Out-Going Council Chair Neal Rackleff Shares His Perspective on the Work Ahead

HUD Assistant Secretary Neal Rackleff served as our Council Chair in 2018. As he transitions out of that role, we sat down with him to talk about the importance of... Continue Reading →

Council Focuses on Employment and Homelessness at Fall Meeting

Our fall Council meeting focused on employment. 

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New Vouchers Propel Us Forward

HUD's recent awards of new mainstream vouchers expands the resources communities can tap into for single adults experiencing homelessness. Read more from Policy Director Lindsay Knotts about... Continue Reading →

Youth Homelessness in Los Angeles County: Innovation with Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice and Coordinated Entry Systems

Los Angeles County launched three programs in 2017 to build new links between the Youth Coordinated Entry System and the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. LA County... Continue Reading →

Building Momentum for Safe and Accessible Housing for All Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence

In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, learn how the Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium works to address the needs of survivors experiencing... Continue Reading →

How System Modeling Can Help Build a Stronger Response to Homelessness

Local homelessness services systems comprise a series of interconnected interventions. System modeling can help a community “right-size” each component to address peoples’ actual needs and... Continue Reading →

The Hometown of Independence, Philadelphia Continues the Tradition for Our Veterans

The partnership between HUD, VA, the City, and an array of nonprofit providers that helped Philadelphia provide housing opportunities to more than 2,000 Veterans had to turn its attention to... Continue Reading →

Summer Council Meeting Shines a Spotlight on Needs and Opportunities in Rural Communities

On July 19, representatives from our 19 member agencies convened for our summer Council meeting.

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A Personal Reflection on the Role I Must Play to Help Advance Racial Equity

Director of Finance and Administration Darren Franklin reflects on his role in advancing racial equity within USICH and across his sphere of influence.

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How to Start Addressing Racial Disparities in Your Community

These considerations and resources may be used for communities' efforts to address racial disparities in the work to end homelessness.

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