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Senator Toomey offers internships in all of his Senate offices throughout the year. Internships are unpaid and are open to all Pennsylvania college-age students. An internship in one of our offices provides Pennsylvania students the opportunity to learn more about the federal government, the legislative process and the responsibilities of a U.S. senator.

Washington, D.C.-based interns can expect to perform a wide variety of duties including: answering constituent phone calls, handling mail, performing legislative research, attending hearings, conducting Capitol tours, drafting memos and response letters and assisting the staff on special projects. Senator Toomey offers internships in all of his Senate offices throughout the year. Internships are unpaid and are open to all Pennsylvania college-age students. An internship in one of our offices provides Pennsylvania students the opportunity to learn more about the federal government, the legislative process, and the daily duties of a U.S. Senator.

State office interns will experience more direct constituent contact through phone duties, answering constituent mail, helping constituents solve problems with federal agencies, and attending town hall meetings and community events with the Senator's outreach staff.

We encourage applicants who are motivated and interested in government and public service. The internship program is designed to provide the knowledge, skills, and tools that will assist an intern in all future professional endeavors.

The internship application must be submitted to the office where you would like to intern. This includes our Washington, D.C. office as well as our 7 Pennsylvania offices. Addresses and fax numbers can be found on our Homepage. Direct your application to the attention of the Regional Manager for State Offices, and to the Operations Manager in our Washington office. In addition to the application you will be asked to provide:

  • Resume
  • Personal statement describing your interest in Senator Toomey's office - maximum 1 page typed.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation


Application Deadlines for Washington, D.C. interns are as follows:

Spring Session (January- April): November 1st
Summer Session (May-August): March 1st
Fall Session (September - December): July 4th

*Please send completed application packets for Washington, D.C. internships to or by mail to the D.C. office.

Contact state offices directly for more information about application deadlines.