1,363,000

    The Committee recommends $1,363,000 for the Office of 
Congressional Accessibility Services. This office is a 
successor to the Special Services Office following enactment of 
the Capitol Visitor Center Act of 2008.
    The Office of Congressional Accessibility Services [OCAS] 
provides and coordinates accessibility services for individuals 
with disabilities, including Members of Congress, staff, and 
visitors to the U.S. Capitol complex. These services include 
sign language interpreting, adaptive tours, and wheelchair 
loans. OCAS also provides information regarding accessibility 
for individuals with disabilities, as well as related training 
and staff development to Members of Congress and employees of 
the Senate and House of Representatives.

                        ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISION

    Sec. 1001. This provision authorizes employees of the 
Office of Congressional Accessibility Services to participate 
in the Senate employees student loan repayment program rather 
than establish a separate student loan program for their 

                             CAPITOL POLICE


Salaries................................................    $276,929,583
Expenses................................................      54,473,325
      Total, Capitol Police.............................     331,402,908

    The United States Capitol Police [USCP] is charged with the 
protection of the United States Congress, its legislative 
processes, Members, employees, visitors and facilities within 
the U.S. Capitol complex from crime, disruption or terrorism, 
so that the Congress may fulfill its constitutional 
responsibilities in a safe and open environment.
    The Committee recommends $331,402,908 for the U.S. Capitol 
Police. This is a decrease of $8,733,456 below the fiscal year 
2011 level, and $56,213,092 below the request.
    New Posts.--The Committee remains concerned about ``mission 
creep'' within the USCP, noting that new posts have been 
created causing additional unanticipated budgetary 
requirements. The Committee directs the USCP to provide a list 
of all new posts created in the past year, and further directs 
the USCP to notify the Committee when new posts are created, 
including the annualized cost of maintaining the new post, and 
how the cost will be offset (such as the elimination of lower 
priority posts).
    Threat Assessment.--The USCP budget justification document 
identifies four priorities for the Department on which the 
entire budget request is focused, first and foremost being the 
ability of the USCP to assess threats: ``Provide a 
comprehensive internal assessment capability to identify and 
validate threats to Members of Congress; the legislative 
process; and the buildings, staff and visitors that make up the 
Capitol community.'' The Committee understands that the 
Department conducts many different types of threat assessments, 
including analysis of threats to Members of Congress, and 
consistently works with other Federal and local law enforcement 
agencies in regard to collection and sharing of intelligence 
information. Within 30 days of enactment of this act, the 
Committee requests a report from the Chief of Police detailing 
these threat assessment activities, a list of the Federal and 
local law enforcement agencies with which the USCP has ongoing 
relationships, and the process and procedures currently in 
place for the sharing of intelligence information with regard 
to threats against Members of Congress and the Capitol 


Appropriations, 2011....................................    $277,132,624
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     299,343,000
House allowance.........................................     278,133,000
Committee recommendation................................     276,929,583

    The amount provided covers salaries, benefits, and overtime 
costs. Capitol Police personnel are also eligible for hazardous 
duty pay and comparability pay similar to locality pay 
adjustments granted other Federal law enforcement personnel in 
the Washington, DC, area.
    The Committee recommends $276,929,583 and 2,149 FTEs for 
Capitol Police salaries, a decrease of $203,041 below the 
enacted level and $22,413,417 below the request. The total 
staffing level is expected to be approximately 1,775 sworn and 
374 civilian staff under the Committee recommendation.
    Overtime.--The Committee recommends no more than 
$35,107,931 for overtime in fiscal year 2012. This provides for 
approximately 634,667 hours of additional duty.
    The Committee directs the U.S. Capitol Police to provide 
for overtime in accordance with the budget request, reflecting 
an annualization of the savings provided in fiscal year 2011, 
as provided for in the following table. The Committee directs 
that the Capitol Police not transfer funding between overtime 
accounts without prior notification to the Committee on 
Appropriations in the Senate and the House including which 
account funding is being transferred from and which account 
funding is being transferred to and the number of overtime 
hours associated with that transfer:

                                             Funding       Hours (est.)
Scheduled..............................     $28,915,170          503,364
Annualization of overtime savings......        (700,370)  ..............
Unscheduled............................       1,141,850           20,000
DPD....................................         876,018           15,326
Conventions............................       1,626,240           28,000
Training...............................       1,371,840           24,000
LOC--non-reimbursable events...........         214,896            3,700
Dome Skirt.............................       1,853,739           31,917
Red Tunnel Project.....................         485,548            8,360
Dome Skirt and other project re-               (677,000)  ..............
      Total............................      35,107,931          634,667

    The Committee commends the U.S. Capitol Police in their 
efforts to control the growth of and better manage overtime 
costs and for demonstrating a savings of over $1,300,000 in 
fiscal year 2011. The U.S. Capitol Police in working with the 
Government Accountability Office have taken several steps and 
implemented measures to better track individual overtime as 
well as manage compensatory time to ensure that officers do not 
exceed the cap. However, the Committee believes that more needs 
to be done as budgets grow tighter and encourages the U.S. 
Capital Police to move forward with additional steps to further 
improve efficiencies and gain savings.
    Specifically, the Committee is aware that any law 
enforcement organization faces emergencies and other workload 
demands requiring sworn officers to work overtime. However, the 
Committee has also become aware that USCP's sworn workforce 
earns a large percentage of overtime pay and compensatory time 
while performing routine duties, apart from emergencies, 
unscheduled events or uncontrollable work demands. USCP 
management has stated that it must schedule officers to work 
overtime because its sworn workforce is not large enough to 
perform all routine duties within regular shifts. The Committee 
directs USCP management to develop an action plan along with an 
implementation timeline for how it will deploy its sworn 
workforce in a manner that is cost-efficient and limits the use 
of overtime to emergencies and unscheduled events. The plan 
should include actions that will help reduce overtime 
expenditures this fiscal year through interim efficiencies and 
in the longer-term better align compensation for routine duties 
currently paid for as overtime. The Committee also requests 
that GAO periodically brief the Committee on USCP's progress in 
achieving immediate efficiencies and in developing this action 

                            General Expenses

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $63,003,740
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      88,273,000
House allowance.........................................      63,004,000
Committee recommendation................................      54,473,325

    Expenses include office supplies and equipment, laundry and 
dry cleaning, communications, motor vehicles, uniforms and 
equipment, investigations, training, and miscellaneous items.
    The Committee recommends $54,473,325 for general expenses, 
which is $8,530,415 below the fiscal year 2011 level and 
$33,799,675 below the request. The Committee recommendation 
includes $2,572,064 for one-time costs associated with the 2012 
conventions, as requested. The Committee commends the USCP for 
building on the successes of the 2008 Conventions and for 
submitting a budget request based on the actual 2008 costs.
    Contractor Support and Other Services.--The Committee is 
concerned with the substantial increases in funding proposed to 
cover Contractor Support and other Technical Services. The 
budget request for fiscal year 2012 for non-Federal Contract 
Support Services has increased 13.5 percent in 2 years, and the 
budget request for Software and Technical Support Services has 
increased 13 percent in 2 years. This level of growth cannot be 
sustained under the current budget constraints. The Committee 
directs the Chief of Police to report to the Committee on 
Appropriations of the House and the Senate no later than 
January 31, 2012, on what steps are being taken to reduce 
contract costs, including a process to recompete any contract 
that increases beyond the rate of inflation over a 3-year 
period beyond the original date of the contract.

                        Administrative Provision

    Sec. 1101. Transfer Authority. The Committee has included a 
routine provision which allows for funds to be transferred 
between the ``Salaries'' and ``General expenses'' accounts.

                          OFFICE OF COMPLIANCE

                         Salaries and Expenses

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $4,076,980
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       4,782,000
House allowance.........................................       3,817,000
Committee recommendation................................       3,870,499

    The Office of Compliance [OOC] is an independent 
nonpartisan agency established to administer and enforce the 
Congressional Accountability Act [CAA]. The OOC administers the 
dispute resolution system established to resolve disagreements 
that arise under the CAA; carries out an education and training 
program for the regulated community on the rights and 
responsibilities of the CAA; and advises Congress on needed 
changes and amendments to the CAA. The OOC General Counsel has 
independent investigatory and enforcement authority for certain 
violations of the CAA.
    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $3,870,499, 
for the salaries and expenses of the OOC, a decrease of 
$206,481 below the fiscal year 2011 enacted level and $911,501 
below the request. The Committee recommendation reflects a 5 
percent reduction from the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.


                         Salaries and Expenses

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $46,771,270
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      46,865,000
House allowance.........................................      43,787,000
Committee recommendation................................      44,409,000

    CBO's mandate is to provide the Congress with objective, 
nonpartisan, and timely analyses to aid in economic and 
budgetary decisions on the wide array of programs covered by 
the Federal budget, and the information and estimates required 
for the congressional budget process.
    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $44,409,000 
for the Congressional Budget Office. The amount provided is a 
decrease of $2,362,270 under the enacted level, and $2,456,000 
below the request. The Committee recommendation reflects a 5 
percent reduction from the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.

