Daily Digest

Daily Digest/Senate

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D1017-D1019]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                                        Tuesday, September 28, 2010

[[Page D1017]]

                              Daily Digest


Chamber Action
Routine Proceedings, pages S7565-S7669
Measures Introduced: Eighteen bills and eleven resolutions were 
introduced, as follows: S. 11, 3848-3864, and S. Res. 652-662. 
                                                         Pages S7618-19
Measures Reported:
  S. 1816, to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to improve 
and reauthorize the Chesapeake Bay Program, with an amendment in the 
nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 111-333)
  S. 679, to establish a research, development, demonstration, and 
commercial application program to promote research of appropriate 
technologies for heavy duty plug-in hybrid vehicles. (S. Rept. No. 111-
  S. 2843, to provide for a program of research, development, 
demonstration, and commercial application in vehicle technologies at 
the Department of Energy, with an amendment in the nature of a 
substitute. (S. Rept. No. 111-335)
  S. 3495, to promote the deployment of plug-in electric drive 
vehicles, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. 
No. 111-336)
  S. 3184, to provide United States assistance for the purpose of 
eradicating severe forms of trafficking in children in eligible 
countries through the implementation of Child Protection Compacts. (S. 
Rept. No. 111-337)
  H.R. 1345, to amend title 5, United States Code, to eliminate the 
discriminatory treatment of the District of Columbia under the 
provisions of law commonly referred to as the ``Hatch Act'', with 
  S. 2847, to regulate the volume of audio on commercials, with an 
amendment in the nature of a substitute.
Page S7615
Measures Passed:
  Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act: Senate passed 
S. 3751, to amend the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005, 
after agreeing to the committee amendment in the nature of a 
  Page S7650
  Vietnam Veterans Memorial Visitor Center: Senate passed H.R. 3689, to 
provide for an extension of the legislative authority of the Vietnam 
Veterans Memorial Fund, Inc. to establish a Vietnam Veterans Memorial 
visitor center.
  Page S7653
  Prevention of Interstate Commerce in Animal Crush Videos Act: 
Committee on the Judiciary was discharged from further consideration of 
H.R. 5566, to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit 
interstate commerce in animal crush videos, and the bill was then 
passed, after agreeing to the following amendment proposed thereto: 
                                                         Pages S7653-54
  Durbin (for Kyl) Amendment No. 4668, in the nature of a substitute. 
                                                             Page S7654
  Anti-Border Corruption Act: Senate passed S. 3243, to require U.S. 
Customs and Border Protection to administer polygraph examinations to 
all applicants for law enforcement position with U.S. Customs and 
Border Protection, to require U.S. Customs and Border Protection to 
initiate all periodic background reinvestigations of certain law 
enforcement personnel, after agreeing to the committee amendment. 
                                                         Pages S7654-55
  Social Security Number Protection Act: Committee on Finance was 
discharged from further consideration of S. 3789, to limit access to 
social security account numbers, and the bill was then passed. 
                                                             Page S7655
  Political Status Education in the Territory of Guam: Committee on 
Energy and Natural Resources was discharged from further consideration 
of H.R. 3940, to clarify the availability of existing funds for 
political status education in the Territory of Guam, and the bill was 
then passed, after agreeing to the following amendments proposed 
  Pages S7655-56
  Durbin (for Bingaman) Amendment No. 4669, in the nature of a 
Pages S7655-56
  Durbin (for Bingaman) Amendment No. 4670, to amend the title. 
                                                             Page S7656
  5-Star Generals Commemorative Coin Act: Committee on Banking, 
Housing, and Urban Affairs was discharged from further consideration of 
H.R. 1177, to require the Secretary of the Treasury to

[[Page D1018]]

mint coins in recognition of 5 United States Army 5-Star Generals, 
George Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower, Henry ``Hap'' 
Arnold, and Omar Bradley, alumni of the United States Army Command and 
General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to coincide with the 
celebration of the 132nd Anniversary of the founding of the United 
States Army Command and General Staff College, and the bill was then 
  Page S7656
  Veterans' Insurance and Health Care Improvements Act: Committee on 
Veterans' Affairs was discharged from further consideration of H.R. 
3219, to amend title 38, United States Code, and the Servicemembers 
Civil Relief Act to make certain improvements in the laws administered 
by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and the bill was then passed, 
after agreeing to the following amendments proposed thereto: 
                                                         Pages S7656-65
  Durbin (for Akaka) Amendment No. 4671, in the nature of a substitute.
                                                             Page S7665
  Durbin (for Akaka) Amendment No. 4672, to amend the title. 
                                                             Page S7665
  Thailand Fulbright Program 60th Anniversary: Senate agreed to S. Res. 
469, recognizing the 60th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program in 
  Page S7665
  Feed America Day: Committee on the Judiciary was discharged from 
further consideration of S. Res. 646, designating Thursday, November 
18, 2010, as ``Feed America Day'', and the resolution was then agreed 
  Page S7665
  Honoring Alfred Lind: Senate agreed to S. Res. 652, honoring Mr. 
Alfred Lind for his dedicated service to the United States of America 
during World War II as a member of the Armed Forces and a prisoner of 
war, and for his tireless efforts on behalf of other members of the 
Armed Forces touched by war.
  Page S7666
  Nuclear Weapons Program Workers Day: Senate agreed to S. Res. 653, 
designating October 30, 2010, as a national day of remembrance for 
nuclear weapons program workers.
  Page S7666
  Gold Star Wives Day: Senate agreed to S. Res. 654, designating 
December 18, 2010, as ``Gold Star Wives Day''.
  Page S7666
  Stomach Cancer Awareness Month: Senate agreed to S. Res. 655, 
designating November 2010 as ``Stomach Cancer Awareness Month'' and 
supporting efforts to educate the public about stomach cancer. 
                                                         Pages S7666-67
  USA Science & Engineering Festival: Senate agreed to S. Res. 656, 
expressing support for the inaugural USA Science & Engineering 
  Page S7667
  Hoover Dam 75th Anniversary: Senate agreed to S. Res. 657, 
celebrating the 75th anniversary of the dedication of the Hoover Dam. 
                                                             Page S7667
  National Character Counts Week: Senate agreed to S. Res. 658, 
designating the week beginning October 17, 2010, as ``National 
Character Counts Week''.
  Page S7668
   Lights on Afterschool: Senate agreed to S. Res. 659, supporting 
``Lights on Afterschool'', a national celebration of afterschool 
  Pages S7668-69
  Public Diplomacy Program: Senate agreed to S. Res. 660, expressing 
support for a public diplomacy program promoting advancements in 
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics made by or in 
partnership with the people of the United States.
  Page S7669
  Authorize Representation: Senate agreed to S. Res. 661, to authorize 
representation by the Senate Legal Counsel in the case of McCarthy v. 
Byrd, et al.
  Page S7669
Measures Considered:
  Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act: Senate continued 
consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 3816, to 
amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to create American jobs and to 
prevent the offshoring of such jobs overseas.
  Pages S7580-85
  During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the 
following action:
   By 53 yeas to 45 nays (Vote No. 242), three-fifths of those Senators 
duly chosen and sworn, not having voted in the affirmative, Senate 
rejected the motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to 
consideration of the bill.
Page S7585
  Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs 
Appropriations Act--Agreement: Senate resumed consideration of the 
motion to proceed to consideration of H.R. 3081, making appropriations 
for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs 
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010.
  Pages S785-S7605
  During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the 
following action:
  By 84 yeas to 14 nays (Vote No. 243), three-fifths of those Senators 
duly chosen and sworn, having voted in the affirmative, Senate agreed 
to the motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to 
consideration of the bill.
Page S7585

