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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri

Weekly Capitol Report

Nov 4, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

For over 200 years American patriots have shed their blood to fight for independence, liberty, and a democratic process that puts more power into the hands of citizens than monarchs and tyrants. Our country's history is also marked with numerous physical and political battles to expand the right to vote to millions more deserved Americans.

Oct 28, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Thousands of brave Americans have answered the call of duty to serve our country and protect us from terrorism.

Oct 21, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

The coming weeks will ultimately decide the future of the United States Supreme Court for decades to come. Our next President will have the opportunity to fill the vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia by exercising his or her most significant responsibility as expressly set forth in Article II of the United States Constitution. And the reality is, never has this decision mattered more. 

Oct 14, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

For every instance of one fraudulent vote, a legitimate American voter is disenfranchised. As the Supreme Court of the United States recognized when it upheld the constitutionality of Indiana’s voter identification law in 2008, “… not only is the risk of voter fraud real but…it could affect the outcome of a close election.”

Oct 7, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report
Clinton is now trying to walk back from this comment, but the harsh reality is that he is right. Obamacare is a “crazy system” that has only made healthcare more bureaucratic and more expensive. Last week marked three years since the failed Obamacare exchanges opened for business and over the past three years Obamacare continues to drive up healthcare costs on millions of American families and limit their access to the healthcare providers of their choice.
Sep 23, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

1,811. It was learned this week that was the number of illegal aliens who were ‘mistakenly’ granted American citizenship by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. All of these 1,811 illegal immigrants now turned American citizens were previously ordered to be deported or removed from the U.S.

Sep 16, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

This week, the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee conducted a public hearing delving into the policies and procedures the U.S. State Department employs for preserving federal records.

Sep 9, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report
We have all heard the famous quote “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This week as the U.S. Congress once again gaveled back into session, the same results held true as we were immediately met with new details of just how partisan and politically minded this Administration is.
Sep 2, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

The Salem community and I took a major step toward fall last Friday when we watched Salem High Football return to play under the familiar ‘Friday Night Lights’.  The start of a new school year is exciting because it is an opportunity for students to set new goals for the academic year and start to put plans in motion to achieve those goals.

Aug 26, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

This week marks the 20th anniversary of “welfare reform” and at the time it was hailed as one of the most widespread changes to addressing federal poverty our nation had ever seen. They promised it was the end of welfare as we would know it.