                        ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL

    The Office of the Architect of the Capitol [AOC] is 
responsible to the United States Congress for the maintenance, 
operation, development, and preservation of 16.5 million square 
feet of buildings and more than 450 acres of land throughout 
the Capitol complex. This includes the Capitol, the Capitol 
Visitor Center, the House and Senate office buildings, the 
Library of Congress buildings, the U.S. Botanic Garden, the 
Capitol Power Plant, and other facilities. The AOC also 
provides professional expertise with regard to the preservation 
of architectural and artistic elements entrusted to its care, 
and provides recommendations concerning design, construction, 
and maintenance of the facilities and grounds.
    The Committee commends the AOC for the progress they have 
made as it relates to their last strategic plan. The AOC's goal 
for the next strategic plan is to better measure metrics, plan 
their workforce to mission ratio, and level resources. The 
Committee is encouraged that the AOC intends to build on the 
successes of the past strategic plan and work to implement 
additional efficiencies such as the use of Quick Response [QR] 
Codes in the Library of Congress and Botanic Gardens. Such 
codes, which can be scanned using a handheld device, direct 
individuals to Web sites containing further information 
regarding the specified book, plant, or exhibit subject. This 
provides more information to visitors at a lower cost to 
taxpayers. Innovation and creative ideas, such as the QR Codes, 
that increase savings for American taxpayers highlight the 
AOC's drive to be a leader with less funding. The Committee 
notes the efforts the AOC has made to decrease their cost while 
still providing excellent services to their clients and 
    The Committee is encouraged by the efforts of the Architect 
of the Capitol and the United States Capitol Police [USCP] to 
implement outdoor recycling programs on the Capitol grounds 
while maintaining security of the complex. The Committee 
encourages the Architect of the Capitol and the USCP to 
continue to collaborate and work to expand these efforts in 
high-traffic areas across the Capitol complex. An expansion of 
current efforts contributes to the greening of the Capitol in 
an inexpensive yet secure manner.
    The Committee has recommended a funding level of 
$506,613,000 for all activities of the Architect of the 
Capitol. The amount recommended is $199,442,000 below the 
request and $93,769,000 below the fiscal year 2011 enacted 
level. The Committee has funded only the most urgently needed 
    The following table compares the Committee recommendation 
for the AOC accounts to the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.

                                                                  2011                              Committee
                           Item                               appropriation   Amount requested   recommendation
General Administration....................................      $109,075,000      $119,150,000       $94,980,000
Capitol Building..........................................        55,963,000        41,545,000        29,056,000
Capitol Grounds...........................................         9,968,000        10,799,000         8,837,000
Senate Office Buildings...................................        80,951,000        87,292,000        66,453,000
House Office Buildings accounts...........................       150,165,068       169,647,000       119,154,000
Capitol Power Plant.......................................       108,851,000       142,101,000       113,139,000
Library Buildings and Grounds.............................        40,714,000        67,888,000        27,762,000
Capitol Police Buildings, Grounds, and Security...........        26,214,000        32,312,000        18,212,000
Botanic Garden............................................        13,806,000        12,344,000         9,582,000
Capitol Visitor Center....................................        22,726,000        23,016,000        19,438,000
      Total...............................................       600,382,000       706,055,000       506,613,000

                         General Administration

Appropriations, 2011....................................    $106,569,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     119,150,000
House allowance.........................................     104,790,000
Committee recommendation................................      94,980,000

    The General Administration appropriation provides funding 
for salaries and related benefits of the Architect, officers, 
administrative and support staff, including engineering and 
architecture employees. This account also provides for 
administrative items such as agency-wide contractual services; 
surveys and studies; information technology; and safety 
engineering operations.
    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $94,980,000 
for general administration, a reduction of $24,170,000 below 
the request and $11,589,000 below the fiscal year 2011 enacted 
level. Of the amount recommended, $3,700,000 shall remain 
available until September 30, 2016.
    The following table displays the budget detail.

                         GENERAL ADMINISTRATION
                        [In thousands of dollars]
                                              Amount         Committee
                  Item                       requested    recommendation

    Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll.................................          57,658          51,215
Administrative..........................           6,956           6,469
Architectural and Engineering...........           5,895           3,473
Construction Services...................             170             170
Curator Services........................             250             238
Electronic Services.....................             801             801
Facilities Maintenance..................           1,413           1,272
Information Resources...................          30,389          21,420
Inspector General.......................             889             600
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities--              3,635           2,577
 hood replacement.......................
Safety, Fire, and Environmental.........           3,045           3,045
      Subtotal, Operating Budget........         111,101          91,280

     Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget

Energy Savings Performance Contract                2,700           2,700
 [ESPC] program.........................
Energy Reduction Program................           3,500  ..............
Senate Reception Room...................           1,250             550
Conservation of the Wall Paintings......             599             450
      Subtotal, Project Budget..........           8,049           3,700
      Total, General Administration.....         119,150          94,980

                            Capitol Building

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $33,116,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      41,545,000
House allowance.........................................      35,354,000
Committee recommendation................................      29,056,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $29,056,000 
for necessary expenses for the maintenance, care and operation 
of the Capitol, which is $12,489,000 below the request and 
$4,060,000 below the enacted level. Of the amount recommended, 
$5,063,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2016.
    The following table displays the budget detail.

                            CAPITOL BUILDING
                        [in thousands of dollars]
                                              Amount         Committee
                  Item                       requested    recommendation
    Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll.................................          20,540          18,513
Facilities Maintenance..................           5,777           5,199
Furniture Repair........................             200  ..............
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities.....             562             281
      Subtotal, Operating Budget........          27,079          23,993
     Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget

Presidential Inaugural Stands and                  4,263           4,263
 Support facilities.....................
Brumidi Corridors Restoration and                  6,703             800
 Conservation Plan......................
Minor Construction......................           3,500  ..............
      Subtotal, Project Budget..........          14,466           5,063
      Total, Capitol Building...........          41,545          29,056

                            Capitol Grounds

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $10,952,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      10,799,000
House allowance.........................................       9,852,000
Committee recommendation................................       8,837,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $8,837,000 for 
Capitol Grounds for the care and improvements of the grounds 
surrounding the Capitol, the Senate and House office buildings, 
and the Capitol Power Plant. This is $2,115,000 below the 
enacted level and $1,962,000 less than the request.
    The following table displays the budget detail:

                             CAPITOL GROUNDS
                        [In thousands of dollars]
                                              Amount         Committee
                  Item                       requested    recommendation
    Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll.................................           6,667           6,036
Grounds Maintenance.....................           2,779           2,500
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities.....             621             301
      Subtotal, Operating Budget........          10,067           8,837
     Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget

Stormwater Management Study.............             732  ..............
      Total, Capitol Grounds............          10,799           8,837

                        Senate Office Buildings

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $74,243,216
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      87,253,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................      66,453,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $66,453,000 
for maintenance of the Senate office buildings, of which 
$13,128,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2016. 
This is $20,800,000 below the request, and $7,790,216 below the 
enacted level.
    Blue-Ribbon Panel.--A Blue-Ribbon Panel of experts was 
convened to assess the Office of Compliance Citation, 19-1, 
``29 CFR 1910.36.(b)(2) All exit stairwells are unprotected 
against fire, smoke, or toxic fumes, posing an undue danger to 
the lives and safety of occupants during the period of time 
necessary for escape in case of fire or other emergency.'' The 
panel was directed to consider the level of risk from a fire to 
the building and the building's current level of fire 
prevention and fire suppression infrastructure. The Blue-Ribbon 
Panel issued its final report on August 23, 2010. In order to 
reduce the risks of fire and life safety issues in the historic 
Russell Senate Office Building, the Blue-Ribbon Panel 
recommended that various immediate and short term actions be 
taken in conjunction with implementation of one of three design 
options. The Architect of the Capitol [AOC] has completed 
several of the immediate and short term recommendations and is 
aggressively pursuing completion of additional recommendations, 
such as removing higher hazard operations from the Russell 
Building basement. The AOC continues to pursue execution of 
design option 1 recommended by the Blue-Ribbon Panel. This 
recommendation extends the active fire suppression and fire 
detection systems in the Russell Senate Office Building.
    The Committee notes that implementation of the short-term 
and immediate recommendations, in addition to implementation of 
design option 1, eliminates all high risk fire scenarios in the 
Russell Building while minimizing impact to its historic 
integrity, most effectively utilizing limited resources. The 
Blue-Ribbon Panel recognized compensatory features of the 
Russell Building that substantially mitigate life safety risk 
associated with open stairs, specifically: non-combustible 
materials, generously proportioned egress, well distributed 
stairs and circulation systems, quick emergency response 
operational capability, frequent fire drills, overall high 
level of maintenance, clutter free egress, relatively safe 
nature and distribution of combustibles, limited sources of 
potential ignition, training provided to building occupants, 
high level of management and oversight and presence of 
perimeter and interior security. Considering the risk 
mitigation of the compensating features and the fact that 
implementation of design options 2 and 3 result in similar risk 
exposure to the Russell Building, the Committee considers these 
options to be cost prohibitive with minimal additional safety 
improvements beyond those currently being implemented. The 
Committee concludes that as additional funding resources become 
available, that funding should be expended on other projects 
and deferred maintenance requirements that have a greater 
impact on life and safety throughout all of the Senate office 
    The following table displays the budget detail:

                         SENATE OFFICE BUILDINGS
                        [In thousands of dollars]
                                              Amount         Committee
                  Item                       requested    recommendation
    Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll.................................          42,151          38,148
Facilities Maintenance..................           6,190           6,190
Furniture Repair........................           1,807  ..............
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities.....           9,986           8,987
      Subtotal, Operating Budget........          60,134          53,325
     Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget

Replace Modular Furniture...............           3,000  ..............
Alternate Life Safety Approach..........           5,000  ..............
Skylight Replacement [HSOB].............           8,991           5,000
Infrastructure Improvements, Phase 3,              6,128           6,128
 North Wing [DSOB]......................
Minor Construction......................           4,000           2,000
      Subtotal, Project Budget..........          27,119          13,128
      Total, Senate Office Buildings....          87,253          66,453

                         House Office Buildings

Appropriations, 2011....................................    $150,165,068
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     169,647,000
House allowance.........................................     119,154,000
Committee recommendation................................     119,154,000

    The Committee has included funds for maintenance of House 
office buildings at the level recommended by the House in H.R. 
2551. As this item pertains solely to the House, the Committee 
makes no independent judgment on the House allowance.

