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Congressman Andre Carson

Representing the 7th District of INDIANA




While we continue to recover from the Great Recession, we have a long way to go.  Unemployment has dropped but the cost of health care, food, and energy are still rising, making it difficult for American families to make ends meet.  As your Representative in Congress, I will continue to support initiatives that create jobs, stimulate our economy and provide assistance to those struggling to find work.

Creating Jobs and Stimulating the National Economy

Today, the unemployment rate hovers around  4 percent. For years, Americans have suffered through layoffs and reduced hours as companies have scaled back, closed their doors or moved jobs overseas. The American people have made it very clear: our nation’s top priority needs to be job creation.  They want to get back to work and there is simply no better way to reduce our deficit and grow our economy than by creating jobs and strengthening the middle class.

Providing Job Training Opportunities

Over the last decade, our economic challenges have resulted in factories moving overseas and countless small businesses closing down, leaving fewer options for many hardworking Americans. Many have worked for years in their given field and are not prepared to transition into modern, growing industries.  These workers need training to give them the skills and experience to compete in the 21st century economy. In an effort to boost the economy in Central Indiana, I worked with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to secure millions of dollars in funding for job training programs at Ivy Tech, the John H. Boner Center and other organizations around the city. This funding provided job-training and workforce development services to Hoosiers who just want to get back to work.

Lowering Taxes, Helping Millions of Americans and Stimulating the Economy

For those still actively looking for work, lowering taxes and extending unemployment benefits are two of the best ways to stimulate the economy by putting more cash in the pockets of millions of Americans. While some in Congress seem beholden to millionaires and billionaires, I advocated for extending and expanding payroll tax cuts for nearly 160 million working and middle class Americans. This will save the vast majority of Americans $1,000 a year and will incentivize six million small business owners to expand and hire more workers.

Stopped American Jobs From Going Overseas

America has lost over 50,000 factories and millions of manufacturing jobs in the last decade. Yet, we give tax breaks to companies closing plants here only to import their products back to America from factories they open overseas. We should be providing tax advantages to companies that choose to remain in the United States, employing American workers. We can only strengthen our middle class and protect against further job loss by changing our incentive structure. I favor ending tax breaks for outsourcing, and I strongly support giving tax credits to companies who hire American workers and either build facilities in America or re-open closed factories here.

Helping Rebuild American Manufacturing

From cars to planes to computers, America has always been a manufacturing leader. However, after a decade of jobs moving overseas, our manufacturing sector is nearing collapse. We can reverse these recent setbacks, but Congress must start providing incentives for investing in closed factories. We must make it more profitable for businesses to open plants in America than in China, Mexico, or other developing countries. This means we must support comprehensive investment in training our workforce, so American workers have the skills needed to compete and create products in demand globally—specifically in high-tech industries. We also must ensure federal assistance is targeted to business owners who employ American workers. If both parties in Congress work together to put our neighbors first, we can rebuild American manufacturing.

Fighting China’s Unfair Trade Practices That Cost U.S. Jobs

On a level playing field, American companies can outperform and out produce those in any other country. Unfortunately, China continues to allow unfair practices, such as stealing intellectual property and making our goods more expensive by manipulating their currency. These actions have cost us hundreds of thousands of jobs and forced companies to shut their doors. In this fragile economy, protecting jobs is my top priority. I have and will continue to support legislation that condemns China’s damaging trade policies and better protects American workers.

Protecting American Workers in Trade Agreements

I support fair trade that will create jobs for Americans and that will ensure workers around the world are not treated unfairly.  This is why I opposed “Fast Track” legislation that would prevent me from making improvements to future trade legislation. Every trade bill that comes up for a vote warrants careful consideration to make sure that it will help Hoosiers.  If I am not convinced that it helps American workers and businesses, I will vote against it.



More on Economy

Oct 15, 2014

INDIANAPOLIS - Today, Congressman André Carson announced that EmployIndy is the recipient of an $8.3M grant on behalf of the Department of Labor to help reduce long-term unemployment in the region. The grant which runs through 2018, will create Employ Up, a program designed to train Hoosiers in STEM-related skills in an effort reduce the need for H-1B visas. 

In July, Congressman Carson wrote a letter of support to the Department of Labor in support of the grant request and expressing his thanks for the good work being done by EmployIndy.

Dec 20, 2011

December 20, 2011

Congressman André Carson Supports Bipartisan Senate Agreement, Says Washington’s Political Games are Crippling the Middle Class 

Dec 13, 2011

December 13, 2011

Congressman Carson Votes to Protect Indianapolis Job Seekers and Seniors 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman André Carson today voted against H.R. 3630, a measure that drastically cuts unemployment insurance benefits from 99 weeks down to 59 weeks and adds unnecessary obstacles to benefit eligibility.  The bill also raises the cost of healthcare for millions of seniors and risks valuable tax cuts for 160 million Americans.  

Nov 15, 2011

November 15, 2011


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Andre Carson voted as a member of the Financial Services Committee to pass a measure that would suspend bonuses for executives with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the two mortgage companies operating under U.S. government control.

Sep 19, 2011

September 19, 2011 


INDIANAPOLIS – Congressman André Carson today released the following statement on President Obama’s deficit reduction proposal.


Aug 10, 2011

August 9, 2011         


Aug 5, 2011

August 5, 2011         

employers lining up for Carson job fair

Event will take place Aug. 12th 

INDIANAPOLIS – More than 60 employers with approximately 1,000 available jobs will participate in Congressman André Carson’s Central Indiana Job Fair next week.

Aug 1, 2011

 August 1, 2011  

CARSON VOTES NO ON unbalanced debt ceiling plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman André Carson released the following statement today after the vote in the House to raise the debt ceiling. The legislation would increase the debt ceiling by $900 billion later this year. Another $1.5 trillion in budget cuts would be identified by a bipartisan special committee of lawmakers appointed by leaders of the House and Senate.

Jul 29, 2011

July 29, 2011  

CARSON statement on debt ceiling vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman André Carson released the following statement today after the vote on the Republican proposal to raise the debt ceiling.


Jul 20, 2011

July 20, 2011

Carson to host job fair IN AUGUST

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman André Carson today announced the date for his second annual Central Indiana Job Fair, which will link job seekers with area employers currently hiring.

The job fair, hosted by Carson in cooperation with Ivy Tech Community College and IUPUI, will be held on Friday, August 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the IUPUI Campus Center in downtown Indianapolis.