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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide a group of commonly asked questions and answers about features in My HealtheVet. Please note that all FAQs that begin with VA come from your VA health record. If it begins with DoD it comes from the Department of Defense. All other information is either self-entered by you or is general information about My HealtheVet.

Note: To see VA and/or DoD information, you must be a Veteran, enrolled in the VA health care system and have an upgraded My HealtheVet Account (be In-Person or Online Authenticated).

VA Appointments

View, Print and/or Download Your Signed Release of Information Form

My Medications + Supplements: Self Reported Frequently Asked Questions

healtheliving assessment

Secure Messaging (General FAQs)

VA Blue Button

What is the My HealtheVet VA Blue Button?

The My HealtheVet VA Blue Button is a feature that will let you view, print, save, and/or download your information in My HealtheVet. You may be able to access specific VA Blue Button features based on your My HealtheVet account type. The three account types available are: Basic, Advanced and Premium. For more information about these accounts, select My HealtheVet Account Types.

What is the Health Summary (VA CCD)?

A Health Summary (VA CCD), formerly called the VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD), ), is a summary of essential health and medical care information from your VA health record. The Health Summary (VA CCD) uses recognized standards to support the effective exchange of information between health care systems and/or providers. The goal is to:

  • Provide a summary of a patient's essential health and medical care information that can be used for the continued care of the patient.

  • Allow for information about the patient in one health system to be exchanged with another health system that is providing care to the patient.

  • Be used by patients within other computer applications or systems that can accept this type of file.

The Health Summary (VA CCD), ) was designed to allow Veterans to electronically share their VA health information. This information may be shared with a non-VA health care system or provider. It gives non-VA providers access to your most important VA health information at the point of care.

Veterans who use the VA health care system and who want to share their information must have a My HealtheVet Premium account. To get a Premium account, you will need to complete authentication. VA verifies a Veterans' identity by this process. Authentication allows you to access key portions of your VA health record.

Remember, you control access to your personal information. It is your responsibility to keep your information private and protected. Once you have downloaded your information from My HealtheVet, it is your responsibility to keep it safe and private. Learn more about protect your personal health information.

You can download your Health Summary (VA CCD) information in two readable file formats:

  • Adobe PDF file format: download your information in Adobe PDF format (.pdf) which is easy to read and print. You will be able to view and print it before saving the file. If needed, you can obtain a free copy of the Adobe Reader for PDF files at the VA Viewer Software page.

    Please be aware: anytime you open/download a PDF file, you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. Your Health Summary (VA CCD) can be visible to other users of this computer. Learn more about protecting your personal health information.


  • XML file format: download your information in an XML file format (.xml). You may also need to download the XML Style Sheet as well as the Cascading Style Sheet and place all three files in the same folder on your computer.

*Please know that if you open the XML Style Sheet, the content is coded in .xml mark-up language, which is not in a readable format. The XML style sheet is a companion to your Health Summary (VA CCD) .xml file and intended to be downloaded into the same folder on your computer or flash drive. To begin:

  • Select the XML Style Sheet and save it to a folder on your computer.

  • Then download your Health Summary (VA CCD) .xml file to the same folder.

  • When you open your Health Summary (VA CCD) .xml file in this folder it may be readable.

Note: Using the XML Style Sheet to view the .xml file may not work in some browser versions. You can also read the same information in the .PDF format of your Health Summary (VA CCD).

What is the difference between the VA Blue Button and the Health Summary (VA CCD)?

VA Blue Button:
  • You are able to print, save and/or download your information

  • May contain a combination of information:

    • Self-entered information from your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record (all account types)

    • VA medications (Advanced Account)

    • Key portions of your VA electronic health record (Premium Account)

    • DoD Military Service Information (for some Veterans with a Premium Account )


  • You can customize the types of information to include and the date range of the information

Health Summary (VA CCD)
  • You can download and save the file; however you may not be able to read the file within your browser

  • Contains pre-selected patient information from your VA electronic health record

  • Allows for information about the patient in one health system to be electronically exchanged with another health system that is providing care to the patient

  • The file contains standardized information and cannot be customized

What type of information can I view in VA Blue Button?

After you register, your account type will be displayed in the Member Login box, as an icon after your name. For example if you have a Basic Account, there will be a Basic Account Icon after your name. With an Advanced Account, it will be an Advanced Account Icon. Those with a Premium Account will have a Premium Account Icon after your name.

If you have a Basic account, you can print, download or save the following types of Self Reported information:

  • Activity Journal

  • Allergies

  • Family Health History

  • Food Journal

  • Health Care Providers

  • Health Insurance

  • Immunizations

  • Labs and Tests

  • Medical Events

  • Medications and Supplements

  • Military Health History

  • My Goals: Current Goals

  • My Goals: Completed Goals

  • Treatment Facility

  • Vitals and Readings

If you have an Advanced account it includes the features of a Basic account plus:

  • Medications and Supplements, Self Reported (includes VA Allergies, Adverse Reactions, Self-Reported Allergies)

  • VA Medication History - includes your VA medications, VA Allergies, Adverse Reactions, Self-Reported Allergies and self-reported prescription history

  • VA Allergies - includes your VA Allergies information

If you have a Premium account, it includes all the features of an Advanced and Basic account in addition to the following information:

  • VA Admissions and Discharges Summaries (Discharge Summaries are available 3 calendar days after they are completed)

  • VA Allergies

  • VA Appointments (future)

  • VA Appointments (limited to past 2 years)

  • VA Demographics

  • VA Electrocardiogram (EKG)

  • VA Immunizations

  • VA Laboratory Results - Chemistry/Hematology/Microbiology - VA Laboratory Results are available 3 calendar days after they have been verified. Depending on the type of test, some laboratory results may not be available right away.

  • VA Medication History

  • VA Pathology Report - Surgical Pathology/Cytology/Electron Microscopy - VA Pathology Reports are available 14 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.

  • VA Problem List - The VA Problem List contains active health problems your VA providers are helping you manage. This information is available 3 calendar days after it has been entered. It may not contain active problems managed by non-VA health care providers.

  • VA Notes - VA Notes written from January 1, 2013 forward are available 3 calendar days after they have been completed and signed by all required members of your VA health care team.

  • VA Radiology - VA Radiology Reports are available 3 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.

  • VA Vitals and Readings

  • VA Wellness Reminders

  • Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information

What are hold periods?

Some information that comes from your VA health record may not be presented right away in My HealtheVet or your VA Blue Button. This is because your information may first need to be reviewed by a member of your VA health care team. Also, if needed, this gives your provider time to discuss your results with you before you view them in My HealtheVet.

The table below gives you the expected length of time until your VA information is available for display in the Blue Button. In some situations, it may take longer to view your information.

If you have any questions about your information please visit the FAQs. You may also contact your VA health care team with your questions.

VA Admissions and Discharges Discharge Summaries are available 3 calendar days after they are completed.
VA Laboratory Results VA Laboratory Results are available 3 calendar days after they have been verified. Depending on the type of test, some laboratory results may not be available right away.
VA Notes VA Notes written from January 1, 2013 forward are available 3 calendar days after they have been completed and signed by all required members of your VA health care team.
VA Pathology Reports VA Pathology Reports are available 14 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.
VA Problem List Your VA Problem List contains active health problems your VA providers are helping you to manage. This information is available 3 calendar days after it has been entered. It may not contain active problems managed by non-VA health care providers.
VA Radiology Reports VA Radiology Reports are available 3 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.

What do double dashes (--) mean?

When double dashes (--) are displayed, it means you have no information to display for that selection or field.

For example: You may want to view the allergies listed in your VA health information. You select VA Allergies on the Download My Selected Data page. When there is no data to display, double dashes (--) will appear in the VA Allergy field(s).

Is there a difference between what I can view in the VA Blue Button and what I can find in My HealtheVet?

Yes, some information that comes from your VA health record has its own section in My HealtheVet, such as:

  • VA Wellness Reminders

  • VA Appointments

  • VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

  • VA Chemistry/Hematology

  • VA Medication History

  • VA Prescriptions

Other information that comes from your VA health record or Department of Defense (DoD)* can only be viewed by going to the VA Blue Button and selecting the information from the Download My Selected Data page.

  • VA Admissions and Discharges

  • VA Demographics

  • VA Electrocardiogram (EKG)

  • VA Immunizations

  • VA Pathology Report: Surgical Pathology/Cytology/Electron Microscopy

  • VA Problem List

  • VA Notes (VA Notes written on or after January 1, 2013 forward are available).

  • VA Radiology

  • VA Vitals and Readings

  • Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information

How will the VA Blue Button benefit me?

The benefit of using the VA Blue Button is to improve information sharing between you and your health care team. Shared information may improve how your health is managed by both VA and non-VA health care teams. Using the VA Blue Button, you can always have a copy of your health summary on hand. You have the ability to print or save your information to a computer, CD or thumb drive.

What is the VA Blue Button Personal Information Report?

Information you selected in the VA Blue Button is provided to you as a Personal Information Report. This report is a copy of information from your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record. It may include:

  • Self Reported - Information that you self-entered in your My HealtheVet personal health record

  • VA - Information that comes from your VA health record

  • DoD - Your Military Service Information that comes from the Department of Defense (DoD)


To view information from your VA health record or Department of Defense, you need to have an Advanced or Premium My HealtheVet Account.

Note: Your health care team may not have all of the information from your Personal Health Record unless you share it with them. Contact your health care team if you have questions about your health information.

Are there computer requirements to use the VA Blue Button?

Your computer should have an Internet browser and access to the Internet. Some people have Internet access in their home. Public libraries and Internet cafes also provide Internet access. If you want to download your health information, you can save your information to your computer, CD or thumb drive. You need a printer connected to your computer in order to print your health information.

How do I access the VA Blue Button?

After you Register on My HealtheVet, you can access VA Blue Button:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data

  • Select Continue

On the Download My Selected Data page:

  • Select a Date Range

  • In the Select Types of Information section, choose the information you would like to view and/or download

  • Select Submit

Download if you want an electronic copy and/or select View/Print if you want a printed list, then select Print

If I use the VA Blue Button, can other people see my information?

No. You are the only one who sees your information in My HealtheVet. You decide how to share that information. If you want someone else to see your information, you must personally give it to them.

Important: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish.

Please note: If you are using a public computer, the safest way to view your health data is to choose the .txt file and view it only. If you chose to open or download a .pdf file, you create a temporary file on the computer. This file can be viewed by others. To reduce the chance of others viewing your VA Blue Button and/or Health Summary (VA CCD)you should not download your data to public or shared computers.

How can I customize my download?

There are two ways you can customize your download on the Download My Selected Data page. This can be done by date range and/or by selecting the type of information you would like to view.

  • To choose a date range, go to Select Date Range and check one of the following:

    • 3 months

    • 6 months

    • 1 year

    • Or you can choose Select Date Range to enter a specific time period

      • Enter a Start Date

      • Enter an End Date



How will I know if my download was customized by either Date Range and/or Type of Information?

You will see the Date Range and Types of Information at the top of the VA Blue Button information report in your Download Request Summary.

Can I update or change my information in the VA Blue Button?

Yes. To change or update your self-entered information, log into your My HealtheVet account and make your updates. However, information that comes from VA and/or DoD cannot be changed in My HealtheVet. To change information that comes from your VA health record, please contact the Release of Information clerk at your VA facility.

What should I do if I think someone downloaded my information?

First, check your Account Activity History. This provides a record of every download of your information available in your My HealtheVet account. If there is activity you do not understand, please contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk by selecting Contact MHV

To access your Account Activity History:

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Select - Personal Information Tab

  • Select - Account Sub-tab

  • Select - Account Activity History

What is Account Activity History?

The Account Activity History lets you know what actions were taken on your account, when they were taken, and by whom. To access:

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Select - Personal Information Tab

  • Select - Account Sub-tab

  • Select - Account Activity History

When you go to this page, you will see a table with the type of activity, who did it, the date and time it was done, action and result.

Note: My HealtheVet guards your privacy in accordance with the Privacy & Security statement on the bottom of each My HealtheVet page.

How is a download shown in my Account Activity History?

The Account Activity History shows the type of download that was done. For example, if you chose Select Date Range or Select Types of Information to download, your Account Activity History will display Custom Download Requested. Downloads you may see in your Account Activity History can include:

  • Custom Download Requested

  • Download My Custom Data

  • Download Requested

  • Download My Data PDF

  • Download My Custom Data PDF

  • Print My Custom Data

  • Print My Data

  • View My Custom Data

  • View My Data

  • Download My VA CCD

How do I know when I last used VA Blue Button to download my information?

A record of every download of your information is available in your My HealtheVet Account Activity History. To check this:

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Select - Personal Information Tab

  • Select - Account Sub-tab

  • Select - Account Activity History

When you go to this page, you will see a table with the type of activity, who did it, the date and time it was done, and the action and result.

What if I have questions about using the VA Blue Button?

The VA Blue Button was created with Veterans in mind. To use the VA Blue Button, no training is needed, but you may have questions. You can select the VA Blue Button User Guide to see how the VA Blue Button works.

If you have questions, please use the Contact MHV tab at the top of any page on My HealtheVet. You may also contact the My HealtheVet Coordinator at your local VA Medical Center.

What is a file format?

A file format specifies how the information is organized in a computer file and which programs the file is used with. On My HealtheVet, you can get your VA Blue Button information in two file formats (.pdf and .txt file).

What file format is available to view, print and/or download my VA Blue Button report?

You can get your VA Blue Button in two file formats. You can download it in a format that is easy to read and print (.pdf file) or as a simple text format (.txt file). You may wish to review the information in your account first to be sure it is up to date before you download it.

What is a pdf File?

PDF File stands for Portable Document Format. It is a file that keeps your data in the original form. Your information looks the same on the screen and in print regardless of what kind of computer you have. It is a simple, easy way to download your files.

Please note: If you are using a public computer, the safest way to view your health data is to choose the .txt file and view it only. If you chose to open or download a .pdf file, you create a temporary file on the computer. This file can be viewed by others. To reduce the chance of others viewing your VA Blue Button and/or Health Summary (VA CCD) you should not download your data as a .pdf file on a public or shared computer.

What is a txt File?

Txt stands for text file. It is a file that presents your data in a line-by-line format. As a result, your print out or download may look different from what you see on the computer screen.

What is a CD?

A Compact Disc (also known as a CD) is a round shaped disc used to store information from your computer. A CD is portable and requires special handling to prevent damage to the recording. A CD is one of the most common ways to store information.

What is a thumb drive?

A thumb drive is a small electronic device used to store information from your computer. It also is called a flash drive or pen drive. A thumb drive is lightweight, portable and easy to use for moving information. It fits into the Universal Serial Bus (USB) slot on a computer. When using a USB, the computer can read your transferred information.

VA Health Summary

What is a Continuity of Care Document (CCD)?

A Continuity of Care Document (CCD) is an electronic document exchange standard for sharing a summary of patient information. The goal is to:

  • Provide a summary of a patient's essential health and medical care information that can be used for the continued care of the patient.

  • Allow for information about the patient in one health system to be electronically exchanged with another health system that is providing care to the patient.

  • Be used by patients within other computer applications or systems.

What is the VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD)?

The VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD) is also known as the VA Health Summary. This is a summary of your VA health information. Your VA Health Summary contains essential health and medical care information from your VA Electronic Health Record.

The VA Health Summary was designed to allow you to share a summary of your VA health information with a non-VA health care system or provider. You can get your VA Health Summary information in two file formats:

Please be aware: anytime you open/download a PDF file, you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. Your VA CCD can be visible to other users of this computer. Learn more about protecting your personal health information.

*Some computer applications are not able to open a document that is in an .xml format. You may want to use our XML Style Sheet to read the information in your VA Health Summary.

  • Adobe PDF file format: download your information in Adobe PDF format (.pdf) which is easy to read and print. You will be able to view and print it before saving the file. If needed, you can obtain a free copy of the Adobe Reader for PDF files at the VA Viewer Software page.

  • XML file format: download your information in an XML file format (.xml). To view your VA Health Summary .xml file, you may also need to download the XML Style Sheet*, and place both files in the same folder on your computer.

Because a growing number of non-VA health care systems have applications that can read a CCD, it is good to download and save your VA Health Summary to a thumb drive and/or CD. This way you have it available, should you want to share it.

What is .xml file format?

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It uses computer language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents. The .xml file was designed to transport and store data, not to display data. The .xml file is the most common tool for data transmissions between all sorts of applications. The .xml file format is one that is both human-readable (naturally read by humans) and machine-readable (read by a computer). To download your information in an XML file format (.xml), you may also need to download the XML Style Sheet, as well as the Cascading Style Sheet, and place all three files in the same folder on your computer.

If needed, you can obtain a free copy of the XML Style Sheet.

Please know that if you open the XML Style Sheet, the content is coded in .xml mark-up language, which is not in a readable format. The XML style sheet is a companion to your VA CCD .xml file and intended to be downloaded into the same folder on your computer or flash drive. To begin:

  • Select the XML Style Sheet and save it to a folder on your computer.

  • Select the Cascading Style Sheet and save it to the same folder.

  • Then download your VA CCD .xml file to the same folder.

  • When you open your VA CCD .xml file in this folder it may be readable

Note that using the XML Style Sheet to view the .xml file may not work in some browser versions. You can also read the same information in the .PDF format of your VA Health Summary. Please be aware: Anytime you open/download a PDF file, you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. Your VA Health Summary information can be visible to other users of this computer.

What are the requirements to download my VA Health Summary?

  • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • Have a My HealtheVet Premium account

Does my VA Health Summary include my complete medical record?

No, it is not intended to be a complete medical history. The document does include essential information necessary for the safe and effective continuation of your care, such as your known allergies on record with VA, and a list of your medications on record (both VA medications and non-VA medications reported to your health care team).

What is the difference between VA Blue Button and the VA Health Summary?

VA Blue Button:
  • Information is available in two file formats (.pdf file and .txt file)

  • You are able to print, save and/or download your information

  • May contain a combination of information based on your account type:

    • Self-entered information from your My HealtheVet Personal Health Record (all account types)

    • VA medications (Advanced and Premium account)

    • Key portions of your VA Electronic Health Record (Premium account)

    • DoD Military Service Information (for some Veterans with a Premium Account )


  • You can customize the types of information to include and the date range of the information

  • VA Health Summary:

    • Available only for Premium accounts

    • Information is available in two file formats (.pdf file and .xml file)

    • You are able to print, save and/or download your information

    • Contains a pre-selected summary of essential patient information from your VA Electronic Health Record

    • Allows for information about the patient in one health system to be electronically exchanged with another health system that is providing care to the patient

    • You can download and save the file; however you may not be able to read the .xml file within your browser

    • The file contains standardized information and cannot be customized

    What is the benefit of having my information in a VA Health Summary?

    • Allows non-VA providers access to a summary of your essential VA health information at the point of care

    • Makes it possible for your health information to be read across VA and non-VA health care systems

    • Makes it easier for other applications (e.g., electronic health systems or other personal health record applications) to read a summary of your VA health information

    What information is in my VA Health Summary?

    It contains important facts about your health and health care. This information comes from your VA health record and includes information from all of your VA treatment facilities. The version of your VA Health Summary is the Consolidated Clinical Documentation Architecture (CCDA). The primary function of the CCDA is to standardize the content and structure for clinical care summaries. It contains:

    Personal Information - this includes your name, date of birth (DOB), gender, address, marital status, religious affiliation, race, ethnicity, language(s), preferred language (your primary language, such as English, Spanish, etc.)

    Allergies - contains your known allergies on record with VA. The data comes from all of your VA treatment facilities. It does not list allergies that were removed or entered in error. Some allergies may be reported in the Immunization section.

    History of Encounters - this lists all completed VA Outpatient Encounters. The data comes from all of your VA treatment facilities. It includes the most recent 25 Encounter dates within the last 36 months. There is a limit of 10 Note titles for each Encounter. Follow-up visits related to the VA Encounter are not included.

    History of Procedures - this section includes a list of surgical procedures from the last 18 months, a maximum of the 5 most recent procedures, and radiology procedures.

    Immunizations - lists your immunizations on record with VA . The data comes from all of your VA treatment facilities. A reaction to an immunization may be reported in the Allergy section.

    Lab Results - Chemistry/Hematology - contains your Chemistry and Hematology Lab Results on record with VA. The data comes from all of your VA treatment facilities. Results include the last 24 months, and include a maximum of the 10 most recent sets of tests. Results are available 3 days after they have been verified by the lab technician.

    Medications - Prescription and Non-Prescription - displays a list of your medication (out-patient and self-reported) information. Only medications that have an active or non-active prescription status are listed. It includes all your VA medications dispensed within the last 15 months.

    Problem/Conditions - contains a list of all your problems/conditions known to VA. It includes both active and inactive problems/conditions. The data comes from all of your VA treatment facilities. Data is available 3 calendar days after it has been entered, verified and signed by a VA provider.

    Vital Signs - lists your ten most recent vital signs, or those taken within the last 12 months. These include both inpatient and outpatient measurements. If more than one set of vital signs was taken on the same date, only the most recent is recorded for that date.

    Emergency Contact Information - this includes your next of kin, emergency and guardian contacts from the most recent site of care.

    How soon will my VA health information be available to view in my VA Health Summary?.

    Some information that comes from your VA health record may not be presented right away in My HealtheVet or your VA Health Summary. This is because your information may first need to be reviewed by a member of your VA health care team. The information below gives you the length of time until your VA information is available for display in the VA Health Summary

    Health Summary Section When Available
    Problems Available 3 days after entry
    Lab Results Available 3 days after being verified
    Radiology Reports Available 3 calendar days after completed
    Pathology Reports Available 14 days after being completed
    Outpatient Encounter Notes Available 3 calendar days after completed
    Consult Notes Available 3 calendar days after completed
    History & Physical (H&P) Notes Available 3 calendar days after completed
    Discharge Summary Notes Available 3 calendar days after completed
    Surgical Procedure Notes Available 3 calendar days after completed
    Clinical Procedure Notes Available 3 calendar days after completed

    NOTE: A previously generated VA Health Summary is available for up to two years.

    How often is the information in my VA Health Summary updated?

    Information in your VA Health Summary is updated when you visit the VA Blue Button page and request your VA Health Summary. Updates take place once each day.

    Who will be able to access information in my VA Health Summary file?

    You control who has access to your information. You decide if you want to share your information and who you want to share it with.

    What is the best way to save/download my VA Health Summary?

    You can save/download your VA Health Summary file to a secure location such as a thumb drive and/or CD. This way it is portable and can be easily shared. You can download your VA Health Summary information in an .xml or .pdf file format:

    • Adobe PDF file format: download your information in Adobe PDF format (.pdf) which is easy to read and print. You will be able to view and print it before saving the file. If needed, you can obtain a free copy of the Adobe Reader for PDF files at the VA Viewer Software page.

      Please be aware: anytime you open/download a PDF file, you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. Your VA Health Summary can be visible to other users of this computer. Learn more about protecting your personal health information.