[[Page D1019]]

  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that upon 
disposition of S.J. Res. 39, Senate continue consideration of the 
motion to proceed to consideration of the bill; provided further, that 
any time during the consideration of S.J. Res. 39, morning business, 
recess or adjournment count post-cloture.
Page S7669
  Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services Joint Resolution--Agreement: 
A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached providing that at 10 
a.m., on Wednesday, September 29, 2010, the Republican Leader, or his 
designee, be recognized to move to proceed to consideration of S.J. 
Res. 39, providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of 
title 5, United States Code, of the rule relating to status as a 
grandfathered health plan under the Patient Protection and Affordable 
Care Act; that there be 2 hours of debate on the motion to proceed, 
with the time equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders, 
or their designees; and that upon the use or yielding back of time, 
Senate vote on adoption of the motion to proceed to consideration of 
the joint resolution; that if the motion to proceed is adopted, there 
be 1 hour of debate with respect to the joint resolution, with the time 
equally divided between the two Leaders, or their designees; that upon 
the use or yielding back of time, the joint resolution be read a third 
time, and Senate vote on passage of the joint resolution; provided 
further, that if the motion to proceed to the joint resolution is 
defeated, then no further motion to proceed to the joint resolution be 
in order for the remainder of this Congress; provided further, that no 
amendments or any other motions be in order to the joint resolution, 
and that all other provisions of the statute governing consideration of 
the joint resolution remain in effect.
  Page S7605
Messages from the House:
  Pages S7613-14
Enrolled Bills Presented:
  Page S7614
Executive Communications:
  Pages S7614-15
Executive Reports of Committees:
  Pages S7615-18
Additional Cosponsors:
  Pages S7619-20
Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:
  Pages S7620-38
Additional Statements:
  Pages S7608-13
Amendments Submitted:
  Pages S7638-49
Authorities for Committees to Meet:
  Pages S7650-53
Record Votes: Two record votes were taken today. (Total--243) 
                                                             Page S7585
Adjournment: Senate convened at 10 a.m. and adjourned at 8:14 p.m., 
until 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 29, 2010. (For Senate's 
program, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's 
Record on page S7669.)


Daily Digest/Senate Committee Meetings

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D1019-D1020]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

Committee Meetings
(Committees not listed did not meet)
Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a hearing to examine 
the Department of Defense efficiencies initiatives, after receiving 
testimony from William J. Lynn III, Deputy Secretary, Ashton B. Carter, 
Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, and General 
James E. Cartwright, USMC, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, all of 
the Department of Defense.
Committee on Armed Services: Committee ordered favorably reported 3,273 
nominations in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.
Committee on the Budget: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the 
outlook for the economy and fiscal policy, after receiving testimony 
from Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director, Congressional Budget Office.
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on 
Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance concluded an 
oversight hearing to examine the National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration (NHTSA), focusing on an examination of the Highway 
Safety Provisions of SAFETEA-LU, after receiving testimony from David 
Strickland, Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, Department of Transportation; Neil Pedersen, Maryland 
State Highway Administration, on behalf of the Governors Highway Safety 
Association, Jacqueline S. Gillan, Advocates for Highway and Auto 
Safety, and Robert Strassburger, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, 
all of Washington, D.C.; Laura Dean-Mooney, Mothers Against Drunk 
Driving, Irving, Texas; Ira H. Leesfield, Academy of Florida Trial 
Lawyers, Miami; Thomas M. James, Truck Renting and Leasing Association, 
Alexandria, Virginia; and Ethan Ruby, New York, New York.
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on 
Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and 
Security concluded

[[Page D1020]]

a hearing to examine pipeline safety, focusing on assessing the San 
Bruno, California explosion and other recent accidents, after receiving 
testimony from Senator Feinstein; Cynthia L. Quarterman, Administrator, 
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of 
Transportation; Christopher A. Hart, Vice Chairman, National 
Transportation Safety Board; Mayor Jim Ruane, San Bruno, California; 
Paul Clanon, California Public Utilities Commission, and Chris Johns, 
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, both of San Francisco, California; 
and Rick Kessler, Pipeline Safety Trust, Bellingham, Washington.
Committee on Environment and Public Works: Committee concluded a 
hearing to examine innovative project finance, after receiving 
testimony from Roy Kienitz, Under Secretary of Transportation for 
Policy; Stephanie Kopelousos, Florida Secretary of Transportation, 
Tallahassee; Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Los Angeles, California; 
and David Seltzer, Mercator Advisors LLC, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing to examine if 
private long-term disability policies provide protection as promised, 
after receiving testimony from William M. Acker, Jr., Senior United 
States District Court Judge, Northern District of Alabama; David Rust, 
Deputy Commissioner for Retirement and Disability Policy, Social 
Security Administration; Ronald Leebove, American Board of Forensic 
Counselors, Scottsdale, Arizona; Mark D. DeBofsky, John Marshall Law 
School, Chicago, Illinois; and Paul Graham, American Council of Life 
Insurers, Washington, D.C.
Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded an oversight hearing 
to examine reform in the Indian Health Service's Aberdeen area, after 
receiving testimony from Yvette Roubideaux, Director, Indian Health 
Service, Charlene Red Thunder, Area Director, Aberdeen Area Indian 
Health Service, and Gerald Roy, Deputy Inspector General, 
Investigations, Office of the Inspector General, all of the Department 
of Health and Human Services; and Ron His Horse Is Thunder, Great 
Plains Tribal Chairmen's Health Board (GPTCHB), Rapid City, South 
Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a hearing to examine 
restoring key tools to combat fraud and corruption after the Supreme 
Court's Skilling decision, after receiving testimony from Lanny A. 
Breuer, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of 
Justice; Samuel W. Buell, Duke University School of Law, Durham, North 
Carolina; Michael L. Seigel, University of Florida Fredric G. Levin 
College of Law, Gainesville; and George J. Terwilliger III, White and 
Case, Washington, D.C.
Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee ordered favorably reported 
the nomination of David B. Buckley, of Virginia, to be Inspector 
General, Central Intelligence Agency.


