Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Jobs and the Middle Class

Minnesota's 8th District relies upon Taconite, Timber, and Tourism as its primary economic drivers. In Congress I will do all I can to ensure domestic manufacturing, aviation, and all our homegrown industries, are well recognized for their contributions to the creation of good-paying jobs and prosperity.

Across our Eighth District and across America, unemployed and underemployed middle-class families need action – good-paying jobs – not words from their government.

Democrats and Republicans must come together with common sense plans to put America back to work.

By promoting Make It In America legislation that will grow our domestic manufacturing industry and support northeast Minnesota companies from Tritec in Virginia to Polaris in Wyoming. I have also authored and introduced legislation to require that all pipelines in America use materials that are made in America - steel or iron ore that is mined, processed, or re-processed here in the U.S. The American Pipeline Jobs and Safety Act would be a boon for American manufacturing and for jobs across Minnesota's Iron Range, and would also prevent future environmental disasters from pipeline oil spills or leaks, since U.S.-made steel is more reliable and durable than foreign steel.

By extending emergency unemployment insurance for the millions of Americans who have lost these benefits since Congress allowed them to expire last December. When emergency unemployment benefits were allowed to expire at the end of December 2013, I called upon the House Republican leadership to bring H.R.3824, the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act, to the floor for a vote, to immediately extend these benefits while we figure out a permanent solution. More than 3 million Americans - including 200,000 veterans - have lost this crucial lifeline as they continue to look for jobs after the worst economic downturn in recent history, and I continue to call for the extension of these benefits.

By passing fair trade policies to protect American companies from unfair foreign competition.

By rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure – reinvesting hundreds of billions of dollars being spent on so-called wars of choice and nation building abroad into American roads, highways, bridges, ports, and waterways. Investing in education, human development, and infrastructure enhances business, creates jobs, and improves our lives.

By passing a minimum wage that gives working families real buying power – so they can purchase the goods and services that drive employment and boost our economy.

By ending the gender wage gap in which women still make only about 77 cents on the dollar as compared to men.

In short, we need a real, bipartisan, pro-growth jobs plan for America. And we need to invest in small business and American manufacturing to create good-paying jobs in northeastern Minnesota and across the nation.


More on Jobs and the Middle Class

Oct 12, 2016 In The News

Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) today jointly announced that U.S. Representative Rick Nolan (D-MN) was honored with the “2016 Congressional Steel Champion Award” from AISI. The award recognizes Rep. Nolan for his dedication to and support of the American steel industry and its employees. 

Lourenco Goncalves, Cliffs’ Chairman, President and CEO, and Thomas J. Gibson, AISI President and CEO, presented the award at a gathering of Cliffs’ employees at Hibbing Taconite mine in Hibbing, MN. 

Sep 22, 2016 In The News

Did Rick Nolan go to UMD? Because he is a Bulldog for Labor!

Sep 22, 2016 In The News

Nolan deserves thanks for saving jobs on RangeU.S. Rep. Rick Nolan has earned our congratulations and thanks for a job well done.

The Iron Range, facing disastrous financial and job losses, was saved, thanks to him.

Sep 22, 2016 In The News

Last fall, retired Teamsters like me learned our pensions were going to be cut by as much as 70 percent. My fellow Teamsters and I thought these cuts were grossly unfair. As workers, we paid into our pension every paycheck, sacrificing raises in our negotiations so we could be safe and healthy in later life.

Aug 25, 2016 Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today announced the dramatic results of his work against illegal foreign steel dumping. The Obama Administration’s historic crackdown began after White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough visited Minnesota’s Iron Range at Nolan’s request last December, which resulted in some of the highest tariffs and taxes ever imposed on steel from China and 11 other trade cheater nations. In the three most important trade cases for the U.S. iron ore and steel industry in 15 years, China was hit the hardest with combined steel tariffs and taxes of up to 522%.

Aug 18, 2016 In The News

FORBES — Dan Hill became semi-famous over the past year for the dubious distinction of losing his job at Cliffs Natural Resources' United Taconite operations.

Hill, one of nearly 475 people laid off when the mine and plant shut down last summer, was part of a group of Steelworkers and lawmakers who met in December with White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough to convince the Obama administration to crack down on illegal foreign steel imports.

Aug 18, 2016 In The News

Mining industry layoffs on the Iron Range have been common in recent years but there is good news as some of those employees are now back at work.

Cliffs United Taconite is starting up its Mustang Pellet Project in Forbes which is bringing thousands of people back to work.

Cliffs is the largest producer of taconite pellets in North America.

Aug 18, 2016 In The News

Forbes, MN ( -- Nearly a year after the plant was idled, United Taconite in Eveleth is getting ready to reopen on a much stronger note.

Cliffs is investing sixty five million dollars to build new silos and infrastructure to begin a new project that could bring millions of dollars and thousands of labor hours to the Iron Range.

Governor Mark Dayton and Congressman Rick Nolan proudly broke ground on a project that promises to infuse the Iron Range Economy with hundreds of thousands of labor hours, and millions of dollars of revenue.

Aug 18, 2016 In The News

The recall of laidoff workers at the United Taconite plant and the start of construction on a $65 million iron-ore pellet plant in Forbes, Minn., is bringing much needed good news to Minnesota’s Iron Range.

Gov. Mark Dayton, Rep. Rick Nolan, D-Minn., company officials and scores of recently recalled workers were on hand Thursday to celebrate the groundbreaking for the United Taconite Mustang Pellet Project.

Aug 10, 2016 In The News

The rally at Whiteside Park in Ely Tuesday had the feel of a summer festival.

The U.S. Forest Service listening session about an hour later in the Ely High School auditorium was much more tense.

The issue of copper/nickel/precious metal mining will do that.