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  1. 19. lis

    The LIFT the Middle Class Act would give families up to $500 a month to help them pay the bills that pile up on the kitchen table. It would impact one in every two workers and one in every three children.

  2. 19. lis

    "Much of my family is in law enforcement and so I’ve been surrounded by people who always taught me to not just do for yourself, but to do for others." West Point Cadet Bianca G. is from CA's 15th District. Apply to one of our Service Academies here:

  3. 19. lis

    Middle class and working families are struggling to make ends meet. It’s time we did something to help them instead of showering corporations and the top 1% with new tax cuts.

  4. 18. lis

    Today I encourage all Californians to participate in the Great Earthquake Drill at 10:18 AM local time. To learn more about how to protect yourself during an earthquake, visit .

  5. 18. lis

    The LIFT the Middle Class Act would positively impact an estimated one in every two workers and one in every three children in America. The rich and powerful are doing just fine. We need to do something for the middle class.

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  6. 18. lis

    It is absolutely unconscionable that while many families continue to struggle, President Trump and Republicans in Congress are giving tax cuts to the top 1% and corporations while threatening Social Security and Medicare. It’s time to change that.

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  7. 18. lis

    Everywhere I go, people tell me that one unexpected expense could throw their family into financial turmoil. Americans are working harder than ever, but wages are staying flat. Let’s put some money back in their pockets.

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  8. 18. lis

    Today I announced the LIFT the Middle Class Act, which would provide middle class and working families with a tax credit of up to $6,000 a year - or up to $500 a month - to help address the rising cost of living.

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  9. 17. lis

    The GOP wants to try again to kick tens of millions of Americans off of their health insurance, strip away protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and spike the cost of premiums for everyone. I’ll do everything in my power to stop them.

  10. 17. lis

    It’s time for the United States to follow suit. Legalizing marijuana at the federal level would make our justice system more fair—it’s the smart thing to do and it’s the right thing to do.

  11. 17. lis

    Tens of thousands of students were defrauded by for-profit colleges and left with mountains of debt—and Sec. DeVos has dragged her feet in getting them relief. A federal court has forced her to step up and give these students a path to loan forgiveness.

  12. 16. lis

    102 years ago today, the first birth control clinic opened its doors in New York—and we’re still fighting to ensure that everyone has access to contraceptives and the ability to choose for themselves when and how to have children. I will never back down from this fight.

  13. 16. lis

    Let’s be absolutely clear: the GOP now wants to pay for massive, deficit-busting tax breaks for the top 1% and corporations by cutting Medicare and Social Security.

  14. 15. lis

    This is absolutely unacceptable. Our government should be in the business of keeping families together, not tearing them apart. We are better than this.

  15. 15. lis

    During we honor the many contributions of Hispanic and Latinx communities throughout the United States. Our country’s diversity is its strength, and I couldn’t be prouder to represent a state as richly diverse as California.

  16. 15. lis

    Add this to your to-do list: Open enrollment for a new 2019 health insurance plan with Covered California begins today and will continue through January 15, 2019.

  17. 14. lis

    Tomorrow California residents can sign up for a new health insurance plan for 2019 with Covered California. Enrollment continues through January 15, 2019.

  18. 12. lis

    The Trump admin is ramping up deportations of Black Mauritanians who have been here for decades and face the threat of violence and slavery if sent home. I joined with my colleagues to send a letter demanding the admin put a stop to these deportations.

  19. 12. lis

    This outrageous attack on voting rights shows just how vital it is to restore the Voting Rights Act to full strength. Voting is a fundamental right, and we must secure it for every American.

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    8. lis

    There is power in , and this is our anthem. Made with love, dedicated to you.

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