Rep. John YarmuthOverený účet


Official Twitter Account for Congressman John Yarmuth, representing the 3rd Congressional District of Kentucky.

Louisville, KY
Na Twitteri od: október 2011


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  1. 25. 12.

    Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!

  2. 24. 12.

    Absolutely heartbreaking. My thoughts are with this officer’s family and the entire community.

  3. 23. 12.

    As President Trump's temper tantrum shutdown enters its second full day, I joined on to discuss the latest on government funding and the trickle down impacts of this third .

  4. 22. 12.

    Incredible that McConnell and Ryan, the two leaders of Congress, have ceded their Article 1 powers to POTUS (Pouter of the United States). He shouldn’t be calling the shots; Congress should, as the Founding Fathers prescribed.

  5. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 12.

    “We unseated 15 A-rated NRA members with F-rated members. So I’m going to have to get some more pins made.” ~ said to a reporter after the midterm elections. Rep. Yarmuth had “F” pins made for colleagues who have an F-rating from the NRA

  6. Retweetol používateľ
    21. 12.

    Chairman-elect : "This isn’t about border security. This is about placating Donald Trump’s media supporters.” Under a : -400,000 federal employees furloughed without pay over the holidays -Public safety undermined -National parks services closed

  7. Retweetol používateľ
    21. 12.

    Chairman-elect : The appropriations bills the president is undermining were formed through bipartisan agreements. Democrats and Republicans came together to form effective spending packages, and the president's political posturing undermines that.

  8. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.

    Chairman-elect : “Democrats will fight to ensure our budget charts a fiscally responsible path while investing in our national priorities and expanding economic opportunities for all Americans.”

  9. 20. 12.

    Proud to have been elected Chairman of the House Budget Committee in the 116th Congress. Budgets are a statement of our values, and with our majority, will fight to ensure our budgets expand economic opportunities for all Americans.

  10. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 12.

    President Trump and Congressional Republicans falsely sold their by claiming it would benefit working families and boost the economy. A year later, the results are clear: the biggest beneficiaries are corporate CEOs and wealthy investors.

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  11. Retweetol používateľ
    18. 12.

    Supporting our local businesses is key this holiday season because when you spend local, it stays local!

    , , a ďalší (3)
  12. 18. 12.
  13. 18. 12.

    I guess this is Kentucky’s version of the Wisconsin and Michigan sore loser response.

  14. Retweetol používateľ
    16. 12.

    We were happy to have visit our women’s campus today during the Christmas party for our clients, staff, and their children. The Congressman handed out cards as part of his Holiday Cards for the Homeless program. Thanks to everyone who made today’s party a success.

  15. 15. 12.

    So grateful to the students of , , and for providing these wonderful handmade cards for my annual Holiday Cards for the Homeless event today.

  16. Retweetol používateľ
    15. 12.

    House Democrats will take immediate action next Congress to formally intervene in this case, appeal, and

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  17. Retweetol používateľ
    15. 12.

    Last night’s district court ruling reveals the dangerous consequences of Republicans’ years-long crusade to upend the ACA & the health security of millions of Americans.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  18. 15. 12.

    Last night’s misguided court decision on the ACA is in no way the final word, and even the Trump Admin has said it will have no impact on Open Enrollment for 2019. You still have until midnight tonight to visit & find a plan that works for you.

  19. Retweetol používateľ
    13. 12.

    Congress has passed H.R. 6964 to reauthorize , including a short-term reauthorization of . Read our summary of this important bill, and sign up for our webinar to to learn more about what's next for a comprehensive 5 year RHYA reauthorization.

  20. 13. 12.

    The Trump Administration has cut enrollment time in half and there are only THREE days left to sign up at for coverage for 2019. Head there now to see your options, compare rates, & find a plan that works best for you and your family by 12/15.


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