But the overall picture of officer safety is a more nuanced one.

The movement is an emerging force in American politics.

The tricky relationship that President Trump could have with a relative's health insurance business

Donald Trump's selection of a new attorney general antagonistic to pot could be a game-changer

Some very interesting comments from Steve Bannon, Trump's senior strategist, could cause a lot of trouble with both parties.

It's a cautionary example.

Republicans have proposed a number of credible reform ideas that could preserve most of the gains from the Affordable Care Act.

Researchers have debunked a long-running theory for why Asian Americans have done so well.

Today, Sessions is still more conservative than about three-quarters of his GOP colleagues, but he’s no longer an outlier.

'I think that's a stretch. I don't know what he meant —'

The flurry of events underscored two fast-emerging realities in the coming Trump era.

The senator and attorney general nominee laid out a case for a Republican victory last spring.

Sen. Jeff Sessions is a “drug war dinosaur,” advocates say.

The United States once registered people based on ethnicity. These photos show what it looked like.

Critics say the look of the president-elect's roster doesn't reflect the American people.

A major patient association wants to know why insulin prices keep going up.

President-elect Donald Trump claimed credit on Thursday for keeping a Ford plant in Kentucky from moving to Mexico. But the company never planned to move the entire plant, only one of its production lines.

Their deal allegedly defrauded Valeant shareholders of nearly $300 million.

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