Senate Democrats still have not taken any action to stop massive tax hikes from hitting American families and small businesses in the new year. Republicans believe it is irresponsible to raise taxes on anyone during a recession and are working to protect all Americans from tax increases.
More and more Democrats are turning their backs on their party's leadership and joining Republicans in opposing any tax hikes during a recession. Senate Republicans agree with the American people that raising taxes during a recession would further damage our economy.
Senate Republicans urge Democrats to address our nation's ballooning debt by adopting the Sessions-McCaskill amendment that cuts $296 billion from the budget over the next ten years. Republicans are committed to addressing our national debt.
Senate Republicans emphasize that a recession is not the time to raise taxes. Allowing tax hikes to take effect in the new year, as Democrats have proposed, could cripple our already slow economy and damage small businesses, who create a majority of the new jobs in the United States. Republicans will continue to oppose any attempt to raise taxes on American families and small businesses.
Under President Obama, our nation's deficit and government spending have exploded, and Americans are feeling the effects: high unemployment, businesses afraid to expand, and the threat of tax hikes in the new year. Republicans spent August talking to American families and business owners about our plans to stop Democrats' proposed tax hikes, which would further slow our already sluggish economy.
As if the burdensome new small business regulations in the Democrats' health care bill weren't enough, Democrats are now preparing to allow tax hikes on small businesses to kick in during the new year. Republicans are committed to opposing Democrats' tax hikes and creating an environment in which small businesses can thrive and create jobs.
As if the burdensome new small business regulations in the Democrats' health care bill weren't enough, Democrats are now preparing to allow tax hikes on small businesses to kick in during the new year. Republicans are committed to opposing Democrats' tax hikes and creating an environment in which small businesses can thrive and create jobs.
As if more spending, more debt, and more Washington takeovers weren't enough, Democrats are now planning to add tax hikes to their job-killing agenda. Republicans are committed to opposing Democrats' attempts to burden families and businesses with heavy taxes.
Democrats are continuing to indulge in political theater instead of working with Republicans to develop bipartisan legislation on important issues like preventing tax hikes on small businesses, lowering our deficit, and securing a clean energy future for our nation. Republicans will continue to put forward ideas and solutions to the challenges facing our country.
Republican senators are disappointed that the Democratic leadership decided to bring up energy legislation that was hastily thrown together behind closed doors and would jeopardize the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans by forcing energy jobs overseas. Republicans believe that an issue this important deserves a serious debate -- not a last-minute bill drafted to score political points.