Rep. John YarmuthTài khoản được xác nhận


Official Twitter Account for Congressman John Yarmuth, representing the 3rd Congressional District of Kentucky.

Louisville, KY
Đã tham gia tháng 10 năm 2011


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  1. Thrilled to join , , and at the Baxter Community Center today to announce $1.3M in Federal funding from for Louisville’s Reimage program to connect at-risk 18-24 year olds with opportunities in education, job training, & employment.

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  2. Had a blast meeting with members of Troop #2247 working on their Inside Government patch at . Thank you for inviting me, Jordan!

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  3. . is coming after Medicare & Social Security after their tax cuts for millionaires & big corporations blew a massive hole in our debt & deficits. Democrats are & committed to protecting the benefits Americans work a lifetime to earn.

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  4. My statement on the passing of former Senator Dee Huddleston:

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  5. I never thought I’d be saying this, but I applaud the Trump administration today. Their plan to require drug price transparency in tv ads is great policy. It is a very important and much needed step to empower consumers.

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    As we conclude this year’s , we reaffirm our efforts to expand opportunities and build an ever-brighter future for the Latino community.

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  7. This kind of defense is both outrageous and dangerous. It is never acceptable for a man or woman to sexually harass or abuse someone they manage.

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  8. Proud to be on hand for today’s event celebrating the and merger. This combination of residential and community-based services will be a tremendous asset for Kentucky’s most vulnerable children.

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  9. Honored to be a part of today’s celebration of the 32nd Pastoral Anniversary of at this morning. Our city thanks you for your decades of service in faith and fellowship.

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  10. Trump is the Limbo President. How low can he go?

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  12. Proud of my friend for his continued advocacy & understanding that democracy isn't a spectator sport. Glad 's tour is making its way around the country.

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  13. đã Tweet lại

    Ranking Member and Ranking Member called on OMB Director Mulvaney to adequately fund discretionary programs in the President's 2020 budget. Read their full letter here:

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  14. Beautiful morning at historic today, discussing the extension of the Lewis and Clark Trail.

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  15. đã Tweet lại

    ‼️TODAY at 4 pm is the deadline to in KY ‼️ ➡️

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  16. Last night Trump apologized for democracy. Not surprising, considering he doesn’t believe in it.

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  17. đã Tweet lại

    , KY! TOMORROW Oct. 9, 4pm local time, is the deadline to register at

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  18. In what universe, when you say you believe a woman when she says she was assaulted, but you don’t think she remembers who assaulted her, does it mean you actually believe the woman? Apparently in the Republican Senate universe. I still believe Dr. Ford.

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  19. I believe that the American people will refuse to stand for this and the Republican Party will very soon regret their betrayal. [3/3]

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  20. They gave a deeply unpopular and blatantly dishonest partisan a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land, under a cloud of credible allegations, for the most political and ideological of reasons. [2/3]

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