Congressman Keith Rothfus

Representing the 12th District of Pennsylvania

Jobs & Economy

President Obama’s economy is failing families, young people, seniors, workers, and future generations.  Too many Western Pennsylvanians and other Americans are unemployed, underemployed, or have given up looking for work.

As I travel the district, I meet workers, job seekers, and small business owners in coffee shops and at events.  They are concerned about jobs and the economic security of their families.  Washington can help to grow a healthier economy and add jobs by unleashing the ingenuity and potential of the American people.  To do that, Congress and President Obama must work together to balance the budget, reform the tax code, reduce excessive government regulations, and expand domestic energy production.

In the meantime, we can help connect those looking for work with employers who are already hiring.  Twelve million Americans are still looking for work, but 3.6 million jobs remain unfilled because employers cannot find enough employees with the right skill set.  The SKILLS Act, which passed the House with my support but is waiting for a vote in the Senate, will help job seekers acquire new skills and employers find a well-trained workforce.  It makes our government more efficient in serving the people by replacing a confusing web of duplicative and redundant federal programs with a one-stop shop for information and resources.  You can read more about the SKILLS Act at

If Washington takes these common-sense steps to empower hardworking women and men, I am confident that we can grow our economy and get Americans back to work.  With the right tax and regulatory policies, America’s economy can boom again.