Daily Digest/House of Representatives

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D1020-D1027]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                        House of Representatives

Chamber Action
Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 21 public bills, H.R. 6218-
6238; and 15 resolutions, H. Con. Res. 320; and H. Res. 1660-1673 were 
  Pages H7153-55, H7210-12
Additional Cosponsors:
  Pages H7155-56, H7212-14
Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows:
  H.R. 3685, to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to include on 
the main page of the Internet website of the Department of Veterans 
Affairs a hyperlink to the VetSuccess Internet website and to publicize 
such Internet website (H. Rept. 111-624);
  H.R. 3787, to amend title 38, United States Code, to deem certain 
service in the reserve components as active service for purposes of 
laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, with an 
amendment (H. Rept. 111-625);
  H.R. 5360, to amend title 38, United States Code, to modify the 
standard of visual acuity required for eligibility for specially 
adapted housing assistance provided by the Secretary of Veterans 
Affairs, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-626);
  H.R. 5630, to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for 
qualifications for vocational rehabilitation counselors and vocational 

[[Page D1021]]

employment coordinators employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs 
(H. Rept. 111-627);
  H.R. 5993, to amend title 38, United States Code, to ensure that 
beneficiaries of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance receive financial 
counseling and disclosure information regarding life insurance 
payments, and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-628);
  H.R. 3421, to exclude from consumer credit reports medical debt that 
has been in collection and has been fully paid or settled, and for 
other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-629);
  H.R. 6132, to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a 
transition program for new veterans, to improve the disability claim 
system, and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-630);
  H.R. 2408, to expand the research and awareness activities of the 
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases 
and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to 
scleroderma, and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-
  H.R. 1347, to amend title III of the Public Health Service Act to 
provide for the establishment and implementation of concussion 
management guidelines with respect to school-aged children, and for 
other purposes, with amendments (H. Rept. 111-632);
  H.R. 5354, to establish an Advisory Committee on Gestational 
Diabetes, to provide grants to better understand and reduce gestational 
diabetes, and for other purposes, with amendments (H. Rept. 111-633);
  H.R. 2999, to amend the Public Health Service Act to enhance and 
increase the number of veterinarians trained in veterinary public 
health, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-634);
  H.R. 2941, to reauthorize and enhance Johanna's Law to increase 
public awareness and knowledge with respect to gynecologic cancers, 
with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-635);
  H.R. 1362, to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the 
establishment of permanent national surveillance systems for multiple 
sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and other neurological diseases and 
disorders, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-636);
  H.R. 1230, to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the 
establishment of a National Acquired Bone Marrow Failure Disease 
Registry, to authorize research on acquired bone marrow failure 
diseases, and for other purposes, with amendments (H. Rept. 111-637);
  H.R. 1210, to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for 
arthritis research and public health, and for other purposes, with an 
amendment (H. Rept. 111-638);
  H.R. 1032, to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the 
Public Health Service Act to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and 
treatment of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases 
in women, with amendments (H. Rept. 111-639);
  H.R. 758, to amend title IV of the Public Health Service Act to 
provide for the establishment of pediatric research consortia, with an 
amendment (H. Rept. 111-640);
  H.R. 2818, to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the 
establishment of a drug-free workplace information clearinghouse, to 
support residential methamphetamine treatment programs for pregnant and 
parenting women, to improve the prevention and treatment of 
methamphetamine addiction, and for other purposes, with an amendment 
(H. Rept. 111-641);
  H.R. 5462, to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, 
acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention, to establish and implement a birth defects prevention, risk 
reduction, and public awareness program, with amendments (H. Rept. 111-
  H.R. 6081, to amend the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 
2005, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-643);
  H.R. 6160, to develop a rare earth materials program, to amend the 
National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development Act of 
1980, and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-644);
  H.R. 305, to amend title 49, United States Code, to prohibit the 
transportation of horses in interstate transportation in a motor 
vehicle containing 2 or more levels stacked on top of one another (H. 
Rept. 111-645);
  H.R. 2378, to amend title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930 to clarify 
that fundamental exchange-rate misalignment by any foreign nation is 
actionable under United States countervailing and antidumping duty 
laws, and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 111-646); and
  H.R. 903, to amend the Public Health Service Act to enhance the roles 
of dentists and allied dental personnel in the Nation's disaster 
response framework, and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Rept. 
Pages H7152-53, H7210
Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she appointed 
Representative Yarmuth to act as Speaker pro tempore for today. 
                                                             Page H6997
Recess: The House recessed at 10:45 a.m. and reconvened at 12 noon. 
                                                             Page H7000

[[Page D1022]]

Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the guest chaplain, Reverend Roy 
Bennett, Calvary Assembly of God Church, Jefferson City, Missouri. 
                                                         Pages H7000-01
Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules and pass the 
following measures:
  Recognizing the service of the medical and air crews in helping our 
wounded warriors make the expeditious and safe trip home to the United 
States: H. Res. 1605, amended, to recognize the service of the medical 
and air crews in helping our wounded warriors make the expeditious and 
safe trip home to the United States and to commend the personnel of the 
Air Force for their commitment to the well-being of all our service men 
and women;
  Pages H7002-03
  Recognizing the anniversary of the tragic shootings that occurred at 
Fort Hood: H. Con. Res. 319, to recognize the anniversary of the tragic 
shootings that occurred at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5, 2009; 
                                                         Pages H7003-05
  Expressing support for National POW/MIA Recognition Day: H. Res. 
1630, amended, to express support for National POW/MIA Recognition Day;
                                                         Pages H7005-06
  Condemning the theft from the Mojave National Preserve of the 
national Mojave Cross memorial honoring American soldiers who died in 
World War I: H. Res. 1378, to condemn the theft from the Mojave 
National Preserve of the national Mojave Cross memorial honoring 
American soldiers who died in World War I;
  Page H7007
  Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Hoover Dam: H. Res. 1636, to 
celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Hoover Dam;
  Pages H7007-08
  Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to lease certain lands in 
Virgin Islands National Park: Concurred in the Senate amendments to 
H.R. 714, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to lease certain 
lands in Virgin Islands National Park;
  Page H7008
  Blinded Veterans Adaptive Housing Improvement Act of 2010: H.R. 5360, 
amended, to amend title 38, United States Code, to modify the standard 
of visual acuity required for eligibility for specially adapted housing 
assistance provided by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; 
                                                         Pages H7008-13
  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``To amend title 38, United 
States Code, to make certain improvements in the laws administered by 
the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes.''. 
                                                             Page H7013
  Veterans Benefits and Economic Welfare Improvement Act of 2010: H.R. 
6132, amended, to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a 
transition program for new veterans and to improve the disability claim 
  Pages H7013-17
  Amending title 38, United States Code, to deem certain service in the 
reserve components as active service for purposes of laws administered 
by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs: H.R. 3787, amended, to amend 
title 38, United States Code, to deem certain service in the reserve 
components as active service for purposes of laws administered by the 
Secretary of Veterans Affairs;
  Page H7019
  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``To amend title 38, United 
States Code, to recognize the service in the reserve components of 
certain persons by honoring them with status as veterans under law.''. 
                                                             Page H7019
  Amending title 38, United States Code, to provide for qualifications 
for vocational rehabilitation counselors and vocational rehabilitation 
employment coordinators employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs: 
H.R. 5630, to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for 
qualifications for vocational rehabilitation counselors and vocational 
rehabilitation employment coordinators employed by the Department of 
Veterans Affairs;
  Pages H7019-20
  Security Cooperation Act of 2010: S. 3847, to implement certain 
defense trade cooperation treaties;
  Pages H7040-43
  Calling for the protection of religious sites and artifacts from and 
in Turkish-occupied areas of northern Cyprus as well as for general 
respect for religious freedom: H. Res. 1631, to call for the protection 
of religious sites and artifacts from and in Turkish-occupied areas of 
northern Cyprus as well as for general respect for religious freedom; 
                                                         Pages H7048-52
  Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on the 
importance of the full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace 
Agreement to help ensure peace and stability in Sudan: H. Res. 1588, 
amended, to express the sense of the House of Representatives on the 
importance of the full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace 
Agreement to help ensure peace and stability in Sudan during and after 
mandated referenda;
  Pages H7052-55
  Honoring the lives of the brave and selfless humanitarian aid 
workers, doctors, and nurses who died in the tragic attack of August 5, 
2010, in northern Afghanistan: H. Res. 1661, to honor the lives of the 
brave and selfless humanitarian aid workers, doctors, and nurses who 
died in the tragic attack of August 5, 2010, in northern Afghanistan; 
                                                         Pages H7055-57

