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Congressman Mo Brooks

Representing the 5th District of Alabama

Budget and Debt

America’s growing debt is one of the most pressing issues facing our nation. How we respond to America’s growing annual deficits and accumulated debt, appropriations bills to fund the government, the debt ceiling, and how these issues interplay will significantly impact America’s future. The process of reducing debt is not one that can happen overnight, but Washington must wake up and begin addressing this issue immediately.

From day one in office, Congressman Brooks has fought to preserve the long-term financial health of our nation. Brooks has repeatedly called on Congress to cut spending in a major way, and has consistently supported financially responsible, non-defense, spending cuts with his votes. This Congress, Brooks introduced H.R. 3835, Protecting America's Solvency Act, which would only allow for the debt limit of the United States to be raised if Congress passes a Balanced Budget Amendment.

For more information concerning Budget/National Debt issues, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.


News Releases

September 16, 2016 News Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. —  During an awards ceremony in the U.S. Capitol, Congressman Brooks (AL-05) was presented with the Tax Fighter Award from the National Tax Limitation Committee (NTLC) for his support of legislation aimed at simplifying our tax code and providing tax relief for Americans.

September 13, 2016 News Releases

Washington, D.C. – Congress will soon consider a continuing resolution (CR) spending bill that increases federal government spending by yet another $150 billion, and helps blow FY 2017 federal government spending through the $4 trillion mark, a record high.  Standing before the U.S. House this morning, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) again warned colleagues of a looming and debilitating American insolvency and bankruptcy, and explained why he will vote against another temporary government funding measure that ignores economic reality.

September 9, 2016 News Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) was presented “The Guardian of Seniors’ Rights” award by the 60 Plus Association for his commitment to America’s seniors and fiscally responsible legislative initiatives in the 114th Congress.

September 8, 2016 News Releases

Washington, D.C. – Tonight, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) joined Congressman Rob Woodall (GA-07) and other colleagues in a special order on the House floor to express support for H.R. 25, the FairTax Act.  Led by Rep. Woodall, the group urged Speaker Ryan to bring this important legislation to the House floor for a vote.

April 20, 2016 News Releases
Washington, D.C. – This morning, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) continued his series of House floor speeches highlighting “bad example” countries who are reaping the consequences of financially irresponsible leadership, and again called on America to balance the budget before it is too late. America must learn from nations like Greece and Venezuela . . . and from Puerto Rico, a territory that has had its credit rating cut to "junk bond status” and is defaulting on its $70 billion debt. As Puerto Rico desperately seeks a bailout, today Brooks asked: “Who will bail out America when America defaults on its debt?”

In the News

September 27, 2016 In the News
WASHINGTON — The U.S. intends to deploy a missile defense system in South Korea "as soon as possible" to counter the threat from North Korea despite opposition from China, the top U.S. diplomat for East Asia said Tuesday.
April 20, 2016 In the News
The United States may be following in the footsteps of Puerto Rico — a territory that has had its credit rating cut to “junk bond status” and is defaulting on its $70 billion debt — if it doesn’t balance the budget soon Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) warned Wednesday.
March 15, 2016 In the News
The United States may go the way of Venezuela – a socialist country that has been borrowing money at unsustainable rates and has the world's highest inflation rate – if it doesn't get its debt under control, U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, warned Tuesday.
February 10, 2016 In the News
Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL5) on Wednesday delivered a stinging rebuke of Congressional Republicans’ recent deficit spending, criticizing his colleagues for piling on debt after promising the American people they would move the country toward a balanced budget.
February 3, 2016 In the News
WASHINGTON — Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL5) on Tuesday night had a simple response when asked whether he will vote for GOP Leadership’s current budget plan, which would set the country on a course for perpetual trillion-dollar deficits: “There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell.”