
Apple Orchard

The Washington State Farm Service Agency serves the agricultural community through 25 county USDA service centers and one state office, located in Spokane. The Washington FSA State Committee and locally-elected county committees provide producer input to federal farm programs.

  • County Committee List - county/state committees and their meeting schedules.
  • Washington FSA Summary of State and Counties - FSA maintains farm records for the purpose of verifying eligibility for federal farm program participation. From these records, FSA compiles a report which includes the number of farms, farm tracts, number of owners, crops grown and number of acres, and conservation acreage data. Report with information by county and for the state.

FSA helps to ensure a stable food supply for the nation by supporting American farmers. This is accomplished through the implementation of farm programs authorized by Congress. The programs currently carried out in Washington State are categorized under the following headings.

To find out more about the rules and regulations related to FSA programs click here.

FSA Ensures the civil rights of every individual who requests access to programs administered by the agency.

Reporting Agricultural Losses and Agricultural Disaster Relief

Farmers and ranchers know all too well that natural disasters can be a common, and likely a costly, variable to their operation. The Farm Service Agency (FSA) has emergency assistance programs to provide financial help when disasters strike. Timely reporting of damage and loss is essential for program participation.  Additionally, some of those programs require a disaster designation to trigger eligibility. Agricultural producers can play a vital role in the disaster designation process. Please report crop and livestock losses and damage to agricultural land or structures to your Farm Service Agency county office and your crop insurance agent, if applicable.

Resources Available for Small and Midsize Farmers

USDA has put together several resources for accessing capital, risk management and other issues. The information can be viewed here.

Featured Program - Non-Insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)

The Non-insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program provides financial assistance to producers when low yields, loss of inventory or prevented planting occur due to natural disasters. more

Featured Program - Tree Assistance Program (TAP)

The Tree Assistance Program provides financial relief to qualifying orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes and vines damaged by natural disasters. The Bi-Partisan Budget Act of of 2018 made several program changes.  more

  • December 3, 2018 - COC Elctions Ballots must be returned or postmarked to the county office.
  • January 15, 2019 - Deadline to enroll in Market Facilitation Program (MFP).
  • April 1- July 1, 2019 – Primary nesting season. During this time, prior approval from the county committee is required before spot-treating weeds by mowing, burning or spraying after a CRP stand is established.
Livestock Disaster Programs
  • December 3, 2018 - Final date for 2017 ELAP and LIP application with supporting documents.
  • December 3, 2018 - Final date for 2018 LIP notice of Loss.
  • January 30, 2019 - Deadline for 2018 LFP application and supporting documents.
  • March 1, 2019 - Application for payment with suporting documents for 2018 LIP.

Contact your local FSA office for more information about Livestock Disaster Programs. Only designated counties are eligible for 2018 LFP grazing losses.

  • December 15, 2017 - Fall seeded crops - alfalfa seed, canola, mint, peas and lentils, small grains and onions planted between August 15 and September 15, 2018
  • January 2, 2019 - Honey
  • January 15, 2019 - Apples, apricots, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears and plums
  • May 15, 2019- Cabbage planted March 14 and April 20, 2018
  • July 15, 2019 - Perennial forage and spring planted alfalfa seed; cabbage planted April 20 to June 10, 2018; onions planted March 14 to April 20, 2018 and all other crops and land uses, including CRP, except crops listed for the other dates
  • August 15, 2019 - Buckwheat, cabbage planted June 11 to August 10, 2018
  • December 15, 2018 – NAP covered perennial forage for hay or seed, and fall-seeded NAP covered crops.
  • January 15, 2019 - NAP covered tree fruits, blueberries and cranberries.
  • July 15, 2019 - NAP covered crops not listed above.
  • August 31, 2018 –Aquaculture; beets (for stecklings); cabbage (for seed or fresh); canola; carrots (for seed); cauliflower (for seed or fresh); Christmas trees; floriculture; mushrooms; onions (for seed, fresh or processing); rapeseed; rutabaga (for seed or fresh); turf grass sod; turnips (for seed or fresh); and any other fall planted crops not mentioned in other closing dates.
  • September 30, 2018 – Garlic; mint; perennial grazing, forage, mixed forage and forage seed crops; wheat.
  • November 20, 2018 - All Perennial crops not listed under the 9/30 category; asparagus; berries; grapes; honey; hops; tree fruits and nuts.
  • March 15, 2019 – Artichokes, beets (for seed or fresh); buckwheat; camelina; carrots (for fresh or processing); mustard; radish (for seed or fresh); small grain forages (wheat, barley, oats, peas); and any other spring planted crops not mentioned in other closing dates.

NAP coverage should be purchased at least 30 days before the crop is planted, but no later than the application closing date.

For perennial forage enrolled in NAP coverage, the acreage must be reported by the earlier of: 15 days before harvest or grazing, the normal harvest date in the county, or July 15.

NAP coverage cannot be offered on any crop for which Federal Crop Insurance is available in the county. If you have questions regarding NAP availability or NAP application closing dates, please contact your local FSA office for more information.

Stay Current on FSA News - Instant Electronic Bulletins and Texts

GovDelivery is a free email service that enables Farm Service Agency county offices to send you bulletins, deadline reminders, newsletters and texts instantly. For text updates, contact your FSA county office. For bulletins and newsletters via email - sign up now to receive information about program details, signup dates and deadlines. Subscribe now.

Customer Comments

Help us provide quality service. Let us know what we are doing well or where we need improvement by sending us your comments.

Brian Dansel
State Executive Director

Contact us at:

Washington State FSA
316 W. Boone Avenue, Ste #568
Spokane, WA 99201-2350
(509) 323-3000
State Office Directory