                          Capitol Power Plant

Appropriations, 2011....................................    $118,895,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     142,101,000
House allowance.........................................     136,159,000
Committee recommendation................................     113,139,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $113,139,000 
for the operations of the Capitol Power Plant. This is 
supplemented by $8,000,000 in reimbursements, for a total of 
$121,139,000. This is $5,756,000 below the enacted level and 
$28,962,000 below the request. Of the amount provided, 
$15,406,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2016.
    The Power Plant provides heat, light, power, and air-
conditioning for the Capitol, Senate and House office 
buildings, and the Library of Congress buildings; heat, light, 
and power for the Botanic Garden and the Senate and House 
Garages; light for the Capitol Grounds' street, park, and 
floodlighting system; steam heat for the Government Printing 
Office and Washington City Post Office, also known as Postal 
Square; and steam heat and air-conditioning for the Union 
Station complex, Folger Shakespeare Library, the Thurgood 
Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, and the U.S. Supreme Court 
Building on a reimbursable basis.
    Within the operating budget, the recommended amount for the 
purchase of electricity from the local private utility, payment 
to the government of the District of Columbia for the provision 
of water and sewer services, and the procurement of boiler 
fuel, is displayed in the following table.

                        [In thousands of dollars]
Purchase of electrical energy...........................          44,673
Purchase of natural gas.................................          22,786
Purchase of steam.......................................           1,039
Purchase of chilled water...............................           1,365
Purchase of oil.........................................           2,765
Water and Sewer payments................................           6,101
Utilities for Postal Square.............................             618
Energy Saving Performance Contracts.....................           6,385
      Total.............................................          85,732

    The balance of this appropriation supports a workforce to 
operate and maintain the Power Plant.
    The following table displays the budget detail:

                           CAPITOL POWER PLANT
                        [In thousands of dollars]
                                             Amount         Committee
                 Item                      requested      recommendation
   Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll...............................          10,594            9,582
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities...             287              273
Plant Operations and Maintenance......           7,488            9,963
Safety, Fire, and Environmental.......             183              183
Utilities.............................          85,732           85,732
      Subtotal, Operating Budget......         104,284          105,733
    Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget

Utility Tunnel Program................          17,406           13,406
WRP Chiller System Replacement........           6,000   ...............
East Plant Chiller Relocation.........          16,411   ...............
Cogeneration Management Program.......           2,000            2,000
Minor Construction....................           4,000   ...............
      Subtotal, Project Budget........          45,817           15,406
Offsetting Collections................          (8,000)          (8,000)
      Total, Capitol Power Plant......         142,101          113,139

                     Library Buildings and Grounds

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $45,703,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      67,888,000
House allowance.........................................      38,486,000
Committee recommendation................................      27,762,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $27,762,000 
for the care and maintenance of the Library buildings and 
grounds by the Architect of the Capitol, of which $4,100,000 
shall remain available until September 30, 2016. The 
recommendation is $17,941,000 below the enacted amount for 
fiscal year 2011 and $40,126,000 below the request.
    The following table displays the budget detail:

                      LIBRARY BUILDING AND GROUNDS
                        [In thousands of dollars]
                                              Amount         Committee
                  Item                       requested    recommendation
    Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll.................................          16,963          15,283
Facilities Maintenance..................           9,898           7,909
Grounds Maintenance.....................             170             168
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities.....             437             302
      Subtotal, Operating Budget........          27,468          23,662
     Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget

Sprinkler System, West Main Pavilion               4,100           4,100
 Phase 3 of 3...........................
Egress Improvements--North Exit Stairs--           1,126  ..............
Garage Structural Repairs...............          12,200  ..............
Secured Storage Facilities, Phase 3 of 4           2,045  ..............
East & West Pavilion Copper Roof and                 309  ..............
 Fall Protection (design)...............
Air Handling Unit Replacement...........           3,722  ..............
Fall Protection.........................           4,034  ..............
Collection Storage Module 5.............           8,884  ..............
ABA Space Reorganization JMMB Phase 3 of           2,000  ..............
Minor Construction......................           2,000  ..............
      Subtotal, Project Budget..........          40,420           4,100
      Total, Library Buildings and                67,888          27,762

            Capitol Police Buildings, Grounds, and Security

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $29,958,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      32,312,000
House allowance.........................................      21,500,000
Committee recommendation................................      18,212,000

    The Committee recommends $18,212,000 for Capitol Police 
Buildings, Grounds, and Security, which is $11,746,000 below 
the enacted level and $14,100,000 below the request. Of this 
amount, $2,473,000 shall remain available until September 30, 
    The following table displays the budget detail:

                        [In thousands of dollars]
                                              Amount         Committee
                  Item                       requested    recommendation
    Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll.................................           2,174           1,932
Facilities Maintenance..................          10,468           8,788
Furniture Repair........................             229  ..............
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities.....           7,170           5,019
      Subtotal, Operating Budget........          20,041          15,739
     Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget

Garage Infrastructure--Phase 1..........           6,598  ..............
Offsite Delivery Screening Center Study--            700  ..............
 Phase 1................................
Fire Alarm System Replacement--HQ, USCP.           2,473           2,473
Minor Construction......................           2,500  ..............
      Subtotal, Project Budget..........          12,271           2,473
      Total, Capitol Police, Buildings,           32,312          18,212
       Grounds, and Security............

                             Botanic Garden

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $11,367,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      12,344,000
House allowance.........................................      11,367,000
Committee recommendation................................       9,582,000

    The Committee recommends $9,582,000 for salaries and 
expenses of the Botanic Garden. This is $2,762,000 below the 
requested level and $1,785,000 below the enacted level.
    Congressional Youth Park.--The Committee notes that the 
fiscal year 2002 Legislative Branch appropriations bill, Public 
Law 107-68, included a provision designating a specific parcel 
of Capitol grounds as the Congressional Youth Park. The 
Committee commends the Architect of the Capitol [AOC] for 
developing the Capitol Complex Master Plan as a guiding 
document for the future development of Capitol grounds. The 
plan embraces Frederick Law Olmstead's original landscape 
design establishing grounds that enhance and elevate the U.S. 
Capitol. Integral to this plan, should be the original intent 
of the Botanic Garden to educate visitors about the aesthetic, 
cultural, economic, therapeutic, and ecological importance of 
plants. In this spirit, the Committee directs the AOC to 
develop, as part of the Capitol Complex Master Plan, the 
cultural landscape plan for the Congressional Youth Park that 
aligns the use of the Park with Olmsted's historically 
important vision and the U.S. Botanic Garden's efforts to 
educate youth about the importance of the natural world in 
their daily lives. This segment of the Master Plan shall also 
take into consideration landscape requirements necessary to 
ensure the continued security of the Capitol complex.
    The following table displays the budget detail:

                             BOTANIC GARDEN
                        [In thousands of dollars]
                                              Amount         Committee
                  Item                       requested    recommendation
    Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll.................................           6,409           5,708
Exhibits................................             369             369
Facilities Maintenance..................           1,415           1,095
Grounds Maintenance.....................           1,678           1,168
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities.....           1,690           1,242
      Subtotal, Operating Budget........          11,561           9,582
     Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget
Miscellaneous Improvements..............             783  ..............
      Subtotal, Project Budget..........             783  ..............
      Total, Botanic Gardens............          12,344           9,582

                         Capitol Visitor Center

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $22,414,000
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      23,016,000
House allowance.........................................      21,276,000
Committee recommendation................................      19,438,000

    The Committee recommends a total of $19,438,000 for the 
operation of the Capitol Visitor Center. This is $3,578,000 
below the request and $2,976,000 below the fiscal year 2011 
enacted level.
    The following table displays the budget detail:

                         CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER
                        [In thousands of dollars]
                                              Amount         Committee
                  Item                       requested    recommendation
    Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget

Payroll.................................          16,877          15,107
Administration..........................             362             326
Exhibits................................             576             576
Information Resources...................           1,877           1,495
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities.....             985             297
Visitor Services........................           2,339           1,637
      Subtotal, Operating Budget........          23,016          19,438
Fiscal Year 2012 Project Budget.........  ..............  ..............
      Total, Capitol Visitor Center.....          23,016          19,438

