Thomas MassieTài khoản được xác nhận


U.S. Representative for Kentucky's 4th District, Chairman 2nd Amendment Caucus, MIT '93 SB, '96 SM

Đã tham gia tháng 11 năm 2012


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  1. đã Tweet lại

    I’ve long said there needs to be a revolution in Congress. Last week, helped spark one; he demanded a recorded vote on every bill (and I filled in for him as needed). This is how the House should work—with representatives recording their votes for all to see.

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  2. Have we forgotten how to Congress?! When the House passes a bill and the Senate passes a different bill on the same topic, the two chambers form a conference committtee that negotiates a compromise bill which then goes back to both chambers for an up or down vote, no amendments.

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  3. I know the fine folks who run this FB page and they’ve been instrumental in the legalization of hemp. This is sad. I wonder what FB’s motives were?

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  4. I’ll just leave this right here with my hashtag...

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  5. đã Tweet lại
    26 thg 12

    This week I wrote a column about the increasing, all-consuming fakeness of the internet

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  6. Why do so many Congressman go along to get along in DC? Turn up the volume and listen to grown adults, each paid $174,000/year, boo and groan when they are called to push little buttons and record their votes. Peer-pressure causes many votes to go unrecorded.

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  7. đã Tweet lại
    24 thg 12

    A few years ago, I met a young Marine at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Half his head had been blown away by an IED. Important politicians and handsome talking heads debate 's decision on TV but keep in mind who really pays the price for their policies.

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    Đang trả lời

    Hi guys. I see we’ve moved on to the Fed now.

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  9. Hoàn tác
  10. peace 🕊 on earth 🌏 Best Christmas present ever: announcing his decision to bring troops home from Syria and Afghanistan.

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  11. đã Tweet lại

    “It should not be the job of America to replace regimes around the world. This is what President Trump recognized in Iraq, that it was the biggest foreign policy disaster of the last several decades, and he’s right...The generals still don’t get the mistake.”

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  12. đã Tweet lại

    I came to say Happy to my friend Elizabeth Warren. Cant find her.

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  13. đã Tweet lại

    President after president can get us into wars—without public support, without congressional approval, in violation of the Constitution—but when says he wants to get us out of a war (one that Congress never authorized), *that’s* what outrages the political class.

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  14. I fully support ’s decision to bring our troops home from Syria. Some have claimed the AUMF against Al Quaeda in Afghanistan allows troops to fight ISIS in Syria. But no AUMF authorizes troops to occupy Syria to oppose Assad and wage a proxy war against Russia.

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  15. This pie is $4000 billion per year. $5 billion represents 5/4000 or 1/800th of this pie.

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  16. Congrats ! I guess I’ll take 2nd. Where does your congressman/congresswoman stand on spending?

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  17. Twitter is a dumpster fire, full of politicians and brazen hussies. You can do and say whatever you want with an account profile like yours.

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  18. Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  19. If you came up with this twitter profile so folks would take you seriously, please forgive me for questioning your judgement. How about posting with one of your other accounts?

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  20. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Never imagined TDS would lead some folks to simultaneously argue that $5 billion is too much to spend on border security, but that $50 billion in Afghanistan is the right amount so “we won’t have to fight them over here.”

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