During his weekly video address, Senator Chuck Grassley discusses the need to increase production of domestic energy to help lower gas prices and create jobs. Along with other senators, he's urging President Obama to examine his policies that contribute to higher gas prices, including restricting access to federal lands and permitting delays, regulatory threats to refiners, and his Keystone XL pipeline decision.

Despite the fact that gas prices have doubled since he took office, President Obama continues to pursue energy policies that discourage or prevent domestic energy production, forcing our nation to rely on imports from unstable regions. The president says he supports an "all of the above" energy policy, but after rejecting ideas like the Keystone XL pipeline, drilling in ANWR, greater offshore production, and issuing additional leases, it appears more like a "none of the above" policy.
Senate Republicans continue to push for a real "All of the Above" energy policy that increases domestic production of oil and natural gas and increases North American energy security. Such a robust energy plan will create jobs and help reduce the pain at the pump for consumers and businesses.