[[Page D1023]]

  Expressing support for the 33 trapped Chilean miners following the 
Copiapo mining disaster: H. Res. 1662, to express support for the 33 
trapped Chilean miners following the Copiapo mining disaster and the 
Government of Chile as it works to rescue the miners and reunite them 
with their families;
  Pages H7057-58
  Expressing support for the goals and ideals of the inaugural USA 
Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C.: H. Res. 1660, to 
express support for the goals and ideals of the inaugural USA Science 
 Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C.;
  Pages H7058-59
  Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission: H. Res. 
1421, to recognize the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission and 
the heroic actions of both the crew and those working at mission 
control in Houston, Texas, for bringing the three astronauts, Fred 
Haise, Jim Lovell, and Jack Swigert, home to Earth safely; 
                                                         Pages H7059-60
  WIPA and PABSS Extension Act of 2010: H.R. 6200, to amend part A of 
title XI of the Social Security Act to provide for a 1-year extension 
of the authorizations for the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance 
program and the Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social 
Security program;
  Pages H7063-64
  Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act: H.R. 4337, amended, 
to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify certain rules 
applicable to regulated investment companies;
  Pages H7064-70
  Algae-based Renewable Fuel Promotion Act: H.R. 4168, amended, to 
amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to expand the definition of 
cellulosic biofuel to include algae-based biofuel for purposes of the 
cellulosic biofuel producer credit and the special allowance for 
cellulosic biofuel plant property;
  Pages H7070-73
  Redundancy Elimination and Enhanced Performance for Preparedness 
Grants Act: Concurred in the Senate amendment to H.R. 3980, to provide 
for identifying and eliminating redundant reporting requirements and 
developing meaningful performance metrics for homeland security 
preparedness grants;
  Pages H7073-75
  Reducing Over-Classification Act: Concurred in the Senate amendment 
to H.R. 553, to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to develop a 
strategy to prevent the over-classification of homeland security and 
other information and to promote the sharing of unclassified homeland 
security and other information;
  Pages H7075-77
  Christopher Bryski Student Loan Protection Act: H.R. 5458, amended, 
to amend the Truth in Lending Act and the Higher Education Act of 1965 
to require additional disclosures and protections for students and 
cosigners with respect to student loans;
  Pages H7077-79
  Amending the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to include certain 
construction and land development loans in the definition of small 
business lending: H.R. 6191, to amend the Small Business Jobs Act of 
2010 to include certain construction and land development loans in the 
definition of small business lending;
  Pages H7081-82
  Wounded Warrior and Military Survivor Housing Assistance Act of 2010: 
H.R. 6058, to ensure that the housing assistance programs of the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of 
Veterans Affairs are available to veterans and members of the Armed 
Forces who have service-connected injuries and to survivors and 
dependents of veterans and members of the Armed Forces; 
                                                         Pages H7082-83
  Supporting the goals and ideals of Sickle Cell Disease Awareness 
Month: H. Res. 1663, to support the goals and ideals of Sickle Cell 
Disease Awareness Month;
  Pages H7083-84
  Supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence 
Awareness Month 2010: H. Res. 1637, amended, to support the goals and 
ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2010 and to 
express the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress should 
continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States 
and its devastating effects on families and communities, and support 
programs and practices designed to prevent and end domestic violence; 
                                                         Pages H7084-87
  Expressing support for designation of the week beginning on November 
8, 2010, as National School Psychology Week: H. Res. 1645, to express 
support for designation of the week beginning on November 8, 2010, as 
National School Psychology Week;
  Pages H7087-88
  Providing for an additional temporary extension of programs under the 
Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958: S. 
3839, to provide for an additional temporary extension of programs 
under the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 
  Page H7090
  Recognizing the contributions of the National Waterways Conference on 
the occasion of its 50th anniversary: H. Res. 1639, to recognize the 
contributions of the National Waterways Conference on the occasion of 
its 50th anniversary;
  Pages H7090-92

[[Page D1024]]

