Senator Hatch OfficeOvěřený účet


U.S. Senator from Utah, writer of songs and laws. Tweets are by Sen. Hatch's staff; those signed ogh are from Sen. Hatch himself. Wearer of invisible glasses.

Připojil se březen 2011


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    6. 10.
  2. Must watch: last night ⁦⁩ ran a special report on Senator Hatch’s 42 years in the Senate.

  3. Living the dream.

  4. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    5. 11.

    By every measure, Senate Republicans have produced results for the American people in the 115th Congress. 🇺🇸

  5. Today Senator Hatch met with Hungarian ambassador László Szabó in Salt Lake. The two discussed the importance of protecting religious liberties and strengthening transatlantic ties.

  6. Retweetnuto uživatelem

    .: New Senate Report: Evidence Shows Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnik Criminally Conspired to Take Kavanaugh Down With Lies

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  7. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    3. 11.

    A simple reminder: under Republican leadership and due to Republican policies, you are seeing: ✅ the best job market since 1969 ✅ with the most opportunity ✅ and highest paychecks for working families in a decade. 🇺🇸

  8. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    5. 11.

    The economy saw job gains in crucial sectors... +32,000 in Manufacturing +30,000 in Construction +25,000 in Transportation/Warehousing +42,000 in Leisure/Hospitality +35,000 in Professional/Business Services +5,000 in Mining

  9. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    4. 10.

    I was proud to be a part of the committee’s work, led by , on the legislation passed yesterday by the Senate. I look forward to it being signed into law.

  10. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    15. 10.

    Remember last week when the Senate confirmed 15 more Judges? That brings the total to a historic 84 this Congress. ☑️ Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch to the US Supreme Court. ☑️ 29 circuit court judges. ☑️ 53 district court judges. I remember.

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  11. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    25. 10.

    “That is a title that I will never tire of saying: **Justice** Kavanaugh.” Watch Senator Hatch’s Joseph Story lecture at the foundation last night.

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  12. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    23. 1.

    The 6 year extension of Children’s Health Insurance Program is the longest ever. helps nearly 9,000,000 children across our country. A special thanks to for his work in both creating the program, and helping secure this funding.

  13. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    31. 10.

    The economy is booming. ✅ Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, the highest level in a decade ✅ The unemployment rate is now at 3.7 percent, the lowest since 1969

  14. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    16. 10.

    With a record number of job openings in August, continues to boost the job market. Read more here:

  15. 5. 11.

    By every measure, Senate Republicans have produced results for the American people in the 115th Congress. 🇺🇸

  16. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    5. 11.

    “The U.S. economy added 250,000 jobs in October, unemployment stays at 3.7 percent” Read more in the as job growth continues and the unemployment rate holds at a 49-year low.⤵️

  17. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    5. 11.

    Utah’s Major Brent Taylor wasn’t just training Afghan men to be good soldiers. He was teaching them to be husbands, fathers and all around better humans. A letter from an Afghan pilot he worked alongside. 🇺🇸🇦🇫

  18. 5. 11.

    Honoring Mayor/Major Brent Taylor this week. Most of the country will be focused on other political events, but in Utah we’ll be remembering a hero who gave his life for his country, and for freedom around the world.

  19. 5. 11.

    A letter to the Taylor family from an Afghan pilot who served alongside Brent in Afghanistan. Brent was there to train the staff of an Afghan battalion command when he was killed.

  20. 4. 11.

    One of the notable points is about ongoing efforts— Multiple false-accusers have been referred to the FBI, and the committee will continue looking into reports of witness tampering By allies of Dr. Ford, like those reported in the WSJ—>

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  21. 4. 11.

    Chairman Grassley has released a 414-page report detailing ’s exhaustive investigation into accusations against Judge Kavanaugh at the 11th hour of his confirmation process. The report found no evidence to support sexual assault claims.

    Zobrazit toto vlákno

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