    • XML file format: download your information in an XML file format (.xml). To view your VA CCD .xml file, you may also need to download the XML Style Sheet, as well as the Cascading Style Sheet, and place all three files in the same folder on your computer. If needed, you can obtain a free copy of the XML Style Sheet and the Cascading Style Sheet.

    How will a non-VA provider or health care system get access to this information?

    For a non-VA provider or health care system to access information in your VA Health Summary you must share it with them. You can do this by saving a copy of your VA Health Summary to a thumb drive and/or CD. You should NOT send your personal health information using email, since this is not secure. Visit Protecting Your Personal Health Information to learn more.

    How will I know if my non-VA provider is able to access my VA Health Summary?

    Ask a member of your non-VA health care team. They can determine if their computer system can access information that is in a VA Health Summary.

    Is my information in My HealtheVet secure?

    The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

    Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should NEVER send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure. Visit protecting your personal health information to learn more.

    Please be aware: anytime you open/download a PDF file, you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. Your VA Health Summary can be visible to other users of this computer. Learn more about protecting your personal health information.

    Who do I contact if I have technical questions about the VA Health Summary feature?

    If you need assistance with the VA Health Summary feature, please contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk:

    • You can send us details using the Contact MHV form. Our goal is to reply to you by the next business day.

    • Or, call us directly at 1-877-327-0022, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. (Central Time). For TTY, call 1-800-877-8339.

    VA Cytology

    What is Cytology?

    Cytology is the use of microscopes to examine single cells or small group of cells. This test is different from a biopsy, which examines pieces of tissue. The test may be done to look for cancers and precancerous changes in the cells. It may also be used to look for viral infections in cells.

    Cytology tests are used in one of two ways:

    1. Screening - to determine if you have a certain disease even before you have symptoms

    2. Diagnosing - used if you have signs, symptoms, or some other reason to think a disease may be present

    Cytology specimens can be collected from different parts of the body. Examples of Cytology tests may include but they are not limited to:

    • Pap Smear (Cervix)

    • Sputum Cytology

    • Urine Cytology

    • Plural Fluid (fluid around the lungs)

    • Spinal Fluid

    • Gastric/Esophageal Brushings and Washings

    • Oral Cytology

    • Cytology examination from other Body Fluids

    What is VA Cytology?

    VA Cytology is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record ( It can be found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view information from their VA Cytology report(s). This information comes from your official VA health record.

    What are the requirements for viewing the VA Cytology?

    To view VA Cytology you must:

    • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

    • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

    • Have an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account*

    * To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

    How do I access, view, print, save or download my VA Cytology report(s)?

    To access VA Cytology, where you can view, print, save or download your report(s), simply:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

    • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

    • On the Download My Data page, select Continue

    • You can now select the Types of Information

      • Choose Select one or more types of information

      • Select VA Cytology

      • Select Submit

      • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

      • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

      • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


    What are the benefits of having VA Cytology in My HealtheVet?

    Having the results of your VA Cytology test(s) allows you to:

    • Work in partnership with your health care team

    • Gain a better understanding of your health issues

    • Make informed decisions about your health

    • Share your VA Cytology reports with caregivers or non-VA health care providers

    Can others see my VA Cytology report in My HealtheVet?

    You are the only one who can see your information in My HealtheVet. You decide how to share that information. If you want someone else to see your information, you must give it to him or her.

    VA Cytology test results have information about you that is personal. You are responsible for protecting the personal health information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect it the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information.

    Remember, if you use a computer or printer that is not yours (such as a friend's, the libraries, etc) always:

    • Remove your printed information off the printer and take it with you

    • Take your CD or thumb drive with you when you finish

    • Avoid saving your information to a computer that is not yours

    • Do not forget to log-off your My HealtheVet account

    Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

    Yes, My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and secure.

    Can I change the information in my VA Cytology report?

    No, your information is presented to you the way it is in your official VA health record. If you have questions about the information presented in these reports, please speak with your VA health care team or VA provider.

    Do you have lab reports from other non-VA medical facilities? If yes, please speak with your VA health care team to ensure that this information is included in your VA health record.

    Will I get an email when my VA Cytology test result is available in My HealtheVet?

    No, you will not receive an email when your VA Cytology report becomes available in My HealtheVet.

    Please note that your VA Cytology test results may take as long as 2-3 weeks before they are available through VA Blue Button. If you have questions you can contact your VA health care team. You can do this using Secure Messaging, by phone or during your next clinic visit.

    Why do I have to wait before I can see my VA Cytology results?

    After completion of your lab test:

    • Your specimen must be processed

    • Results need to be entered into your VA health record

    • Your VA health care team needs time to review those results

    • Results are copied into your My HealtheVet account

    If there are any issues with your results, your VA health care team should contact you.

    How is my VA Cytology report created?

    When your provider collects a specimen from you, it is sent to the lab. After it is examined the findings are placed in a report. Once complete, this report is entered into your VA health care record, where My HealtheVet pulls it into VA Blue Button. If you had a specimen sent for Cytology, this report can be viewed in My HealtheVet as VA Cytology.

    What information will I be able to view in VA Cytology?

    VA Cytology is made up of reports. It includes identified diagnoses and characterizes disease by examining single cells or a group of cells. The specimen comes from body fluids that your VA health care team submits to the laboratory.

    The Cytology report may include the following information:

    • Type of Report: Cytology

    • Specimen: type of specimen taken, such as a pap smear

    • Date/Time Collected: the day, month, year and time the specimen was collected

    • Ordering Location: location where the test was ordered

    • Submitted By: person who collected and sent the specimen to the lab

    • Surgeon or Physician: person who ordered the test

    • Pathologist: lab person (doctor) who examined the specimen

    Cytology Report
    The following fields may be blank if there is no information available:

    • Brief Clinical History - may provide an overview of why you are having the test

    • Gross Description - a description of the specimen that was removed

    • Microscopic Examination - a detailed description under microscopic review

    • Diagnosis - a health condition or disease

    • Impression - the examining pathologist's interpretation of the results, based on their findings

    • Supplemental Report - can include any additional data the pathologist feels would be helpful for your provider and other members of your health care team

    Note: VA Cytology may use medical terms that you do not understand. If you have questions about your information, you may contact the VA health care team where you received your care.

    How soon will I see my results after my VA Cytology test is done?

    VA Pathology ( Surgical Pathology, Cytology and Electron Microscopy) reports are available 14 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.

    If you have any questions about your information please visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team. You can do this using Secure Messaging, by phone or during your next clinic visit.

    Where can I learn more about Cytology or a certain health condition?

    Use the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about a specific health condition or information you found in your VA Cytology report. The Medical Library has in-depth information about medical conditions.

    How can I use my VA Cytology report?

    • Share your VA Cytology report with non-VA health care providers. Give your health care provider a complete picture of your health with VA Blue Button information. This helps them make better decisions about your health care.

    • Use VA Cytology to help you make choices about your treatment. By learning all that you can about your condition or diagnosis, you can work closely with your health care team to make the best treatment decision for you. Talk to your VA health care team or visit the My HealtheVet Medical Library to learn more.

    What should I do if I have a question about my VA Cytology report?

    • Select the Learn More link, which has general information about the VA Cytology report.

    • If you still have questions or do not understand your information, you can contact your VA health care team. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming VA appointment, or by using Secure Messaging.

    Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Cytology feature?

    You can contact My HealtheVet about problems you have with the VA Cytology feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

    VA Demographics

    What are VA Demographics?

    Demographics are the collection of information that describes a population. In My HealtheVet, VA Demographics includes a VA patient's military and social data. This information is provided by the Veteran when they enroll in the VA Healthcare System. It may include name, age, gender, race, and Social Security Number. VA uses what the Veteran provides, to verify who you are, create your VA health record and to communicate with you.

    VA Demographics is a part of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record. It can be found in the VA Blue Button - Download My Data section. VA patients can view their demographic information, as listed in their official VA health record.

    Note: Veterans seeking VA benefits for the first time will need to provide:

    • A copy of their service discharge form (DD-214, DD-215, or for World War II Veterans, a WD* form)

    • Service dates and type of discharge, or give their full name, military service number, and branch and dates of service

    • Eligible Veterans will complete a VA Form 10-10EZ Application for Health Benefits

    • *The WD Form is listed on all the government websites as discharge information for World War II era vets. WD stands for War Department.

    What Information will I be able to view in VA Demographics?

    Your VA Demographics, includes all information from any VA health care facility where you received care. VA Demographics for each VA facility may contain the following:

    • Source: VA

    • Last Updated: Day/month/year and time

    • Sorted By: This shows the date in descending order

    You will also see the following note: Your information in My HealtheVet is not transferred to your VA Health Record. Also, VA Demographic information is not updated between VA treating facilities. If you have any questions or updates, please contact your VA health care team.

    • VA Treating Facility: Name of VA facility where you received care

    • Name: First, Middle, Last

    • Date of Birth

    • Age

    • Gender

    • Religion

    • Marital Status

    • Permanent Address and Contact Information:

      • Street Address

      • City

      • State

      • Zip Code

      • County

      • Country

      • Home Phone Number

      • Work Phone Number


    • Eligibility:

      • Service Connected Percentage Means Test Status


    • Active Insurance:

      • Insurance Company

      • Group Name

      • Group Number

      • Subscriber ID

      • Subscriber Name

      • Subscriber Relationship

      • Effective Date

      • Expiration Date



    • VA Demographics includes all information from any VA health care facility where you received care.

    • Your VA Demographic information may be several years old. Information can only be updated by the Veteran (or someone with Power of Attorney).

    What are the requirements for viewing VA Demographics?

    To view your VA Demographics you must:

    • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

    • Be a registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

    • Have a My HealtheVet Premium* account

    *To get a My HealtheVet Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

    How can I use VA Demographics?

    • Use this information to assist you when filling out other documents, such as:

      • Insurance information

      • Application forms

      • Legal documents


    • Ensure that your demographic information in your VA health record is correct and up-to-date.

    What are the benefits of VA Demographics in My HealtheVet?

    • You are able to view your demographic information that is in your VA health record.

    • As long as you have Internet access, you can view your VA Demographics. Your information is available 24/7 at your convenience.

    Who can see my VA Demographics in My HealtheVet?

    You are the only one who can see your information in My HealtheVet unless you choose to share it with others.

    Your VA Demographics information is personal. You are responsible for protecting any information you print or download. Protect this the same way you would your banking or credit card information.

    Remember, if you use someone else's computer or printer, always:

    • Remove your printed information off the printer and take it with you

    • Take your CD or thumb drive with you when you finish

    • Avoid saving your information to a computer that is not yours

    Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

    My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal information is safe and secure.

    If I change demographic information in My HealtheVet, will it update my VA health record?

    No. You can only update or change demographic information in your VA health record by going to Update Your Information and/or visiting the Eligibility Department at your local VA medical center.

    Am I able to change information in my VA Demographics?

    Your VA Demographics is presented to you the way it is in your official VA health record. If you believe information in your VA Demographics is not accurate or needs to be updated, go to Update Your Information and/or visit the Eligibility Department at your local VA medical center.

    Will I receive an email if my VA Demographics are updated?

    No. Your information is refreshed once a day when you open VA Blue Button. If there has been any change to your VA Demographics, you will be able to see it.

    Note: The VA Demographics that are in your official VA health record may not be updated regularly. If you have questions about the accuracy of your demographic information go to Update Your Information.

    How do I view, print, save or download my VA Demographics?

    To access VA Demographics, where you can view, print, save or download your report(s), simply:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

    • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

    • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

    • You can now select the Types of Information

      • Choose Select one or more types of information

      • Select VA Demographics

      • Select Submit

      • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

      • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

      • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


    Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Demographics?

    You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Demographics feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

    What should I do if I have a question about my VA Demographics?

    If you have questions about your VA Demographics:

    • Select the Learn More link, which has general information about VA Demographics.

    • If you still have questions or do not understand your information, you can contact your local VA Eligibility Department. VA Facility Locator

    I see a yellow text box at the top of the page with a triangle icon, what does this mean?

    This is a message box that lets you know the status of your VA Demographic information. For example:

    • If you have no information in the system, the message in the box will read: "Information is not available".

    • If My HealtheVet is not able to retrieve your information, the message in the box will read: "Request cannot be processed at this time". If you see this message, you may wish to check back later.

    • If your information is being updated, the message will read: "We are updating your VA Demographics information.....Updates to your data are still in progress. Please refresh this screen or check back later."

    VA Electrocardiogram (EKG)

    What does Electrocardiogram mean?

    EKG stands for electrocardiogram. An EKG can also be referred to as an ECG. An EKG is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. This is a simple test that does not cause discomfort. This includes the rate and regularity of beats as well as the size and position of the chambers, any damage to the heart, and effects of drugs or devices to regulate the heart.

    An EKG is a very useful tool for determining whether a person has heart disease. Your health care provider may order this screening test to check your heart and how it is functioning.

    What is VA Electrocardiogram (EKG)?

    VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) is a feature of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record (, found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view the date/time and where they had their VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) procedure(s). This information comes from the Veteran's VA health record.

    What are the benefits of having my VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) information report in My HealtheVet?

    • You will know when and where you had your test

    • It allows you to share this information with a non-VA provider

    • Having this information may help you partner with your health care team.

    What are the requirements for viewing VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) results in My HealtheVet?

    • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

    • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

    • Have an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account*

    * To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity. This is done before allowing access to their VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

    How do I access, view, print, save or download my VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) report(s)?

    To access VA Electrocardiogram, where you can view, print, save or download your report(s), simply:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

    • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

    • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

    • You can now select the Types of Information

      • Choose Select one or more types of information

      • Select VA Electrocardiogram (EKG)

      • Select Submit

      • Select either:

        • Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (.pdf file), or

        • Download for a simple text format (.txt file)


      • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

      • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


    What information will be in my VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) report?

    Your VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) report will show the following data:

    • Procedure/Test Name: Electrocardiogram (EKG)

    • Date/Time Exam Performed: the day, month, year and time your test was done

    • Ordering Location: the name of the location where your provider ordered the test

    My HealtheVet is not able to provide you with the results of your VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) at this time. If you have any questions about your VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) information or results, please visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team.

    How soon will I see my results after my VA Electrocardiogram (EKG)?

    It may take 7 days-two weeks for your VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) information to be available on My HealtheVet. When available, you will be able to view the date/time and where your VA Electrocardiogram was performed.

    You can use Secure Messaging to contact your participating VA health care team, to check on your results. You can also contact your VA health care team by telephone.

    Will I be notified when my VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) report is available?

    No, you must login to My HealtheVet to view your VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) information. This information lets you know the date/time and where you had your EKG.

    You can contact your VA health care team by telephone or use Secure Messaging to check on your results. Your results may also be mailed to you.

    What should I do if I have questions about my VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) results?

    If you have questions about your VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) results, you can use Secure Messaging to contact your health care team or you can contact them by telephone.
    You can also search for general information about EKGs under the "Research Health Tab" in My HealtheVet.

    Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Electrocardiogram (EKG) feature?

    You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA EKG feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff should respond to your problem within three (3) business days. You may also contact the My HealtheVet Coordinator at your VA Medical Center.

    VA Electron Microscopy

    What is Microscopy?

    Microscopy is the use of microscopes to view specimens that cannot be seen with the unaided eye. Electron Microscopy uses a special microscope, which allows a specimen to be viewed in greater microscopic detail. The electron microscope is used infrequently and is only for special types of biopsies. The electron microscope is not needed and not used on most biopsies.

    What is VA Electron Microscopy?

    VA Electron Microscopy is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record (, found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view their electron microscopy test results.

    Where does information in my VA Electron Microscopy report come from?

    Information in your VA Electron Microscopy report comes from a specimen (such as a tissue biopsy) that is sent to a lab for examination.

    The lab examined the specimen your VA health care team submitted. Their findings are written up and placed in a "report". Once complete, your report is entered into your official VA health care record. My HealtheVet is then able to pull your report from your official VA health care record and load it into VA Blue Button, where you can view your test results.

    What are the requirements for viewing VA Electron Microscopy?

    To view your VA Electron Microscopy you must:

    • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

    • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

    • Have an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account*

    * To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

    What are the benefits of having VA Electron Microscopy in My HealtheVet?

    The benefits of having VA Electron Microscopy in My HealtheVet are:

    • You can view your information at any time, anywhere you have Internet access

    • You are provided with important information about your health, which may help you make informed decisions about your health

    • You are able to share your test results with caregivers or non-VA health care providers

    • You can work in partnership with your health care team to ensure that you have a better understanding of your health issues

    What information will I be able to view in my VA Electron Microscopy report?

    • Type of Report: Electron Microscopy

    • Specimen: type of specimen taken, such as a tissue biopsy

    • Date/Time Collected: the day, month, year and time the specimen was collected

    • Ordering Location: location where the test was ordered

    • Submitted By: person who collected and sent the specimen to the lab

    • Surgeon or Physician: person who ordered the test

    • Pathologist: lab person (doctor) who examined the specimen

    Section 2 - Electron Microscopy Report

    The following fields may be blank if there is no information available:

    • Brief Clinical History: may provide an overview of why you are having the test

    • Gross Description: a description of the specimen that was removed

    • Microscopic Examination: a detailed description under microscopic review

    • Diagnosis: a health condition or disease

    • Impression: the examining pathologist's interpretation of the results, based on their findings

    • Supplemental Report: can include any additional data the pathologist feels would be helpful for your provider and other members of your health care team

    Can I change information in my VA Electron Microscopy report?

    No, your information is presented to you the way it is in your official VA health record. If you have questions about your results, please speak with your VA health care team or VA physician.

    Do you have an Electron Microscopy report from other non-VA medical facilities? If yes, share this with your VA health care team to ensure that this information is included in your VA health record.

    Where can I find additional information?

    My HealtheVet has a Medical Library. In the Medical Library you can learn more about Electron Microscopy or other health conditions. The medical library has detailed information about health conditions.

    How can I use information in my VA Electron Microscopy report?

    Share your VA Electron Microscopy report with your non-VA health care providers. Give your health care provider a complete picture of your health with VA Blue Button information. This helps them make better decisions about your health care.

    Visit the Medical Library to learn all that you can about your condition or diagnosis. Use this information to work closely with your health care team to make the best treatment decision for you.

    How soon will I see my results after my VA Electron Microscopy test is done?

    VA Pathology ( Surgical Pathology, Cytology and Electron Microscopy) reports are available 14 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.

    If you have any questions about your information please visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team. You can do this using Secure Messaging, by phone or during your next clinic visit.

    How do I view, print, save or download my VA Electron Microscopy report?

    To access your VA Electron Microscopy report:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

    • Select Download My Data

    • Select Continue

    • You can now select the Types of Information

      • Choose Select one or more types of information

      • Select VA Electron Microscopy

      • Select Submit

      • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

      • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

      • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


    Should I take a printed copy of my VA Electron Microscopy report to my appointment with my non-VA provider?

    Yes, you can use VA Blue Button to download and/or print a copy of your VA Electron Microscopy report. You can take this with you to your non-VA appointments. This will provide additional information for your non-VA providers.

    Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

    My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

    Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

    Can my VA health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

    No, your VA health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. Your health care team does not have access to information you have entered in My HealtheVet unless you share it.

    What should I do if I have any questions about my VA Electron Microscopy report?

    If you have questions about your VA Electron Microscopy report:

    • First, select the Learn More link, which has general information about what Electron Microscopy is and how you can use this information to partner with your health care team

    • If you still have questions or do not understand your information, you can contact your VA health care team. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming appointment, or by using Secure Messaging. Your VA health care team can answer questions you have about your VA Electron Microscopy report

    Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Electron Microscopy feature?

    You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Microscopy feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your inquiry within three (3) business days.

    VA Appointments

    What is the My HealtheVet VA Appointments feature?

    My HealtheVet VA Appointments is an online feature that lets you view your VA appointments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Summary and detailed information is given for each appointment.

    The summary information includes date and time, name and location of the clinic.

    The clinic name, phone number and appointment status are included in the detailed information. There may be pre-appointment actions in the appointment details (for example you may need to have an x-ray, blood drawn, or an EKG). The length of the appointment on the Health Calendar is just a placeholder. The actual appointment length may be different.

    What are patient requirements for viewing VA Appointments in My HealtheVet?

    To use VA Appointments you must:

    • be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility
    • be a registered My HealtheVet user
    • have an upgraded account.

    To get an upgraded account you must complete a one-time process called In-Person Authentication or "IPA." For more information on how to upgrade your account, visit Quick Links. You can upgrade your account at your VA Medical Center or Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC).

    How do I make changes to an existing My HealtheVet account?

    To make changes:

    • Log in to your My HealtheVet account
    • Click on Personal Information
    • Click on MyProfile
    • Update your account information

    • Click on the Save button

    Changes made in My HealtheVet will not be carried over into your VA electronic medical record. Once you have completed the In-Person Authentication (IPA) process, you will no longer be able to make changes to the following information in My HealtheVet:

    • Title
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Suffix
    • Social Security Number
    • Gender
    • Birth Date
    • Relationship to the VA ("VA Patient")

    If you need to make any of the above changes, you must make the change at your VA treatment facility.

    How do I access My HealtheVet VA Appointments?

    There are multiple ways to access My HealtheVet Appointments tools:

    • On the home page, you can access My HealtheVet tools on the dashboard by selecting one of the following
      • Appointments
      • View My VA Appointments
      • Schedule a VA Appointment*
        *If your VA Medical Center provides online scheduling, the Schedule a VA Appointment option will display on the dashboard. If you have used online scheduling in the past with your DS Logon Level 2 - Premium account, you can continue to log in using that User Name and Password. You may also access online scheduling with your Premium My HealtheVet account User ID and password.
    • You can also access My HealtheVet tools via the VA Blue Button. Select the following on the dashboard to be taken to VA Blue Button:
    • Health Records
    • Medical Reports
    • From the Get Care tab, you can access My HealtheVet tools by selecting one of the following:
    • Health Calendar
    • Appointments

    What are the benefits of using My HealtheVet VA Appointments?

    • Allows you to view your VA Appointments on your Health Calendar in your My HealtheVet account
    • Let's you to self-schedule* or request primary care and certain specialty appointments online at participating VA Medical Centers
    • Allows you to set up email reminders for your VA Appointments
    • Let's you print a list of your future VA appointments
    • Allows you to manage non-VA appointments

    *For more information on self-scheduling your VA appointments visit Keeping Up with All Your VA Appointments.

    What VA Appointments will I be able to view?

    You will be able to view your upcoming scheduled VA clinic appointments as well as see your appointment history for the past 2 years

    What VA Appointment information is provided?

    The summary information includes:

    • date

    • time

    • name

    • clinic location

    • clinic phone number

    • appointment status

    There may be things you need to do before your appointment on details page (for example you may need to have an x-ray, blood drawn, or an EKG).

    Is My HealtheVet VA Appointments information protected, secure, and private?

    My HealtheVet is a secure Website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

    Will I receive a VA Appointment notification from the facility?

    If your VA health care team currently notifies you about your appointment, you may still receive an appointment notification.

    On my appointment event detail page what does 'Status' mean?