  Winston E. Arnow Federal Building Designation Act: H.R. 4387, to 
designate the Federal building located at 100 North Palafox Street in 
Pensacola, Florida, as the ``Winston E. Arnow Federal Building''; 
                                                         Pages H7092-93
  Ray Daves Air Traffic Control Tower Designation Act: H.R. 5591, 
amended, to designate the facility of the Federal Aviation 
Administration located at Spokane International Airport in Spokane, 
Washington, as the ``Ray Daves Air Traffic Control Tower''; 
                                                         Pages H7093-94
  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``To designate the airport 
traffic control tower located at Spokane International Airport in 
Spokane, Washington, as the `Ray Daves Airport Traffic Control 
Page H7094
  Corporate Liability and Emergency Accident Notification Act: H.R. 
6008, amended, to amend title 49, United States Code, to ensure 
telephonic notice of certain incidents;
  Pages H7094-96
  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``To ensure telephonic 
notice of certain incidents involving hazardous liquid and gas pipeline 
facilities, and for other purposes.''.
Page H7096
  National Transportation Safety Board Reauthorization Act of 2010: 
H.R. 4714, amended, to amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize 
appropriations for the National Transportation Safety Board for fiscal 
years 2011 through 2014;
  Pages H7096-H7101
  State Ethics Law Protection Act: H.R. 3427, amended, to amend title 
23, United States Code, to protect States that have in effect laws or 
orders with respect to pay to play reform;
  Pages H7101-02
  Providing for the concurrence by the House in the Senate amendment to 
H.R. 3619, with amendments: H. Res. 1665, to provide for the 
concurrence by the House in the Senate amendment to H.R. 3619, with 
  Pages H7102-42
  Residential and Commuter Toll Fairness Act: H.R. 3960, amended, to 
provide authority and sanction for the granting and issuance of 
programs for residential and commuter toll, user fee and fare discounts 
by States, municipalities, other localities, as well as all related 
agencies and departments thereof;
  Pages H7142-43
  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``To clarify the existing 
authority of, and as necessary provide express authorization for, 
public authorities to offer discounts in transportation tolls to 
captive tollpayers, and for other purposes.''.
Page H7143
  Audit the BP Fund Act of 2010: H.R. 6016, amended, to provide for a 
GAO investigation and audit of the operations of the fund created by BP 
to compensate persons affected by the Gulf oil spill;
  Pages H7143-44
  Recognizing the commitment and efforts made by the Library of 
Congress through sponsorship of the National Book Festival: H. Res. 
1646, to recognize the commitment and efforts made by the Library of 
Congress to promote the joy of reading through the sponsorship of the 
National Book Festival;
  Pages H7144-45
  Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Enhancement Act: H.R. 
5717, amended, to authorize the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian 
Institution to plan, design, and construct a facility and to enter into 
agreements relating to education programs at the National Zoological 
Park facility in Front Royal, Virginia;
  Pages H7157-58
  Bankruptcy Technical Corrections Act of 2010: H.R. 6198, amended, to 
amend title 11 of the United States Code to make technical corrections;
                                                         Pages H7158-61
  Federal Courts Jurisdiction and Venue Clarification Act: H.R. 4113, 
amended, to amend title 28, United States Code, to clarify the 
jurisdiction of the Federal courts;
  Pages H7161-64
  Organized Retail Theft Investigation and Prosecution Act of 2010: 
H.R. 5932, amended, to establish the Organized Retail Theft 
Investigation and Prosecution Unit in the Department of Justice; 
                                                         Pages H7164-68
  Equal Access to 21st Century Communications Act: S. 3304, to increase 
the access of persons with disabilities to modern communications; 
                                                         Pages H7168-76
  Making technical corrections in the Twenty-First Century 
Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010: S. 3828, to make 
technical corrections in the Twenty-First Century Communications and 
Video Accessibility Act of 2010 and the amendments made by that Act; 
                                                         Pages H7176-77
  Expressing support for designation of September 2010 as ``National 
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month'': H. Res. 1485, to express support for 
designation of September 2010 as ``National Prostate Cancer Awareness 
  Pages H7181-83
  Directing the Secretary of Health and Human Services to review uptake 
and utilization of diabetes screening benefits and establish an 
outreach program with respect to such benefits: H.R. 6012, amended, to 
direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to review uptake and 
utilization of diabetes screening benefits and establish an outreach 
program with respect to such benefits;
  Page H7185

[[Page D1025]]

  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``To direct the Secretary of 
Health and Human Services to review utilization of diabetes screening 
benefits and make recommendations on outreach programs with respect to 
such benefits, and for other purposes.''.
Page H7185
  National MS and Parkinson's Disease Registries Act: H.R. 1362, 
amended, to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the 
establishment of permanent national surveillance systems for multiple 
sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and other neurological diseases and 
  Pages H7185-86
  Commending EyeCare America for its work over the last 25 years: H. 
Res. 1226, amended, to commend EyeCare America for its work over the 
last 25 years;
  Page H7189
  Neglected Infections of Impoverished Americans Act of 2010: H.R. 
5986, to require the submission of a report to the Congress on 
parasitic disease among poor Americans;
  Pages H7191-92
  Eliminating Disparities in Diabetes Prevention Access and Care Act: 
H.R. 1995, amended, to amend the Public Health Service Act to prevent 
and treat diabetes, to promote and improve the care of individuals with 
diabetes, and to reduce health disparities, relating to diabetes, 
within racial and ethnic minority groups, including the African-
American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Other 
Pacific Islander, and American Indian and Alaskan Native communities; 
  Pages H7192-93
  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``To direct the Secretary of 
Health and Human Services to prepare a report on the research and other 
public health activities of the Department of Health and Human Services 
with respect to diabetes among minority populations.''.
Page H7193
  Dental Emergency Responder Act: H.R. 903, amended, to amend the 
Public Health Service Act to enhance the roles of dentists and allied 
dental personnel in the Nation's disaster response framework. 
                                                         Pages H7197-99
Suspensions--Proceedings Postponed: The House debated the following 
measures under suspension of the rules. Further proceedings were 
  Requiring the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to include on the main 
page of the Internet website of the Department of Veterans Affairs a 
hyperlink to the VetSuccess Internet website: H.R. 3685, to require the 
Secretary of Veterans Affairs to include on the main page of the 
Internet website of the Department of Veterans Affairs a hyperlink to 
the VetSuccess Internet website and to publicize such Internet website;
                                                         Pages H7017-19
  Securing America's Veterans Insurance Needs and Goals Act of 2010: 
H.R. 5993, amended, to amend title 38, United States Code, to ensure 
that beneficiaries of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance receive 
financial counseling and disclosure information regarding life 
insurance payments;
  Pages H7020-27
  All-American Flag Act: H.R. 2853, amended, to require the purchase of 
domestically made flags of the United States of America for use by the 
Federal Government;
  Pages H7027-29
  Emil Bolas Post Office Designation Act: H.R. 4602, to designate the 
facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1332 Sharon 
Copley Road in Sharon Center, Ohio, as the ``Emil Bolas Post Office''; 
                                                             Pags H7029
  James M. ``Jimmy'' Stewart Post Office Building Designation Act: H.R. 
5606, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service 
located at 47 South 7th Street in Indiana, Pennsylvania, as the ``James 
M. `Jimmmy' Stewart Post Office Building'';
  Pages H7029-30
  George C. Marshall Post Office Designation Act: H.R. 5605, to 
designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 
47 East Fayette Street in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, as the ``George C. 
Marshall Post Office'';
  Pages H7030-31
  M.R. ``Bucky'' Walters Post Office: H.R. 6014, to designate the 
facility of the United States Postal Service located at 212 Main Street 
in Hartman, Arkansas, as the ``M.R. `Bucky' Walters Post Office''; 
                                                             Page H7032
  Supporting the goals and ideals of United States Military History 
Month: H. Res. 1442, to support the goals and ideals of United States 
Military History Month;
  Pages H7032-34
  Congratulating the Washington Stealth for winning the National 
Lacrosse League Championship: H. Res. 1546, amended, to congratulate 
the Washington Stealth for winning the National Lacrosse League 
  Page H7034
  Supporting the United States Paralympics: H. Res. 1479, to support 
the United States Paralympics and to honor the Paralympic athletes; 
                                                         Pages H7034-35
  Dorothy I. Height Post Office Building Designation Act: H.R. 6118, 
amended, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service 
located at 2 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., in Washington, D.C., as the 
``Dorothy I. Height Post Office Building'';
  Page H7036
  Supporting the goals and purpose of Gold Star Mothers Day: H. Res. 
1617, to support the goals

