Young Americans

As they pursue an education or enter the workforce in these hard economic times, young Americans are rightly wondering whether they’ll have the same opportunities to succeed as their parents’ generation. That’s why Democrats are working to help young Americans afford higher education and skills training, find well-paying jobs, and make the most of their talents. Democrats are defending these programs from Republicans’ proposed budget cuts and their efforts to roll back student loan protection programs.

Democrats enacted the largest investment in student aid in its history, without increasing the deficit, by cutting out wasteful taxpayer subsidies to big banks and directing the money to increased and more affordable loans for students. We also helped make college more affordable by increasing Pell Grant awards to nearly $6,000. In addition, Democrats successfully fought to pass a G.I. bill for the 21st Century, which helps post-9/11 veterans attend college.

Democrats understand how hard it is for many young Americans to afford health insurance. That’s why, under the Affordable Care Act, young Americans starting their careers will be able to stay covered on their parents’ health insurance plans until their 26th birthday, and innovators, both young and old, will be able to afford insurance if they start a new business.

One of the most important issues for young people’s futures is fiscal responsibility. Every dollar we borrow today means more debt, and less opportunity, for the generations to come, which is why Democrats are fighting to put our country back on a path to a balanced budget. We restored the pay-as-you-go law, which requires Congress to find a dollar of savings for every dollar it spends, and which and helped create budget surpluses under President Clinton.

Young Americans Related

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“I am pleased that Democrats and Republicans in the House were able to come together today to pass the Senate’s bipartisan compromise that will keep student loan interest rates low for borrowers. 


“I want to thank Dr. Burgess, and I want to thank Mr. Butterfield for their leadership on this bill, but I certainly want to thank my friend, Dr. Phil Roe, who has been a delight to work with. It’s taken us a little bit of time, but we stayed after it. We have stayed after it because, as Dr. Burgess and Judge Butterfield have observed, this will save lives. This will save the lives of children – this will save the lives of children who do not know that they have an allergy which is life threatening.


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Today, House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) and Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN) applauded the Committee on Energy and Commerce on passage of the bipartisan School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act. 


Over the coming weeks, students across the country will start preparing for the upcoming school year, looking forward to reuniting with friends, meeting their teachers and tackling new lessons. 
