Democrats are continuing to ignore the American people's desire for Congress to scrap the trillion-dollar Senate health care bill, which would raise taxes, hike health insurance premiums, and cut Medicare. Instead of starting over and working with Republicans to draft bipartisan health care legislation, the Democratic leadership is attempting to force reluctant Democrats to vote for the Senate's bloated bill.
Senate Republicans point out that the partisan health care bill Democrats are trying to ram through Congress will cut Medicare, raise premiums, hike taxes, and drive up the deficit. Republicans are pushing for Congress to start over on health care and move step-by-step in the right direction to draft a bipartisan bill that will actually cut health care costs.
Despite clear opposition from the American people, Democratic leaders in Congress are continuing with their efforts to ram through a bloated, trillion-dollar health care bill that will hike taxes, raise premiums, and cut Medicare. Republicans are urging Democrats to start over and work with Republicans to develop bipartisan health care legislation that will actually lower health care costs.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Republican leaders warn Democrats not to use the legislative end run known as reconciliation to jam through partisan health care legislation that has already been rejected by the American people. Republicans are urging Democrats to start over on health care and work with Republicans to craft bipartisan legislation that lowers health care costs.
Over the past year, Republicans have outlined a series of step-by-step health care reforms that will lower costs. Republicans are urging Democrats to abandon their 2700-page, trillion-dollar health care bill, which the American people have already rejected, and instead work with Republicans to craft bipartisan health care legislation.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans point out that Democrats' words contradict their actions on health care: Democrats may talk about bipartisanship, but they continue to push a partisan health care bill that the American people have already rejected.