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This Week in GeorgiaGov: Crime

My Personal Information Was Stolen Online; Now What?!

October 19, 2017

With more and more instances of data breaches and identity theft, it’s important we take precautionary steps to protect our online information. There are several things we can do ahead of time to prevent an attack, and steps we can take after falling victim to a breach to keep it from happening again.

After Time Served: Pardons and Restoration of Rights

August 1, 2017

Learn how former offenders in Georgia can restore their rights and seek pardon after completing their prison sentence.

Victim's Compensation and DUI Memorial Funds

August 18, 2016

If you've been affected by someone else's crime, you might be eligible for victim's compensation or memorial assistance. We can't "undo" the tragedy, but we can help get your life back on track.

Expungement of Criminal Records

December 17, 2015

Learn how to restrict your criminal records for non-criminal justice purposes.

Department of Community Supervision: Georgia's newest state agency

June 30, 2015

Freshly appointed commissioner, Michael Nail, explains Georgia's newest state agency -- the Department of Community Supervision.

Agency Spotlight: CJCC

March 19, 2015

Do you know what the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council does?

Criminal Justice Reform in Georgia

June 9, 2014

In 21 years, between 1990 and 2011, Georgia prisons doubled in occupancy. And state spending increased — by over $500 million annually.

Something needed to change. Something wasn’t working.

Help Prevent Child Abuse

April 3, 2014

Learn how you can help keep Georgia's children safe.

How To Report Tips On Unsolved Crimes

February 26, 2014

Reporting tips to the GBI can help solve crimes.

Juvenile Justice Reforms Spotlighted in 2014

January 21, 2014

HB 242, also known as the Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2013, went into affect on January 1, 2014. See how this bill's implementation will help improve the future of young offenders and save Georgia taxpayers significant amounts of money.
