Senator Hatch Office认证账号


U.S. Senator from Utah, writer of songs and laws. Tweets are by Sen. Hatch's staff; those signed ogh are from Sen. Hatch himself. Wearer of invisible glasses.

加入于 2011年3月


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  1. 置顶推文
  2. Honoring Mayor/Major Brent Taylor this week. Most of the country will be focused on other political events, but in Utah we’ll be remembering a hero who gave his life for his country, and for freedom around the world.

  3. A letter to the Taylor family from an Afghan pilot who served alongside Brent in Afghanistan. Brent was there to train the staff of an Afghan battalion command when he was killed.

  4. 11月4日

    One of the notable points is about ongoing efforts— Multiple false-accusers have been referred to the FBI, and the committee will continue looking into reports of witness tampering By allies of Dr. Ford, like those reported in the WSJ—>

  5. 11月4日

    Chairman Grassley has released a 414-page report detailing ’s exhaustive investigation into accusations against Judge Kavanaugh at the 11th hour of his confirmation process. The report found no evidence to support sexual assault claims.

  6. 11月4日

    NEW: Chairman releases 414-page report on the allegations made against Justice Kavanaugh during the confirmation ptocess. Conclusion: no evidence to support the allegations.

  7. 11月4日

    As we approach , shares a message from Major Brent Taylor on the importance of voting. A member of the National Guard, Major Taylor was killed in Afghanistan yesterday.

  8. 11月4日

    NEW: North Ogden (Utah) Mayor Brent Taylor — a Major with the Utah National Guard who had deployed as part of an advisory team training staff in an Afghan commando battalion — was killed during an apparent insider attack in Kabul today. Honor this man.🇺🇸

  9. 11月4日

    RIP Brent Taylor, who temporarily stepped down as North Ogden mayor to deploy to Afghanistan with the Utah Army National Guard and was KIA today

  10. 11月3日
  11. 11月3日

    Hatch on the death of North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor: “Brent was a hero, a patriot, a wonderful father, and a dear friend. News of his death in Afghanistan is devastating. My prayers and love are with Jennie and his 7 young children. His service will always be remembered.”

  12. 11月3日

    A simple reminder: under Republican leadership and due to Republican policies, you are seeing: ✅ the best job market since 1969 ✅ with the most opportunity ✅ and highest paychecks for working families in a decade. 🇺🇸

  13. 11月2日

    It's "crumbs" all over again. This time with the lowest unemployment rate since 1969, and with the wages and salaries at the highest level in a decade.

  14. 11月3日

    “Don’t think tax reform and deregulation matter for working people? Consider the evidence from Friday’s gangbuster jobs report for October that showed the tangible dividend for workers from faster economic growth resulting from better economic policy..”

  15. 11月3日

    "The last official snapshot of the economy before Americans vote on Tuesday offered another reminder of the labor market’s persistent strength. Hiring is up. Wages are up. The total number of workers and job searchers is up."

  16. 11月2日

    NEW: Another Kavanaugh accuser has been referred to law enforcement after admitting the graphic accusations she made to the committee were “a ploy,” done “for attention,” noting she’s never even met Brett Kavanaugh.

  17. 11月2日

    The best job market in 50 years 'will mean little' to families, brought to you by the people who called tax reform "armageddon" and $1000 bonus checks for middle class families "crumbs."

  18. 11月2日

    It's "crumbs" all over again. This time with the lowest unemployment rate since 1969, and with the wages and salaries at the highest level in a decade.

  19. 11月2日

    Hatch on the passing of his friend Dan Jones: “Dan was a remarkable man who had a profound impact on Utah’s political landscape. But most importantly, he was a great friend. Elaine and I will miss him dearly. My prayers are with Pat and the Jones family at this difficult time.”

  20. 11月2日

    Very unfortunate that Justice Kavanaugh will have to forego this tradition after angry protestors overran law enforcement officials and attempted to break down the Supreme Court doors when he was confirmed.

  21. 11月2日

    ICYMI: Earlier this week Senator Hatch received recognition in Zagreb, Croatia for his efforts to help secure Croatian independence after the fall of the Berlin Wall.



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