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NAEP tdw - Technical Documentation on the Web

Technical Documentation on the Web

Image of laptop displaying NAEP Technical Methods and Procedures online.

The Technical Documentation on the Web (TDW) section of the NAEP website is written for researchers and assumes knowledge of educational measurement and testing. TDW contains information about the technical procedures and methods of NAEP: how the assessment is designed and conducted, and how data are analyzed.

The site is organized into chapters—from Instruments through Analysis and Scaling—which are updated with information for each new assessment year. To view a specific chapter, select from the chapters below and follow the internal links. Note the breadcrumb trail navigation at the top of the page that keeps track of how you arrived at the current page.

To view the contents available on the TDW website, click the “Table of Contents” link above. From the Table of Contents, you can select, compile, and print. To print pages, click the printer-friendly version link.

Last updated 15 May 2018 (AA)