                          LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

    The Library of Congress is the Nation's oldest cultural 
institution and largest repository of human knowledge in the 
world. It is the main research arm of the United States 
Congress. Its mission is to support the Congress in fulfilling 
its constitutional duties and to further the progress of 
knowledge and creativity for the benefit of the American 
people. The Library's collections include more than 147 million 
artifactual items (books, photographs, maps, sound recordings, 
films, sheet music, legal materials) in 470 languages. Digital 
technology is transforming the way the Library does its work, 
and the institution plays an important leadership role in 
superimposing digital library collections and services on those 
that are analog based. The Library of Congress houses the 
Congressional Research Service, U.S. Copyright Office, National 
Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Law 
Library of Congress, and numerous other programs and services.
    The Committee recommends a total of $579,170,680 for the 
Library of Congress, a decrease of $49,505,320 below the fiscal 
year 2011 enacted level and $87,560,320 below the budget 
    In addition to the appropriation, the Library estimates 
receipts and reimbursements of $44,876,000, funds from gifts 
and trusts totaling $18,348,000 and revolving funds totaling 
$114,336,000. Total funds available to support Library 
operations, including the Architect of the Capitol account, are 
expected to be approximately $784,492,680 in fiscal year 2012 
under the Committee recommendation.
    The Committee recognizes that its recommendation is an 
extremely austere 8 percent reduction from the fiscal year 2011 
enacted level, which unfortunately was unavoidable under the 
given budgetary guidelines. Funding levels in the fiscal year 
2011 appropriations bill already caused the Library to absorb 
numerous staffing reductions. The additional reduction in 
funding in fiscal year 2012 will require the Library to further 
reduce staffing to the point of causing major disruptions in 
the provision of all of the Library's core services. In 
preparation for potential reductions in funding, the Library 
has already instituted procedures for Voluntary Separation 
Incentive Payments and Voluntary Early Retirement Authority; 
however, these measures alone will not be sufficient to absorb 
the budget cuts proposed in this bill. The Committee 
understands that the Library will need to pursue additional 
cost reduction measures including furloughs and the possibility 
of a reduction-in-force. The reduction and/or elimination of 
critical positions will severely impact the timeliness of 
services to Congress and the public, while demand for these 
services already exceeds the Library's capacity within current 
funding levels. These cuts will slow the Library's acquisitions 
and preservation efforts, creating gaps in the collections that 
cannot be recovered, and will impede the Library's ability to 
provide timely, authoritative, and in-depth research and 
analysis to the Congress and the public.
    Given that the budgetary constraints imposed on the Library 
in fiscal year 2012 will significantly alter the size of the 
work force and the level of responsiveness to the Library's 
constituency, the Committee directs the Library to report back 
to the Senate Committee on Appropriations within 30 days of 
enactment of this act with its proposal for realignment of 
personnel and services.
    The following table displays the Committee recommendation 
for the Library of Congress appropriations compared to the 
budget request and the fiscal year 2011 level.

                                                                        YEAR 2012
                                                                                                                                Senate Committee
                                                                                                                         recommendationcompared with (+
                                                                           2011                           Committee                   or -)
                                Item                                  appropriation   Budget estimate   recommendation ---------------------------------
                                                                                                                         appropriation   Budget estimate
                        LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

Salaries and Expenses..............................................          438,122          462,329          411,848          -26,287          -50,494
Authority to spend receipts........................................           -6,337           -6,350           -6,350  ...............              +13
      Subtotal, Salaries and expenses..............................          431,785          455,979          405,498          -26,287          -50,481
Copyright Office, salaries and expenses............................           54,367           56,440           53,533             -834           -2,907
Authority to spend receipts........................................          -36,539          -34,717          -36,539  ...............           +1,822
      Subtotal, Copyright Office...................................           17,828           21,723           16,994             -834           -4,729
Congressional Research Service, salaries and expenses..............          111,018          117,102          105,819           -5,199          -11,283
Books for the blind and physically handicapped, salaries and                  68,046           71,927           50,860          -17,186          -21,067
      Total, Library of Congress...................................          628,677          666,731          579,171          -49,506          -87,560

                         Salaries and Expenses

Appropriations, 2011:
    Salaries and expenses...............................    $438,122,000
    Authority to spend receipts.........................       6,337,000
      Net, salaries and expenses........................     431,785,000
Budget estimate, 2012:
    Salaries and expenses...............................     462,329,000
    Authority to spend receipts.........................       6,350,000
      Net, salaries and expenses........................     455,979,000
Committee recommendation:
    Salaries and expenses...............................     411,848,000
    Authority to spend receipts.........................       6,350,000
      Net, salaries and expenses........................     405,498,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $405,498,0000 
for salaries and expenses of the Library of Congress and 
approves authority to spend receipts of $6,350,000 in fiscal 
year 2012, for a total of $411,848,000. This is $50,481,000 
below the request and $26,287,000 below the fiscal year 2011 
enacted level. This amount provides for 2,301 FTEs, which may 
be shifted among PPAs within this appropriation. The amount 
recommended includes $3,653,000 for the National Digital 
Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program; $6,959,000 
for the Digital Collections and Education Curricula Program; 
and $14,126,000 for the Investment in Technical Infrastructure 

                            Copyright Office

                         salaries and expenses

Appropriations, 2011:
    Salaries and expenses...............................     $54,367,048
    Authority to spend receipts.........................      36,539,000
      Net, salaries and expenses........................      17,828,048
Budget estimate, 2012:
    Salaries and expenses...............................      56,440,000
    Authority to spend receipts.........................      34,717,000
      Net, salaries and expenses........................      21,723,000
Committee recommendation:
    Salaries and expenses...............................      53,533,000
    Authority to spend receipts.........................      36,539,000
      Net, salaries and expenses........................      16,994,000

    The Committee recommends the direct appropriation of 
$16,994,000 for the Copyright Office and approves authority to 
spend receipts of $36,539,000 in fiscal year 2012, for a total 
of $53,533,000. This is $4,729,000 below the request and 
$834,048 below the fiscal year 2011 enacted level.

                     Congressional Research Service

                         salaries and expenses

Appropriations, 2011....................................    $111,017,520
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     117,102,000
House allowance.........................................     104,091,000
Committee recommendation................................     105,819,000

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $105,819,000 
for the Congressional Research Service. The amount recommended 
is $11,283,000 below the request and $5,198,520 below the 
fiscal year 2011 enacted level. The Committee was not able to 
fund the 17 additional FTE requested in fiscal year 2012 due to 
budgetary constraints.

             Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

                         salaries and expenses

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $68,045,636
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      71,927,000
House allowance.........................................      50,674,000
Committee recommendation................................      50,860,000

    This appropriation supports a national reading program for 
eligible blind and physically handicapped residents of the 
United States and U.S. citizens living overseas. Books and 
magazines in braille and various recorded formats are produced 
by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically 
Handicapped for distribution through a network of State and 
locally supported libraries. At present, 57 regional libraries 
in 49 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the 
U.S. Virgin Islands house and circulate books and magazines to 
eligible readers. Eighty-one subregional libraries in 15 
States, and Guam, assist at the local public library level. 
Fifty-three of the regional libraries and 4 separate 
cooperating agencies distribute sound reproducers. Two multi-
State centers, under contract to the National Library Service, 
store and distribute books and other materials in their 
geographical region. The program supports a readership of 
approximately 900,000.
    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $50,860,000 
for salaries and expenses for Books for the Blind and 
Physically Handicapped. This is a decrease of $21,067,000 below 
the request and $17,185,636 below the fiscal year 2011 enacted 
level. The amount recommended includes $605,150 to continue to 
provide newspapers to blind and physically handicapped 

                       Administrative Provisions

    Sec. 1301. The Committee has included a routine 
administrative provision regarding reimbursable and revolving 
funds carried in prior years.
    Sec. 1302. Provides authority to transfer funds between 
Library of Congress accounts, subject to the approval of the 
Committees on Appropriations.
    Sec. 1303. This provision provides the Library of Congress 
[LOC] authority to reimburse the Department of Labor for 
workers compensation claims for Library employees for prior 
years using available balances from expired LOC appropriations.
    Sec. 1304. This provision authorizes LOC to retain proceeds 
from the sale of used or surplus personal property and vehicles 
and/or to obtain trade-in credit or discount when purchasing 
new similar items.
    Sec. 1305. This provision amends the Library's gift statute 
at 2 U.S.C. 160 to allow the Librarian to accept services and 
in-kind gifts in addition to gifts of cash for immediate 

                       GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE

                   Congressional Printing and Binding

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $93,580,464
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     100,001,000
House allowance.........................................      74,586,000
Committee recommendation................................      81,314,000

    The U.S. Government Printing Office's core mission dates to 
1813 when Congress determined the need to make information 
regarding the work of the three branches of Government 
available to all Americans. GPO is the Federal Government's 
primary centralized resource for gathering, cataloging, 
producing, providing and preserving published information in 
all its forms. By law and tradition, the GPO's mission is to 
provide expert publishing and printing services to all three 
branches of Government; to provide, in partnership with Federal 
depository libraries, permanent public access to the printed 
and electronic information products of the Federal Government; 
and to sell copies of authentic printed and electronic 
documents and other government information products to the 
public. The Committee recommendation reflects a 12.4 percent 
reduction in overall funding for the GPO from the fiscal year 
2011 enacted level.
    The Committee recommends $81,314,000 for congressional 
printing and binding. This is a decrease of $12,266,464 below 
the fiscal year 2011 enacted level and $18,687,000 below the 
budget request.
    The following table compares the component categories 
within this account for fiscal year 2011. The Committee has not 
recommended separate amounts for each activity in order to give 
the GPO the flexibility to meet changing requirements. However, 
the Committee recommendation includes $1,400,000, as requested, 
for the 2013 Presidential Inauguration.

