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Lowey Statement on Midterm Election Results

November 7, 2018
Press Release

House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Nita Lowey (D-NY-17) released the following statement after Democrats won a majority of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives in Tuesday’s election:

“Americans have spoken and they have empowered a Democratic House Majority to fight for the people. It is now up to us to get to work and take action that raises wages, lowers health care costs, and cleans up corruption.

“In the 116th Congress, the Appropriations Committee will prioritize investing in our country. We must raise the unworkable budget caps and restore funding for safety net programs and infrastructure improvements. And we must reclaim Congress’ Constitutional power of the purse to conduct rigorous and effective oversight of President Trump and his appointees.”

“Voters across the country have made clear they want a Congress that governs responsibly and puts the best interests of all Americans first. I look forward to working with my colleagues to deliver for the American people.”

115th Congress