Working Hard to Rebuild our National Security, Improve Economic Opportunity & Protect our Constitutional Liberties

Tour Request Form

Are you planning a visit to Washington, D.C.? Whether you're coming on a short business trip, or an extended family vacation, my office can help you make arrangements for some of the more popular Federal attractions in our Nation's Capital.

These tours are an excellent way to see all that the Nation's Capital has to offer and all of these tours are of no charge to you. All tickets are provided to my constituents on a first-come, first-serve basis. Due to the large number of visitors, please make requests as early as possible in order to maximize your chances.

While you are in Washington, D.C., I also encourage you and your family to stop by my office.

Tour hours and ticket availability vary throughout the year, so please contact my office at least 3-6 weeks prior to your trip.

It is important to note that submitting a tour request for the White House is NOT a guarantee that the White House will grant it. A White House tour is dependent on availability for the given date, daily security measures at the White House, how early the request was received and the schedule of the President. White House tour request can be made. We recommend you give us at least a 4 month notice for a White House tour request.  

Please provide us with the following information to request a tour:

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

Contact Information
First Name * Last Name *
Address *
City * State * Zip *
Email *
Home Phone *
Cell Phone * or other DC Contact number
Requested Tours
Travel Dates and Information Dates Available for Tours *

Total Number of Visitors *
Additional Information Write us about your tour details and any special accommodations that you may need.
* indicates information that you need to provide.

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Optimism among US manufacturers at record high heading into 2019