                                       CONGRESSIONAL PRINTING AND BINDING
                                                                  2011         Requested 2012   Recommended 2012
Congressional Record Program..............................      $23,936,000        $27,442,000  ................
Miscellaneous publications................................        4,618,000          3,436,000  ................
Miscellaneous printing and services.......................       22,938,000         22,599,000  ................
Details to Congress.......................................        3,953,000          4,083,000  ................
Document envelopes and document franks....................        1,517,000          2,090,000  ................
Business and committee calendars..........................        2,067,000          3,802,000  ................
Bills, resolutions, and amendments........................        7,663,000          6,984,000  ................
Committee reports.........................................        3,387,000          3,491,000  ................
Documents.................................................        1,110,000          1,034,000  ................
Hearings..................................................       20,256,000         21,332,000  ................
Committee prints..........................................        2,259,000          2,254,000  ................
Prior-year shortfalls, estimated..........................         -123,536          1,454,000  ................
      Total...............................................       93,580,464        100,001,000       $81,314,000

                 Office of Superintendent of Documents

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Appropriations, 2011....................................     $39,831,178
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      42,173,000
House allowance.........................................      35,000,000
Committee recommendation................................      35,000,000

    This appropriation provides for salaries and expenses 
associated with the distribution of Government documents to 
depository and international exchange libraries, the cataloging 
and indexing of Government publications, and the distribution 
of publications authorized by law at the request of Members of 
Congress and other Government agencies.
    The Committee recommends $35,000,000 for salaries and 
expenses of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. This 
is $4,831,178 below the enacted level and $7,173,000 below the 

               Government Printing Office Revolving Fund

Appropriations, 2011....................................      $1,655,682
Budget estimate, 2012...................................       6,300,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................         500,000

    The Committee recommends $500,000 for the Government 
Printing Office [GPO] Revolving Fund. This is $1,155,682 below 
the enacted level and $5,800,000 below the budget request. The 
Committee notes that approximately 70 percent of the GPO's 
budget represents the prepress cost of congressional 
publications for online access and print production. The 
Committee commends the GPO for its willingness to work with 
less funding as their workload increases due to the demands of 
the Congress. One reason the GPO is able to meet the increased 
work demands and continually reduce costs is through its 
constant focus on capital investments to modernize information 
systems, production equipment, and major facility repairs. The 
Committee supports continued investment in the Revolving Fund 
as the most efficient solution to both cutting costs and 
ensuring efficient online access to government documents. The 
Committee supports the GPO's continued development of its 
Federal Digital System and its Business Information System 
given that these efforts continue to reduce costs.


                         Salaries and Expenses

Appropriations, 2011....................................    $546,215,302
Budget estimate, 2012...................................     556,849,000
House allowance.........................................     511,296,000
Committee recommendation................................     504,518,000

    The U.S. Government Accountability Office [GAO] is an 
independent nonpartisan agency that was established by the 
Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, to act as an auditor for 
Congress and investigate how the Federal Government spends 
taxpayer dollars.
    The function of the GAO includes auditing agency operations 
to determine whether Federal funds are being spent efficiently 
and effectively; investigating allegations of illegal and 
improper activities; reporting on how well Government programs 
and policies are meeting their objectives; performing policy 
analyses and outlining options for congressional consideration 
and issuing legal decisions and opinions, such as bid protest 
rulings and reports on agency rules.
    The Committee commends the GAO for its efficiency in 
providing assistance to every standing congressional committee 
and over 70 percent of their subcommittees in the past year. 
The Committee further notes that the number of legislatively 
mandated studies requested by the Congress increased by over 30 
percent from fiscal year 2010 to fiscal year 2011. Given the 
current fiscal constraints of this budget, it is evident that 
many of the services provided by the GAO will be curtailed due 
to reductions in staff and resources. The Committee recognizes 
that its recommendation will require the GAO to implement 
severe measures including a significant and historic reduction 
in staff to below 3,000 FTEs, through a hiring freeze, 
attrition and early retirement. In order to better understand 
the extensive amount of work that goes into producing reports 
and audits for Congress, the Committee directs the GAO to add a 
cost analysis to every report requested by a member or a 
committee including but not limited to the number FTEs that 
were associated with the production of the report, the number 
of hours required to produce the report, associated travel 
expenses, and the number of reports previously conducted on the 
particular issue.
    The Committee recommends funding of $504,518,000 for 
salaries and expenses of the Government Accountability Office, 
$41,697,302 below the fiscal year 2011 enacted level and 
$52,331,000 below the request. Additionally, $18,304,000 is 
authorized in offsetting collections derived from rent receipts 
and reimbursements for conducting financial audits of 
Government corporations, for a total of $522,822,000, which is 
a net decrease of $42,893,000 over the fiscal year 2011 enacted 


Appropriations, 2011....................................     $11,377,200
Budget estimate, 2012...................................      12,600,000
House allowance.........................................       1,000,000
Committee recommendation................................      10,000,000

    The Committee recommends $10,000,000 as a payment to the 
Open World Leadership Center Trust Fund, which is $2,600,000 
below the request and $1,377,200 below the enacted level. The 
Committee recommendation reflects a 12 percent reduction from 
the fiscal year enacted level. The Center for Russian 
Leadership Development was established on December 21, 2000 
(Public Law 106-554) as a legislative branch entity. The Fiscal 
Year 2003 Consolidated Appropriation Resolution (Public Law 
108-7) carried legislation (section 1401) changing the name to 
the Open World Leadership Center and expanding the mission of 
the program to include Newly Independent States of the former 
Soviet Union including the Baltic States. The mission of the 
Center is to enable emerging political leaders of Russia and 
Newly Independent States at all levels of government to gain 
significant, first-hand exposure to the American free market 
economic system and the operation of American democratic 
institutions through visits to comparable governments and 
communities in the United States.
    The Committee recognizes that despite the fiscal 
constraints of the budget this program is necessary for the 
promotion of democratic principles in countries with 
historically oppressive rule. The Open World Leadership Center 
has a proven record in fostering democratic principles through 
providing firsthand experience of the American democratic 
process by hosting over 17,000 Eurasian leaders since the 
program began in 1999. Last year, Open World delegates 
discussed common problems and exchanged ideas for solutions 
with over 400 U.S. Federal, State and local VIPs during the 
course of their U.S. program, including Members of Congress, 
State governors, State legislators, city mayors, and judges. 
Since the inception of this program, 90 formal partnerships 
have been created or strengthened by Open World visits.
    The Open World program operates as a public-private 
partnership that leverages cost-sharing and in-kind 
contributions from outside sponsors and American families with 
Federal funding. Specifically, 6,750 American families in 
nearly 2,000 host communities in all 50 States have home-hosted 
Open World participants and contributed, along with national 
grantees, local hosting organizations and other partners. These 
donations account for approximately 20 percent of the Open 
World budget. The Committee commends the Open World program for 
its efforts to expand its private partnerships and encourages 
the organization to further seek additional outside support to 
offset the costs of running the program.


Appropriations, 2011....................................        $429,140
Budget estimate, 2012...................................         430,000
House allowance.........................................................
Committee recommendation................................         430,000

    The John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and 
Development was created by Congress in 1988. The mandate of the 
Center is to promote and strengthen public service. The 
Committee recommends the budget request of $430,000 as 
authorized by 2 U.S.C. 1105, for the Center's congressional 
staff training and development programs.

                                TITLE II

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

    Included are several routine general provisions carried 
annually in the bill (secs. 201-208), as follows:
    Section 201 bans the use of appropriated funds for service 
and maintenance of private vehicles, except under such 
regulations as may be promulgated by the House Administration 
Committee and the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, 
    Section 202 limits the availability for obligation of 
appropriations to the fiscal year for which it is expressly 
provided in the bill accompanying this report.
    Section 203 provides that any pay rate and title 
designation for a staff position created in this act, and not 
specifically established by the Legislative Pay Act of 1929, is 
to be made permanent law by this act. Further, any pay rate and 
title change for a position provided for in the 1929 Act is to 
be made permanent law by this act and any changes in the 
official expenses of Members, officers, and committees, and in 
the clerk hire of the House and Senate are to be made permanent 
law by this act.
    Section 204 bans the use of funds for contracts unless such 
contracts are matters of public record and are available for 
public inspection.
    Section 205 appropriates such sums as may be necessary for 
the payment of settlements and awards pursuant to Public Law 
    Section 206 authorizes legislative branch entities 
participating in the Legislative Branch Financial Managers 
Council [LBFMC] to finance the costs of the LBFMC.
    Section 207 authorizes the Architect of the Capitol to 
maintain certain property.
    Section 208 prohibits unauthorized transfers of funds to 
other agencies.
    Section 209 ensures continuation of the staff-led tours of 
the Capitol.
    Section 210 rescinds $17,482,000 from prior year 
unobligated balances under the heading ``Architect of the 
Capitol.'' In an effort to continue addressing the most 
pressing safety and life cycle needs, the Committee 
recommendation provides the Architect of the Capitol 
flexibility in both determining and identifying from which 
appropriation accounts this rescission shall come and the 
amount of such rescission that shall apply to each account. The 
Committee directs the Architect of the Capitol to submit a 
report to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and 
the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Treasury 
of the accounts and amounts determined and identified for this 
rescission not later than 30 days after the date of enactment 
of this act.


    Paragraph 7 of rule XVI requires that Committee reports on 
general appropriations bills identify, with particularity, each 
Committee amendment to the House bill ``which proposes an item 
of appropriation which is not made to carry out the provisions 
of an existing law, a treaty stipulation, or an act or 
resolution previously passed by the Senate during that 
    The Committee has recommended no such funding.