    The status of your appointment lets you know the standing of your appointment with the clinic. The Cancelled status displays if the clinic or you cancelled an appointment. You do not need to show up for an appointment with the status Cancelled.

    Past Appointment Status

    • Appointment Kept

    • Appointment Not Kept

    Current Appointment Status

    • Status Update in Progress

    • Not Applicable (this is a temporary status and will change)

    Future Appointment Status

    • Future

    Appointments that require no action for the patient

    • Cancelled (by patient or by clinic)

    When you are an Inpatient

    • Inpatient Appointment (Note: After you are discharged, please check your appointments because the status may have changed.)

    Can I receive an E-mail Reminder about my appointments?

    Yes, you can receive an E-mail Reminder about your appointment by setting your Preferences.

    To set up an e-mail alert:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet account

    • Select the Get Care tab

    • Select the Health Calendar tab

    • Select the Preferences link

    • Check the box "Subscribe to E-mail Reminders"

    • Check the "VA Appointments" box

    How often will I receive an E-mail Reminder?

    Once you set up your VA Appointment E-mail Reminder, you will receive an e-mail both 14 days before and 3 days before your appointment. The E-mail Reminder will be sent to the e-mail address you provided when you registered for My HealtheVet. If you have changed your e-mail address, be sure to make that change in your My HealtheVet account.

    Can I add my non-VA appointments to my Health Calendar?

    You can add your non-VA appointments:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet account

    • Select the Get Care tab

    • Select the Health Calendar tab

    • Select the Add Event link and fill in the form

    • Select Save

    What should I do if a scheduled VA Appointment is not listed?

    Contact your VA healthcare team to confirm your scheduled VA Appointment.

    On my Health Calendar, why can't I see a VA Appointment that used to be there?

    Some VA Appointments will no longer appear on your Health Calendar because that type of appointment does not require a face-to-face visit with your healthcare team. For example, an appointment for your health care provider to put in a consult will no longer appear on your Health Calendar because you do not have to do anything. Another reason is that the clinic is no longer available.

    Why can't I see my VA Appointments on my Health Calendar or when using the VA Blue Button to print or download?

    To see your VA Appointments on your Health Calendar or with the VA Blue Button

    1. You must be a VA patient with appointments at a VA facility.

    2. Add your VA Appointments data in My HealtheVet
      To put your VA Appointments in My HealtheVet just:

      • select the Get Care tab

      • select VA Appointments

      • you may need to select a Refresh button, if you see a message to do this

    3. Check your Health Calendar to see if you selected the VA Appointments box.
      To check your Health Calendar:

      • select the Get Care tab

      • select the Health Calendar tab

      • select the VA Appointments box

      • select Update Views

    If you have checked the above and still cannot see your VA Appointments, contact the Help Desk using the Contact MHV tab at the top of every My HealtheVet page.

    How can I get a printed list of my upcoming VA Appointments?

    There are three ways:

    • Appointment tab (select Printer Friendly)

    • Health Calendar

    • Blue Button custom download of your VA Appointments (Future)

    To print your list from the Appointment tab:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet account

    • Select the Get Care tab

    • Select Appointments

    • Select Printer Friendly

    • Select Print

    To print your list from the Health Calendar:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet account

    • Select the Get Care tab

    • Select the Health Calendar tab

    • Select List View

    • Under Showing Event Types select VA Appointments

    • Select Update View

    • Select Printer Friendly

    • Select Print

    To download your data using the Blue Button:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet account

    • Select Download My Data

    • Select Download Only My Selected Data from My HealtheVet

    • Select Continue

    • Select VA Appointments (Future)

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file) if you want an electronic copy

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select Print

    What should I do if I have any questions about my VA Appointments?

    Contact your VA healthcare team if you have any questions about your VA Appointments.

    Can I review my VA Appointments from my Health Calendar?

    You can view your appointments in your Health Calendar.

    • Log in to your My HealtheVet account

    • Select the Get Care tab

    • Select the Health Calendar tab

    • To view your VA Appointments:

    • Check the "VA Appointments" box

    • Select Update Views

    Who do I contact if I have a problem with the VA Appointments feature?

    You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Appointments feature. Simply complete the Contact form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. Or, call us directly at 1-877-327-0022, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. (Central Time). For TTY, call 1-800-877-8339.

    What are the My HealtheVet Appointment tools?

    My HealtheVet VA Appointments is a set of tools that allow Veterans to manage VA clinic appointments. Use My HealtheVet to view, print, download, cancel, self-schedule, or request certain types of VA appointments on your computer or mobile device. You may also elect to receive email reminders for upcoming appointments.

    What do I need to have to use My HealtheVet Appointment tools?

    To use the Appointment tools on My HealtheVet, you must:
    • Be registered as a VA Patient. Apply for VA health care.
    • Have a My HealtheVet Premium Account. If you do not have a Premium Account, you can upgrade your account now. (Premium accounts are provided at no additional cost to Veterans who complete a few simple steps to verify their identity.)

    How do I access My HealtheVet Appointment tools?

    You can access VA appointment tools by logging into My HealtheVet as a Premium user. Then, select View My VA Appointments on the home page dashboard.

    What are the benefits of using My HealtheVet Appointment tools?

    • Allows you to view your VA appointments on your Health Calendar in your My HealtheVet account
    • Allows you to self-schedule or request primary care and certain specialty appointments online at participating VA Medical Centers*
    • Allows you to set up email reminders for your VA appointments
    • Provides you with detailed VA appointment information
    • Allows you to manage non-VA appointments

    Which VA Appointments will I be able to view?

    You will be able to view your upcoming scheduled VA clinic appointments and see your appointment history for the last two years.

    How can I schedule a VA appointment online through My HealtheVet Appointment tools?

    You can schedule a VA appointment online if you meet the following requirements:

    • You are a registered VA patient.
    • You have a My HealtheVet Premium account.
    • You are scheduling or requesting an appointment at a VA facility that participates in online scheduling.

    For more information on self-scheduling your VA appointments visit Keeping Up with All Your VA Appointments.

    What types of appointments can I schedule online?

    If you are registered as a VA patient and have a Premium My HealtheVet account, you can:

    • Self-schedule primary care appointments at participating facilities where you have had a primary care appointment in the last two years.
    • Request help scheduling primary care appointments at facilities where you receive care.
    • Self-schedule or request help scheduling specialty appointments, such as outpatient mental health, optometry, and audiology, at participating facilities.

    For more information on self-scheduling your VA appointments visit Keeping Up with All Your VA Appointments.

    How do I know if my VA Medical Center participates in online self-scheduling?

    Please check this list to find out if your VA Medical Center is participating in online self-scheduling. VA is working to make online scheduling available at all VA Medical Centers.

Will I receive a VA appointment notification from the facility?

If your VA health care team currently notifies you about your appointment, you may still receive an appointment notification.

How can I cancel or change my VA appointments?

You can cancel or change your VA appointment by contacting your local VA facility. If you use Secure Messaging, you can also cancel or change your appointment by sending a secure message to your health care team.

What does 'Status' mean on the View My VA Appointments page?

This column helps you understand how VA tracks your future, current, and past appointments. Common terms you may see:

  • Appointment Kept: This refers to a past appointment. The VA is confirming that you were present for the appointment.
  • Appointment Not Kept: This refers to a past appointment. The VA recorded that you did not show up for this appointment, and that it was not cancelled.
  • Status Update in Progress
  • Not Applicable: This is a temporary status and will change.
  • Future:
  • Cancelled: This is an appointment that you may have cancelled, or the clinic had to cancel. You do not need to show up for this appointment.
  • Inpatient appointment: This refers to a period when you may have been inpatient. After you are discharged, please check your appointments because the status may have changed.

Can I receive email reminders about my appointments?

Yes, you can receive email reminders for your VA appointments by setting up your notification preferences on your Profiles page.

How often will I receive an email reminder?

Once you set up your VA appointment email reminder, you will receive an e-mail both 14 days before and 3 days before your appointment. The VA will send the email reminder to the e-mail address you provide. If you have changed your e-mail address, make that change in your My HealtheVet account.

Can I view my non-VA appointments to my Health Calendar?

Yes, you can view your appointments to your Health Calendar.

  • Log in to your My HealtheVet account
  • Select the Get Care tab
  • Select the Health Calendar tab To view your VA Appointments:
    • Check the VA Appointments box
    • Select Update Views

    Can I add my non-VA appointments to my Health Calendar?

    Yes, you can add your non-VA appointments to your Health Calendar.

    • Log into your My HealtheVet account
    • Select the Get Care tab
    • Select the Health Calendar tab
    • Select the Add Event link and fill in the form
    • Select Save

    What should I do if my scheduled VA Appointment is not listed on View My VA Appointments?

    Contact your VA health care team to confirm your scheduled VA appointment.

    Why can't I see a VA appointment that used to show up on my Health Calendar?

    Some VA Appointments will no longer appear on your Health Calendar because that type of appointment does not require a face-to-face visit with your health care team. For example, an appointment for your health care provider to put in a consult will no longer appear on your Health Calendar because you do not have to do anything. Another reason is that the clinic is no longer available.

    Why can't I see my VA Appointments on my Health Calendar or when using the VA Blue Button to print or download?

    To see your VA Appointments on your Health Calendar or with the VA Blue Button:

    1. You must be a VA patient with appointments at a VA facility.
    2. Add your VA Appointments data in My HealtheVet
      To put your VA Appointments in My HealtheVet just:
      • select the Get Care tab
      • select VA Appointments
      • you may need to select a Refresh button, if you see a message to do this
      • Check your Health Calendar to see if you selected the VA Appointments box. To check your Health Calendar:
        • select the Get Care tab
        • select the Health Calendar tab
        • select the VA Appointments box
        • select Update Views

    If you have checked the above and still cannot see your VA Appointments, contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk using the Contact link at the top of every page.

    How can I get a printed list of my upcoming VA appointments?

    There are three ways to get a printed list of your upcoming VA appointments:

    1. On the Appointments Tab
    2. Health Calendar
    3. VA Blue Button custom download of your Future VA Appointments

    How can I print my appointment list from the Appointments tab?

    1. Log into your My HealtheVet Account
    2. Select the Get Care tab
    3. Select Appointments
    4. Select the print icon
    5. Select Print

    How can I print my appointment list from my Health Calendar?

    1. Log into your My HealtheVet account
    2. Select the Get Care tab
    3. Select the Health Calendar tab
    4. Select List View
    5. Under Showing Event Types select VA Appointments
    6. Select Update View
    7. Select the print icon
    8. Select Print

    How can I download my data using the VA Blue Button?

    1. Log into your My HealtheVet account
    2. Select Medical Reports on the dashboard
    3. Select Continue
    4. Select Future VA Appointments
    5. Select Submit
    6. Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file)
      or Download for a simple text format (.txt file) if you want an electronic copy
    7. Select View/Print if you want a printed list
    8. Select Print

    Note: Anytime you open/download a .pdf file, you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. There is a risk of exposing your information when you download a .pdf file, especially on public or shared computers. Learn more about protecting your personal health information.

    What should I do if I have any questions about my VA Appointments?

    Contact your VA health care team if you have any questions about your VA appointments.

    Who do I contact if I have a problem with My HealtheVet Appointments tools?

    Contact My HealtheVet to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk.

    Is My HealtheVet VA Appointments information protected, secure, and private?

    My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Labs + Tests

What are Labs + Tests?

Labs + Tests is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record where lab results may be recorded. It may include self-entered and VA health record lab information.

What results will I be able to view in Labs + Tests?

  • If you are a registered My HealtheVet user, you can view your self-entered non-VA lab information

  • If you are a VA patient, registered on My HealtheVet with an upgraded account, you can view results of your VA labs + tests as they become available. Currently, VA lab tests include VA Chemistry/Hematology information

To get an upgraded account you must complete a one-time process called In-Person Authentication or "IPA." You can upgrade your account at your VA medical center or community-based outpatient clinic.

Is there any VA lab or test information that will not be available?

Yes, at present only your VA Chemistry/Hematology results will be available in My HealtheVet.

VA Chemistry/Hematology is only one type of lab test. Other types of lab tests include Microbiology and Pathology. Information on these tests will be available in the future through My HealtheVet.

What are Self-Entered Tests?

In the Labs + Tests section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record is where lab results may be recorded. It may include self-entered and VA health record lab information. The Self-Entered Tests are tests that a My HealtheVet user enters them self. For example blood work or a test done by a non-VA provider.

What does Chemistry/Hematology mean?

Chemistry is when a sample of blood or body fluid is checked for the amounts of certain elements made in the body. An abnormal result may be a sign of disease. Chemistry labs include hundreds of tests. Common labs include blood sugar, cholesterol, electrolytes, calcium, liver function, thyroid, and pancreatic tests.

Hematology is when a sample of blood is checked for factors in the blood and blood-forming tissues. Hematology lab results include blood cell counts and clotting tests.

What is a specimen?

A laboratory specimen is a sample of tissue, fluid or other material taken from a patient to study. This helps members of your health care team make a diagnosis. It may also help them to see where you are with a disease or a condition. Common specimen examples include, blood, urine, tissue biopsies, throat swab, sputum, etc.

What do lab test results show?

For each test, there is a range of values that is considered acceptable for the general population. Your result will be a specific number that will be compared to this range. Remember, these numbers vary from person to person. What is right for you may not be right for someone else. Your test results provide information that gives your health care team clues to possible health problems. Results may show other tests are needed to help make a diagnosis or guide change to your treatment. Lab test results are considered a part of monitoring your overall health.

What is an amended test result?

This means that the test result value changed after a result value was released to your provider. Amended results are available immediately. If you have a test result that was corrected, you should see the word Amended next to the test.

What can affect lab results?

Many things can affect results, including:

  • Gender

  • Age

  • Race

  • Medical history

  • General health

  • Specific foods

  • Medications you are taking

  • How closely you follow instructions to prepare to have the sample drawn

  • Variation in laboratory methods

  • Variation between laboratories

Why does my health care team use lab tests?

Your health care team uses lab tests to help:

  1. Identify changes in your health

  2. Diagnose a disease or condition

  3. Plan your treatment for a disease or condition

  4. Evaluate your response to treatment

  5. Monitor the course of a disease or condition over time

What is a reference range?

A typical lab test report provides your results followed by a reference range. For an explanation of reference ranges see Reference Ranges (Lab Tests Online).

What is a Unit?

A unit is how the test result is measured. The units provide a way to report results so that they can be compared.

How are lab samples analyzed?

After your health care team collects your sample (specimen), it is sent to a laboratory. The laboratory performs tests on the sample to see how it reacts. Depending on the test, a reaction may mean you have a certain condition. Sometimes the laboratory compares your results to results of prior tests. This is done to see if there has been a change in your condition.

Is there information that explains what lab results mean?

Yes, a Learn More section provides general lab information and links to additional resources. You can find the Learn More link in the yellow information box located at the bottom of each VA Chemistry/Hematology page.

What should I do if I cannot find information about lab results?

If you cannot find information in the Learn More section you can contact your health care team. You can use the Secure Messaging feature on My HealtheVet to communicate with them.

Can my health care team view VA Lab + Test information in My HealtheVet?

No, they cannot view any information in your My HealtheVet account. This includes Labs + Test and VA Chemistry/Hematology information. Your health care team does not have access to any information in your My HealtheVet account, unless you share it. However, they can access the VA Lab and Test information in your VA health record.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

Yes, My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

If I have lab tests done outside the VA, can I also view those results in My HealtheVet Labs + Tests?

No, at this time the results of lab tests done outside the VA are not sent to your My HealtheVet account. However, you can self-enter your non-VA lab results.

To do this, just:

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select Labs + Tests

  • Under Self-Entered Test select the red Add New button

How can I obtain VA lab results not available through My HealtheVet Labs + Tests?

You can obtain information about your VA labs that are not currently in My HealtheVet by:

  • Contacting your local VA Medical Center's Release of Information Office or

  • Using Secure Messaging if it is available at your VA facility

VA Chemistry/Hematology

What is VA Chemistry/Hematology?

VA Chemistry/Hematology is a feature of My HealtheVet found in the Labs + Tests section under Track Health. It is where VA patients can view their VA Chemistry/ Hematology lab results.

What does chemistry and hematology mean?

Chemistry: is when a sample of blood or body fluid is checked for amounts of certain elements made in the body. An abnormal result may be a sign of disease. Chemistry labs include hundreds of tests. Common labs include blood sugar, cholesterol, electrolytes, calcium, liver function, thyroid, and pancreatic

Hematology: is when a sample of blood is checked for factors in the blood and blood-forming tissues. Hematology lab results include blood cell counts and clotting tests.

What are patient requirements for viewing VA test results in My HealtheVet?

To view VA test results you must:

  • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • Be a registered My HealtheVet user

  • Have an upgraded account

To get an upgraded account you must complete a one-time process called In-Person Authentication (IPA). You can upgrade your account at your VA medical center or community-based outpatient clinic.

How do I access VA Chemistry/Hematology?

You may access your My HealtheVet test results anywhere there is a computer with Internet access.

To view your results:

  • Login to My HealtheVet

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Labs + Tests tab

  • Select VA Chemistry/Hematology

When you open VA Chemistry/Hematology you may see an alert message:

  • Select the Refresh button to see if your results have been received

  • An In-progress message is shown as your VA Chemistry/Hematology lab results are copied from your VA health record to My HealtheVet

  • A Complete message is shown when this process is done

At that time, you should be able to view your VA Chemistry/Hematology results.

Will I automatically see new VA Chemistry/Hematology results when I login to My HealtheVet?

Not necessarily. Most test results should be available in My HealtheVet after the date your report is complete. However, some results may take 2 to 3 weeks How soon you see your results depends on the test and where it was done. It also allows your health care team time to review your results.

After your lab results are sent to your My HealtheVet account, they should be displayed when you login and select VA Chemistry/Hematology.

If the results you are expecting are not there:

  • Select Refresh to view the most recent results

  • An In-progress message lets you know that your results are being copied from your VA health record to your My Health eVet account

  • A Complete message should appear when your lab results are available

  • You can then see your VA Chemistry/Hematology lab results

What does Amended mean?

This means that the test result value changed after a result value was released to your provider. Amended results are available immediately. If you have a test result that was corrected, you should see the word Amended next to the test.

How soon will I see my results after my test is done?

VA Laboratory Results are available 3 calendar days after they have been verified. Depending on the type of test, some laboratory results may not be available right away.

Why do I have to wait before I can see my results?


After completion of your lab test:

  • Your specimen must be processed

  • Results need to be entered into your VA health record

  • Your health care team needs time to review those results

  • Results are copied into your My HealtheVet account

If there are any issues with your results, your VA health care team should contact you.

What should I do if I do not see results of my recent test?

Your recent test results may not be immediately available. This is due to how tests are processed. Most test results should be available in My HealtheVet 3 calendar days after the date your report is complete. However, some results may take longer. This may happen if blood samples are sent to a lab outside your VA medical center. If you cannot view your results in My HealtheVet after seven (7) business days, you can use Secure Messaging to contact your participating health care team and check on your results. You can also contact your health care team by telephone.

Will I be notified when my results are available?

No, you must login to My HealtheVet to view your VA Chemistry/Hematology results. You may still receive a letter from your VA health care team.

What should I do if my result is abnormal?

Your VA health care team should contact you if they feel there are issues they need to address. If you still have questions, you can use Secure Messaging to contact your participating health care team or you can contact them by telephone.

Will I receive a telephone call if there was an abnormal result?

The health care team should contact you if they have any issues to address. This may be done during your appointment, through Secure Messaging if available, a letter, or by telephone.

What should I do if I have questions about my results?

If you have questions about your results

  • Select the Learn More link, which has general lab information

  • If you still have questions or do not understand your results, you can contact your participating health care team through Secure Messaging (if available) or by telephone

Will I be able to view my old test results?

Yes, you should be able to view all your VA Chemistry/Hematology results that are currently in your electronic VA health record.

Can I print a copy of my results?

Yes, there are two ways you can print your results:

  • On the VA Chemistry/Hematology Summary and Details pages

  • Blue Button custom download of your VA Chemistry/Hematology

To print the VA Chemistry/Hematology Summary page or Detail page :

  • Select the Printer Friendly link at the top right side of the Summary page or the two Detail pages

  • Select Print

  • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen

To download your data using the VA Blue Button:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data

  • Select Download Only My Selected Data from My HealtheVet

  • Select Continue

  • Select VA Laboratory Results (to printVA Chemistry/Hematology results)

  • Select Labs and Tests (to print/download test information you self-entered)

  • Select Submit

  • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file) if you want an electronic copy

  • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

  • Select Print

Should I take a printed copy of my VA Chemistry/Hematology results to my non-VA provider?

Yes, you can take a printed copy with you to your non-VA appointments. This will provide additional information for your non-VA providers and may prevent lab tests from being repeated.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Chemistry/Hematology feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Chemistry/Hematology feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff should respond to your problem within three (3) business days. You may also contact the My HealtheVet Coordinator at your VA Medical Center.


Can anyone Register for a My HealtheVet account?

My HealtheVet offers three account types, Basic, Advanced and Premium. After you register, your account type will be displayed in the Member Login box, as an icon after your name. For example if you have a Basic Account, there will be a Basic Account Icon after your name. With an Advanced Account, it will be an Advanced Account Icon. Those with a Premium Account will have a Premium Account Icon after their name.

Basic Account - Anyone can register for this account type. It provides limited access to features in My HealtheVet that you self-enter. You may use the journals and other tools to track your health measures. However, you cannot see your personal information located in VA or DoD systems.

Advanced Account - This account is only for Veterans/VA Patients. It is a higher level of access to features offered in My HealtheVet. It may provide you the ability to view some information in your VA and/or DoD records. When you register as a Veteran/VA Patient, your registration information (full name, Social Security Number (SNN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) is matched to your VA/DoD records. When this happens, you are given an Advanced Account. This account does not require that you have your identity Authenticated.

Premium Account - This account is only for VA Patients. It gives users the highest level of access to My HealtheVet features. To get this type of account you need to go through Authentication and have your My HealtheVet registration information (full name, Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) matched to VA/DoD records.

Authentication: This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I Register?

  • Step 1. There are two ways to access the Registration page. When you enter My HealtheVet (

    • Select the green Register Today Start Here button, on the landing page, or

    • Select the red REGISTER button in the Member Login box on the right side of the screen when you enter My HealtheVet

    Step 2. Complete the Registration Form:
    • Identification - enter the following information exactly as it appears in your VA/DoD record:

      • first, middle, and last name. Do not include any special characters in your name, such as an apostrophe ('), or tilde (accent mark). The exception: If you have two last names separated by a hyphen (-); then you can add the hyphen.

      • Social Security Number (SSN)

      • gender (male, female)

      • date of birth (DOB)


    • Relationship to the VA* - you must select Veteran, VA Patient (or both) in order for My HealtheVet to map your account with your VA/DoD records

    • Contact Information - select a preferred method of contact and provide the related information, for example: email address, phone/fax/pager number

    • Account Information

      • create a User ID that is unique and contains no spaces; it must be 6-12 characters

      • create a Password that is unique, contains no spaces; must be 8-12 characters and have at least one letter and one number and one special character (such as !, #, %)

      • create two Password Hint Questions and Answers


    • Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy - select the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy links, read and then Accept

    Step 3. Select the red SAVE button at the bottom of the Registration form



You can now go to the My HealtheVet homepage and login using your User ID and Password.

