Resources for...

GSA serves a breadth of government needs, assists a range of businesses, and provides citizens and consumers with a wealth of information and services. Learn how GSA can help you.

Citizens & Consumers
Learn how GSA supports citizens in a variety of ways, from providing free consumer information to establishing child care centers in GSA-managed buildings.
Americans with Disabilities
Find information on how GSA is making government more accessible through building and workspace design, assistive technologies, and hiring practices.
Federal Employees
Find information on telework, travel and relocation services, child care, and more.
Federal Customers
Government customers can take advantage of GSA’s varied acquisition solutions, real estate services, and facilities management.
For Businesses and Vendors
Learn how to get or maintain a GSA contract, get small business assistance, do business in a GSA-managed building, lease space from GSA, and much more.
Native American Tribes
GSA offers a range of services available to federally recognized Native American tribes, from surplus property donations to vehicle purchases.
For State and Local Governments
Get information about the various purchasing programs available to state and local governments, including Disaster Recovery Purchasing, IT Cooperative Purchasing, and more.

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