[[Page D1026]]

and purpose of Gold Star Mothers Day, which is observed on the last 
Sunday in September of each year in remembrance of the supreme 
sacrifice made by mothers who lose a son or daughter serving in the 
Armed Forces;
  Pages H7036-37
  Expressing support for designation of September 2010 as National 
Craniofacial Acceptance Month: H. Res. 1603, to express support for 
designation of September 2010 as National Craniofacial Acceptance 
  Pages H7037-38
  Amending section 5542 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that 
any hours worked by Federal firefighters under a qualified trade-of-
time arrangement shall be excluded for purposes of determinations 
relating to overtime pay: H.R. 3243, to amend section 5542 of title 5, 
United States Code, to provide that any hours worked by Federal 
firefighters under a qualified trade-of-time arrangement shall be 
excluded for purposes of determinations relating to overtime pay; 
                                                         Pages H7038-39
  Pre-Election Presidential Transition Act of 2010: S. 3196, to amend 
the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 to provide that certain 
transition services shall be available to eligible candidates before 
the general election;
  Pages H7039-40
  Calling on the Government of Japan to immediately address the growing 
problem of abduction to and retention of United States citizen minor 
children in Japan: H. Res. 1326, to call on the Government of Japan to 
immediately address the growing problem of abduction to and retention 
of United States citizen minor children in Japan, to work closely with 
the Government of the United States to return these children to their 
custodial parent or to the original jurisdiction for a custody 
determination in the United States, to provide left-behind parents 
immediate access to their children, and to adopt without delay the 1980 
Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction;
                                                         Pages H7043-48
  Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act of 2010: H.R. 
6160, amended, to develop a rare earth materials program and to amend 
the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development 
Act of 1980;
  Pages H7060-63
  Medical Debt Relief Act: H.R. 3421, amended, to exclude from consumer 
credit reports medical debt that has been in collection and has been 
fully paid or settled;
  Pages H7079-81
  AMERICA Works Act: H.R. 4072, amended, to require that certain 
Federal job training and career education programs give priority to 
programs that provide a national industry-recognized and portable 
  Pages H7088-90
  Federal Election Integrity Act: H.R. 512, amended, to amend the 
Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit certain State 
election administration officials from actively participating in 
electoral campaigns;
  Pages H7145-48
  Pediatric Research Consortia Establishment Act: H.R. 758, amended, to 
amend title IV of the Public Health Service Act to provide for the 
establishment of pediatric research consortia;
  Pages H7177-78
  Veterinary Public Health Workforce and Education Act: H.R. 2999, 
amended, to amend the Public Health Service Act to enhance and increase 
the number of veterinarians trained in veterinary public health; 
                                                             Page H7178
  Gestational Diabetes Act: H.R. 5354, amended, to establish an 
Advisory Committee on Gestational Diabetes and to provide grants to 
better understand and reduce gestational diabetes;
  Pages H7178-80
  Methamphetamine Education, Treatment, and Hope Act: H.R. 2818, 
amended, to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the 
establishment of a drug-free workplace information clearinghouse, to 
support residential methamphetamine treatment programs for pregnant and 
parenting women, and to improve the prevention and treatment of 
methamphetamine addiction;
  Pages H7180-81
  Concussion Treatment and Care Tools Act: H.R. 1347, amended, to amend 
title III of the Public Health Service Act to provide for the 
establishment and implementation of concussion management guidelines 
with respect to school-aged children;
  Pages H7183-85
  Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act of 2010: S. 
3751, to amend the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005; 
                                                         Pages H7186-89
  HEART for Women Act: H.R. 1032, amended, to amend the Federal Food, 
Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Public Health Service Act to improve the 
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease, stroke, and 
other cardiovascular diseases in women;
  Pages H7189-90
  Scleroderma Research and Awareness Act: H.R. 2408, amended, to expand 
the research and awareness activities of the National Institute of 
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases and the Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention with respect to scleroderma; 
                                                         Pages H7190-91
  Bone Marrow Failure Disease Research and Treatment Act: H.R. 1230, 
amended, to amend the

[[Page D1027]]

Public Health Service Act to provide for the establishment of a 
National Acquired Bone Marrow Failure Disease Registry, to authorize 
research on acquired bone marrow failure diseases;
  Pages H7193-94
  Reauthorizing and enhancing Johanna's Law: H.R. 2941, amended, to 
reauthorize and enhance Johanna's Law to increase public awareness and 
knowledge with respect to gynecologic cancers;
  Pages H7194-95
  Birth Defects Prevention, Risk Reduction, and Awareness Act of 2010: 
H.R. 5462, amended, to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human 
Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention, to establish and implement a birth defects 
prevention, risk reduction, and public awareness program; and 
                                                         Pages H7195-96
  Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act: H.R. 1210, amended, to 
amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for arthritis research 
and public health.
  Pages H7196-97
Senate Messages: Messages received from the Senate today and messages 
received from the Senate by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the 
House today appear on pages H7000-01, H7032, H7181.
Senate Referrals: S. 3839 was referred to the Committee on Small 
Business; S. 1338 was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; S. 
3802 was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources; S. 3243 was 
referred to the Committee on Homeland Security; and S. 3196, S. 3751, 
S. 3789, and S. 3847 were held at the desk. 
                                    Pages H7000-01, H7032, H7181, H7204
Quorum Calls--Votes: There were no Yea and Nay votes, and there were no 
Recorded votes. There were no quorum calls.
Adjournment: The House met at 10:30 a.m. and adjourned at 11:52 p.m.


Daily Digest/House Committee Meetings

[Daily Digest]
[Page D1027]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

Committee Meetings
Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Oversight and 
Investigations held a hearing entitled ``A Review of Current and 
Evolving Trends in Terrorism Financing.'' Testimony was heard from 
public witnesses.
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and 
Homeland Security held a hearing on Reining in Overcriminalization: 
Assessing the Problems, Proposing Solutions. Testimony was heard from 
public witnesses.