*Important: If you are a Veteran and/or use the VA Healthcare System, it is important to select Veteran and/or VA Patient (or both), under Relationship to the VA. When you do this, My HealtheVet tries to match your account information with your VA/DoD records. If there is a match, it automatically upgrades your account to Advanced. In addition, having an Advanced account may qualify you for a Premium account.

What is the purpose of the Password Hint Questions and Answers?

The Password Hint Questions and Answers are used as identifiers if you forget your User ID and/or Password. You only need to select two questions to answer. If you forget your Password and/or User ID, you will need to provide answers to both of the questions you choose. You will need to use different answers for each question you choose. For example, you cannot choose "Pizza" as the answer to both hint questions. They must be different.

Be sure to select two questions and answers you will remember. If you think you may not remember them, you may want to write this information down and store it somewhere safe.

You can choose from 22 questions:

  • In what city did you meet your spouse/significant other?

  • In what city does your nearest sibling live?

  • In what city or town was your first job?

  • What is the middle name of your oldest child?

  • What is the name of a college you applied to but didn't attend?

  • What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?

  • What is the name of the town in which you were born?

  • What is the name of your favorite childhood friend?

  • What is your favorite food?

  • What is your maternal grandmother's maiden name?

  • What is your oldest brother's birthday month and year? (e.g., January 1900)

  • What is your oldest cousin's first and last name?

  • What is your oldest sibling's middle name?

  • What is your oldest sibling's birthday month and year? (e.g., January 1900)

  • What is your pet's name?

  • What school did you attend for sixth grade?

  • What street did you live on in third grade?

  • What was the last name of your third grade teacher?

  • What was the name of your first stuffed animal?

  • What was your childhood nickname?

  • Who is your favorite actor, musician, or artist?

  • Who was your favorite teacher?

Registration says my information does not match VA's information. What should I do?

When you register as a Veteran and/or VA Patient, My HealtheVet matches your information against your VA/DoD records. This includes your first name, middle name, last name, Social Security Number (SNN), gender, and date of birth (DOB). This process verifies your identity as a VA Patient and/or Veteran.

If your information does not match:

  • When you registered, did you select Veteran/VA Patient, under Relationship to VA section?

  • Compare your information against other VA records, such as a VA prescription bottle or your VIC card. Does your full name, SSN, gender and DOB match?

  • If you left the military before 1979, you may not be in the Department of Defense (DoD) electronic system of records.

  • If you are sure your registration information matches your VA/DoD information, there may still be other reasons why you are getting this message. Use the Contact MHV link so we can assist you with this problem.

After I register, am I able to view the information I entered?

Yes. The Profiles section in My HealtheVet allows you to view and/or update important information you entered about yourself when you registered for a My HealtheVet account. To get to your personal information:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet Account

  • Select the Personal Information tab, located on the top navigation bar

  • Select Profiles

Note: When you are issued an Advanced or Premium Account, your personal traits (full name, Social Security Number (SNN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) are locked down on your Profile page. In addition, your relationship as a Veteran/VA Patient is also locked down. You cannot change this information. This is done to protect your information because information on your registration form is used to verify your identify.

After I Registered, I noticed a letter with a circle around it after my name. Why?

The letter with a circle around it lets you know at a glance what My HealtheVet Account Type you have. For example if you have a Basic Account, there will be a Basic Account Icon after your name. With an Advanced Account, it will be an Advanced Account Icon. Those with a Premium Account will have a Premium Account Icon after their name. If you hover over the icon, the name of your account type will show. If you select on the name, it takes you to an explanation of your account type and what is available to you.

After I register, am I able to change my profile information?

The ability to edit your personal information, located in the Profile section, is based on your account type. All users who have a Basic account are able to edit their self-entered information.

However, if you are issued an Advanced or Premium Account, your personal traits (full name, Social Security Number (SNN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) are locked down on your Profile page. In addition, your relationship as a Veteran/VA Patient is also locked down. You cannot change this information. This is done to protect your information because information on your registration form is used to verify your identify.

Why would I want to change my Profile information?

If you are a Veteran and/or VA Patient, with a Basic account, you may be able to upgrade your account type to Advanced, simply by updating your profile information. In addition, having an Advanced account may qualify you for a Premium account. To do this:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Personal Information tab

  • Select Profile

  • Enter changes or make sure your personal traits (full name, Social Security Number, date of birth and gender) match what is in your VA or DoD record

  • Select Save

How can I change my profile information?

On the Profile page is the important information you entered about yourself when you registered for a My HealtheVet account. The ability to edit this information is based on your account type. All users who have a Basic account are able to edit their self-entered information. To do this:

  • Logon to your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Personal Information tab

  • Select Profile

  • Enter changes

  • Select Save

Note: When you are issued an Advanced or Premium Account, your personal traits (full name, Social Security Number (SNN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) are locked down on your Profile page. In addition, your relationship as a Veteran/VA Patient is also locked down. You cannot change this information. This is done to protect your information because information on your registration form is used to verify your identify.

After I Register, how can I tell what type of Account I have with My HealtheVet?

After you register, your account type will be displayed in the Member Login box, as an icon after your name. For example if you have a Basic Account, there will be a Basic Account Icon after your name. With an Advanced Account, it will be an Advanced Account Icon. Those with a Premium Account will have a Premium Account Icon after their name.

Am I able to change the My HealtheVet Account Type I have?

If you are a Veteran and/or VA Patient, with a Basic account, you may be able to upgrade your account type to Advanced, simply by updating your profile information. In addition, having an Advanced account may qualify you for a Premium account. To do this:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Personal Information tab

  • Select Profile

  • Enter changes or make sure your personal traits (full name, Social Security Number, date of birth and gender) match what is in your VA or DoD record

  • Select Save

To get a Premium account you need to go through Authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I get an Advanced Account?

You can only get an Advanced account if you are a Veteran or VA Patient. In addition, your information must be in the VA or Department of Defense (DoD) electronic record system. Getting an Advanced account can occur at the time of registration or by updating your profile information.

  • At the time you registered - If you selected Veteran and/or VA Patient under Relationship to VA and your profile information (name, Social Security Number, date of birth and gender) match to your electronic VA/DoD records.

  • If you already have a Basic account - you need to update the information on your Profile page. To do this:

    • Log into your My HealtheVet account

    • Select the Personal Information tab

    • Select Profile

    • Enter changes or make sure your personal traits (full name, Social Security Number, date of birth and gender) match what is in your VA or DoD record

    • Select Save


I have an Advanced Account, how do I get a Premium Account?

To get a Premium Account you need to go through the Authentication process. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I get a User ID and Password so that I can access the site?

To register for the site and create a User ID and Password, select the Register button located in the right-hand Member Login panel. The resulting page will allow you to create your user profile. Just fill out the form and select the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Note: If you are a Veteran and/or use the VA Healthcare System, it is important to select Veteran and/or VA Patient (or both), under Relationship to the VA. Doing this may automatically upgrade your account to Advanced. In addition, having an Advanced account may qualify you for a Premium account.

I forgot my User ID and/or I forgot my Password. What should I do?

You can reset your password or retrieve your user name by going to Forgot User ID? or Forgot Password? Then simply follow the online instructions. All you need to know is:

Step 1: Fill in the following information

  • First and Last Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender Please be sure to choose your correct 'Gender'

  • Answer only one of the password hint questions

Step 2: Retrieve your User ID - My HealtheVet will provide it on the screen

Step 3: Next go back to the Homepage. In the Member Logon box, select the link Forgot Password?

  • You will go through the same set of questions

  • You will be asked for your User ID (which you just received)

Step 4: Reset your password (enter a new password)

Note: Once you have logged on to your account, you may want to review your hint questions and answers. These are found by selecting the Personal Information tab, then selecting Profiles. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Make sure your hint answers are simple and easy for you to remember.

If you need assistance with the Forgot Password feature, please contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk:

  • You can send us details using the Contact Us form. Our goal is to reply to you by the next business day

  • You can also go to Contact MHV to call us directly.

How do I change my address with the VA?

You can make a change of address request at any VA medical facility or by contacting the VA directly. There are two ways you can do this:

  • You can either submit an e-mail request to the VA through the Ask A Question link on or contact a VA benefits representative at 1-800-827-1000 (Monday-Friday). After navigating through the phone menu, you will be connected with a live benefits specialist who can assist you with your address change.

  • To set up care with a new VA Medical Center, please contact the facility directly and speak with an appointment representative. They will help assign your primary facility and establish a care team for appointments. You can find the contact number for your local VA Medical Center by using the VA Facility Locator.

For JAWS Users: Why can't I hear label names in Forms Mode?

Currently on the MHV site, JAWS cannot read the label names of fields in Forms Mode unless you change your settings in JAWS. Thank you for your patience as we try to resolve this issue.

What is Account Activity History?

The Account Activity History lets you know what actions were taken on your account, when they were taken, and by whom. To access:

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Select - Personal Information Tab

  • Select - Account Sub-tab

  • Select - Account Activity History

When you go to this page, you will see a table with the type of activity, who did it, the date and time it was done, action and result.

Note: My HealtheVet guards your privacy in accordance with the Privacy & Security statement on the bottom of each My HealtheVet page.

What type of information is in the Account Activity History?

The Account Activity History page, displays a table showing any actions taken on your My HealtheVet account. The table holds up to 2 years of information. In that time frame, you can view what type of activity occurred, who did it, the date and time it was done, action and result. The type of action taken in your Account Activity History can include:

  • Custom Download Requested

  • Download My Custom Data

  • Download Requested

  • Download My Data pdf

  • Download My Custom Data pdf

  • Print My Custom Data

  • Print My Data

  • View My Custom Data

  • View My Data

  • Download My VA CCD

  • Download My VA CCD pdf

  • Account Upgrade: Upgrade to Advanced

  • Account Upgrade: Upgrade to Premium

  • Account Upgrade: Connected to VA Record

  • Account Upgrade: Premium Account Revoked

Who do I contact if I have a question about Registration?

If you want help to Register for a My HealtheVet account or upgrade to Premium, talk to your local My HealtheVet Coordinator or ask a member of your VA health care team.

If you need assistance with the Registration feature, please contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk:

  • You can send us details using the Contact Us form. Our goal is to reply to you by the next business day

  • You can also go to Contact MHV to call us directly.

Why does My HealtheVet ask for my email address?

If we have your email address, it allows us to send email messages to respond to your inquiries when you contact us. We may also use emails to keep you updated about news and information relevant to your account.

What is Spam Blocker Software?

Your Internet service provider may use spam blocker software. This is used to protect you from receiving unwanted junk emails from unknown sources. Spam blocker software can send e-mail messages from unknown sources to junk email folders or it can block them entirely. It may also prevent you from receiving emails from My HealtheVet.

How do I keep My HealtheVet email from getting blocked?

To ensure you receive email messages from My HealtheVet, you can do one of the following:

  • Add to your trusted list of Internet sites

  • Add to your email address book or 'safe list'

  • Contact your email provider or Internet service provider for options

Upgrade Your My HealtheVet Account to Premium

Why should I upgrade to a Premium My HealtheVet account?

A Premium account gives My HealtheVet members the highest level of access to My HealtheVet features. With a Premium account, you get features of both a Basic and an Advanced account plus these features:

Can anyone get an Upgraded (Premium) account in My HealtheVet?

Veterans/VA Patients, CHAMPVA Beneficiary and non-VA patients can get a Premium account. Also, anyone using a Sign-in Partner (such as a DS Logon Premium Account or can obtain a Premium My HealtheVet account.

How do I upgrade to a Premium My HealtheVet account?

To upgrade to a Premium account, you must have an Advanced My HealtheVet account. When you register and select Veterans/VA Patients, CHAMPVA Beneficiaries or non-VA Patients on the registration form, your profile information is linked to VA/DoD records. When this happens, your account is automatically upgraded to the Advanced level. From the Advanced level, you can upgrade your account to Premium via a Sign-in Partner Login (such as a DS Logon Premium Account or, or in person at a VA Facility.

How do I upgrade my account to Premium using a Sign-in Partner?

To upgrade your account using a Sign-in Partner (such as DS Logon Premium Account and, follow these steps:

  1. From the My HealtheVet login page, log in to your Advanced My HealtheVet account using a Sign-in Partner

  2. Select the Upgrade Now button at the top left side of the screen

  3. On the account upgrade page, select the certification box to verify you are the owner of the My HealtheVet account

  4. Select Continue

Your My HealtheVet Advanced account will be upgraded to a Premium account.

How do I complete the VA Release of Information Form (10-5345a-MHV) in- person?

You can conveniently complete the VA Release of Information Form before you visit the VA health care facility:

  1. Call a local VA health care facility to have the VA Release of Information Form mailed to you to complete before your visit. You may use the VA Facility Locator for the contact information of your nearest facility.

  2. Or, open this PDF version of the VA Release of Information Form (10-5345a-MHV) right on your computer and complete the form. You can then print your completed form.

Note: When you open or download a PDF file, a temporary file is created on the computer. Others may then be able to view your personal health information on that computer. There is a risk of exposing your information when you download or save a PDF file, especially on public or shared computers.

You may choose to complete the form during your next visit to your local VA health care facility.

When you go to your local VA health care facility, be sure to take a government issued photo ID (for example, your Veterans Identification Card or valid driver¿s license) to prove your identity. Bring the signed VA Release of Information Form (10-5345a-MHV) with you if you completed it at home.

After the VA staff member verifies your information, they will scan and upload your VA Release of Information Form to your VA medical record, and then shred it according to their policy. After your account has been upgraded, your status will change to Premium in the My HealtheVet Member Logout box.

How do I authenticate my account Online?

After you have connected your accounts you will be asked if you would like to start to upgrade to a Premium My HealtheVet account. To begin:

  1. On the Start Upgrading Your My HealtheVet Account Today page, select the radio button: Upgrade to Premium Account

  2. You will be taken to the online Upgrade Account to Premium - Instructions page

  3. Print the Online Instruction page by selecting the Printer-Friendly link at the top of the online Instruction page.

  4. Select Continue at the bottom of the online Instruction page.

The process to Upgrade Your Account Online will begin. This takes you off My HealtheVet to the AccessVA website.

  • Complete and sign the electronic VA Release of Information Form (10-5345a-MHV) online.

When your My HealtheVet account has been upgraded to Premium, your account status will change on your Member Logout box to Premium.

If you choose not to upgrade your account using the Online process:

  • You will have the opportunity to upgrade the next time you log in to either AccessVA or eBenefits using your Premium DS Logon User ID and Password.

  • Or, the next time you visit your local VA health care facility, you can upgrade your account through In-Person Authentication.

Can I make changes to my My HealtheVet Profile page after my account is upgraded?

Once your account is upgraded, your name, Social Security Number, date of birth and gender are locked down. To make changes, you will need to contact your local VA facility to update your official VA record. Once your information is updated in the official VA record, your My HealtheVet Profile page will be automatically updated.

You can update other information, such as your address or phone number, on your My HealtheVet Profile page. However, those changes are not sent to your official VA health record.

If I have questions about upgrading my account, who should I contact?

If you have any questions, please contact the My HealtheVet Coordinator at your local VA facility or send an inquiry through Contact MHV.

If I get a Premium My HealtheVet account, will others be able to see my information?

No. Information in your My HealtheVet account cannot be seen by anyone but you. This includes information in your personal profile. Neither your VA health care team, nor anyone else, has access to this information unless you share it. This is why you should let your VA facility know if you change any information in your profile, like your address or phone number, so they can update your VA health record.

Is my information secure?

Yes. My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected. Remember that you also have a responsibility to keep your health information safe by not sharing your password, or leaving printed material where someone else can see it.

VA Microbiology

What does Microbiology mean?

Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms that are alive, but are too small to be seen with the naked eye. These tests are done to determine if an infection is caused by bacteria, fungi or parasites. An abnormal result may be a sign of disease.

Microbiology labs include many tests. A common Microbiology tests is a urine test.

What is VA Microbiology?

VA Microbiology is a feature of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record (, found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view the type of Microbiology test they had done and the test results. This lab information comes from the Veteran's VA health record.

VA Microbiology is only one type of lab test. Other types of VA lab tests may include Chemistry/Hematology, Pathology, Cytology, and Electron Microscopy.

What are the requirements for viewing VA Microbiology?

To view your VA Microbiology results you must:

  • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • Have an upgraded Premium* My HealtheVet account

* To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I access VA Microbiology?

To access:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

  • Select Download My Data

  • Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select VA Microbiology

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


What information will be in my VA Microbiology report?

Your VA Microbiology report will show the following data:

  • Lab Test - this is the name of the test to be done

  • Lab Type - Microbiology

  • Ordering Provider - person who ordered the test

  • Ordering Location - the location where your provider ordered the test

  • Site/Specimen - type of specimen taken and where it was taken from. For example; ear (site)/drainage (specimen).

  • Collection Sample - how the specimen was taken or obtained. For example; a swab

  • Date/Time Collected - the day, month, year and time the specimen was collected

  • Performing Location - lab location where the specimen was examined

  • Date/Time Completed - the day, month, year and time the test was finished

  • Collected Location - where the physical location where the sample was taken. For example; the name of your VA Medical Center

  • Results - a description of findings

Results: For each test, there is a range of values that is considered acceptable for the general population. Your result will be a specific number that will be compared to this range. Remember, these numbers vary from person to person. What is right for you may not be right for someone else. Your test results provide information that gives your health care team clues to possible health problems. Results may show other tests are needed to help make a diagnosis or guide a change to your treatment. Microbiology test results are considered a part of monitoring your overall health.

How are VA Microbiology lab samples analyzed?

After your health care team collects your sample (specimen), it is sent to a laboratory. The laboratory performs tests on the sample to see how it reacts. Depending on the test, a reaction may mean you have a certain condition. Sometimes the laboratory compares your results to results of prior tests. This is done to see if there has been a change in your condition.

Is there anything that could affect my VA Microbiology results?

Many things can affect results, including:

  • Gender

  • Age

  • Race

  • Medical history

  • General health

  • Specific foods

  • Medications you are taking

  • How closely you follow instructions to prepare to have the sample drawn

  • Variation in laboratory methods

  • Variation between laboratories

How might my VA Microbiology lab tests help my provider?

Your health care team uses Microbiology lab tests to help:

  • Identify changes in your health

  • Diagnose a disease or condition

  • Plan your treatment for a disease or condition

  • Evaluate your response to treatment

  • Monitor the course of a disease or condition over time

How soon will I see my results after my VA Microbiology test is done?

Most test results should be available in My HealtheVet three (3) calendar days after they have been verified. However, some results may take longer. This may happen if blood samples are sent to a lab outside your VA medical center.

If you cannot view your results in My HealtheVet after seven (7)business days, you can use Secure Messaging to contact your participating VA health care team and check on your results. You can also contact your VA health care team by telephone.

Why do I have to wait before I can see my VA Microbiology results?

After completion of your lab test:

  • Your specimen must be processed

  • Results need to be entered into your VA health record

  • Your VA health care team needs time to review those results

  • Results are copied into your My HealtheVet account

If there are any issues with your results, your VA health care team should contact you.

What should I do if my VA Microbiology result is abnormal?

Your VA health care team should contact you if they feel there are issues they need to address. If you still have questions, you can use Secure Messaging to contact your participating VA health care team or you can contact them by telephone.

Will I receive a telephone call if there was an abnormal result?

The VA health care team should contact you if they have any issues to address. This may be done during your appointment, through Secure Messaging if available, a letter, or by telephone.

Where can I learn more about Microbiology?

Go to the Learn More section under the About MHV tab. Here you can find general information about lab tests. This includes VA Microbiology and links to additional resources.

If you cannot find information in the Learn More section, you can contact your VA health care team. You can use the Secure Messaging feature on My HealtheVet to communicate with them.

If I have Microbiology tests done outside the VA, can I also view those results in My HealtheVet?

No, at this time the results of lab tests done outside the VA are not sent to your My HealtheVet account. However, you can self-enter non-VA lab results. To do this, just:

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select Labs + Tests

  • Under Self-Entered Test select the red Add New button

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

Yes, My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Can my VA health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

No, your VA health care team cannot access information through your My HealtheVet account. This is why it is important that you share any test results you had done by a non-VA provider with your VA health care team.

Can I print a copy of my VA Microbiology results?

Yes, you can print a copy of your VA Microbiology lab results. You can also print your self-entered Microbiology results and other tests, using VA Blue Button, just:

  • [link to MHV Acct Type]

  • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select VA Microbiology (to print VA Microbiology results)

    • Select Labs and Tests (to print/download test information you self-entered)

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


Should I take a printed copy of my VA Microbiology results to my non-VA provider?

Yes, using VA Blue Button, you can take a printed copy with you to your non-VA appointments. This will provide additional information for your non-VA providers and may prevent lab tests from being repeated.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

What should I do if I have questions about my VA Microbiology results?

If you have questions about your results

  • Select the Learn More link, which has general lab information

  • If you still have questions or do not understand your results, you may contact your participating health care team through Secure Messaging (if available) or by telephone.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Microbiology feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Microbiology feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days. You may also contact the My HealtheVet Coordinator at your VA Medical Center.

VA Pathology

What is Pathology?

Pathology is the use of microscopes to view tissues and cells, which cannot be seen with the unaided eye. There are two types of Pathology reports: Anatomic or Clinical.

Anatomic Pathology Reports - describe the physical appearance and microscopic structure of tissues. This may include specimens and organs removed at surgery (surgical pathology) as well as cells from brushings or body fluids (cytology).

Clinical Pathology Reports - contain information about blood and other body fluids (clinical chemistry), analysis of blood cells (hematology), and identification of bacteria (microbiology).

What is VA Pathology?

VA Pathology is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record ( It can be found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view information from their VA Pathology report(s). This information comes from your official VA health record.

What are the requirements for viewing the VA Pathology?

To view VA Pathology you must:

  • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • Have an upgraded Premium* My HealtheVet account

* To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I access, view, print, save or download my VA Pathology report(s)?

To access VA Pathology, where you can view, print, save or download your report(s), simply:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information you want

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select VA Pathology

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


What are the benefits of having VA Pathology in My HealtheVet?

Having the results of your VA Pathology reports may allow you to:

  • Work in partnership with your health care team to ensure that you have a better understanding of your health issues

  • Make informed decisions about your health

  • Share your VA Pathology reports with caregivers or non-VA health care providers

  • Ensure that your health record is complete.

Can others see my VA Pathology report in My HealtheVet?

You are the only one who can see your information in My HealtheVet. You decide how to share that information. If you want someone else to see your information, you must give it to him or her.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting the personal health information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect it the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

Yes, My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and secure.

Can I change information in my VA Pathology report?

No, your information is presented to you the way it is in your official VA health record. If you have questions about the information contained in these reports, please speak with your VA health care team or VA physician.

