Report Government
Fraud, Waste & Abuse

Building on 40 Years of Excellence in Independent Oversight

This year the Inspector General community commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Inspector General Act.

In October 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed the Act, establishing the first twelve presidentially appointed Inspectors General in federal departments and agencies. The Act empowered the Inspectors General to curb waste, fraud, and abuse and promote economy and efficiency in government operations. In the 40 years since, the IG community has grown to include 73 statutory Inspectors General, both presidentially appointed and appointed by agency heads, who collectively oversee the operations of nearly all aspects of federal government. Throughout the year, we will commemorate the significant contributions the IG community has made toward better government, and mark the way forward for our oversight functions. Keep your eye on this page for information about anniversary events and historical content about the role and contributions of federal Inspectors General.