Joint Meetings
Joint Economic Committee: Committee concluded a hearing to examine new 
evidence on the gender pay gap for women and mothers in management, 
after receiving testimony from Andrew Sherrill, Director, Education, 
Workforce, and Income, Security Issues, Government Accountability 
Office; Ilene H. Lang, Catalyst, Inc., New York, New York; Michelle 
Budig, University of Massachusetts Social and Demographic Research 
Institute, Amherst; and Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Hudson Institute, 
Washington, D.C.



[Daily Digest]
[Page D1027]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]

                            NEW PUBLIC LAWS

      (For last listing of Public Laws, see Daily Digest, p. D937)
  H.R. 6102, to amend the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2010 to extend the authority of the Secretary of the Navy to enter 
into multiyear contracts for F/A-18E, F/A-18F, and EA-18G aircraft. 
Signed on September 27, 2010. (Public Law 111-238)
  S. 3656, to amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to improve 
the reporting on sales of livestock and dairy products. Signed on 
September 27, 2010. (Public Law 111-239)


Daily Digest/COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR 2010-09-29

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D1027-D1029]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


                           SEPTEMBER 29, 2010

        (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


  Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, Health and 
Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, to hold hearings to 
examine defending against public health threats, 2:30 p.m., SD-124.
  Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Subcommittee on 
Security and International Trade and Finance, to hold hearings to 
examine a comparison of international housing finance systems, 2:30 
p.m., SD-538.
  Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Subcommittee on Energy, 
to hold an oversight hearing to examine the Propane Education and 
Research Council (PERC) and National Oilheat Research Alliance 
(NORA), 10 a.m., SD-366.
  Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests, with the Subcommittee on 
National Parks, to hold joint hearings to examine S. 3261, to 
establish the Buffalo Bayou National Heritage Area in the State of 
Texas, S. 3283, to designate Mt. Andrea Lawrence, S. 3291, to 
establish Coltsville National Historical Park in the State of 
Connecticut, S. 3524 and H.R. 4438, to authorize the Secretary of 
the Interior to expand the boundary of the Park,

[[Page D1028]]

to conduct a study of potential land acquisitions, S. 3565, to 
provide for the conveyance of certain Bureau of Land Management land 
in Mohave County, Arizona, to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission, 
for use as a public shooting range, S. 3612, to amend the Marsh-
Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park Establishment Act to 
expand the boundary of the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National 
Historical Park in the State of Vermont, S. 3616, to withdraw 
certain land in the State of New Mexico, S. 3744, to establish 
Pinnacles National Park in the State of California as a unit of the 
National Park System, S. 3778 and H.R. 4773, to authorize the 
Secretary of the Interior to lease certain lands within Fort Pulaski 
National Monument, S. 3820, to authorize the Secretary of the 
Interior to issue permits for a microhydro project in nonwilderness 
areas within the boundaries of Denali National Park and Preserve, to 
acquire land for Denali National Park and Preserve from Doyon 
Tourism, Inc, S. 3822, to adjust the boundary of the Carson National 
Forest, New Mexico, and H.R. 1858, to provide for a boundary 
adjustment and land conveyances involving Roosevelt National Forest, 
Colorado, to correct the effects of an erroneous land survey that 
resulted in approximately 7 acres of the Crystal Lakes Subdivision, 
Ninth Filing, encroaching on National Forest System land, 2:30 p.m., 
  Committee on Foreign Relations: To hold hearings to examine the 
al-Megrahi release, focusing on one year later, 10 a.m., SD-419.
  Full Committee, business meeting to consider S. 2982, to combat 
international violence against women and girls, S. 3688, to 
establish an international professional exchange program, S. 1633, 
to require the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with 
the Secretary of State, to establish a program to issue Asia-Pacific 
Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards, S.J. Res. 37, calling 
upon the President to issue a proclamation recognizing the 35th 
anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act, Treaty between the Government 
of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic 
of Rwanda Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of 
Investment, signed at Kigali on February 19, 2008 (Treaty Doc. 110-
23), and the nominations of Cameron Munter, of California, to be 
Ambassador Extraordinary to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mark 
M. Boulware, of Texas, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Chad, 
Kristie Anne Kenney, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of 
Thailand, Christopher J. McMullen, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to 
the Republic of Angola, Robert P. Mikulak, of Virginia, for the rank 
of Ambassador during his tenure of service as United States 
Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical 
Weapons, Wanda L. Nesbitt, of Pennsylvania, to be Ambassador to the 
Republic of Namibia, Jo Ellen Powell, of Maryland, to be Ambassador 
to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Karen Brevard Stewart, of 
Florida, to be Ambassador to the Lao People's Democratic Republic, 
and Pamela Ann White, of Maine, to be Ambassador to the Republic of 
The Gambia, all of the Department of State, and Nancy E. Lindborg, 
of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Administrator, and 
Donald Kenneth Steinberg, of California, to be Deputy Administrator, 
both of the United States Agency for International Development, 2:15 
p.m., S-116, Capitol.
  Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Business 
meeting to consider S. 3817, to amend the Child Abuse Prevention and 
Treatment Act, the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, the 
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Adoption Reform Act of 
1978, and the Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of 1988 to 
reauthorize the Acts, and S. 3199, to amend the Public Health 
Service Act regarding early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of 
hearing loss, and any pending nominations, 10 a.m., SD-430.
  Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Business 
meeting to consider S. 3806, to protect Federal employees and 
visitors, improve the security of Federal facilities and authorize 
and modernize the Federal Protective Service, H.R. 2142, to require 
quarterly performance assessments of Government programs for 
purposes of assessing agency performance and improvement, and to 
establish agency performance improvement officers and the 
Performance Improvement Council, S. 3794, to amend chapter 5 of 
title 40, United States Code, to include organizations whose 
membership comprises substantially veterans as recipient 
organizations for the donation of Federal surplus personal property 
through State agencies, H.R. 4543, to designate the facility of the 
United States Postal Service located at 4285 Payne Avenue in San 
Jose, California, as the ``Anthony J. Cortese Post Office 
Building'', H.R. 5341, to designate the facility of the United 
States Postal Service located at 100 Orndorf Drive in Brighton, 
Michigan, as the ``Joyce Rogers Post Office Building'', H.R. 5390, 
to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service 
located at 13301 Smith Road in Cleveland, Ohio, as the ``David John 
Donafee Post Office Building'', H.R. 5450, to designate the facility 
of the United States Postal Service located at 3894 Crenshaw 
Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, as the ``Tom Bradley Post 
Office Building'', and the nomination of Maria Elizabeth Raffinan, 
to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of 
Columbia, 10 a.m., SD-342.
  Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government 
Information, Federal Services, and International Security, to hold 
hearings to examine improving financial accountability at the 
Department of Defense, 2:30 p.m., SD-342.
  Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs, to 
hold hearings to examine crimes against America's homeless, focusing 
on if the violence is growing, 10 a.m., SD-226.
  Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine the nominations of 
James E. Graves, Jr., of Mississippi, to be United States Circuit 
Judge for the Fifth Circuit, Paul Kinloch Holmes III, to be United 
States District Judge for the Western District of Arkansas, Anthony 
J. Battaglia, to be United States District Judge for the Southern 
District of California, Edward J. Davila, to be United States 
District Judge for the Northern District of California, and Diana 
Saldana, to be United States District Judge for the Southern 
District of Texas, 2 p.m., SD-226.