Do you have lab reports from other non-VA medical facilities? If yes, please speak with your VA health care team to ensure that this information is included in your VA health record.

Will I get an email when my VA Pathology report is ready in My HealtheVet?

No, you will not receive an email when your VA Pathology report becomes available in My HealtheVet.

Please note that VA Pathology reports may take as long as 2-3 weeks before they are available through VA Blue Button. If you have questions you can contact your VA health care team. You can do this using Secure Messaging, by phone or during your next clinic visit.

How is my VA Pathology report created?

When your provider collects a specimen from you, it is sent to the lab. After it is examined, the findings are placed in a report. Once complete, this report is entered into your VA health care record, where My HealtheVet pulls it into the VA Blue Button. If you had a specimen sent for Pathology, this report can be viewed in My HealtheVet as VA Pathology.

What information will I be able to view in VA Pathology?

VA Pathology is made up of reports, which may include identified diagnoses and characterizes disease by examining the tissues, blood, and other body fluids that your VA health care team submitted to the laboratory. The pathology report may include the following information:

  • Type of Report: Surgical or Clinical Pathology

  • Specimen: type of specimen taken, such as a tissue biopsy

  • Date/Time Collected: the day, month, year and time the specimen was collected

  • Ordering Location: location where the test was ordered

  • Submitted By: person who collected and sent the specimen to the lab

  • Surgeon or Physician: person who ordered the test

  • Pathologist: lab person (doctor) who examined the specimen

  • Surgical Pathology Report
    The following fields may be blank if there is no information available:

  • Brief Clinical History - may provide an overview of why you are having the test

  • Gross Description - a description of the specimen that was removed

  • Microscopic Examination - a detailed description under microscopic review

  • Diagnosis - a health condition or disease

  • Impression - the examining pathologist's interpretation of the results, based on their findings

  • Supplemental Report - can include any additional data the pathologist feels would be helpful for your provider and other members of your health care team

Note: VA Pathology may use medical terms that you do not understand. If you have questions about your information, you may contact the VA health care team where you received your care.

How soon will I see my results after my VA Pathology test is done?

VA Pathology reports are available 14 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.

If you have any questions about your information please visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team. You can do this using Secure Messaging, by phone or during your next clinic visit.

Where can I learn more about a health condition?

Use the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about a specific health condition or information you found on your VA Pathology report. The Medical Library has in-depth information about medical conditions.

How can I use my VA Pathology report?

  • Share your VA Pathology with non-VA health care providers. Give your health care provider a complete picture of your health with VA Blue Button information. This may help them make better decisions about your health care.

  • Use VA Pathology to help you make choices about your treatment. By learning all that you can about your condition or diagnosis, you can work closely with your health care team to make the best treatment decision for you. Talk to your VA health care team or visit the My HealtheVet Medical Library to learn more.

What should I do if I have a question about my VA Pathology report?

  • Select the Learn More link, which has general information about the VA Pathology.

  • If you still have questions or do not understand your information, you can contact your VA health care team. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming VA appointment, or by using Secure Messaging.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Pathology feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Pathology feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

Prescription Refill

Where do I refill my prescriptions?

When you are logged in with your registered User ID and password, click the Pharmacy tab; the prescription options will appear in the left navigation menu.

Why can't I see all of my prescriptions?

Most of your prescriptions can be refilled online; however, not all of your medications may be listed.

The VA divides its drug formulary into Schedules. Schedule 2 prescriptions, such as some pain medications and narcotics, are not refillable. You must obtain a new prescription from your provider for each fill of these medications.

If you believe you have refillable prescriptions that are not being displayed, please contact the pharmacy staff at the VA facility that prescribed your medication. The phone number should be provided on the label of your prescription bottle.

VA Prescription (Rx) Tracker

1. What is meant by Rx?

Rx is a symbol meaning prescription. This is a common symbol and regularly used by the VA and My HealtheVet. A prescription may be medicine or products, which have been ordered for you by a qualified health care provider. This might be a physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, physician assistant or other member of your VA health care team. A pharmacist must verify the prescription before it is processed. This is done to make sure your prescription is safe for dispensing.

If you have a new or immediate need prescription it may be picked up at the Pharmacy window of your VA facility. Most of your VA prescriptions will be sent to you from a VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

2. What is a VA Mail Order Pharmacy?

A VA Mail Order Pharmacy is a service which dispenses and mails VA prescriptions to Veterans.

If you are a VA patient, you may be given a prescription (Rx) from your VA provider. When you do, The prescription is received and processed by a VA Pharmacy.

A new or immediate need prescription may be picked up at the Pharmacy window of your VA facility. A VA Mail Order Pharmacy is responsible for dispensing and sending prescriptions that are delivered to you. Most VA prescriptions will be sent to you by a VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

If there are any questions or problems with your prescription, you can contact the VA pharmacy that issued the prescription. The phone number can be found on the prescription label. These issues are addressed by your VA Pharmacy in coordination with the VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

3. Will a VA Mail Order Pharmacy send my VA Rx package to any location?

The VA Mail Order Pharmacy ships to all addresses in the United States and its territories but not to any foreign countries. Your prescription will be delivered to the address you have on file with the VA.

Important: Information you self-enter in My HealtheVet (including a change of address) is not shared with VA. If you have a change of address, make sure you let the VA know.

4. Am I able to track prescriptions sent through the VA Mail Order Pharmacy?

Yes. If you have an Advanced or Premium My HealtheVet account you can use the Prescription Tracker feature. You will also need to have a VA prescription. The VA facility which issued the prescription decides what they want the VA Mail Order Pharmacy to send. They may not ship a medicine which is not commonly prescribed or those that may require close medical patient follow-up. In addition, they may not ship low volume products.

5. Are there requirements to use the Prescription Tracker?

Prescription Tracker requires that you have an Advanced or Premium My HealtheVet account. You must also have a current VA prescription that is being handled by the VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit Register Today.

If you are enrolled in the VA Healthcare System, you may want to get a Premium This gives you full access to all the features My HealtheVet has to offer. Plus,you will be able to communicate with your VA health care team using Secure Messaging. To get a Premium account you will need to go through authentication. VA verifies your identity with this process. This is done before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

6. What are the benefits of using Track Delivery?

You can:

  • Track delivery of a VA prescription which was mailed in the last 30 days, anytime and anywhere you have access to the Internet

  • Know when your prescription package should arrive

  • View details about tracking information on each prescription

  • Know if other items are included in the same delivery package

7. How do I access the Track Delivery?

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account*

  • Select the red Pharmacy tab at the top of the page

  • Select the Prescription Track Delivery icon/image

  • If the VA Mail Order Pharmacy has sent you a prescription within the last 30 days, you will see a red Track Delivery button. This is located at the end of the row and under the Prescription Tracking column.

  • Select the red Track Delivery button. This takes you to the Prescription Tracking Information Detail page. Here you will find detailed tracking information on your VA prescription. It will also show if you have other VA prescriptions or supplies being shipped in the same package.

  • To view shippment information select the Carrier Tracking Number link. This will take you to the Delivery Service website (e.g. UPS or US Postal Service). The carrier's website will display delivery information about your VA prescription package.

8. How many days is my prescription delivery information available in Prescription Tracker?

You may Track Delivery of your VA prescriptions filled by a VA Mail Order Pharmacy and mailed within the last 45 days. Also, a prescription mailed from a VA Mail Order Pharmacy today may not display until the next day or two.

9. What prescriptions am I able to track?

Any prescription sent from a VA Mail Order Pharmacy. This may include:

  • VA medicine (that was refilled or renewed)

  • Wound care supplies

  • Diabetic supplies

  • Other products/supplies processed by the VA Mail Order Pharmacy

Some medicine may require close medical patient follow-up. These medicines are not sent through a VA Mail Order Pharmacy. As such, they are not able to be tracked. However, most prescriptions are handled by a VA Mail Order Pharmacy and can be tracked.

10. Is there a limit to the number of items I can track?

There is no limit to the number of VA prescriptions you are able to track sent through a VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

Tracking information is only available for packages sent in the last 45 days. When a package is mailed, it may take the next day or two before you can view it in the Prescription Tracker.

11. Will the VA Mail Order Pharmacy deliver my Rx package?

No, your Rx package is delivered by current VA contracted delivery service(s).

12. How will I know what delivery service will handle my Rx package?

This information can be found in the Prescription Tracker feature. When you select a prescription to track, it will take you to the delivery service website. You will also be able to view the name of the delivery service on the Details page of the Rx Tracker feature.

13. How many days will it take for my Rx package to arrive?

This information can be found on the delivery service website. Generally, it is 3-5 days.

Some delivery services will send alerts about your package. They also have features that allow you to set preferences. Doing this may help ensure you are available to receive the packages.

Note: Refill requests should be made at least 10 days prior to running out of your medicine. If you have an Advanced or Premium account, you can use My HealtheVet to refill your VA prescriptions online.

14. Who do I contact if my Rx package does not arrive?

First contact the delivery service that is delivering your package. Their contact information and/or phone number is on their website.

If they are not able to help, contact the VA facility where you got the prescription. The phone number for the VA Pharmacy can be found on the prescription label. Those issues are resolved by your VA Pharmacy in coordination with the VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

15. Will the delivery service give me a time so that I can be there to receive my Rx package?

This information can be found on the delivery service website. You may also call the delivery service. The phone number should be listed on their website.

Some delivery services will send alerts about your package. They also have features that allow you to set preferences. This lets them know what works for you. Doing this may help ensure you are available to receive the packages.

16. Could I receive more than one Rx prescription in a package?

Yes, if you have more than one prescription in a package. You can check this out on the Prescription Tracker Details page. This lets you view a list of other prescriptions that are included in your package. If the section is blank, then you only have the one item being shipped.

17. What should I do if I get someone else's Rx package?

Please DO NOT attempt to open the contents of any package not addressed to you.

If the mailing label is for someone else, return the package to the delivery service. If it has your name on the package but it is not your prescription, contact the VA facility that issued the prescription. The phone number for the VA Pharmacy can be found on the prescription label. Those issues are resolved by your VA Pharmacy in coordination with the VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

18. How do I stop a prescription from being sent?

If you want to stop a prescription from being sent, you should contact the VA facility that issued the prescription. The phone number for the VA Pharmacy can be found on the medicine bottle`s label. Those issues are resolved by your VA Pharmacy in coordination with the VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

Note: Did you want to stop your prescription from being sent because it`s no longer needed? If you have some medicine left over, the VA Pharmacy Service does not accept returned drugs. This includes controlled substances, from the patient. Use the information below to learn how to safely dispose of your unused medicine.

19. Is my VA health care team able to view my prescription being tracked?

Your VA health care team is not able to view any information in your My HealtheVet account. This includes Prescription Tracker.

Your VA health care team is able to track your prescription but they use a different application to do this.

20. Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

21. Who can I contact if I have questions?

If you have a question you can contact:

  • Note: If you have a Premium My HealtheVet account, you can use the Secure Messaging feature to communicate online, with a member of your VA health care team.

  • The VA pharmacy that issued the prescription. The phone number for the pharmacy can be found on the prescription label or medicine bottle. Those issues are resolved by your VA Pharmacy in coordination with the VA Mail Order Pharmacy.

  • The Pharmacy at your local VA facility for more help and guidance. For your convenience, you can use the Facility Locator to locate VA facility-related information quickly.

  • Your VA Provider that prescribed the medicine or product. You can use the Facility Locator to locate the VA facility. Then request the extension number of your provider.

22. Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with Prescription Tracker?

If you need assistance with the Prescription Tracker feature, please contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk:

  • You can send us details using the Contact Us form. Our goal is to reply to you by the next business day.

  • Or, call us directly at 1-877-327-0022, Monday - Friday, 6 a.m.-7 p.m. (Central Time)

VA Problem List

What is the VA Problem List?

VA Problem List is a part of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record (, found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view a list of their health diagnoses, conditions, and symptoms. This information comes from your official VA health record.

What are the requirements for viewing the VA Problem List?

To view the VA Problem List you must:

  • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • Have an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account*

* To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I view, print, save or download my VA Problem List?

To access your VA Problem List, where you can view, print, save or download your report(s), simply:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

You can now select the Types of Information you want

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select VA Problem List

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


What are the benefits of having my VA Problem List in My HealtheVet?

The VA Problem List is a summary of your active health concerns. Knowing your active health concerns allows you to:

  • Work in partnership with your health care team to ensure your health record accurately reflects your health issues

  • Have a better understanding of your health issues

  • Make informed decisions about your health

  • Share your VA Problem List with caregivers or non-VA health care providers

  • Ensure that your health record is complete

Who can view my VA Problem List?

You are the only one who can see your information in My HealtheVet. You decide how to share that information. If you want someone else to see your information, you must give it to him or her.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and secure.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Can I change information in my VA Problem List?

No, your information is presented to you the way it is in your official VA health record. If you believe information in your VA Problem List is not accurate, contact the Release of Information staff at your VA facility.

Will I receive an email if my VA Problem List is updated?

No. Your information is refreshed once a day when you open VA Blue Button. If there has been any change to your VA Problem List, you will be able to see it.

Note: The Problem List that is in your official VA health record may not be updated regularly. If you have questions about your health conditions, diagnoses, or symptoms contact your VA health care team.

How is the VA Problem List created?

Your VA providers identify your most important health concerns. VA providers can be a Primary Care, Specialty Care, and/or Behavioral Health provider. Health concerns are medical diagnoses, symptoms, and/or conditions. These health concerns are entered into your official VA health record. These health concerns make up the VA Problem List. My HealtheVet pulls the VA Problem List from your official VA health record.

What information will I be able to view in the VA Problem List?

The VA Problem List is made up of your active health concerns. VA Problem List items are entered by a VA provider and will include:

  • Source: VA

  • Last Updated: Day/month/year and time

  • Sorted By: This shows the date in descending order

  • The VA Problem List contains active health problems your VA providers are helping you to manage. It may not contain active problems managed by non-VA health care providers. If you have any questions about your information please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or contact your VA health care team.

  • Problem: The name of the problem

  • Date Entered: this is the date it was entered into the VA health record

  • Provider: Name of the VA health care provider who entered it

  • Location: Physical location or clinic where the problem was identified

  • Status: Identifies if your problem is current

  • Comments: (this may be blank if there were no additional notes)

Note: Please, be aware of the following:

  • Some VA Problem List items may be several years old

  • The VA Problem List may not be updated regularly

  • No one VA provider is responsible for updating the VA Problem List

  • The VA Problem List may use medical terms that you do not understand. If you have questions about your information, you may contact the VA health care team where you received your care.

How soon will I be able to view my VA Problem List?

Your VA Problem List contains active health problems your VA providers are helping you to manage. This information is available 3 calendar days after it has been entered. It may not contain active problems managed by non-VA health care providers.

If you have any questions about your information, visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team.

How do I learn more about a health condition?

Use the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about a specific health condition on your VA Problem List. The Medical Library has in-depth information about medical conditions.

I cannot find one of my health conditions listed. What should I do?

Information on your VA Problem List is limited to active health conditions that are in your VA health record. These are conditions you are getting care for at a VA facility. If you think that your list is not complete, talk to your health care team during your next visit. If you have questions about a specific health condition listed, you can talk with your health care team about what it means.

How can I use the VA Problem List?

You can use the VA Problem List to better manage your health. Use the VA Problem List in the following ways:

  • Share your VA Problem List with non-VA health care providers. Give your health care provider a complete picture of your health with VA Blue Button information. This helps them make better decisions about your health care.

  • Use the VA Problem List to help you make healthy choices. By knowing your health concerns you can practice ways to stay healthy. Talk to your VA health care team or visit the My HealtheVet Medical Library to learn ways to stay healthy.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Problem List?

You can contact My HealtheVet about problems you have with the VA Problem List feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days

What should I do if I have a question about my VA Problem List?

If you have questions about your VA Problem List: Select the Learn More link , which has general information about the VA Problem List If you still have questions or do not understand your information, you can contact your VA health care team.

VA Notes

What are Notes?

Clinical Notes are part of your permanent medical record. They are used to describe events during your care. This can be during your clinic visit or during a hospital stay. Physicians, nurses, consultants, therapists and other members of the health care team record their Notes in your medical record.

Members of the health care team may use Notes to record your health condition and the care provided to you. The notes may include medical facts, clinical findings, opinions and treatment plans. It may also track your response to the care that was provided. Most importantly, it serves as a way for members of your health care team to share information about you.

Clinical Notes may contain the following information:

  • Patients health condition

  • Care delivered to the patient

  • Medical facts, clinical findings, opinions and treatment plans

  • Progress or lack of progress made by the patient

  • Clinical events related to the diagnosis and treatment of the patient

  • Patient's past health condition compared to their current health status

What are VA Notes?

VA Notes are part of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record found under the VA Blue Button section. VA patients who have a Premium My HealtheVet account can view a copy of their VA Notes recorded during a clinic visit or hospital stay. This information comes from your official VA health record.

What are the requirements for viewing the VA Notes?

To view the VA Notes you must:

  • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • Have an upgraded Premium* My HealtheVet account

*To get a Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity. This is done before allowing access to their VA health record.

How do I view, print, save or download my VA Notes?

To view, print, save or download your VA Notes simply:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium* account

  • Select Download My Data (or select the Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

You can now select the Types of Information you want to include:

  • Select the date range you wish to include

  • Choose Select one or more types of information

  • Select VA Notes

  • Select Submit

  • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

  • Select View/Print if you want to view or print from your browser window

  • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen

*To get a Premium* account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity. This is done before allowing access to their VA health record.

What are the benefits of having my VA Notes in My HealtheVet?

The information provided in VA Notes may help you:

  • Work in partnership with your health care team to ensure your health record accurately reflects your health issues

  • Have a better understanding of your health issues

  • Make informed decisions about your health

  • Share details about your health care with your caregivers or non-VA health care providers

  • Ensure that your health record is complete

Who can view my VA Notes?

You are the only one who can view your information in My HealtheVet. You decide how to share that information. If you want someone else to view your information, you must give it to him or her.

Information in your VA Notes may be very personal. You are responsible for protecting the personal health information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect it the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. You should NOT send your personal health information using email, since this is not secure.

Remember, if you use someone else's computer or printer, always:

  • Remove your printed information off the printer and take it with you

  • Take your CD or thumb drive with you when you finish

  • Avoid saving your information to a computer that is not yours

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and secure.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should NEVER send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Can I change information in my VA Notes?

No, your information is presented to you the way it is in your official VA health record. If you believe information in your VA Notes is not accurate, contact the Release of Information staff at your VA facility.

What information will I be able to view in the VA Notes?

VA Notes are entered by a member of the VA health care team and will include:

  • Source: VA

  • Last Updated: Day/month/year and time

  • Sorted By: This shows the date/time in descending order

You will also see the following note:

VA Notes from January 1, 2013 available 3 calendar days after they have been completed by members of your VA health care team. In the future more historical notes may be available. If you have any questions about your information please visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team.

  • Date/Time: This is the date/time it was entered into the VA health record (For example: 08 JAN 2013 @ 11:45)

  • Note Title: The name of the VA Note

  • Location: Physical location or clinic where the problem was identified

  • Signed By: Name of the VA health care team member who entered the VA Note

  • Co-signed By: Name of the secondary VA health care team member who signed the note. Most VA Notes are not co-signed.

  • Date/Time Signed: The day/month/year the VA Note was signed

  • Note: The information entered by the health care team member

    • LOCAL TITLE: 10-10M


    • DATE OF NOTE: Date/time of note

    ENTRY DATE: date/time note entered
    • AUTHOR: Member of the health care team

    EXP COSIGNER: Expected cosigner
    • URGENCY:

    • Information entered by the health care team member


Note: Please, be aware of the following:

  • No one VA provider is responsible for the VA Notes

  • The VA Notes may use medical terms that you do not understand. If you have questions about your information, you may contact the VA health care team where you received your care.

Which VA Notes will I be able to access?

Initially, you will be able to view VA Notes entered into your VA health record from January 1, 2013 forward. In the future, you may be able to view more historical VA notes (written before January 1, 2013).

Your VA Notes are available for viewing three (3) calendar days after they have been completed and signed by all required members of your VA health care team.

Where can I learn more about a health condition?

The VA Notes may use medical terms that you do not understand. If you have questions go to the Research Health tab on My HealtheVet and select the Medical Library. From there you can go to the Veterans Health Library or MedlinePlus ® to look up a term or to learn more about a specific health condition.

How can I use the VA Notes?

You can use the VA Notes to better manage your health. Use the VA Notes in the following ways:

  • Share your VA Notes with non-VA health care providers. Give your health care provider a complete picture of your health with VA Blue Button information. This helps them make better decisions about your health care.

  • Use the VA Notes to help you make healthy choices. By knowing your health concerns you can practice ways to stay healthy. Talk to your VA health care team or visit the My HealtheVet Medical Library to learn ways to stay healthy.

What should I do if I have a question about the information in my VA Notes?

If you have questions about your VA Notes:

  • Go to the Learn More section under the About MHV tab. Here you can find general information about the VA Notes.

  • If you still have questions or do not understand your information, you can contact your VA health care team. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming appointment, or by using Secure Messaging. Your VA health care team can answer questions you have about your VA Notes.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Notes?

You can contact My HealtheVet about problems you have with the VA Notes feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk.

*You can get to the Contact Us form by selecting the Contact MHV tab at the top of any My HealtheVet page.

I see a yellow text box at the top of the page with a triangle icon, what does this mean?

This is a message box that lets you know the status of your information. For example:

  • If you have no information in the system, the message in the box will read: "Information is not available"

  • If My HealtheVet is not able to retrieve your information, the message in the box will read: "Request cannot be processed at this time". If you see this message, you may wish to check back later.

  • Your information is updated once a day when you visit the VA Blue Button feature. If your information is being updated, the message will read: "Updates to your data are still in progress. Please refresh this screen or check back later."

VA Radiology

What is Radiology?

Radiology is a procedure that creates images of the body to diagnose and treat disease. There are different ways these images can be created, such as:

What is VA Radiology?

VA Radiology is a part of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record. The resulting reports of these procedures can be viewed in the VA Blue Button - Download My Data section. This information comes from the Veteran's official VA health record.

What are the requirements for viewing VA Radiology results?

To view your VA Radiology you must:

  • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • Be a registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • Have a My HealtheVet Premium* account

*To get a My HealtheVet Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How soon will I be able to view my results after my VA Radiology test is done?

Most test results should be available in My HealtheVet 3 days after the date your report is complete. However, some results may take 2 to 3 weeks. This may happen if your Radiology procedure was done outside your VA medical center. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.

VA Radiology Reports are available 3 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation. If you have any questions about your report please contact the provider who ordered the study or your primary care provider.

If you cannot view your results in My HealtheVet after seven (7) business days, you can use Secure Messaging to contact your participating VA health care team and check on your results. You can also contact your VA health care team by telephone

What VA Radiology results will I be able to view?

