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Recent Education Bills

  • Recent Education Bills

    K-12 Education

    S. 1177

    The Every Student Succeeds Act reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1964 and fixed the failed policies enacted with No Child Left Behind. This bill will provide more state and local flexibility while preserving the federal role to hold schools accountable for ensuring every child succeeds. 

    H.R. 193

    The Core Opportunity Resources for Equity and Excellence (CORE) Act amends the school improvement program under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 to require states to adopt student achievement standards that lead to college and career readiness by high school graduation.

    H.R. 2065

    The Go to High School, Go to College Act amends Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, which directs the Secretary of Education to carry out a program awarding Early College Federal Pell Grants to students to support their enrollment in, and completion of, postsecondary courses offered through early college high schools.

    H.R. 2160

    The PHYSICAL Act makes physical education and health education core subjects to help promote healthier lifestyles for students and to combat childhood obesity.


    Higher Education

    H.R. 4661

    The Parent PLUS Loan Improvement Act reauthorizes and amends the Parent Plus Loan program to remove origination fees, allow for income based repayment, and provide a lower fixed-interest rate in order to lessen the burden on families working hard to finance higher education.  

    H.R. 2962 

    The America College Promise Act would provide for 2 free years of education at community colleges, Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSI). 

    H.R. 2155

    The Community STEM Learning Act increases opportunities for minority youth in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields by providing federal funding to community-based organizations with STEM-focused programs and preparing youth to compete for 21st century jobs.

    H.R. 2966

    The PLUS Loan Accessibility Act amends the Higher Education Act to suspend the use of adverse credit history in determining eligibility for PLUS loans.

    H.R. 1437

    The Honorable Stephanie Tubbs Jones College Fire Prevention Act directs the Secretary of Education to make grants to institutions of universities, fraternities, and sororities to subsidize the cost of installing fire suppression systems in student housing and dorms. It specifically designates money for HBCUs and HEIs.


As Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Elementary and Secondary Education, I have long advocated for education policies that strengthen schools and prepare our young people for the jobs of the future. Education begins at birth, and ensuring that our youth have the opportunities and tools necessary to grow into healthy, well-rounded, and productive members of society is critically important.

Elementary and Secondary Education:

At the end of 2015, Congress passed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Our nation’s schools, students and families awaited reauthorization since 2007. I am pleased Congress finally took action to fix many of the burdensome policies that have been plaguing our school districts for nearly 10 years. By maintaining Title 1 funding, addressing the importance of resource equity, and continuing to mandate disaggregated reporting, I believe ESSA will allow our nation’s education system to continue to make strides to improve student outcomes and better prepare all children for college and the workforce.

Pre-school and Head Start:

There are clear advantages to quality pre-school and Head Start programs. From increased future earning potential, to heighted development of socio-emotional skills, to increased graduation rates, early learning opportunities have proven to be critical. Under ESSA, competitive Preschool Development Grants are available to states to expand early learning, but there is still more work to do to fortify pre-school and Head Start programs across the country. I am committed to continuing to advocate for pre-school and Head Start opportunities for all children throughout our state and our nation.

Looking ahead to the Higher Education Act:

Congress must make increasing access to higher education a top priority. College should be affordable. All Americans should have an opportunity to attend college or develop a trade sufficient to support his or her family.

I will remain committed to ensuring that every child has the right to a good primary and secondary education, decreasing education disparities, and giving all young people access to college.


Rep. Fudge introduced H.R. 193, the Core Opportunity Resources for Equity and Excellence (CORE) Act to address persistent achievement gaps between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students by requiring states and local school districts to provide core resources equitably.

Rep. Fudge introduced H.R. 2155, the Community STEM Learning Act to provide competitive grants to regional and national intermediaries in order to provide STEM-driven after school activities.

Rep. Fudge co-introduced H.R. 3372, the Flexibility to Innovate for College Affordability Act which gives institutions greater flexibility to create innovative degree programs that reduce costs for students.

Rep. Fudge introduced H.R. 2065, the Go to High School, Go to College Act which allows students attending early college high schools and young adults earning college credits the ability to apply for early Pell Grants to pay for the cost of tuition. 

Rep. Fudge introduced H.R. 4661, the Parent PLUS Loan Improvement Act  to lessen the financial burden placed on parents and families due to high-interest PLUS loans.



Rep. Fudge's Goals for Higher Education:

•             Ensure all Americans have an opportunity to attend college or develop a trade

•             Protect Pell Grants

•             Provide federal funding for early college and concurrently enrolled secondary students