Steve CohenTài khoản được xác nhận


CongressTN09 Memphis;Judiciary&Transportation;Civil Rights&Liberties;Impeach45; Women&Minority Issues;Med. Research;Animal Welfare;Father of TN Ed. Lottery; Dem

Memphis, TN and Washington, DC
Đã tham gia tháng 7 năm 2010


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    The repeated injuries to our Constitution and democracy must be brought to an end. I'm fighting upstream, I've fought upstream my whole life, and I was proud to stand with my colleagues to introduce articles of against Donald Trump.

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    Sorry for the ending but had to share ⁦⁩ (on Intel or Judiciary cmte?) introducing in August 2017. On top of possible 4 firing , & Trump refusal to protect Americans from domestic enemy = & KKK.

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  3. GOP Rep. Walter Jones Suggests Trump Pay for Part of His Wall via Republican is one of finest people I’ve seved with in #Congress# .A gentleman and a scholar and a courageous voice of reason.

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  4. In we are still on barbecue/ribs/fried chicken/fried green tomatoes/grits.”if it ain’t broke,don’t fix it”

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    Draft dodging chickenhawk cowards don’t get to call any Generals “failed. “ You failed at manhood. You failed as “leader”. You failed marriage & as father. You failed at rejecting Treason. Your most spectacular failure was as an American. History will show

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  6. America’s collective I.q will rise as a result!Adios!

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    The tax bill should have been an opportunity to put more money in the pockets of working families – but instead: “A year later, economic data shows that the tax bill’s benefit to workers was largely a mirage.” No kidding.

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    29 thg 12, 2018
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  9. I am so looking forward to voting for for once again and working with her to make the house of representatives Great Again!

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  10. The notorious Nancy P! A woman can’t divorce,buy off,fire,or intimidate!

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  11. One of my top moments in 2018.Thanks to for sharing.MAJORITY In House Jan.3 !Lets get ready to rumble!Happy New Year!

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  12. I told MSNBC’s that this is “the most ethically challenged administration…maybe ever.” See the interview here. And the full interview here.

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  13. Thanks but has a super fine man in .Follow him. And while the others are & vote in a way John and I don’t they are honest, pleasant& like basketball ,bourbon& hemp so not all bad..No embarrassments and there are a few on that side.

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  14. We shouldn’t put up this culture of corruption. It’s Generational with Trump and Kushner.This was what they were taught.There is a cancer on the presidency and ,therefor,on our government. Surgery Dr.

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  17. Disorder in the House and was there ever in 115th .Zevon won Grammy for best rock duo w the Boss.”Here’s to the home of the brave and the the land of the free.Where the less you know the better off you’ll be.”

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  18. Hoàn tác
  19. And on January 3 obeisance and dereliction of duty shall have walked out of the chamber!

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  20. Rep. Steve Cohen Talks Pelosi, Trump, Zevon,Shutdown on MSNBC w/ Ari Melber (1... via

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