

Domestic Finance

​Domestic Finance advises and assists in areas of domestic finance, banking, and other related economic matters. It develops policies and guidance for Treasury Department activities in the areas of financial institutions, federal debt finance, financial regulation, and capital markets.


Click here ​to download the organizational chart for the Office of Domestic Finance.


Office of Financial Markets

This office helps formulate policy on Federal debt management, State and local finance, financial market oversight and regulation , Federal credit and privatization. This office also oversees deterrence of U.S. currency counterfeiters and the Federal Financing Bank, and assumes operational oversight for the Air Transportation Stabilization Board and the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service. The Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets leads this office.

Office of Financial Institutions

This office helps formulate policy on financial institutions and government-sponsored enterprises, critical infrastructure protection and compliance policy, and financial education. The office also oversees the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program and the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund. The Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions leads this office. 

Office of Fiscal Service

This office helps formulate policy and develop systems for the collection, disbursement, management and security of public monies in the United States and abroad, and related government-wide accounting and reporting for those funds. Programs of interest in the Fiscal Service are cash and debt management and forecasting, accounting policy , Financial Management Services (the government's financial manager), and the Bureau of the Public Debt (debt operations, including savings bonds). The Fiscal Assistant Secretary leads this office.

Office of Financial Stability

Please visit www.financialstability.gov.

MyMoney.gov – the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s website is a one-stop-shop with information on financial education resources available from federal agencies.

Financial Literacy and Education Commission – This Commission is a Congressionally chartered body made up of more than 20 Federal entities that are coordinating and collaborating to strengthen financial capability and increase access to financial services for all Americans. The Secretary of the Treasury chairs the Commission, and the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the vice-chair. The following entities are members of the Commission: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; Community Futures Trading Commission; Department of Agriculture; Department of Defense; Department of Education; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Department of Labor; Department of the Treasury; Department of Veterans Affairs; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Federal Trade Commission; General Services Administration; National Credit Union Administration; Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Office of Personnel Management; Securities and Exchange Commission; Small Business Administration; Social Security Administration; and the White House Domestic Policy Council. The Commission is coordinated by the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Consumer Policy.

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Last Updated :7/2/2018 1:09 PM