Press Release

Press Release

EPA Power Plan Rules Hurt Poor and Middle-Class Americans

The House will not let President Obama enact his radical special interest agenda on the backs of middle-class Americans and everyone who is trying so hard to get out of poverty.

Press Release

The Numbers Prove It

Majority Leader McCarthy spoke at a Republican leadership press conference today outlining how Democrats are trying to block their own members from having a voice in the legislative process.

Press Release

House Votes to Repeal Obamacare Rationing Board

Today, the House voted to repeal a harmful part of Obamacare because seniors and their doctors have the right to choose for themselves what is best for their medical care, not a government board.

Press Release

Hamas, Not Israel, Violated Human Rights

The international community should not accept this report and Congress and the Administration should work hand in hand to ensure that any attempts to de-legitimize Israel’s existence are stopped in…

Press Release

House Sends Trade Bill to Senate

House Sends Trade Bill to Senate

Today’s vote takes us one step closer to a freer global economy that will help America grow, boost American jobs, and increase America’s ability to influence the world.