    Pursuant to paragraph 7(c) of rule XXVI, on September 15, 
2011, the Committee ordered favorably reported a bill (H.R. 
2551) making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the 
fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, and for other purposes, 
with an amendment in the nature of a substitute, provided that 
the bill be subject to further amendment and that the bill be 
consistent with its spending allocations, by a recorded vote of 
28-2, a quorum being present. The vote was as follows:
        Yeas                          Nays
Chairman Inouye                     Mr. Blunt
Mr. Leahy                           Mr. Johnson (WI)
Mr. Harkin
Ms. Mikulski
Mr. Kohl
Mrs. Murray
Mrs. Feinstein
Mr. Durbin
Mr. Johnson (SD)
Ms. Landrieu
Mr. Reed
Mr. Lautenberg
Mr. Nelson
Mr. Pryor
Mr. Tester
Mr. Brown
Mr. Cochran
Mr. McConnell
Mr. Shelby
Mrs. Hutchison
Mr. Alexander
Ms. Collins
Ms. Murkowski
Mr. Graham
Mr. Kirk
Mr. Coats
Mr. Moran
Mr. Hoeven


    Paragraph 12 of rule XXVI requires that Committee reports 
on a bill or joint resolution repealing or amending any statute 
or part of any statute include ``(a) the text of the statute or 
part thereof which is proposed to be repealed; and (b) a 
comparative print of that part of the bill or joint resolution 
making the amendment and of the statute or part thereof 
proposed to be amended, showing by stricken-through type and 
italics, parallel columns, or other appropriate typographical 
devices the omissions and insertions which would be made by the 
bill or joint resolution if enacted in the form recommended by 
the Committee.''
    In compliance with this rule, the following changes in 
existing law proposed to be made by the bill are shown as 
follows: existing law to be omitted is enclosed in black 
brackets; new matter is printed in italic; and existing law in 
which no change is proposed is shown in roman.

                         TITLE 2--THE CONGRESS

       Chapter 4--Officers and Employees of Senate and House of 

Sec. 60c-5. Student loan repayment program for Senate employees

(a) Definitions

    In this section:

        (1) Eligible employee

            The term ``eligible employee'' means an individual, 
        except as provided under subsection (b)(3)--

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

        [(2) Employee of the Senate

            [The term ``employee of the Senate'' has the 
        meaning given the term in section 1301 of this title.

        [(3) Employing office

            [The term ``employing office'' means the employing 
        office, as defined in section 1301 of this title, of an 
        employee of the Senate.]
            (2) Employee of the senate.--The term ``employee of 
        the Senate''--
                    (A) has the meaning given the term under 
                section 101 of the Congressional Accountability 
                Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1301); and
                    (B) includes any employee of the Office of 
                Congressional Accessibility Services whose pay 
                is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate.
            (3) Employing office.--The term ``employing 
                    (A) means the employing office, as defined 
                under section 101 of the Congressional 
                Accountability Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1301), of 
                an employee of the Senate; and
                    (B) includes the Office of Congressional 
                Accessibility Services with respect to 
                employees of that office whose pay is disbursed 
                by the Secretary of the Senate.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

(b) Senate student loan repayment program

        (1) Service agreements

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

        (2) Submission of agreements

            On entering into a service agreement under this 
        section, the employing office shall submit a copy of 
        the service agreement to the Secretary.
            (3) Exclusion from participation in dual 
        programs.--Notwithstanding section 5379 of title 5, 
        United States Code, an employee of the Office of 
        Congressional Accessibility Services may not 
        participate in the student loan repayment program 
        through an agreement under that section and participate 
        in the student loan repayment program through a service 
        agreement under this section at the same time.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                     Chapter 5--Library of Congress

Sec. 160. Disbursement of gifts, etc., to Library

    [Nothing] (a) In General.--Nothing in sections 154 to 162 
and 163 1 of this title shall be construed as prohibiting or 
restricting the Librarian of Congress from accepting in the 
name of the United States [gifts or bequests of money for 
immediate disbursement] and in the interest of the Library, its 
collections, or its service, gifts or bequests of personal 
property, nonpersonal services, voluntary and uncompensated 
personal services, or money for immediate disbursement. Such 
gifts or bequests of money, after acceptance by the librarian, 
shall be paid by the donor or his representative to the 
Treasurer of the United States, whose receipts shall be their 
acquittance. In the case of a gift of securities, the librarian 
shall sell the securities and provide the donor with a receipt 
from the proceeds of the sale. The Treasurer of the United 
States shall [enter them] enter the gift, bequest, or proceeds 
in a special account to the credit of the Library of Congress 
and subject to disbursement by the librarian for the purposes 
in each case specified.
    (b) Reporting, Disclosure, and Notification Requirements.--
            (1) Reporting and disclosure.--
                    (A) Issuance.--Each year the Librarian of 
                Congress shall issue a public report that 
                            (i) each gift or bequest accepted 
                        under subsection (a), including each 
                        gift or bequest of personal property, 
                        nonpersonal services, voluntary and 
                        uncompensated personal services, or 
                        money for immediate disbursement; and
                            (ii) details of any financial 
                        transaction required under subsection 
                        (a) relating to each of those gifts or 
                    (B) Publication.--Each public report issued 
                under subparagraph (A) shall be published in 
                the Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress 
                and the annual Financial Statements of the 
                Library of Congress, with specific pagination 
                of each gift or bequest listed in the table of 
                contents or index.
                    (C) Website public access.--The Annual 
                Report of the Librarian of Congress and the 
                annual Financial Statements of the Library of 
                Congress, including the public report issued 
                under subparagraph (A), shall be posted on the 
                website of the Library of Congress for public 
            (2) Notification.--Not later than 5 business days 
        before acceptance or rejection of any gift or bequest 
        under subsection (a), the Librarian of Congress shall 
        notify the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Joint 
        Committee on the Library of--
                    (A) the determination of the Librarian of 
                Congress to accept or reject that gift or 
                bequest; and
                    (B) if the gift or bequest is accepted, the 
                details of all financial transactions relating 
                to that gift or bequest.



                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                       Administrative Provisions

  Sec. 103. (a) * * *
  (b) [Subject to the allocation described in subsection (c), 
funds] Funds in the account established under subsection (a) 
shall be paid--
          (1) for activities of the Republican Conference in 
        such amounts, at such times, and under such terms and 
        conditions as the Speaker of the House of 
        Representatives may [direct;] direct (or, if the 
        Speaker is not a member of the Republican Party, under 
        such terms and conditions as the Minority Leader of the 
        House of Representatives may direct); and
          (2) for activities of the Democratic Steering and 
        Policy Committee in such amounts, at such times, and 
        under such terms and conditions as the Minority Leader 
        of the House of Representatives may [direct.] direct 
        (or, if the Speaker is a member of the Democratic 
        Party, under such terms and conditions as the Speaker 
        may direct).
  [(c) Of the total amount in the account established under 
subsection (a)--
          [(1) 50 percent shall be allocated to the Speaker for 
        payments for activities of the Republican Conference; 
          [(2) 50 percent shall be allocated to the Minority 
        Leader for payments for activities of the Democratic 
        Steering and Policy Committee.]
  [(d)] (c) There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
account under this section for fiscal year 1999 and each 
succeeding fiscal year such sums as may be necessary for 
training and program development activities of the Republican 
Conference and the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee 
during the fiscal year.




    (a) Establishment.--There is hereby established in the 
Treasury a revolving fund for audio and video [duplication and 
delivery services provided by] the following programs and 
activities of the Librarian of Congress (hereafter in this Act 
referred to as the ``Librarian'') which are associated with the 
national audiovisual conservation center established under the 
Act entitled ``An Act to authorize acquisition of certain real 
property for the Library of Congress, and for other purposes'', 
approved December 15, 1997 (Public Law 105-144; 2 U.S.C. 141 
            (1) Duplication and delivery services.
            (2) Storage of audiovisual materials.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Establishment.-- * * *
            (1) Decimal classification development.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

            (4) Document reproduction and microfilming 
            (5) Traveling exhibitions.
            (6) Training.


                           PUBLIC LAW 107-38

                               CHAPTER 9

                           LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                       Administrative Provisions

  [Sec. 905. (a) There is established in the House of 
Representatives an office to be known as the House of 
Representatives Office of Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and 
Operations. The Office shall be responsible for mitigation and 
preparedness operations, crisis management and response, 
resource services, and recovery operations.
  [(b) The Speaker, in consultation with the minority leader--
          [(1) shall provide policy direction for, and 
        oversight of, the Office;
          [(2) shall appoint and set the annual rate of pay for 
        employees of the Office, including a Director, who 
        shall be the head of the Office;
          [(3) shall exercise, with respect to any employee of 
        the Office, the authority referred to in section 
        8344(k)(2)(B) of title 5, United States Code, and the 
        authority referred to in section 8468(h)(2)(B) of title 
        5, United States Code;
          [(4) shall approve procurement of services of experts 
        and consultants by the Office or by committees or other 
        entities of the House of Representatives for assignment 
        to the Office; and
          [(5) may request the head of any Federal department 
        or agency to detail to the Office, on a reimbursable 
        basis, any of the personnel of the department or 
  [(c) The day-to-day operations of the Office shall be carried 
out by the Director, under the supervision of a Board, to be 
known as the House of Representatives Continuity of Operations 
Board, comprised of the Clerk, the Sergeant at Arms, and the 
Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives. 
The Clerk shall be the Chairman of the Board.
  [(d) Until otherwise provided by law, funds shall be 
available for the Office from amounts appropriated for the 
operations of the House of Representatives.
  [(e) This section shall take effect on the date of the 
enactment of this Act and shall apply to fiscal years beginning 
with fiscal year 2002.]


                               DIVISION G


                       Administrative Provisions

  Sec. 109. (a) There is established in the House of 
Representatives an office to be known as the Republican Policy 
Committee, which shall have such responsibilities as may be 
assigned by [the chair of the Republican Conference] the 
Speaker of the House of Representatives (or, if the Speaker is 
not a member of the Republican Party, the Minority Leader of 
the House of Representatives).
  (b) There shall be a lump sum allowance for the salaries and 
expenses of the Republican Policy Committee, which shall be 
treated as a category of House leadership offices for purposes 
of section 101(c) of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 
1993 (2 U.S.C. 95b(c))[.], and which shall be obligated and 
expended as directed by the Speaker (or, if the Speaker is not 
a member of the Republican Party, the Minority Leader).

