Steve CohenVerifizierter Account


CongressTN09 Memphis;Judiciary&Transportation;Civil Rights&Liberties;Impeach45; Women&Minority Issues;Med. Research;Animal Welfare;Father of TN Ed. Lottery; Dem

Memphis, TN and Washington, DC
Beigetreten Juli 2010


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    16. Nov. 2017

    The repeated injuries to our Constitution and democracy must be brought to an end. I'm fighting upstream, I've fought upstream my whole life, and I was proud to stand with my colleagues to introduce articles of against Donald Trump.

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  2. hat retweetet
    vor 5 Stunden

    Sorry & I’m not the billionaire hedge fund Steve Cohen or the magician for millionaires Steve Cohen .I’m proudly hard work & straight talk Congressman who was “born to rock the boat. Credit Warren Zevon “Mutineer”

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  3. vor 5 Stunden

    Cell signal puts Cohen outside Prague around time of purported Russian meeting is the Steele(stet) door closing in?

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  4. vor 7 Stunden

    Understand mine says Tennessee but I’ve proudly been Steve from since ‘07!

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  5. vor 7 Stunden

    Also “big,beautiful wall”, “who’s gonna pay for it? MEXICO”,and “lock her up” .another Shakespeare in our midst!

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  6. vor 9 Stunden

    Trump misleads about military pay raises again - CNNPolitics not misleads LIES . Pay raises every year for years! Congenital LIAR

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  7. vor 9 Stunden
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  8. 26. Dez.

    administration has avoided meaningful oversight over the last two years. That will end in January, as I told this afternoon. See the interview here.

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  9. 26. Dez.
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  10. 26. Dez.
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  11. 26. Dez.

    I'll be on CNN today talking about the federal government's partial shutdown and other breaking news at noon Central time, 1 p.m. Eastern.

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  12. hat retweetet
    26. Dez.

    was a cosponsor of the H.R.3030 and then voted yes for S.1158 last week. Thank you Congressman for supporting this bill!

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  13. 26. Dez.
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  14. 26. Dez.

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all🎅🏼☮️🎉

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  15. hat retweetet
    25. Dez.
    Antwort an
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  16. 24. Dez.

    I notice no lunch on your clean that because your pal,Kim,ate it?

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  17. 24. Dez.

    Oh!now I understand the stock market can’t putt. BTW:You claim & own it

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  18. 24. Dez.

    Call Macaulay Culkin! Maybe he can give some advice.

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  19. 24. Dez.
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  20. 24. Dez.

    Trump is incapable of leading our country. Intellectually , morally and emotionally unfit!

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  21. 24. Dez.
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