You will be able to view a report of your VA radiology procedure(s) in your electronic VA health record. This could include:

The reports will include the following items:

Source: VA
Last Updated: the day, month, year and time the information was last updated
Sorted By: Date/Time Exam Performed (Descending)

Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not
necessarily include an interpretation. If you have any questions about your
information please visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team.

  • Procedure/Test Name: The name of the test performed

  • Date/Time Exam Performed: the day, month, year and time the test was performed

  • Ordering Location: the location where your provider ordered the test

  • Requesting Provider: the person who ordered the test

  • Reason for Study: the reason your provider ordered the test for you

  • Performing Location: the location where the test was conducted

  • Clinical History: the signs and symptoms reported by the patient, as well as the clinical findings found by a provider during a physical examination. This may also include information related to past illnesses and procedures.

  • Radiologist: the name of the provider that reviewed the results of the test

  • Report: the results of the test

  • Impression: the diagnosis reached by the radiologist after reviewing your test

Note: If there are no reports in the VA Radiology section, you may not have had a radiology test performed through the VA Healthcare System.

What are the benefits of having VA Radiology results in My HealtheVet?

  • You can access your most recent VA Radiology results found in your VA health record

  • You can view your information anytime, anywhere you have Internet access

  • You are provided with important information about your health

  • You can share your VA Radiology results with caregivers or non-VA health care providers

How do I access view, print, save or download my VA Radiology results?

To access, view, print, save or download a copy of your VA Radiology results, plus your self-entered Radiology results and other tests using VA Blue Button, just:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

  • Select Download My Data (or the Blue Button icon)

  • Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select VA Radiology (at this time, you can also select your self-entered Radiology reports or other types of information you would like to include)

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


Why would my health care team order a Radiology procedure?

Your health care team uses your radiology results to help:

  • Identify changes in your health

  • Diagnose a disease or condition

  • Plan your treatment for a disease or condition

  • Evaluate your response to treatment

Should I take a printed copy of my VA Radiology results to my appointment with my non-VA provider?

Yes, you can use VA Blue Button to download and/or print a copy of your VA Radiology results. You can take this with you to your non-VA appointments. This will provide additional information for your non-VA providers.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

Yes, My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Can my health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

No, your health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. Your health care team does not have access to information you have entered in My HealtheVet unless you share it.

What should I do if I think my VA Radiology information is not accurate?

If you think information in your VA Radiology report is not accurate, let your VA health care team know. You should also contact the Release of Information Office at your VA facility. The Release of Information staff can guide you through the process to request a correction to your VA health record.

What should I do if I have any questions about my VA Radiology results?

If you have questions about your VA Radiology results:

  • Select the Learn More link, which has general information about radiology.

  • Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation. If you have any questions about your VA Radiology report please contact the provider who ordered the study or your primary care provider. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming appointment, or by using Secure Messaging.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Radiology results feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Radiology feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

VA Vitals and Readings

What are Vitals and Readings?

Vitals and Readings are health measures that are usually recorded during an appointment, a procedure or when you are a patient in the hospital.

Select the links below to learn more about vital signs and health readings:

Vital Signs include:

Readings may include:

What is VA Vitals and Readings?

VA Vitals and Readings is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view a record of their vital signs and health measures that are in their official VA health record. Additionally, VA patients can also view their self-entered Vitals and Readings.

What are the requirements for viewing VA Vitals and Readings?

To view your VA Vitals and Readings you must:

  • be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • have an upgraded My HealtheVet Premium* account

* To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

What information will I be able to view in my VA Vitals and Readings?

Information in your VA Vitals and Readings may include your vital signs and certain health measures (or readings) that come from your official VA health record. This information is usually recorded during an appointment, a procedure or when you are a patient in the hospital. VA Vitals and Readings are entered by a member of the VA health care team and may include:

The top section will display:

  • VA Vitals and Readings displays your vital signs and other health measures. If
    you have any questions about your information please visit the FAQs or contact
    your VA health care team.

Next you will see the following information:

  • This section shows all of the vital signs and health measures listed in your VA
    health record, grouped by the type of vital sign.
    Sorted By: Type of Vital Sign, then Date/Time (Descending)

  • Source: VA

  • Last Update: Day/month/year and time

  • Vital Sign: Name of the vital sign or health measure taken

  • Measurement: Vital sign or health measure reading

  • Comments: Information about how a vital sign or health measure was taken

  • Location: Health care facility where the vital sign or health measure was taken

  • Date/Time Collected: When the vital sign or health measure was taken

What are the benefits of having VA Vitals and Readings in My HealtheVet?

The benefits of having VA Vitals and Readings in My HealtheVet are:

  • You can access the most recent vital signs found in your VA health record

  • You can view your information at any time, anywhere you have Internet access

  • You are provided with important information about your health

  • You can share your VA Vitals and Readings with caregivers or non-VA health care providers

How do I view, print, save or download my VA Vitals and Readings?

To access VA Vitals and Readings, where you can view, print, save or download your report(s), simply:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet Premium account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information you want

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select VA Vitals and Readings (if you like, you can also select your Self Reported Vitals and Readings as well)

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


What is the normal range for Vital Signs?

The normal range for vital signs may vary with age, sex, weight, exercise tolerance and condition. It is best to discuss this with your health care provider to find out what is normal for you.

How is body Temperature recorded?

Your Temperature provides a reading of your core body warmth. It is recorded in degrees of Fahrenheit. The average body temperature runs between 97.8º & 99.1º, the average being 98.6º.

Body temperature is measured using a thermometer. One of the more common ways to measure body temperature is with an oral (by mouth) or ear thermometer.

How is Blood Pressure recorded?

Blood Pressure is recorded as two readings. The upper reading is the systolic pressure, which is the maximal contraction of the heart. The lower reading is the diastolic or resting pressure. For example: 120/80 mm/Hg
There is no natural 'normal' value for blood pressure, but rather a range of values.

How is Pulse recorded?

Your Pulse Rate is recorded as heart beats per minute. The pulse rate is usually measured by listening directly to your heartbeat. This is done using a stethoscope or measured at either the wrist or the ankle. Pulse rates can vary with age.

How is Respiratory Rate recorded?

Your Respiratory Rate is recorded in breaths per minute. It is measured by watching how many breaths you take in a minute. This varies with age, but the normal range for an adult is 12-20 breaths per minute.

How is Pain recorded?

Your pain score is what you self-report to your provider. It is recorded on a Pain Scale of zero to ten (0 - 10).

  • 0 = No Pain

  • 1 - 3 = Mild Pain

  • 4 - 6 = Moderate pain

  • 7 - 10 = Severe Pain

How is weight recorded?

Your provider will weigh you on a scale to record your weight. A sudden, unexpected change in weight may be a sign of a medical problem.

What can affect my Vital Signs and Readings?

Many things can affect your vital signs and readings including:

  • Age

  • Race

  • Medical history

  • General health

  • Certain foods

  • Medications you are taking

Why does my health care team take my vital signs and health readings?

Your health care team uses your vital signs and health reading to help:

  1. Identify changes in your health

  2. Diagnose a disease or condition

  3. Plan your treatment for a disease or condition

  4. Evaluate your response to treatment

  5. Monitor the course of a disease or condition over time

What is the difference between Self Reported Vitals and Readings in My HealtheVet and VA Vitals and Readings?

Self Reported Vitals and Readings is information you self-enter in My HealtheVet. These are readings that you update and maintain in your My HealtheVet account as you strive to manage and improve your health. The information is accessed through the Track Health tab. There are nine ways you can monitor your own health measures in Vitals + Readings. These may include recording your blood sugar, cholesterol, heart rate, pain levels, and much more.

VA Vitals and Readings is information your health care team enters into your VA health record. These are readings taken while you are at a clinic appointment during a procedure or when you are a patient in the hospital.

Note: To help you identify Information that comes from your official VA health record, it always has VA in front of it.

Should I take a printed copy of my VA Vitals and Readings to my appointment with my non-VA provider?

Yes, you can use VA Blue Button to download and/or print a copy of your VA Vitals and Readings. You can take this with you to your non-VA appointments. This will provide additional information for your non-VA providers.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Can my health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

No, your health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. Your health care team does not have access to information you have entered in My HealtheVet unless you share it.

What should I do if I have any questions about my VA Vitals and Readings?

If you have questions about your VA Vitals and Readings:

  • First, select the Learn More link, which has general information

  • If you still have questions or do not understand your information, you can contact your health care team. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming appointment, or by using Secure Messaging. Your VA health care team can answer questions you have about your VA Vitals and Readings.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Vitals and Readings feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Vitals and Readings feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

Wellness Reminders

What are My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders?

My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders provide patients customized, online health reminders. This online feature allows VA patients to be active participants in their care by scheduling screenings and preventative exams.

NOTE: In the near future, Wellness Reminders will no longer be available on My HealtheVet. Historical Wellness Reminders will be available through your VA Blue Button report. Your VA Blue Button report is located under the Personal Information tab.

Recommended preventative services for men and women can be found on the VA's National Center for for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention website.

Select a link below to view recommended preventative services for men and women.

Recommendations for Men

Recommendations for Women

What are patient requirements for viewing Wellness Reminders in My HealtheVet?

To view Wellness Reminders, VA patients must be registered as a My HealtheVet member with a Premium account. Learn how to upgrade your My HealtheVet account to Premium level.

How do I access My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders?

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Click on the Get Care tab

  • Click on the Wellness Reminders tab

What are the benefits of using My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders?

  • Alerts you to important tests, examinations or other medical procedures that you should schedule to protect your health

  • Helps you remember important health information

  • Allows you to be more involved in your own health care

  • Allows you to view your VA Wellness Reminders

  • Provides you with detailed Wellness Reminder information

  • Provides health information to help you understand your Wellness Reminders

  • Allows you to share your Wellness Reminders with non-VA healthcare providers

What Wellness Reminders will I be able to view?

You will be able to view the following types of Wellness Reminders from your VA treatment facility(s) if they apply to you:

  • Colorectal cancer screen

  • Influenza (Flu)

  • Pneumococcal (Pneumonia)

  • Hypertension (High blood pressure)

  • LDL control (Cholesterol)

  • Lipid measure (Cholesterol)

  • Body Mass Index

For people with diabetes:

  • Diabetes foot exam

  • Diabetes hemoglobin A1c

  • Diabetes retinal exam

For women:

  • Cervical cancer screen

  • Mammogram screen

What information is provided in a Wellness Reminder?

The summary information includes due date, type of Wellness Reminder, last completed date, and name and location of the VA facility sending the Reminder. The detailed information includes a description of the Wellness Reminder and links to other websites (such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) which provide additional health information.

Is the My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders information protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your Personal Health Information is safe and protected.

Can I change the way I view Wellness Reminders?

Yes, you may change the way you view Wellness Reminders by selecting your preferred VA facility(s) from which Wellness Reminders are displayed. The first time you log on, the default setting is that all your VA locations are selected. You can make a change to the selection and unselect VA facilities of your choice. You must select at least one VA location to receive Wellness Reminders.

To update your Wellness Reminder Preferences:

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Click on the Get Care tab

  • Click on the Wellness Reminders tab

  • Click on the Go to Reminders Preferences link

  • Under "Locations", select one or more preferred VA facility(s)

  • Click on "Save Preferences"

Do I have to complete a Wellness Reminder at the facility specified on the list?

No, you can complete a Wellness Reminder at any preferred VA facility or non-VA healthcare provider. If you do complete a Wellness Reminder at another VA facility or at a non-VA facility, let your VA provider know.

How should I handle duplicate Wellness Reminders from multiple facilities?

If you are a patient at more than one VA facility, you may receive duplicate Wellness Reminders. Please notify your VA provider if any Wellness Reminders have been completed. They can enter the information into your medical record so the duplicate Wellness Reminders will stop.

Can I view past Wellness Reminders that have been completed?

Yes, you can view past Wellness Reminders that have been completed.

To view your completed Wellness Reminders:

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Click on the Get Care tab

  • Click on the Wellness Reminders tab

  • Click on the Go to Completed Wellness Reminders link

Will I receive an e-mail notification of my Wellness Reminders?

No, you will not receive an e-mail notification of your Wellness Reminders.

Can I print my Wellness Reminders?

Yes, you can print both a summary and detailed view of your Wellness Reminders.

From either the Wellness Reminder Summary or Detail screen view:

  • Click on the Printer Friendly link which displays a printer-friendly view

  • Click on the Print link

  • Click on the Done link to return to the previous screen

What should I do if I have any questions about my Wellness Reminders?

Contact your VA health care team if you have any questions related to your care or the status of your Wellness Reminders.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Wellness Reminders feature?

The My HealtheVet Help Desk will assist you. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send an inquiry to the My HealtheVet Help Desk, who will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

VA Immunizations

What is an immunization?

Quite often you may hear an immunization called a vaccine. Vaccinations help your body fight preventable infectious diseases such as:

Vaccinations are also available for less common diseases such as:

What is VA Immunizations?

VA Immunizations is a part of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view a record of the vaccinations they have received, which are in their official VA health record.

What information will I be able to view in VA Immunizations?

In the VA Immunizations section you can view your immunization information found in your VA health record. For each vaccination you will see:

The top section will display:

  • Source: VA
    Last Updated:
    Your VA Immunizations list may not be complete. If you have any questions
    about your information, visit the FAQs or contact your VA health care team.

    This section shows your five most recent immunization records.
    Sorted By: Date Received (Descending)

    • Immunization - name of immunization (vaccine)

    • Date Received - Date/time immunization was entered in your VA health record


Next, you will view the following information:

  • This section shows all of the immunizations listed in your VA health record, grouped by immunization. Sorted By: Immunization Name, then Date (Descending)

    • Immunization: Name of immunization (vaccine)

    • Date Received: Date/time immunization was entered in your VA health record

    • Location: The VA facility where you received the immunization

    • Reaction: *

    • Comments:

    Reaction Key: * = Check information in your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions as well as your self reported allergies. This may let you know if you had a reaction to an immunization you received.

    Please contact your health care team with any questions about your VA Immunization information.


What are the benefits of having VA Immunizations in My HealtheVet?

  • You have access to your immunization information found in your electronic VA health record when you want it

  • It will help you and your health care team ensure you are protected against vaccine preventable diseases

  • It can prevent unnecessary re-vaccination during a health emergency

  • You are provided with important information about your health

  • You can share your VA Immunizations with caregivers or non-VA health care providers as a historical reference

Note: Vaccines do not always prevent the disease. However, by getting a vaccine you may have a less severe case of the disease.

What are the requirements for viewing VA Immunizations?

To view your VA Immunizations you must:

  • be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • be a registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • have a My HealtheVet Premium* account

*To get a My HealtheVet Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to their VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.


How do I view, print or download a copy of my VA Immunizations?

To access, view, print or download a copy of your VA Immunizations report:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet

  • Select Download My Data

  • Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select VA Immunizations

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


Will my VA Immunizations record show if I had a reaction to a vaccine?

No, if you had a reaction to a vaccine it will not show in your VA Immunizations record. If you had a reaction you health care team may have recorded this in your VA Allergies. This is why it is always good, when you select VA Immunizations in VA Blue Button to also select VA Allergies. In addition, you should select your (self-entered) Allergies and Adverse Reactions and (self-entered) Immunizations to see if you documented reactions to any immunizations.

Note: If you find something missing in your VA health record you should talk to your VA health care team. If you think the information is not accurate, contact the Release of Information Clerk at your local VA health facility. .

Can I add information to my VA Immunizations record?

No. You can only view your VA Immunizations information that comes from your VA health record.

Can I self-enter immunization information?

Yes, you can add, edit or delete your self-entered Immunization information in My HealtheVet

To add information to your self-entered Immunization record:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select the Immunization tab

  • Select the Add/New Self Entered Immunization link

If I have VA Immunizations why should I self-enter Immunization information in My HealtheVet?

What you self-enter is immunization (vaccine) information that is not in your VA health record. For example, this could be a flu shot you got at your local drug store. You might want to self-enter immunizations you got as a child or received by your non-VA health care provider. Having all your immunization information in one location is a good practice. Do not forget to share this information with both your VA health care team and non-VA health care provider.

Should I take a printed copy of my VA Immunizations to my appointment with my non-VA provider?

Yes, you can use VA Blue Button to download or print a copy of your VA Immunizations. You can take this with you to your non-VA appointments. This will give additional information to your non-VA providers.

Using the VA Blue Button, you can also view a combined list of immunization information, to include:

  • VA Immunizations from your VA health record

  • Immunization information that you self-entered in your My HealtheVet account

Note: Do not forget to include your self-entered Immunizations. Also include your VA Allergy and self-entered Allergies and Adverse Reaction information when you select VA Immunizations

Can my health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

No, your health care team cannot view any information in your My HealtheVet account. Your health care team does not have access to this information unless you share it.

What should I do if I think my VA Immunizations record is not accurate?

If you think information in your VA Immunizations is not accurate, let your VA health care team know. You should also contact the Release of Information Office at your VA facility. The Release of Information staff can guide you through the process to request a correction to your VA health record.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

What should I do if I have any questions about my VA Immunizations?

If you have questions about your VA Immunizations:

  • Select the Learn More link, which has general information about immunizations

  • If you still have questions or do not understand your information, you can contact your VA health care team.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Immunizations feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Immunizations feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

I see a yellow text box at the top of the page with a triangle icon, what does this mean?

This is a message box that lets you know the status of your information. For example:

  • If you have no information in the system, the message in the box will read: "Information is not available"

  • If My HealtheVet is not able to retrieve your information, the message in the box will read: "Request cannot be processed at this time" . If you see this message, you may wish to check back later.

  • If your information is being updated, the message will read: "We are updating your VA Vitals and Readings information. Updates to your data are still in progress. Please refresh this screen or check back later."

Issues Using the Site

Where do I refill my prescriptions?

When you are logged in with your registered User ID and password, click the Pharmacy tab; the prescription options will appear in the left navigation menu.

I'm having trouble reading the text on the site. Can I make the text larger?

To increase the text size on your Internet browser, follow these steps (for a list of supported browsers see the Browser Compatibility page):

Internet Explorer:

  • Open Internet Explorer

  • On the View menu, click Text Size, then select Largest

Internet Explorer for Mac:

  • Open Internet Explorer

  • On the View menu, select Text Zoom, then click the zoom level you would prefer


  • Open Firefox

  • On the View menu, click Text Size, then select Increase


  • Open Safari

  • On the View menu, click Make Text Bigger

AOL Browser:

  • Open the AOL browser

  • On the Safety menu, click Settings (you can also click the Settings button on the standard toolbar)

  • Under the letter F, click Font and Text

  • In the Text Settings area, click Largest, or select a custom text size from the Font Settings pull-down

  • Click Save

When I visited the My HealtheVet website, I saw a message that said "Pardon the Interruption." Why was the site not available?

We periodically perform maintenance and install updates on the website. This generally occurs between the hours of 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM (ET). We make every effort to get the site back up and running as quickly as possible. Sometimes the settings on an Internet browser cause the "Pardon the Interruption" page to display after the site has become available. To ensure that you always receive the most current version of the web page, follow these steps to change your browser settings (for a list of supported browsers see the Browser Compatibility page):

Internet Explorer:

  • Open Internet Explorer

  • On the Tools menu, click Internet Options

  • Click the General tab

  • In the Temporary Internet Files area, click the Settings button

  • In the Check for newer versions of stored pages area, select the Every Visit to the Page radio button

  • Click OK twice


  • Open Firefox

  • On the View menu, click Reload (this will check for a newer version of the web page)


  • Open Safari

  • On the View menu, click Reload Page

AOL Browser:

  • On the Safety menu, click Settings

  • Under the letter B, click Browser Settings

  • Under Related Settings, click Use your Internet Explorer settings to set advanced browsing options

  • Click the General tab

  • In the Temporary Internet Files area, click the Settings button

  • In the Check for newer versions of stored pages area, select the Every Visit to the Page radio button

  • Click OK twice

For JAWS Users: Why can't I hear label names in Forms Mode?

Currently on the MHV site, JAWS cannot read the label names of fields in Forms Mode unless you change your settings in JAWS. Thank you for your patience as we try to resolve this issue.

Who can I contact with questions or suggestions for improving the site?

My HealtheVet welcomes all comments or suggestions from its user community. To send us your feedback, please use the Contact Us link at the top of any page on the web site.

Veterans Health Library

What is the Veterans Health Library?

The Veterans Health Library (VHL) is an online health information resource. It was designed with the Veteran in mind. Here Veterans and their families are provided with up-to-date health information that meets their needs. It is easy-to-access and it is available 24/7.

How can I get to the Veterans Health Library?

It can be accessed three ways:

  1. On the My HealtheVet Homepage

    • Select the Quick Link to the Veterans Health Library


  1. On My HealtheVet

    • Select the RESEARCH HEALTH tab located at the top of the page

    • Select Medical Library

    • Select Veterans Health Library


  1. In your browser, enter

What are the benefits of using the Veterans Health Library?

Information is presented in a number of ways, such as:

  • Information sheets

  • Booklets

  • Videos

  • Workbooks

Easy-to-use resources give you health information and tools to help you:

  • Live healthier

  • Prepare for health care visits

  • Understand medical conditions and treatments

  • Partner and talk with your health care team

  • Share in health care decisions and be more involved in your health care>

Information can be shared via social media (Twitter, Facebook) and email.

Is content available in Spanish?

Yes. Simply select the word En Español at the bottom of the left- navigation column.

Where can I get information about Tests or Treatments I may need?

Select Tests & Treatments listed in the left-navigation column. On the Tests & Treatments page, you can browse by letter or by topic. You can also select from a list of common Tests & Treatments located on the left-navigation column.

Are there videos or multi-media available?

Yes. You can find them by selecting Additional Resources on the left navigation column.

  • The Video Library has over 150 health topics.

  • If you have trouble hearing, all videos provide a closed captioning option.

  • Go-to-Guides¿ are multi-media workbooks that combine video and animation, audio, text and graphics to help you manage your health.

What information is in the sections called Living Well and Living With...?

  • Living Well includes easy-to-understand information and advice to help you stay healthy and improve your quality of life. Topics include being involved in your own care, screening tests and immunizations, and more.

  • Living With... can help you understand and manage chronic conditions. This section has a variety of trusted information and resources.

What Veterans Resources are available?

The Veterans Health Library is designed to be a Veteran's single source for trusted health information. To the right of the Homepage is the Veterans Resources column. Here you can find links to information that center on Veteran health issues, such as:

  • Healthy Living Messages

  • VA Polytrauma/Traumatic Brain Injury

  • PTSD Information

  • VA Smoking Cessation, just to name a few

Where can I find Medication information?

Select the word Medications on the left-navigation column. This takes you to the Medications page. There you can search for a medication by letter or keyword.

The Medications section has over 33,000 prescription medications listed. In addition, there are over-the-counter products.There you will find answers to your questions.

How often is content updated?

Health information will be updated as needed based on feedback from VA clinical experts and at least every two years.

Where do I go for help regarding the Veterans Health Library site?

At the bottom of each page of the Veterans Health Library, you can select the Help link. From there you can view FAQs and for information on how to contact the Help Desk.