                        BUDGETARY IMPACT OF BILL

                                            [In millions of dollars]
                                                                  Budget authority               Outlays
                                                               Committee    Amount  in   Committee    Amount  in
                                                               allocation      bill      allocation      bill
Comparison of amounts in the bill with Committee allocations
 to its subcommittees of amounts in the budget resolution
 for 2012: Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch:
    Mandatory...............................................          136          136          136       \1\136
    Discretionary...........................................        4,307        4,190        4,385     \1\4,289
        Security............................................           10           10           NA           NA
        Nonsecurity.........................................        4,297        4,180           NA           NA
Projections of outlays associated with the recommendation:
    2012....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........     \2\3,563
    2013....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........          439
    2014....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........          117
    2015....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........           32
    2016 and future years...................................  ...........  ...........  ...........           16
Financial assistance to State and local governments for                NA  ...........           NA  ...........

\1\Includes outlays from prior-year budget authority.
\2\Excludes outlays from prior-year budget authority.

NA: Not applicable.

                                                                        YEAR 2012
                                                                [In thousands of dollars]
                                                                                                       Senate Committee recommendation compared with  (+
                                                                                                                             or -)
               Item                      2011       Budget estimate  House allowance     Committee    --------------------------------------------------
                                    appropriation                                      recommendation        2012
                                                                                                        appropriation   Budget estimate  House allowance



Expense allowances:
    Vice President...............              20               20   ...............              19               -1               -1              +19
    President Pro Tempore of the               40               40   ...............              38               -2               -2              +38
    Majority Leader of the Senate              40               40   ...............              38               -2               -2              +38
    Minority Leader of the Senate              40               40   ...............              38               -2               -2              +38
    Majority Whip of the Senate..              10               10   ...............               9               -1               -1               +9
    Minority Whip of the Senate..              10               10   ...............               9               -1               -1               +9
    Chairman of the Majority                    5                5   ...............               5   ...............  ...............              +5
     Conference Committee........
    Chairman of the Minority                    5                5   ...............               5   ...............  ...............              +5
     Conference Committee........
    Chairman of the Majority                    5                5   ...............               5   ...............  ...............              +5
     Policy Committee............
    Chairman of the Minority                    5                5   ...............               5   ...............  ...............              +5
     Policy Committee............
      Subtotal, expense                       180              180   ...............             171               -9               -9             +171

Representation allowances for the              30               30   ...............              28               -2               -2              +28
 Majority and Minority Leaders...
      Total, Expense allowances               210              210   ...............             199              -11              -11             +199
       and representation........

 Salaries, Officers and Employees

Office of the Vice President.....           2,512            2,517   ...............           2,361             -151             -156           +2,361
Office of the President Pro                   750              752   ...............             705              -45              -47             +705
Offices of the Majority and                 5,202            5,212   ...............           4,889             -313             -323           +4,889
 Minority Leaders................
Offices of the Majority and                 3,281            3,288   ...............           3,085             -196             -203           +3,085
 Minority Whips..................
Committee on Appropriations......          15,812           15,844   ...............          14,864             -948             -980          +14,864
Conference committees............           3,445            3,452   ...............           3,238             -207             -214           +3,238
Offices of the Secretaries of the             848              850   ...............             797              -51              -53             +797
 Conference of the Majority and
 the Conference of the Minority..
Policy Committees................           3,519            3,526   ...............           3,308             -211             -218           +3,308
Office of the Chaplain...........             414              415   ...............             389              -25              -26             +389
Office of the Secretary..........          25,738           25,790   ...............          24,194           -1,544           -1,596          +24,194
Office of the Sergeant at Arms             76,846           77,588   ...............          73,000           -3,846           -4,588          +73,000
 and Doorkeeper..................
Offices of the Secretaries for              1,832            1,836   ...............           1,722             -110             -114           +1,722
 the Majority and Minority.......
Agency contributions and related           45,409           45,500   ...............          42,684           -2,725           -2,816          +42,684
      Total, Salaries, officers           185,608          186,570   ...............         175,236          -10,372          -11,334         +175,236
       and employees.............

Office of the Legislative Counsel
          of the Senate

Salaries and expenses............           7,140            7,411   ...............           6,711             -429             -700           +6,711

  Office of Senate Legal Counsel

Salaries and expenses............           1,541            1,544   ...............           1,448              -93              -96           +1,448
Expense Allowances of the                      30               30   ...............              28               -2               -2              +28
 Secretary of the Senate,
 Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper
 of the Senate, and Secretaries
 for the Majority and Minority of
 the Senate: Expenses allowances.

Contingent Expenses of the Senate

Inquiries and investigations.....         140,219          161,346   ...............         131,306           -8,913          -30,040         +131,306
Expenses of United States Senate              519              520   ...............             488              -31              -32             +488
 Caucus on International
 Narcotics Control...............
Secretary of the Senate..........           6,188            6,200   ...............           5,816             -372             -384           +5,816
Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper           142,116          141,588   ...............         131,040          -11,076          -10,548         +131,040
 of the Senate...................
Miscellaneous items..............          21,103           18,860   ...............          14,860           -6,243           -4,000          +14,860
Senators' Official Personnel and          409,180          446,967   ...............         396,180          -13,000          -50,787         +396,180
 Office Expense Account..........

       Official Mail Costs

Expenses.........................             299              300   ...............             281              -18              -19             +281
      Total, Contingent expenses          719,624          775,781   ...............         679,971          -39,653          -95,810         +679,971
       of the Senate.............

      Total, Senate..............         914,153          971,546   ...............         863,593          -50,560         -107,953         +863,593


      Salaries and Expenses

     House Leadership Offices

Office of the Speaker............           4,878            4,877            6,943            6,943           +2,065           +2,066   ...............
    Speaker's Office for                      498              497   ...............  ...............            -498             -497   ...............
     Legislative Floor Activities
    Republican Steering Committee             941              942   ...............  ...............            -941             -942   ...............
    Republican Policy Committee..             344              348   ...............  ...............            -344             -348   ...............
    Training and Program                      278              279   ...............  ...............            -278             -279   ...............
     Development, Majority.......
    Cloakroom Personnel, Majority             477              477   ...............  ...............            -477             -477   ...............
      Subtotal, Office of the               7,416            7,420            6,943            6,943             -473             -477   ...............

Office of the Majority Floor                2,433            2,430            2,278            2,278             -155             -152   ...............
Office of the Minority Floor                4,378            4,385            7,433            7,433           +3,055           +3,048   ...............
    Democratic Steering and                 1,319            1,312   ...............  ...............          -1,319           -1,312   ...............
     Policy Committee............
    Nine minority employees......           1,487            1,491   ...............  ...............          -1,487           -1,491   ...............
    Training and Program                      277              279   ...............  ...............            -277             -279   ...............
     Development, Minority.......
    Cloakroom Personnel, Minority             477              477   ...............  ...............            -477             -477   ...............
      Subtotal, Office of the               7,938            7,944            7,433            7,433             -505             -511   ...............
       Minority Floor Leader.....

Office of the Majority Whip......           2,105            2,108            1,971            1,971             -134             -137   ...............
Office of the Minority Whip......           1,629            1,624            1,525            1,525             -104              -99   ...............
Republican Conference............           1,680            1,679            1,573            1,573             -107             -106   ...............
Democratic Caucus................           1,660            1,657            1,554            1,554             -106             -103   ...............
      Subtotal, House Leadership           24,861           24,862           23,277           23,277           -1,584           -1,585   ...............

   Transition to Calendar Year

Office of the Speaker............  ...............  ...............           1,736            1,736           +1,736           +1,736   ...............
Office of the Majority Floor       ...............  ...............             569              569             +569             +569   ...............
Office of the Minority Floor       ...............  ...............           1,858            1,858           +1,858           +1,858   ...............
Office of the Majority Whip......  ...............  ...............             493              493             +493             +493   ...............
Office of the Minority Whip......  ...............  ...............             381              381             +381             +381   ...............
Republican Conference............  ...............  ...............             393              393             +393             +393   ...............
Democratic Caucus................  ...............  ...............             388              388             +388             +388   ...............
      Subtotal, Transition to      ...............  ...............           5,818            5,818           +5,818           +5,818   ...............
       Calendar Year Funding.....

    Members' Representational
  Allowances Including Members'
 Clerk Hire, Official Expenses of
    Members, and Official Mail

Expenses.........................         613,052          633,848          573,939          573,939          -39,113          -59,909   ...............

       Committee Employees

Standing Committees, Special and          134,549          134,549          125,965          125,965           -8,584           -8,584   ...............
Committee on Appropriations                28,483           28,483           26,666           26,666           -1,817           -1,817   ...............
 (including studies and
      Subtotal, Committee                 163,032          163,032          152,631          152,631          -10,401          -10,401   ...............

