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Congressman Darren Soto

Representing the 9th District of Florida


Congressman Darren Soto is fighting for senior citizens and working to secure their earned benefits. With over 170,000 seniors in Florida’s 9th Congressional District, Rep. Soto believes in the safety and protection of our elderly, especially during natural disasters. Preparing for a natural disaster is no easy task, and the elderly are often at a disadvantage.


After Hurricane Irma, Darren Soto visited the Good Samaritan Kissimmee Village, which focuses on serving numerous retirees in Central Florida. After witnessing the damage that reduced the village capacity by half, Darren requested and secured immediate assistance from FEMA to support the Kissimmee Village. Rep. Soto has showed compassion and care for our senior citizens and has made it his mission to ensure displaced senior citizens get back to their normal lives.


With nearly 1 out of 5 Florida residents over the age of 65, Florida serves one of the largest populations of senior citizens in the country. This is why Darren strongly believes in expanding Medicare coverage to include eyeglasses, hearing aids, and dental care. He believes in Medicare exclusions of essential services for our elderly such as incidents related to falls, chronic conditions and depression to ensure they live long and healthy lives.


Darren also wants to make sure our Florida senior citizens are protected from fraud. The elderly are often targeted by financial predators and Darren is working to ensure the Federal Trade Commission is advised on the malicious ways financial predators go after senior citizens.


Recently, Rep. Soto hosted a tele-townhall co-hosted by AARP Florida to speak directly with constituents. If you need assistance with claiming your federal benefits or with health care, please contact Rep. Soto’s District offices.

More on Seniors

July 19, 2018 Press Release

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed four amendments introduced by Congressman Darren Soto (FL-09) in H.R. 6147, the Interior-Environment, Financial Services & General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2019. Rep. Soto’s amendments will increase funding for tackling invasive species and for the National Estuary program, as well as increase funds for the IRS’s identity Theft and refund fraud casework program and for Tax Counseling for the Elderly program.

February 14, 2018 Event


January 5, 2018 Event

Congressman Darren Soto visited the Good Samaritan Kissimmee Village to inspect the damage caused by Hurricane Irma. During his visit on January 5, 2018, Rep. Soto spoke with Village staff and was briefed on the strides made thus far in the repair efforts, as well as the long road ahead to full recovery.