What is the Secure Messaging/Veterans Health Library feature?

Secure Messaging is a way to communicate online with your VA health care team through My HealtheVet. Secure Messaging lets the health care team send you information using links from the Veteran Health Library. If you get a Secure Message, there may be a link to Veteran Health Library educational material. Selecting the link will take you to a web page in a new window or tab. The word Education may be displayed in the subject field of the Secure Message.

How do I participate in Secure Messaging?

You may participate in Secure Messaging if you are:

For more information on the Secure Messaging feature, please visit Frequently Asked Questions.

How can I access Secure Messaging?

You may access Secure Messaging through your My HealtheVet Premium account anywhere there is a computer with Internet access. The Secure Messaging tab appears as a main navigation tab. You will:

  • Log in to your My HealtheVet Premium account

  • Select the Secure Messaging tab

How do I know if my VA provider participates in Secure Messaging?

Ask your My HealtheVet Coordinator or your VA health care team if they are participating in secure Messaging.

What additional references are available to me on Secure Messaging?

The Secure Messaging User Manual is a tool you may find helpful:

  • On the My HealtheVet homepage, select the About tab at the top of the page

  • Select User Guide
  • Under User Guides select the link Secure Messaging User Guide

Your health care team or My HealtheVet Coordinator can also provide you with information.

Additional information is available at Frequently Asked questions.

Your Doctor and My HealtheVet

Can I e-mail my doctor through My HealtheVet?

E-mail is not secure, and should not be used to contact your doctor. My HealtheVet provides Secure Messaging. This is a safe way to contact your VA doctor and health care team. You must have an upgraded account to use Secure Messaging. If you see Secure Messaging, but do not see your health care team listed, you will not be able to send a Secure Message. Talk to your health care team if this is the case. Ask them to sign you up so you can use Secure Messaging.

Does my VA doctor use My HealtheVet too?

My HealtheVet promotes partnership between Veteran patients and their doctors, and is supported as a national resource by clinical staff at your local VA Medical Center. Your doctor can help you use this tool to learn more about managing your own health.

How do I contact my VA doctor about My HealtheVet?

The best way to contact your VA doctor is always through your local VA Medical Center. My HealtheVet offers a great deal of health information, but will never take the place of a visit to your personal clinician.

View, Print and/or Download Your Signed Release of Information Form

Can I print or download my Release of Information Form after I sign it?

After you have completed and signed your VA Release of Information Form (10-5345a-MHV), you will be able to view, print and/or download a copy. To do this:

  1. Go to the My HealtheVet homepage and log into your account (if not already logged in)

  2. Select the Personal Information tab located on the top navigation bar

  3. Select the image My Account

  4. On the Manage your My HealtheVet account page, select the link My Account Type

  5. On the My Account Type page:

    • Select the View and Print button to view and/or print a copy of your online, signed VA Release of Information Form (10-5345a-MHV)

    • Select the Download button to download a PDF copy of your online, signed VA Release of Information Form (10-5345a-MHV)


Please be aware: Anytime you open or download a PDF file, you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. Your information can be visible to other users of this computer.

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical issues. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will try to respond to your problem within three(3) business days.

Allergies: Self Reported

What is the difference between an Allergy and an Adverse Reaction?

An allergy is a reaction that can be caused by something you consume, such as a medication or food. Insect bites or stings can cause an allergic reaction. You can also have an allergic reaction from something you came into contact with or inhaled, like latex or mold.

An adverse reaction is how you reacted to the thing you are allergic to. This can be a mild reaction, such as itching, sneezing or causing your eyes to water. It can be a moderate reaction, such as a rash or hives. Depending on your symptoms, you may need to see your provider. It can be a severe reaction, such as difficulty breathing. A severe reaction requires immediate medical attention.

What is the Allergies: Self Reported feature?

The Allergies: Self-Reported feature allows you to list things that you are allergic to and provides information about how you reacted to them.

You can better partner with your VA or non VA health care team by sharing your self-entered Allergies information with them.

What are the requirements for using the Allergies: Self Reported feature in My HealtheVet?

To use the Allergies: Self-Reported feature, you must be registered in My HealtheVet (

If you are a Veteran and use the VA Healthcare System you are encouraged to obtain a My HealtheVet Premium* account. With this account you will have access to key portions of your VA health care record (including VA Allergies) and Secure Messaging with your VA health care teams.

*To get a Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. VA uses this process to verify a Veteran's identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health care record. To learn more, go to Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I access the self-entered Allergies feature?

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select Self-Entered Allergies

What are the benefits of self-entering and tracking my Allergies?

  • Your information is available when you need it

  • It makes it easier to remember important information about what you are allergic to or have had an adverse reaction to

  • This may reduce your risk of coming into contact with something to which you are allergic

  • When you record and track your health information, you become more involved in your own health care

  • It makes it easier to share your self-entered Allergies information with your VA and non-VA health care team, caregivers and others.

What information can I self-enter in my Allergies record?

  • Allergy: the name of the allergy

  • Date: the date the allergy occurred

  • Severity: if your reaction was severe, moderate or mild

  • Diagnosed: if a health care provider diagnosed the allergy

  • Reaction: the reaction or side effect you experienced

  • Comment: any additional information you would like to add

Can I change or remove information that I have self-entered in the Allergies feature?

Yes, you are able to remove or change information you self-enter. To do this:

  • Select the Edit button to change the information

  • Select the Delete button to remove an entry

Is self-entered Allergies information protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Can my VA and/or non-VA health care team view the Allergies information that I have self-entered?

No, your VA and/or non-VA health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. This includes your self-entered Allergies information. Your VA and/or non-VA health care team does not have access to your self-entered information unless you print it and share it with them.

Can I view, print and/or download my self-entered Allergies information?

To print your information from the Self-Entered Allergies section of My HealtheVet:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select Self-Entered Allergies

  • Select Printer Friendly

  • Select Print

You can view, print and download your data using the VA Blue Button:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select Self-Entered Allergies

    • Select a date range if needed

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


What should I do if I have any questions about my self-entered Allergies information?

  • Select the Learn More link under the About MHV tab. Here, you can find general information about Allergies.

  • Use the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about a specific health condition or information about Allergies. The Medical Library has in-depth information about medical conditions.

  • Contact your VA and/or Non-VA health care team if you have any questions related to your care or your Allergies information.

  • If you use the VA Healthcare System and have a Premium My HealtheVet account, you can use Secure Messaging to ask your health care team a question about your allergies.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the self-entered Allergies feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you may have with the self-entered Allergies feature. Simply complete the Contact MHV form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The Help Desk staff will respond to your inquiry within three (3) business days.

Family Health History: Self Reported

What is Family Health History?

Family Health History includes information about medical disorders and/or conditions that you and/or your direct blood relatives have experienced.

What is the Family Health History: Self Reported feature in My HealtheVet?

The Family Health History is a feature in My HealtheVet. It allows you to self-enter any and all medical disorders and/or conditions that you or your family relatives have experienced.

You can better partner with your VA health care team by sharing your Family Health History: Self Reported information with them.

What are the requirements for using the Family Health History: Self Reported feature in My HealtheVet?

Before you can self-enter your Family Health History in My HealtheVet, you must get an account. You do this by registering. It only takes a few minutes to register on My HealtheVet. Then you can begin to build your Personal Health Record and start tracking your health.

Remember, by working with your health care team and knowing your health conditions, you can learn to make healthy choices and better manage your health

If you are a Veteran and use the VA Healthcare System you are encouraged to obtain a My HealtheVet Premium* account. With this account, you will have access to key portions of your VA health care record and Secure Messaging with your VA health care teams.

To get a My HealtheVet Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veteran's identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health care record. To learn more, go to Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I access the Family Health History: Self Reported feature?

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select Family Health History

What are the benefits of self-entering my Family Health History information?

  • Knowledge of your Family Health History can help identify a tendency to develop certain illnesses and enable you to avoid triggers in your environment.

  • Working with your health care team and knowing your health conditions, you can learn to make healthy choices and better manage your health

  • You have important information about past family medical disorders and conditions at your finger tips to share with your health care team

  • Be more involved in your own health care.

Share your Family Health History information with your health care team, caregivers and others.

What information is provided in the Family Health History: Self Reported feature?

In the Family Health History: Self Reported section, you are able to self-enter medical information about you or a family member. You are able to identify the person, their relationship to you and then track and record their health history. The feature gives you a list of health conditions that you can choose from. Make sure you select all that apply. In the comments section you can include additional information.

Note: To learn more about health conditions, we have provided links to additional information.

Can I change or remove information that I have self-entered in the Family Health History feature?

  • Select the Edit button to change the information

  • Select the Delete button to remove an entry

Is the information I self-entered in the Family Health History feature protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Can my VA and/or non-VA health care team view the Family Health History: Self Reported information that I have self- entered?

No, your VA and/or non-VA health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. This includes your Family Health History: Self Reported information. Your VA and/or non-VA health care team does not have access to your self-entered information unless you print it and share it with them.

Can I print my Family Health History: Self Reported information?

Yes, you can print your information directly from the Family Health History: Self Reported page or you can use VA Blue Button to view, print and/or download your information.

To print your information from the Family Health History: Self Reported page:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select Family Health History

  • Select Printer Friendly

  • Select Print

You can view, print and download your data using the VA Blue Button:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select Family Health History

    • Select a Date Range

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


What should I do if I have any questions about my Family Health History: Self Reported information?

  • Select the Learn More link under the About MHV tab. Here, you can find general information about Family Health History.

  • Go to the question: What information is provided in the Family Health History feature? There you can select links to common conditions.

  • Use the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about a specific health condition or information about Family Health History. The Medical Library has in-depth information about medical conditions.

  • Contact your VA health care team if you have any questions related to your care or your Family Health History: Self Reported information.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Family Health History: Self Reported feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you may have with the Family Health History: Self Reported feature. Simply complete the Contact MHV form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The Help Desk staff will respond to your inquiry within three (3) business days.

Immunizations: Self Reported

What are Immunizations?

Quite often you may hear an immunization called a vaccine. Vaccinations help your body fight preventable infectious diseases such as:

Vaccinations are also available for less common diseases such as:

Note: Vaccines do not always prevent the disease. However, by getting a vaccine you may have a less severe case of the disease.

What is the Immunizations feature in My HealtheVet?

Immunizations, is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record ( It is found under the Track Health tab, in the Health History section. Here registered My HealtheVet users can self-enter their Immunizations. These may include those given by their non-VA provider, local health department or other sites that offer vaccines.

As a registered user, you can self-enter Immunizations and vaccinations you received. If you have a Premium account, you may be able to view your VA Immunizations. For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types.

How do I access the self entered Immunizations feature in My HealtheVet?

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select Immunizations

What is the difference between Immunizations, Self Reported and my VA Immunizations?

Immunizations, Self Reported, is information you self-enter in My HealtheVet. These are your non-VA immunizations/vaccines that you update and maintain in your My HealtheVet account as you strive to manage and improve your health. The information is accessed through the Track Health tab.

VA Immunizations is information your health care team enters into your VA health record. These are Immunizations/vaccines given to you while you are at a clinic appointment, during a procedure, or when you are a patient in the VA hospital.

Note: To help you identify Information that comes from your official VA health record, it always has VA in front of it. If it begins with DoD it comes from the Department of Defense. All other information is self-entered by you. In the VA Blue Button, information you self-enter includes the word Self-Reported.

What Immunization information will I be able to self-enter and/or view?

In the Immunizations section you will be able to self-enter and/or view the:

  • Name of immunization (vaccine) - a drop down list makes it easy to find and select the immunization you received.

  • Date Received- this is the date you received your Immunization

  • Method - a drop-down list makes it easy to select how your Immunization was given (Injection, Inhalant, or By Mouth)

  • Reaction - you can record if you had a reaction from a list of common reactions

  • Comments - here you can enter any special information you might have about your Immunization

What are the benefits of self-entering and tracking my Immunizations?

  • You have access to your Immunization information when you want it

  • It will help you and your health care team ensure you are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases

  • It can prevent unnecessary re-vaccination during a health emergency

  • You are provided with important information about your health

  • You can share your Immunization history with caregivers or non-VA health care providers as a historical reference

Note: Vaccines do not always prevent the disease. However, by getting a vaccine you may have a less severe case of the disease.

Why is it important to keep track of my Immunizations?

In today's health care market, there are many places we can go to get an Immunization/vaccine. This can be the local drug store, health department, at a health care facility (VA and non-VA), and now even super markets offer flu shots. There are also the immunizations we may have received as a child.

Making sure your VA and non-VA health care teams has all your Immunizations information is good practice. This helps them know you are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases. When your health care team has all your health information, they are better able to meet your health care needs.

Do not forget to share this information with anyone involved with your care. This may include your caregiver, VA health care team and non-VA health care provider.

What are the requirements for using the self-entered Immunizations feature?

Immunizations you self-enter is a feature in My HealtheVet that is available to anyone with a My HealtheVet account. For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types.

Specific features in My HealtheVet are available to you based on your account type. All users who have a Basic account are able to view their self-entered information. If you are a VA patient, you can upgrade your account to Advanced or Premium. These account types may allow you to refill your VA prescriptions online and view parts of your VA health record and/or DoD Military Service Information.

Take time to Register Today. Veterans, who are enrolled in the VA Healthcare System, may upgrade to a Premium account. To do this you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies your identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

Can I view, print or download Immunizations that I self-entered?

Yes, you can use the VA Blue Button, to view, print or download a combined list of your Immunization information, to include:

  • VA Immunizations from your VA health record

  • Immunization information that you self-entered in your My HealtheVet account

To access, view, print or download a copy of your Immunizations report:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data

  • Select Continue

On the Download My Selected Data page, there are many ways you can download your information. You can choose a Date Range, select the Types of Information you wish to include in your download or do both.

  • Under Select Date Range, you can choose:

    • 3 months

    • 6 months

    • 1 year

    • Select Date Range - use the drop down arrows to select a start and end date to view your information.


  • To download Types of Information:

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select Immunizations, Self Reported

    • You can also select your VA Immunizations at the same time

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


If I had a reaction to an Immunization, where should I put that information?

The Immunization feature has a section where you can record an allergy or reaction to the vaccine. When you self-enter your information there is a section called Reaction. There you will find a list of common reactions you can choose from.

You can also edit your entry. If you need to record a reaction to an Immunization

  • Select the link with the name of the vaccine.

  • Then select Edit.

  • In the Reaction section, enter the type of reaction you had

  • Select Submit.

Can I add, edit and or delete my Immunization information that I self-enter?

Yes, you can add, edit or delete your self-entered Immunization information in My HealtheVet

To add information to your self-entered Immunization record:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select the Immunization

  • Select the red Add/New button in the Immunizations box

To edit or delete:

  • In the Immunizations box select the link with the name of the Immunization you want to edit and/or delete

  • On the Immunizations Details page:

    • Select the red Edit button to remove and/or add information

    • If you made an edit but changed your mind, you can select the Reset button


  • Select the red Save button to save your changes

  • Select the red Delete button to remove a self-entered Immunization

Can I add or edit information in my VA Immunizations record?

No. You can only view your VA Immunizations information that comes from your VA health record.

If I have VA Immunizations why should I self-enter other Immunization information in My HealtheVet?

What you self-enter is immunization (vaccine) information that is not in your VA health record. For example, this could be a flu shot you got at your local drug store. Your information might also include immunizations you got as a child or received by your non-VA health care provider.

Your VA health team does not have access to your non-VA Immunization information unless you share it. When you use the VA Blue Button you can view, print and download a copy of both your VA and Self-Reported Immunizations, then share this with your VA and Non-VA health care teams. When your health care teams (VA and non-VA) have a list of all your Immunizations it helps them better meet your health care needs.

Where can I learn more about Immunizations?

Go to the Learn More section under the About MHV tab. Here you can find general information about Immunizations and links to additional resources.

Use the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about the different Immunizations and or vaccines. You can also find information about specific health conditions. The Medical Library has in-depth information about medical conditions.

Should I take a printed copy of my VA Blue Button: Self Reported and VA Immunization report to share with my (VA and/or non-VA) providers?

Yes, you can use the VA Blue Button, to view, print or download a combined list of your Immunization information, to include:

  • VA Immunizations from your VA health record

  • Immunization information that you self-entered in your My HealtheVet account

Take this with you to your appointments. This will give additional information to your VA and/or non-VA providers.

Note: Do not forget to include your self-entered Immunizations. Also include your VA Allergy and self-entered Allergies and Adverse Reaction information when you select VA Immunizations

Can my VA and non-VA health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

No, your health care teams cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. Your VA and non-VA health care teams do not have access to information you have self-entered in My HealtheVet unless you share it.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

What should I do if I have any questions about my Immunizations?

If you have questions about your Immunizations:

  • Go to the Learn More section under the About MHV tab. Here you can find general information about features in My HealtheVet. This includes Immunizations and links to additional resources.

  • Visit the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about Immunizations, vaccines or about a specific health condition. The Medical Library has in-depth information.

  • If you still have questions or would like additional information, your health care team can help you with questions you have about your VA Immunizations. You can contact them by phone or during an upcoming appointment. If you have a My HealtheVet Premium account, you can use Secure Messaging to send a question to your VA health care team.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Immunizations feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with either the Self Reported or VA Immunizations feature. Simply, complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

My HealtheVet Activity Journal and Food Journal

What is the Activity Journal and Food Journal?

The My HealtheVet Activity Journal and Food Journal are online tools that allow you to keep a record of your exercise routine and food intake. These tools can help you manage and track your health. If you decide to keep track of your activities and exercise, you can use the Activity Journal. If you decide to keep track of what you eat and drink, use the Food Journal.

What are the requirements for viewing the Activity Journal and Food Journal in My HealtheVet?

To use the Activity Journal and the Food Journal you must be registered in My HealtheVet. If you are a Veteran and use the VA Healthcare System you are encouraged to obtain a My HealtheVet Premium* account. With this account you will have access to key portions of your VA health care record and Secure Messaging with your VA health care teams.

To get a My HealtheVet Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veteran's identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health care record. To learn more, go to Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I access the My HealtheVet Activity Journal and Food Journal features?

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Journals tab

  • Select either the Activity Journal or the Food Journal

What are the benefits of using the My HealtheVet Activity Journal and Food Journal?

  • Journals can be a valuable tool in helping you manage your health. Using this feature allows you to:

    • Record and track your daily activities

    • Record and track your daily food intake


  • Using Journals allows you to partner with your health care team to make informed decisions about your health and health care

  • Using Journals trains you to be observant. You can identify patterns and see your progress over time

  • Using Journals may help you notice changes in your habits over time and feel good about your progress

  • Journals may help you to know yourself better, providing the encouragement to help you make better choices

What types of information can I enter in the Activity Journal?

The Activity Journal allows you to record the activities you perform during a single day. You can record the following:

  • Daily Information

    • Date

    • Day of Week

    • Comments


  • Activity Detail

    • Activity Type (aerobic/cardio, weights, or other)

    • Distance/Duration

    • Measure

    • Intensity (low, moderate, or high impact)

    • Time of Day (morning, afternoon, evening, or night)

    • Number of Set(s)

    • Number of Repetition(s)


What types of information can I enter in the Food Journal?

The Food Journal allows you to record the foods and beverages you take in during a single day. You can record the following:

  • Daily Information

    • Date

    • Day of Week

    • Water (number of 8 ounce glasses)


  • Meal Type (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks)

    • Food/Beverage Item

    • Quantity

    • Serving Size

    • Preparation Method


  • Comments

Can I change or remove information in my Activity Journal or Food Journal?

Yes, you enter your own information. You can change or remove a Journal entry from either the summary view or the detailed information view pages.

  • Select the Edit button to change the information for a journal entry

  • Select the Delete button to remove a journal entry

Is information in my Activity Journal and Food Journal protected, secure, and private?

Yes, My HealtheVet is a secure Website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Can my VA health care team view information in my Activity Journal or Food Journal?

No, your VA health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. This includes your Activity Journal and Food Journal. Your VA health care team does not have access to this information unless you print it and share it with them.

Can I view, print or download information in my Activity Journal or Food Journal?

You can print your entries from the Activity Journal or Food Journal tab:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select Activity Journal or Food Journal

  • For a Summary view of the list of dates and activities entered

    • Select Printer Friendly

    • Select Print


  • For a Detailed view of one day's activities

    • Select the Date hyperlink

    • Select Printer Friendly

    • Select Print


You can view, print and download your data using the VA Blue Button:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select Activity Journal and/or Food Journal

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


If I use the VA Blue Button, what information will I see?

The VA Blue Button may display the following information for what you self-entered in your Activity Journal:

  • Daily Information

    • Date

    • Day of Week

    • Comments


  • Activity Detail

    • Activity Type (aerobic/cardio, weights, or other)

    • Distance/Duration

    • Measure

    • Intensity (low, moderate, or high impact)

    • Time of Day (morning, afternoon, evening, or night)

    • Number of Set(s)

    • Number of Repetition(s)


The VA Blue Button may display the following information for what you self-entered in your Food Journal:

  • Daily Information

    • Date

    • Day of Week

    • Water (number of 8 ounce glasses)


  • Meal Type (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks)

    • Food/Beverage Item

    • Quantity

    • Serving Size

    • Preparation Method


  • Comments

What are Activity Journal and Food Journal Worksheets?

Worksheets are pages you can print and take with you. The worksheets are designed to help you track your journal entries when you do not have access to a computer. Later, you may use the worksheets as a guide to enter your information online into your My HealtheVet Activity Journal and Food Journal.

The Activity Journal worksheet allows you to quickly and easily record the activities you perform during a day. The Food Journal worksheet allows you to track your food intake in one given day.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Activity Journal or Food Journal feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you may have with the Activity Journal or Food Journal feature. Simply complete the Contact MHV form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The Help Desk staff will respond to your inquiry within three (3) business days.

Medical Events: Self Reported

What is a Medical Event?

A Medical Event is any past condition (for example; diabetes, hypertension, cancer, heart disease) that you have been treated for. It can include any hospitalization for the treatment of medical, surgical, and/or psychiatric conditions. It can also include any injuries or accidents that have required treatment.

What is the Medical Events: Self Reported feature?

The Medical Events: Self-Reported feature allows you to self-enter the Medical Events that you have experienced over your lifetime. Don't forget to share this information with your (VA and/or Non-VA) health care team. The more information they have about your health, the better care they can provide.

What are the requirements for self-entering my Medical Events in My HealtheVet?

To use the Medical Events: Self Reported feature, you must be registered in My HealtheVet (

If you are a Veteran and use the VA Healthcare System you are encouraged to obtain a My HealtheVet Premium* account. With this account you will have access to key portions of your VA health care record and Secure Messaging with your VA health care teams.

To get a My HealtheVet Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veteran's identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health care record. To learn more, go to Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication

How do I access the Medical Events: Self Reported feature?

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select Medical Events

What are the benefits of self-entering my Medical Events information?

  • Remember and track important information about past medical conditions or injuries that you have been treated for

  • Be more involved in your own health care

Share your Medical Events: Self Reported information with your health care team, caregivers and others.