 Salaries, Officers and Employees

Office of the Clerk..............          28,589           30,516           26,114           26,114           -2,475           -4,402   ...............
Office of the Sergeant at Arms...           9,034           19,454            8,140            8,140             -894          -11,314   ...............
Office of Emergency Management...  ...............           4,445            4,445            4,445           +4,445   ...............  ...............
Office of the Chief                       127,782          130,782          116,782          116,782          -11,000          -14,000   ...............
 Administrative Officer..........
Office of the Inspector General..           5,045            5,045            5,045            5,045   ...............  ...............  ...............
Office for Emergency Planning,              4,445   ...............  ...............  ...............          -4,445   ...............  ...............
 Preparedness and Operations.....
Office of General Counsel........           1,415            1,415            1,415            1,415   ...............  ...............  ...............
Office of the Chaplain...........             179              179              179              179   ...............  ...............  ...............
Office of the Parliamentarian....           2,060            2,060            2,060            2,060   ...............  ...............  ...............
    Office of the Parliamentarian          (1,466)          (1,466)          (1,466)          (1,466)  ...............  ...............  ...............
    Compilation of precedents of             (594)            (594)            (594)            (594)  ...............  ...............  ...............
     the House of Representatives
Office of the Law Revision                  3,258            3,258            3,258            3,258   ...............  ...............  ...............
 Counsel of the House............
Office of the Legislative Counsel           8,814            8,814            8,814            8,814   ...............  ...............  ...............
 of the House....................
Office of Interparliamentary                  859              859              859              859   ...............  ...............  ...............
Other authorized employees.......           1,249            1,249              347              347             -902             -902   ...............
Office of the Historian..........             597              170              170              170             -427   ...............  ...............
      Subtotal, Salaries,                 193,326          208,246          177,628          177,628          -15,698          -30,618   ...............
       officers and employees....

     Allowances and Expenses

Supplies, materials,                        3,948            3,948            3,696            3,696             -252             -252   ...............
 administrative costs and Federal
 tort claims.....................
Official mail for committees,                 201              201              201              201   ...............  ...............  ...............
 leadership offices, and
 administrative offices of the
Government contributions.........         280,349          276,703          264,848          264,848          -15,501          -11,855   ...............
Business Continuity and Disaster           22,912           17,098           17,112           17,112           -5,800              +14   ...............
Transition activities............           2,907            2,907            1,722            1,722           -1,185           -1,185   ...............
Wounded Warrior program..........           2,000            2,500            2,500            2,500             +500   ...............  ...............
Energy demonstration projects....           2,500            2,500   ...............  ...............          -2,500           -2,500   ...............
Office of Congressional Ethic....           1,548            1,548            1,548            1,548   ...............  ...............  ...............
Miscellaneous items..............             760              760              760              760   ...............  ...............  ...............
      Subtotal, Allowances and            317,125          308,165          292,387          292,387          -24,738          -15,778   ...............
      Total, House of                   1,311,396        1,338,153        1,225,680        1,225,680          -85,716         -112,473   ...............

           JOINT ITEMS

Joint Economic Committee.........           4,490            4,814            4,203            4,490   ...............            -324             +287
Joint Congressional Committee on   ...............           1,237   ...............           1,237           +1,237   ...............          +1,237
 Inaugural Ceremonies............
Joint Committee on Taxation......          10,530           11,327           10,424           10,761             +231             -566             +337

Office of the Attending Physician

Medical supplies, equipment,                3,400            3,403            3,400            3,403               +3   ...............              +3
 expenses, and allowances........
Office of Congressional                     1,374            1,363            1,363            1,363              -11   ...............  ...............
 Accessibility Services..........
      Total, Joint items.........          19,794           22,144           19,390           21,254           +1,460             -890           +1,864


Salaries.........................         277,133          299,343          278,133          276,930             -203          -22,413           -1,203
General expenses.................          63,004           88,273           63,004           54,473           -8,531          -33,800           -8,531
      Total, Capitol Police......         340,137          387,616          341,137          331,403           -8,734          -56,213           -9,734


Salaries and expenses............           4,077            4,782            3,817            3,870             -207             -912              +53


Salaries and expenses............          46,771           46,865           43,787           44,409           -2,362           -2,456             +622


General administration...........         106,569          119,150          104,790           94,980          -11,589          -24,170           -9,810
Capitol building.................          33,116           41,545           35,354           29,056           -4,060          -12,489           -6,298
Capitol grounds..................          10,952           10,799            9,852            8,837           -2,115           -1,962           -1,015
Senate office buildings..........          74,243           87,253   ...............          66,453           -7,790          -20,800          +66,453

House of Representatives
    House office buildings.......         100,265          119,647           89,154           89,154          -11,111          -30,493   ...............
    House Historic buildings               49,900           50,000           30,000           30,000          -19,900          -20,000   ...............
     revitalization fund.........
Capitol Power Plant..............         126,879          150,101          136,159          121,139           -5,740          -28,962          -15,020
    Offsetting collections.......          -7,984           -8,000           -9,000           -8,000              -16   ...............          +1,000
      Subtotal, Capitol Power             118,895          142,101          127,159          113,139           -5,756          -28,962          -14,020

Library buildings and grounds....          45,703           67,888           38,486           27,762          -17,941          -40,126          -10,724
Capitol police buildings, grounds          26,958           32,312           21,500           18,212           -8,746          -14,100           -3,288
 and security....................
Botanic garden...................          11,367           12,344           11,367            9,582           -1,785           -2,762           -1,785

Capitol Visitor Center:
    CVC Operations...............          22,414           23,016           21,276           19,438           -2,976           -3,578           -1,838
      Total, Architect of the             600,382          706,055          488,938          506,613          -93,769         -199,442          +17,675


Salaries and expenses............         438,122          462,329          412,446          411,848          -26,274          -50,481             -598
    Authority to spend receipts..          -6,337           -6,350           -6,350           -6,350              -13   ...............  ...............
      Subtotal, Salaries and              431,785          455,979          406,096          405,498          -26,287          -50,481             -598

Copyright Office, salaries and             54,367           56,440           50,974           53,533             -834           -2,907           +2,559
    Authority to spend receipts..         -36,539          -34,717          -36,513          -36,539   ...............          -1,822              -26
      Subtotal, Copyright Office.          17,828           21,723           14,461           16,994             -834           -4,729           +2,533

Congressional Research Service,           111,018          117,102          104,091          105,819           -5,199          -11,283           +1,728
 salaries and expenses...........
Books for the blind and                    68,046           71,927           50,674           50,860          -17,186          -21,067             +186
 physically handicapped Salaries
 and expenses....................
      Total, Library of Congress.         628,677          666,731          575,322          579,171          -49,506          -87,560           +3,849


Congressional printing and                 93,580          100,001           74,586           81,314          -12,266          -18,687           +6,728
Office of the Superintendent of            39,831           42,173           33,468           35,000           -4,831           -7,173           +1,532
 Documents, salaries and expenses
Government Printing Office                  1,656            6,300   ...............             500           -1,156           -5,800             +500
 Revolving Fund..................
      Total, Government Printing          135,067          148,474          108,054          116,814          -18,253          -31,660           +8,760


Salaries and expenses............         565,715          575,153          529,600          522,822          -42,893          -52,331           -6,778
    Offsetting collections.......         -19,461          -18,304          -18,304          -18,304           +1,157   ...............  ...............
      Total, Government                   546,254          556,849          511,296          504,518          -41,736          -52,331           -6,778
       Accountability Office.....


Payment to the Open World                  11,377           12,600            1,000           10,000           -1,377           -2,600           +9,000
 Leadership Center Trust Fund....


Stennis Center for Public Service             429              430   ...............             430               +1   ...............            +430


Architect of the Capitol, Capitol         -14,600   ...............  ...............  ...............         +14,600   ...............  ...............
 Visitor Center (Sec. 210)
Architect of the Capitol(Sec.      ...............  ...............  ...............         -17,482          -17,482          -17,482          -17,482
 210) (rescission)...............
      Total, General Provisions..         -14,600   ...............  ...............         -17,482           -2,882          -17,482          -17,482
      Grand total................       4,543,914        4,862,245        3,318,421        4,190,273         -353,641         -671,972         +871,852
          Regular appropriations.      (4,558,514)      (4,862,245)      (3,318,421)      (4,207,755)       (-350,759)       (-654,490)       (+889,334)
          Rescission.............        (-14,600)  ...............  ...............        (-17,482)         (-2,882)        (-17,482)        (-17,482)


Senate...........................         914,153          971,546   ...............         863,593          -50,560         -107,953         +863,593
House of Representatives.........       1,311,396        1,338,153        1,225,680        1,225,680          -85,716         -112,473   ...............
Joint Items......................          19,794           22,144           19,390           21,254           +1,460             -890           +1,864
Capitol Police...................         340,137          387,616          341,137          331,403           -8,734          -56,213           -9,734
Office of Compliance.............           4,077            4,782            3,817            3,870             -207             -912              +53
Congressional Budget Office......          46,771           46,865           43,787           44,409           -2,362           -2,456             +622
Architect of the Capitol.........         600,382          706,055          488,938          506,613          -93,769         -199,442          +17,675
Library of Congress..............         628,677          666,731          575,322          579,171          -49,506          -87,560           +3,849
Government Printing Office.......         135,067          148,474          108,054          116,814          -18,253          -31,660           +8,760
Government Accountability Office.         546,254          556,849          511,296          504,518          -41,736          -52,331           -6,778
Open World Leadership Center.....          11,377           12,600            1,000           10,000           -1,377           -2,600           +9,000
Stennis Center for Public Service             429              430   ...............             430               +1   ...............            +430
General provisions...............         -14,600   ...............  ...............         -17,482           -2,882          -17,482          -17,482
Prior year outlays...............  ...............  ...............  ...............  ...............  ...............  ...............  ...............
      Grand total................       4,543,914        4,862,245        3,318,421        4,190,273         -353,641         -671,972         +871,852
          Regular appropriations.      (4,558,514)      (4,862,245)      (3,318,421)      (4,207,755)       (-350,759)       (-654,490)       (+889,334)
          Rescission.............        (-14,600)  ...............  ...............        (-17,482)         (-2,882)        (-17,482)        (-17,482)