Press Releases

February 2013

Date Title
2/5/13 McConnell on Sequester: ‘It’s time to get serious’
2/4/13 McConnell Calls Dem Tax Hikes on Planes, Energy Production, ‘Poll-tested Gimmicks’
2/1/13 McConnell, 42 Senators Demand Accountability and Transparency at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Files

January 2013

Date Title
1/31/13 Industrialized Hemp Will Help Spur Economic Growth and Create Jobs in Kentucky
1/31/13 Dem Focus on Tax Hikes Distracts From Real Problem – Out-of-Control Spending
1/30/13 Spending Cuts, Not Tax Hikes, Are Key to Easing Debt Crisis
1/29/13 Debt Debate Provides Opportunity to Boost Economic Growth, Reform Government
1/28/13 McConnell Statement on Immigration Framework
1/28/13 Let’s Start Now on Debt Solution, Avoid an 11th Hour Deal
1/25/13 Court Rules President Obama’s NLRB ‘Recess’ Appointments Are Unconstitutional
1/24/13 McConnell Statement on Senate Rules
1/24/13 McConnell: Dems Should Use Budget to Cut Spending, Not Raise More Taxes
1/23/13 President Should Drop Polarizing, Hard-Left Agenda and Focus on Bipartisan Solutions Files
1/22/13 President Should Approve Keystone XL Pipeline
1/22/13 McConnell Statement on 40th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, March for Life
1/22/13 On Spending and Debt: ‘If We Don’t get a Handle on That, Nothing Else Matters'
1/21/13 McConnell Statement on the President’s Inauguration
1/21/13 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1/18/13 McConnell Calls on Senate Democrats to Lead and Pass a Budget
1/14/13 Senator McConnell Visits Afghanistan and Israel with Congressional Delegation
1/11/13 McConnell on Democrat Debt Letter: ‘The height of irresponsibility’
1/4/13 McConnell Successful in Effort to Permanently Stop Death Tax Hike
1/3/13 As the 113th Congress Convenes, Focus Turns to Spending Cuts
1/2/13 Debt Ceiling an Opportunity to Curb Out-of-Control Washington Spending
1/1/13 ‘An imperfect solution’ to prevent very real financial pain