At a press conference in the US Capitol, US Senator Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) and a group of his colleagues call on the Senate to implement the recommendations of Senate Republicans' earmark task force. The task force stressed the need for more sunshine and accountability in how Washington spends taxpayer dollars. Read more at
On Tax Day, Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) explains how Democratic proposals will put a strain on family budgets. Senate Republicans are fighting to help protect American families' budgets from the Democratic budget, which contains the largest tax increase in US history. Senator Alexander recently proposed an optional 17 percent flat tax with a single-page form as an alternative to our current income tax and its multi-page forms. Read more at
US Senator Judd Gregg (RN.H.) proposes a way to allow more highly-skilled foreigners -- who are often educated at taxpayer expense here in the United States -- to stay here and create new jobs for Americans (rather than forcing them to leave and create those jobs somewhere else). Read more at
US Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) -- speaking to the National Association of Manufacturers -- says we should improve and make permanent the current R&D; tax credit to increase research and development here in the United States that is likely to produce new products and new jobs for years to come. Read more at
On the Senate floor, Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) explains how Democratic policies will wreck the federal budget and put a squeeze on family budgets. Senate Republicans are fighting to help protect American families' budgets. Read more at
Senator Judd Gregg (RN.H.), ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, explains how Democratic policies will wreck the federal budget and put a squeeze on family budgets. Republicans are fighting to help balance American families' budgets. Read more at
Senate Budget Committee ranking member Judd Gregg (RN.H.) explains how Democratic policies will wreck the federal budget. For example, the Democratic budget would raise taxes by $736 billion dollars, dramatically increase spending, and grow the debt by $2.5 trillion. Senate Republicans are fighting to help balance American families' budgets. Read more at
US Senator Richard Burr (RN.C.) says all Americans should have access to an affordable, high-quality health care plan and should be able to make health care choices for themselves and their families. Senator Burr introduced the Every American Insured Health Act, a plan to help reduce the number of uninsured Americans and lower health care costs for every American. Read more at
Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) propose a plan to provide every American family with access to health care. Read more at
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Senate Select Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Kit Bond (R-Mo.) advocate passage of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance bill. This vital legislation will help the American intelligence community prevent future terrorist attacks. Read more at