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Congressman Ralph Abraham

Representing the 5th District of Louisiana


Like you, I believe that we have to make sure our veterans receive the benefits they deserve for their sacrifice to our nation.

I have continued to push for legislation that supports these honorable men and women. On July 22, my bill HR 5588, the Veterans’ Compensation COLA Act of 2016, was signed into law. This new law authorizes a cost of living increase, beginning Dec. 1, for veterans and their families who receive VA disability compensation or other benefits. This bill ensures that veterans' benefits keep up with the rate of inflation.

With my support, the House has passed multiple other bills to aid our veterans, including HR 1994, the VA Accountability Act of 2015, which would bring accountability to the VA by providing more flexibility to fire, demote or otherwise penalize VA employees who have failed our veterans. 

I have also been vocal in my support for the Veterans’ Choice Program, which allows veterans in rural areas to use doctors and local medical care clinics for health care instead of waiting potentially months for an appointment at a VA facility.

As your representative, I will continue to fight on behalf of our nation's heroes. You can be sure that I am working for our veterans by continuing to introduce and support pro-veteran legislation on the House floor, provide leadership at the committee level and prioritize constituent casework.

For more information concerning work and views related to Veterans issues, please contact our office.