[[Page D1029]]

  Committee on Rules and Administration: To resume hearings to 
examine the filibuster, focusing on ideas to reduce delay and 
encourage debate in the Senate, 10 a.m., SR-301.


  Committee on Armed Services, hearing on the Department of 
Defense's efficiency initiative, 10 a.m., 2118 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, hearing on Fighting 
Superbugs: DOD's Response to Multidrug-Resistant Infections in 
Military Treatment Facilities, 1:30 p.m., 2118 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and 
Capabilities, hearing on small business' role and opportunities in 
restoring affordability to the Department of Defense, 2 p.m., 2212 
  Committee on Financial Services, hearing entitled ``The Future of 
Housing Finance--A Review of Proposals to Address Market Structure 
and Transition,'' 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity, hearing 
entitled ``The Inclusive Home Design Act,'' 4 p.m., 2128 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the Subcommittee 
on International Monetary Policy and Trade, joint hearing entitled 
``Ex-Im Bank Oversight: The Role of Trade Finance in Doubling 
Exports over Five Years,'' 4 p.m., 2220 Rayburn.
  Committee on Foreign Affairs, hearing on PEPFAR: From Emergency to 
Sustainability and Advances Against HIV/AIDS, 9:30 a.m., 2172 
  Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment, 
hearing on Renewed Engagement: U.S. Policy Toward Pacific Island 
Nations, 2 p.m., 2172 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade, hearing on 
U.S. Strategy for Countering Jihadist Websites, 1:30 p.m., 2175 
  Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emergency 
Communications, Preparedness and Response, hearing entitled 
``Emergency Logistics Management: Transforming the Delivery of 
Disaster Relief for the 21st Century,'' 10 a.m., 311 Cannon.
  Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing and Terrorist 
Risk Assessment, hearing entitled ``Is the Office of Intelligence 
and Analysis Adequately Connected to the Broader Homeland 
Communities?'' 3:30 p.m., 311 Cannon.
  Committee on the Judiciary, hearing on H.R. 5034, Comprehensive 
Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness (CARE) Act of 2010, 11 a.m., 2141 
  Subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy, hearing on 
Courtroom Use: Access to Justice, Effective Judicial Administration, 
and Courtroom Security, 3 p.m., 2141 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, hearing 
on Reauthorization of the Second Chance Act, 4 p.m., 2237 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border 
Security, and International Law, meeting to request the Department 
of Homeland Security's Departmental Report on the Beneficiary of 
H.R. 5401, For the relief of Allan Bolor Kelley, 3:30 p.m.,, 2322 
  Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on 
Domestic Policy, hearing entitled, ``From Molecules to Minds: The 
Future of Neuroscience Research and Development,'' 2 p.m., 2203 
  Committee on Rules, to consider the following measures: H.R. 847, 
James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010; Senate 
Amendment to H.R. 2701, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2010; and H.R. 2378. Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, 8:30 
a.m., H-313 Capitol.
  Committee on Science and Technology, hearing on Averting the 
Storm: How Investments in Science Will Secure the Competitiveness 
and Economic Future of the U.S., 10:15 a.m., 2318 Rayburn.
  Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, hearing on 
Recovery Act Transportation and Infrastructure Projects: Impacts on 
Local Communities and Business, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn.
  Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, hearing 
Continuing Examination of U.S. flagged Vessels in U.S. Foreign 
Trade, 2 p.m., 2167 Rayburn.
  Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Economic 
Opportunity, hearing on Federal Contractor Compliance, 1 p.m., 334 
  Subcommittee on Health, hearing on the following bills: H.R. 3843, 
Transparency for America's Heroes Act; H.R. 4041, To authorize 
certain improvements in the Federal Recovery Coordinator Programs; 
H.R. 5428, To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to educate 
certain staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs and to inform 
veterans about the Injured and Amputee Veterans Bill of Rights; H.R. 
5543, To amend title 38, United States Code, to repeal the 
prohibition on collective bargaining with respect to matters and 
questions regarding compensation of employees of the Department of 
Veterans Affairs other than rates of basic pay; H.R. 5516, Access to 
Appropriate Immunizations for Veterans Act of 2010; H.R. 5641, 
Heroes at Home Act; H.R. 5996, To direct the Secretary of Veterans 
Affairs to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of 
veterans with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; H.R. 6123, 
Veterans' Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitative Services' 
Improvements Act of 2010; H.R. 6127, Extension of Health Care 
Eligibility for Veterans Who Served at Qarmat Ali; and Draft 
Legislation, 10 a.m., 334 Cannon.
  Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, executive briefing on 
Supply Chain Threats, 10 a.m., and executive, briefing on Threat 
Assessments Update. 11:30 a.m., 304-HVC.

                             Joint Meetings

  Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: To hold hearings 
to examine charges against Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Yukos Oil Company, 
2 p.m., 1539, Longworth Building.


Daily Digest/Next Meeting of the SENATE + Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES + Other End Matter

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D1029-D1030]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


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[[Page D1030]]


                       Next Meeting of the SENATE
                  9:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 29 

                             Senate Chamber
Program for Wednesday: After the transaction of any morning business 
(not to extend beyond 10 a.m.), Senate will begin consideration of the 
motion to proceed to consideration of S.J. Res. 39, a joint resolution 
providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, 
United States Code, of the rule relating to status as a grandfathered 
health plan under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and 
after a period of debate, vote on the motion to proceed to 
consideration of S.J. Res. 39, at approximately 12 noon; following 
which, if the motion to proceed is agreed to, after a period of debate, 
Senate will vote on passage of the joint resolution. Upon disposition 
of the joint resolution, Senate will continue consideration of the 
motion to proceed to consideration of H.R. 3081, the legislative 
vehicle for the Continuing Resolution.
  (Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. for their 
respective party conferences.)

              Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                    10 a.m., Wednesday, September 29

                             House Chamber
Program for Wednesday: Consideration of H.R. 847--James Zadroga 9/11 
Health and Compensation Act (Subject to a Rule); H.R. 2378--Currency 
Reform for Fair Trade Act (Subject to a Rule); and Senate Amendment to 
H.R. 2701--Intelligance Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (Subject 
to a Rule). 
