
Poster Tease 

Controlled Substance Abuse Prevention Act (Assembly Bill 474)

Opioid abuse in Nevada

The Nevada Opioid Surveillance report, published by the DHHS Office of Analytics, contains a great deal of information about opioid-related poisonings, hospitalizations, emergency room visits and deaths.

Permanent Regulations

The Nevada State Board of Health has approved final regulations to implement the provisions of Assembly Bill 474, the Controlled Substance Abuse Prevention Act. The regulations now lay out procedures for reporting cases or suspected cases of drug overdose to the Chief Medical Officer.

These final regulations:

  • Establish definitions for “overdose” and “patient discharge”
  • Establish information required for mandatory reporting by certain health care professionals of overdose or suspected overdose incidents.
  • Establish required time frame and submission methods for the reports of overdose or suspected overdose incident.
  • Establish requirements for certain medical facilities to establish policies related to reporting overdose or suspected overdose incidents.
  • Establish requirement for the State Chief Medical Officer to establish procedures to track and report statewide information related to overdose or suspected overdose incidents.
  • Additional reporting information is below:

AB 474 background

Controlled substances for the treatment of pain can be highly effective and medically necessary HOWEVER, the current opioid epidemic and overdose rates associated with prescription drug abuse, misuse and diversion underscores that such medications are not without inherent risks.

During the 2017 session, the Nevada Legislature passed AB 474, the Controlled Substance Abuse Prevention Act. This legislation does not tell prescribers when or how they can prescribe. It simply establishes a standard of care for prescribers so that, if prescribing such medications is clinically indicated, the prescriber and patient have the needed information to move forward with that prescription with some degree of confidence that the benefits outweigh the risks.

The Controlled Substance Abuse Prevention Act:

  • Prioritizes patient safety and responsibility
  • Preserves clinical decision-making
  • Promotes the patient-prescriber relationship
  • Reduces the amount of inappropriate prescribing
  • Prevents addiction to prescription drugs through monitoring and mitigating risk
  • Enhances the quality of care for patients with acute and chronic pain
  • Avoids the legislation of the practice of medicine by establishing a standard of care

AB 474 FAQ

Click the link below for a document answering many questions about the details of Nevada Assembly Bill 474.

All information provided in this FAQ is provided for informational purposes only. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, the Department of Health and Human Services make no guarantees of any kind and cannot be held responsible or liable for any outdated or incorrect information. The information contained herein is not provided in the course of and does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship, is not intended to convey or constitute legal or regulatory advice, an interpretation of law, an advisory opinion or rulemaking of any kind, and is neither a substitute for nor does it release you from the professional responsibility to review all the applicable law and, if necessary, obtain legal advice from a qualified attorney.

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    Public Service Announcements

    The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Governor Brian Sandoval and the Nevada Broadcasters Association teamed up with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to record and broadcast public service announcements to be aired statewide starting in December 2017.

    • Gov. Brian Sandoval speaks about opioid abuse in Nevada
    • Opioid Abuse - Noah's story (from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
    • Opioid Abuse - Judy's story (from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

    Surgeon General Spotlight 1