
The Arthritis Caucus

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Caucus Co-Chairs

Representative Anna G. Eshoo
(202) 225-8104

Representative David McKinley
(202) 225-4172

List of Caucus Members

Representative            Anna G. Eshoo

Senator                         Tammy Baldwin

Representative            Andy Barr

Representative            Joyce Beatty

Representative            Eddie Bernice Johnson

Representative            Donald Beyer

Representative            Gus Bilirakis

Representative            Rob Bishop

Representative            Marsha Blackburn

Senator                         Richard Blumenthal

Representative            Suzanne Bonamici

Representative            Bob Brady

Representative            Jim Bridenstine

Representative            Mo Brooks

Representative            Julia Brownley

Representative            Michael Burgess

Representative            Larry Buschon

Representative            Cheri Bustos

Senator                         Maria Cantwell

Representative            Lois Capps

Representative            Mike Capuano

Representative            Tony Cardenas

Representative            John Carney

Senator                         Tom Carper

Representative            Buddy Carter

Representative            Steve Chabot

Representative            Mike Coffman

Representative            Mike Conaway

Representative            Gerry Connolly

Senator                         Chris Coons

Representative            Jim Cooper

Representative            Joe Courtney

Representative            Joseph Crowley

Representative            Danny Davis

Representative            Susan Davis

Representative            Peter DeFazio

Representative            Suzan DelBene

Representative            Lloyd Doggett

Senator                         Joe Donnelly

Representative            Mike Doyle

Representative            John J. Duncan, Jr.

Representative            Elliot Engel

Representative            Elizabeth Esty

Representative            Stephen Fincher

Representative            Mike Fitzpatrick

Representative            Trent Franks

Representative            Rodney Frelinghuysen

Representative            Ruben Gallego

Representative            Scott Garrett

Representative            Bob Goodlatte

Representative            Gwen Graham

Representative            Gene Green

Representative            Brett Guthrie

Representative            Alcee L. Hastings

Senator                          Heidi Heitkamp

Representative            Jaime Herrera Beutler

Representative            Jared Huffman

Representative            Steve Israel

Representative            Darrell Issa

Representative            Sheila Jackson Lee

Representative            Hank Johnson

Representative            David Jolly

Representative            David Joyce

Representative            Bill Keating

Representative            Joe Kennedy

Representative            Derek Kilmer

Representative            Ron Kind

Senator                         Angus S. King

Representative            Peter King

Representative            Steven King

Representative            Leonard Lance

Representative            James R. Langevin

Representative            John Larson

Representative            Brenda L. Lawrence

Representative            Dave Loebsack

Representative            Zoe Lofgren

Representative            Nita Lowey

Representative            Blaine Luetkemeyer

Representative            Cynthia Lummis

Representative            Stephen F. Lynch

Representative            Tom MacArthur

Representative            Kenny Marchant

Represntative              Tom Marino

Representative            Sean Patrick Maloney

Representative            Doris O. Matsui

Representative            Jim McDermott

Representative            Patrick McHenry

Representative            David B. McKinley

Representative            Ann McLane Kuster

Representative            Cathy McMorris Rogers

Representative            Jerry McNerney

Representative            Patrick Meehan

Representative            Gregory Meeks

Representative            Luke Messer

Representative            Candice Miller

Representative            Alex Mooney

Senator                         Shelley Moore Capito

Senator                         Chris Murphy

Representative            Patrick Murphy

Representative            Tim Murphy

Representative            Kristi Noem

Representative            Bill Pascrell

Representative            Donald Payne

Representative            Collin Peterson

Representative            Joe Pitts

Representative            Stacey Plaskett

Representative            Mark Pocan

Representative            Mike Pompeo

Representative            David Price

Representative            Raul Grijalva

Representative            Charlie Rangel

Representative            Dave Reichert

Senator                          James Risch

Representative            Hal Rogers

Representative            Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Representative            Dennis Ross

Representative            Lucille Roybal-Allard

Representative            Raul Ruiz

Representative            Tim Ryan

Representative            Linda Sanchez

Representative            Loretta Sanchez

Representative            Jan Schakowsky

Representative            Adam Schiff

Senator                         Chuck Schumer

Representative            Jose Serrano

Representative            Brad Sherman

Representative            Adam Smith

Representative            Chris Stewart

Representative            Steve Stivers

Representative            Eric Swalwell

Senator                         Jon Tester

Senator                         John Thune

Representative            Norma Torres

Representative            Chris Van Hollen

Representative            Filemon Vela

Representative            Greg Walden

Representative            Tim Walz

Representative            Maxine Waters

Representative            Brad Wenstrup

Representative            Joe Wilson

Representative            Frederica S. Wilson

Senator                         Sheldon Whitehouse

Representative            John Yarmuth

Representative            Kevin Yoder

Representative            Ted Yoho

Representative            Don Young

Representative            David Young

Representative            Todd Young

Representative            Lee Zeldin

Representative            Ryan K. Zinke

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Anna's Voting Record

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