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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

How Do I Apply for SNAP?

Last Published: 08/06/2018

To apply for benefits, or for information about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, contact your local SNAP office. You can find local offices and each State's application on our national map. Local offices are also listed in the State or local government pages of the telephone book. The office should be listed under "Food Stamps," "Social Services," "Human Services," "Public Assistance," or a similar title. You can also call your State's SNAP hotline number. Most are toll-free numbers.

Please don't call us at FNS headquarters to apply. We don't handle applications for the SNAP here. The State and county offices do that. And we don't have application forms. Each State has its own application form . If your State’s form is not on the web yet, you'll need to contact your local SNAP office to request one.

On-line applications? The following States allow you to apply online. Here are their websites:

Alabama Maine North Dakota
Arizona Maryland Ohio
Arkansas Massachusetts Oklahoma
California Michigan Oregon
Colorado Minnesota Pennsylvania
Connecticut Mississippi Rhode Island
Delaware Missouri South Carolina
Florida Montana South Dakota
Georgia Nebraska Tennessee
Idaho Nevada Texas
Illinois New Hampshire Utah
Indiana New Jersey Vermont
Iowa New Mexico Virginia
Kansas New York Washington
Kentucky North Carolina West Virginia
Louisiana   Wisconsin

See Also