What information is provided in the Medical Events: Self Reported feature?

  • Medical Event: the name of the condition

  • Start Date: the date the Medical Event occurred

  • Stop Date: the date the Medical Event ended or no longer required treatment

  • Response: how you reacted to the treatment that you received

Can I change or remove information that I have self-entered in the Medical Events feature?

Yes, to do this simply:

  • Select the Edit button to change the information, or

  • Select the Delete button to remove an entry

Is the information I self-entered in the Medical Events protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Can my VA and/or non-VA health care team view the Medical Events information that I have self- entered?

No, your VA and/or non-VA health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. This includes your Medical Events information. Your VA and/or non-VA health care team does not have access to your self-entered information unless you print it and share it with them.

Can I print my Medical Events: Self Reported information?

Yes, you can print your information directly from the Medical Events page or you can use VA Blue Button to view, print and/or download your information.

To print your information from the Medical Events page:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select Medical Events

  • Select Printer Friendly

  • Select Print

To view, print and/or download your information using the VA Blue Button:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select Medical Events

    • Select a Date Range

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


Note: Don't forget to share this information with your (VA and/or Non-VA) health care team. The more information they have about your health, the better care they can provide.

What should I do if I have any questions about my Medical Events: Self Reported information?

  • Select the Learn More link under the About MHV tab. Here, you can find general information about Medical Events.

  • Use the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about specific health conditions. The Medical Library has in-depth information about medical conditions.

  • Contact your (VA and/or Non-VA) health care team if you have questions related to your care or a Medical Event you experienced.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Medical Events: Self Reported feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you may have with the Medical Events feature. Simply complete the Contact MHV form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The Help Desk staff will respond to your inquiry within three (3) business days.

My Medications + Supplements: Self Reported

What features can I use in the Pharmacy section of My HealtheVet?

There are four (4) features in the Pharmacy section. The features you are able to access are dependent on your My HealtheVet account type.

  • My Medications + Supplements - Any registered user with a Basic, Advanced or Premium account can access this feature. This feature allows you to self-enter and track all your non-VA medications, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, supplements and herbals.

  • Refill My Prescriptions - Here Veterans who use the VA Healthcare System can refill their VA medications. Only Veterans who are registered on My HealtheVet as VA Patients and have an Advanced or Premium account can use this service.

  • Prescription Refill History - Veterans who have an Advanced or Premium account are able to view a list of your past VA prescribed medications.

  • My VA Medication List - This list displays all medications, prescriptions and supplements in your VA health record. To view this list you must be a Veteran enrolled in the VA Healthcare System and have either an Advanced or Premium My HealtheVet account.

What is the self-entered My Medications + Supplements feature in My HealtheVet?

My Medications + Supplements is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record ( It is found under the Pharmacy tab and listed as one of the four features in the Pharmacy Section. Here registered My HealtheVet users can self-enter their non-VA medications, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, supplements and herbals.

For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types.

How can I access the self-entered My Medications + Supplements feature?

  • Log into your Advanced or Premium * My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Pharmacy tab located on the top navigation bar

  • Select the My Medications + Supplements

*For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types.

What are the benefits of self-entering and tracking My Medications + Supplements?

The benefits of self-entering and tracking your Medications + Supplements in My HealtheVet are:

  • You can view your information at anytime, anywhere you have Internet access

  • You are provided with important information about your health

  • You can share your My Medications + Supplements information with caregivers, as well as your VA and non-VA health care providers

What are the requirements for using the self-entered My Medications + Supplements feature?

My Medications + Supplements is a feature in My HealtheVet that is available to anyone with a My HealtheVet account. For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types.

Specific features in My HealtheVet are available to you based on your account type. All users who have a Basic account are able to view their self-entered information. If you are a VA patient, you can upgrade your account to Advanced or Premium*. These account types may allow you to refill your VA prescriptions online and view parts of your VA health record and/or DoD Military Service Information.

Take time to Register Today. Veterans who are enrolled in the VA Healthcare System may upgrade to a Premium account. To do this you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies your identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

What are over-the-counter (OTC) medications?

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are medications you can buy from a store that do not require a prescription. This may include medications to treat minor discomfort such as headaches, pain, rashes, upset stomach, etc. In comparison, a prescription medication requires that you have a special order from a health care provider that has to be filled by a Pharmacy.

Note: Before taking an over-the-counter, supplement or herbal medication, it is good to talk with your health care provider. This is because some of these can cause health problems. In addition, some may not be effective and some may interact with other medicine you are taking.

What are Supplements?

Supplements are vitamins, minerals, herbs and other substances meant to improve your diet. They can come as pills, capsules, powders and liquids. Supplements do not have to go through Federal Drug Administration (FDA) testing, which is required for over-the-counter medicine and prescription drugs.

Note: Before taking an over-the-counter, supplement or herbal medication, it is good to talk with your health care provider. This is because some of these can cause health problems. In addition, some may not be effective and some may interact with other medicine you are taking.

What are Herbals?

Herbal medicine is a supplement that people take to improve their health. They may be sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts and fresh or dried plants.

Note: Before taking an over-the-counter, supplement or herbal medication, it is good to talk with your health care provider. This is because some of these can cause health problems. In addition, some may not be effective and some may interact with other medicine you are taking.

What information should I self-enter under My Medication + Supplements?

You should self enter and track all your medications, to include:

  • Any Non-VA prescription medications that have been ordered for you

  • All over-the-counter medications you take

  • Dietary supplements and herbal medications you use

Is there any limit to the number of items I can self-enter in My Medication + Supplements?

No, there is no limit to the number of Medications + Supplements items you can self-enter.

Will I be able to view my VA medications in My HealtheVet?

Specific features in My HealtheVet are available to you based on your account type. All users who have a Basic account are able to view their self-entered information. This includes your self-entered Medications + Supplements.

If you are a VA patient, you can upgrade your account to Advanced or Premium*. These account types may allow you to view your VA Medications list and to refill your VA prescriptions online.

If you have a Premium account you may also view parts of your VA health record and/or DoD Military Service Information, and participate in Secure Messaging with your VA health care teams.

Is there any medication I get from the VA that I should self-enter in the My Medication + Supplements section?

If you are a Veteran and get your medications at a VA facility you do not have to self-enter those medications. Simply register in My HealtheVet as a VA Patient. If you are in the VA Healthcare System, you will be given an Advanced account. With an Advanced account you will be able to view a blended list of your self-entered and VA medications as well as refill your VA prescriptions online.

Using VA Blue Button, you will also be able to view a blended list of your self-entered and VA medications.

If I no longer use a medication, should I remove it from the self-entered My Medications + Supplements record?

Not necessarily. You may want to keep it on record as a historical reference. This way your health care team is aware of all the Medications + Supplements you are currently on, as well as ones you took in the past. If you stop a medication you self-entered, be sure to select the Edit button and enter a Stop Date, then select the Save button.

Once I remove a medicine from the self-entered My Medications + Supplements record, is it removed completely from the list?

Yes, once you delete a medication from your My Medications + Supplements list, it is gone completely and will have to be re-entered if you start taking the medication again.

Why is it important to keep track of self-entered My Medications + Supplements?

You know what medications, vitamins, herbals, and supplements you are taking. This is why it is important that you help your health care team by keeping track of all the medications and supplements you take. Do not forget to share this information with your health care team. This is how it goes:

  • You tell your provider about all your medications, herbals, supplements, and vitamins

  • Your provider compares your medication list with what is in your VA medical record. Is it the same?

  • Your provider looks for medications that may be unsafe for you to take or might not have any benefit

  • You and your provider come up with a final list that includes changes you have decided on together.

  • You leave the VA with this list and bring a copy to any of your non-VA providers

Can I view, print, save or download My Medications + Supplements that I self-entered?

Yes, you can print your information directly from the My Medications + Supplements page or you can use VA Blue Button to view, print and/or download your information.

To print your information from the My Medications + Supplements page:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Pharmacy tab

  • Select My Medications + Supplements

  • Select Printer Friendly

  • Select Print

You can use the VA Blue Button, to view, print or download a combined list of your Pharmacy information, to include:

  • Medications + Supplements, Self Reported - displays all your non-VA medications, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, supplements and/or herbals.

  • VA Medication History - displays all medications, prescriptions and supplements in your VA health record.

To access, view, print or download your Medications + Supplements:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data

  • Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

  • Choose Select one or more types of information

  • Select Medications + Supplements, Self Reported

  • You can also select your VA Medication History at the same time

  • Select a Date Range, if desired or needed

  • Select Submit

  • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

  • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

  • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen

How do I add information to my self-entered My Medications + Supplements record?

To add information to your self-entered My Medications + Supplements record:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Pharmacy tab

  • Select My Medications +Supplements

  • At the bottom of the My Medications + Supplements table, select the red Add New button

  • In the Details box on the Add Medications, OTCs, Herbals & Supplements Information (self-entered) page, record:

    • Category (Required) - Select a category from the drop-down list. You must classify your entry as an: Rx Medication, Over-the-Counter, Herbal, Supplement or Other.

    • Prescription Number - If your entry is a prescription medication, you may enter the prescription number in this field. You can enter up to 25 characters.

    • Name (Required) - Enter the name of the medication in this field. You can enter up to 50 characters, but you must enter at least three letters.

    • Strength - Enter the strength of the unit in this field (e.g., 250 mg tab, 50 mg per ounce). You can enter up to 25 characters.

    • Dose - Enter the number of units taken at a time (e.g., 2 tabs, 3 ounces). You can enter up to 25 characters.

    • Frequency - Enter how often the dose is taken (e.g., once daily, every 6 hours with meals. You can enter up to 25 characters.

    • Start Date (Required) - You must enter a date to identify this record. Select a date from the three drop-downs (Month, Day and Year) or click the calendar icon. The calendar icon will open a pop-up window with a clickable calendar. By clicking a date in the calendar, the three date drop-downs will be automatically set and you may continue filling out the form.

    • Stop Date - Select a date from the three drop-downs (Month, Day and Year) or click the calendar icon. The calendar icon will open a pop-up window with a clickable calendar. By clicking a date in the calendar, the three date drop-downs will be automatically set and you may continue filling out the form.

    • Pharmacy Name - Enter the name of the pharmacy where the medication was dispensed. You can enter up to 25 characters.

    • Pharmacy Phone Number - Enter the phone number of the pharmacy so you can contact them if you need. You can enter up to 25 characters.

    • Reason for Taking - Enter the reason you are taking this item (e.g., prescribed by doctor, for headaches, etc.). You can enter up to 150 characters.

    • Comments - This is where you can enter any additional thoughts you had about this particular medications record. You may enter up to 150 characters.


  • Then select, Save or Save and Add Another - You must click one of these buttons to save the entry.

Where can I learn more about my medications?

  • Go to the Learn More section under the About MHV tab. Here you can find general information about Pharmacy features and links to additional resources.

  • Use the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about prescription drugs, over-the-counter, supplemental and herbal medications. You can also find information about specific health conditions. The Medical Library has in-depth information about health issues as well and what you can do to prevent illness and stay healthy.

  • If you still have questions or would like additional information, your health care team and/or Pharmacy may be able to help. You can contact them by phone or during an upcoming appointment. If you have a My HealtheVet Premium account, you can use Secure Messaging to send a question to your VA health care team.

Should I take a printed copy of my VA Blue Button: My Medications + Supplements, Self Reported information and share with my health care providers?

Yes, you can use the VA Blue Button, to view, print or download a combined list of your Pharmacy information, to include:

  • Medications + Supplements, Self Reported - displays all your non-VA medications, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, supplements and/or herbals.

  • VA Medication History - displays all medications, prescriptions and supplements in your VA health record.

Can my VA and/or non-VA health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

No, your health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. Your VA and non-VA health care team does not have access to information you have self-entered in My HealtheVet unless you share it.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

What should I do if I have any questions about My Medications + Supplements?

If you have questions about your Medications + Supplements:

  • Go to the Learn More section under the About MHV tab. Here you can find general information about features in My HealtheVet. This includes Pharmacy and links to additional resources.

  • Visit the Medical Library in My HealtheVet. Visit, Medications: Play it Safe to learn more about medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements and herbal medications.

  • If you still have questions or would like additional information, your health care team and/or Pharmacy can help you with questions. You can contact them by phone or during an upcoming appointment. If you have a My HealtheVet Premium account, you can use Secure Messaging to send a question to your VA health care team.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Pharmacy feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with either the Pharmacy section or the My Medications +Supplements feature. Simplycomplete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

Personal Information: Self-Reported

What is the Personal Information feature?

The Personal Information feature allows you to self-enter and keep track of your Personal Information. Here, you will find the important information you self-entered when you registered for My HealtheVet ( This information includes your name, address, phone number(s) and emergency contact information. You can also use this feature to manage your account and change your password.

What are the requirements for using the Personal Information feature in My HealtheVet?

To use the Personal Information feature, you must be registered in My HealtheVet.

If you are a Veteran and use the VA Healthcare System, you are encouraged to obtain a My HealtheVet Premium* account. With this account you will have access to key portions of your VA health care record and Secure Messaging with your VA health care teams.

*To get a My HealtheVet Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veteran's identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health care record. To learn more, go to Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication

How do I access the Personal Information feature?

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Personal Information tab

What are the benefits of using the Personal Information feature?

As long as you have Internet access, you can view your Personal Information. Your information is available 24/7 at your convenience.

What information is included in the Personal Information feature?

  • In Case of Emergency:

    • Contact Name

    • Preferred Contact Method

    • Primary Address

    • Contact Information


  • Profiles:

    • Identification

      • Name

      • Social Security Number


    • Relationship to the VA:

      • VA Patient

      • Veteran

      • Health Care Provider

      • Veteran Advocate/Family Member/Friend

      • VA Employee

      • Other


    • Donor Information:

      • Blood Type

      • Organ Donor


    • Primary Address

      • Country

      • Address 1:

      • Address 2:

      • City:

      • State:

      • Zip/Postal Code:

      • Province (if outside U.S.)


    • Contact Information

      • Preferred Method of Contact

      • Email:

      • Home Phone:

      • Mobile Phone:

      • Work Phone:

      • Fax:

      • Pager:


    • Account Information

      • Password Hint Questions and Answers



  • Download My Data: VA Blue Button

    • You can view, print or download all of the Personal Information currently available in your My HealtheVet account. You can get your VA Blue Button information in two file formats:

      • Adobe PDF file format that is easy to read and print (.pdf file)

      • Simple text format (.txt file)



  • My Account

    • Change Your Password

    • Account Activity History

    • Authentication


  • Health Information Card: this is a wallet-sized card that you can print. It contains the following self-entered Personal Information:

    • Name

    • Address

    • Blood Type

    • Email

    • Allergies

    • Medical Conditions

    • Primary Provider

    • Primary Insurance

    • Emergency Contact Information


Can I change or remove the information that I self-entered in my Personal Information?

The ability to edit your Personal Information is based on your account type. All users who have a Basic account are able to edit their self-entered information. However, if you are a VA patient, with an Advanced or Premium account some of your Personal Information is locked and cannot be edited by you. This is because the information on your registration form is used to verify your identify by matching it against your VA records. After the match is made, your name, gender, date of birth and Social Security Number information is 'locked down' and cannot be edited.

Is the information in the Personal Information feature protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

8. Can my VA and/or Non-VA health care team view Personal Information that I self-entered?

No, your VA and/or Non-VA health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. This includes your Personal Information. Your health care team does not have access to this information unless you print it and share it with them.

Can I view, print or download my Personal Information?

To print using the Personal Information section of My HealtheVet:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Personal Information tab

  • Select the Health Information Card tab

  • Select Print

You can also view, print and download using the VA Blue Button:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select Personal Information

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


What should I do if I have any questions about information I self-enter in my Personal Information?

If you have questions about your Personal Information:

Select the Learn More link under the About MHV tab. Here, you can find general information about Personal Information.

If you still have questions you can contact the MHV Coordinator at your local VA Medical Center or talk with a member of your health care team.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Personal Information feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you may have with the Personal Information feature. Simply complete the Contact MHV form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The Help Desk staff will respond to your inquiry within three (3) business days.

Vitals + Readings - Self-Reported

What is the Vitals + Readings feature in My HealtheVet?

Vitals + Readings is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record ( It is found under the Track Health tab, in the Vitals + Readings section. Here registered My HealtheVet users can self-enter their vital signs and certain health measures.

As a registered user, you can self-enter your blood pressure, body weight, track your pain levels and more. For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types.

What is the difference between Vitals + Readings in My HealtheVet and VA Vitals and Readings?

Vitals + Readings is information you self-enter in My HealtheVet. These are readings that you update and maintain in your My HealtheVet account as you strive to manage and improve your health. The information is accessed through the Track Health tab. There are nine ways you can monitor your own health measures in Vitals + Readings. These may include recording your blood sugar, cholesterol, heart rate, pain levels, and much more.

VA Vitals and Readings is information your health care team enters into your VA health record. These are readings taken while you are at a clinic appointment, during a procedure, or when you are a patient in the VA hospital.

Note: To help you identify Information that comes from your official VA health record, it always has VA in front of it. If it begins with DoD it comes from the Department of Defense. All other information is self-entered by you. In the VA Blue Button, information you self-enter will start with the word Self-Reported.

What are the requirements for using the Vitals + Readings feature?

Vitals + Readings you self-enter is a feature in My HealtheVet that is available to anyone with a My HealtheVet account. For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types.

Specific features in My HealtheVet are available to you based on your account type. All users who have a Basic account are able to view their self-entered information. If you are a VA patient, you can upgrade your account to Advanced or Premium*. These account types may allow you to refill your VA prescriptions online and view parts of your VA health record and/or DoD Military Service Information.

Take time to Register Today. Veterans who are enrolled in the VA Healthcare System, may upgrade to a Premium account. To do this you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies your identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

What are the benefits of self-entering and tracking my Vitals + Readings in My HealtheVet?

The benefits of self-entering and tracking your Vitals + Readings in My HealtheVet are:

  • You can track your vital signs over time

  • You can view your information at anytime, anywhere you have Internet access

  • You are provided with important information about your health

  • You can share your Self Reported Vitals + Readings with caregivers, as well as your VA and non-VA health care providers

What Vitals + Readings will I be able to self-enter and view?

My HealtheVet has provided nine ways you can self-monitor your Vitals + Readings. Each one shows a graph of your progress. You can enter your blood sugar and cholesterol readings. Record your heart rate and pain levels, and much more.

When you are done entering your information, you can use the VA Blue Button to view, print and download your Self Reported Vitals + Readings including your VA Vitals + Readings. Then share them with your VA and non-VA health care teams. Use My HealtheVet to start tracking your health measures online today!

  • Blood pressure - Normal* blood pressure for adults ages 18 and older is between 90/60 and 120/80

  • Heart rate - The normal range of a resting heart rate for adults ages 18 and older is 60-100 beats per minute. Your age, activity level, and the time of day can change your heart rate.

  • Weight - Normal* weight ranges are determined by your height and whether you are male or female. Body mass index (BMI) helps determine if you are at risk for a weight-related disease.

  • Body temperature - The average body temperature when taken orally (by mouth) is 98.6°F. It can range from 96.4° to 99.1°F. However, "normal"* varies from person to person. Your temperature can also vary throughout the day.

  • Pain level - Under normal conditions, people are free from pain.

  • Blood Sugar - Blood sugar levels are measured in samples taken from your vein (called a blood plasma value) or a finger stick. The results from these 2 kinds of samples may be a little different. The normal* range for a Random Blood Sugar Plasma Test is 70-125 mg/dL.

  • Cholesterol (Lipids Profile) - Blood tests that measure the amount of fatty substances (cholesterol and triglycerides) in the blood. These levels vary with your age and gender. Results may also vary from lab to lab. Your total cholesterol should be under 200.

  • Pulse Oximetry - Measures the amount of oxygen in the blood flowing in your blood vessels. This is your oxygen saturation. Normal* ranges are 95% - 100% when breathing room air.

  • International Normalized Ratio (INR) - This is a method that labs use so that prothrombin times results are understood in the same way. A normal* INR is 1.0 - 1.4. If you are taking blood-thinning medicine, your INR will be slightly longer than normal times, typically 2 to 3.

Note: *Normal varies from person to person. Check with your health care team to find out what is normal for you, given your condition.

What is the normal range for Vital Signs?

Normal varies from person to person. The normal range for vital signs may vary with age, sex, weight, exercise tolerance and condition. It is best to discuss this with your health care provider to find out what is normal for you.

How is my body Temperature recorded?

Your Temperature provides a reading of your core body warmth. It is recorded in degrees of Fahrenheit. The average body temperature runs between 97.8º - 99.1º, the average being 98.6º.

Body temperature is measured using a thermometer. One of the more common ways to measure body temperature is with an oral (by mouth) or ear thermometer.

How is my Blood Pressure recorded?

Blood Pressure is recorded as two readings. The upper reading is the systolic pressure, which is the maximal contraction of the heart. The lower reading is the diastolic or resting pressure. For example: 120/80 mm/Hg
There is no natural 'normal' value for blood pressure, but rather a range of values.

How is my Pulse recorded?

Your Pulse is recorded as heart beats per minute. The pulse rate is usually measured by listening directly to your heartbeat. This is done using a stethoscope or measured at either the wrist or the ankle. Pulse rates can vary with age.

How is my Respiratory Rate recorded?

Your Respiratory Rate is recorded in breaths per minute. It is measured by watching how many breaths you take in a minute. This varies with age, but the normal range for an adult is 12-20 breaths per minute.

How is my Pain level recorded?

Your pain level is what you self-report to your provider. It is recorded on a Pain Scale of zero to ten (0 - 10).

  • 0 = No Pain

  • 1 - 3 = Mild Pain

  • 4 - 6 = Moderate pain

  • 7 - 10 = Severe Pain

How is Weight recorded?

Your health care team will weigh you on a scale to record your weight. A sudden, unexpected change in weight may be a sign of a medical problem.

What can affect my Vitals + Readings?

Many things can affect your vital signs and readings including:

  • Age

  • Race

  • Medical history

  • General health

  • Certain foods

  • Medications you are taking

Where can I learn more about Vitals + Readings?

Visit the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about Vitals + Readings or about a specific health condition. The Medical Library has in-depth information.

Why might it be important for me to keep track my Vitals + Readings?

Your health care team may want you to partner with them to help them track your Vital Signs and Readings. When you do this, it may help them:

  • Identify changes in your health

  • Evaluate your response to treatment

  • Monitor the course of a disease or condition over time

Talk with your health care team to find what you might do to help improve your health.

Why does my health care team take my Vital Signs?

Your health care team uses your vital signs and health readings to help:

  • Identify changes in your health

  • Diagnose a disease or condition

  • Plan your treatment for a disease or condition

  • Evaluate your response to treatment

  • Monitor the course of a disease or condition over time

Can I print, save or download my Vitals + Readings that I self-entered?

Yes, you can use the VA Blue Button to view, print, save or download Vitals + Readings that you self-entered. In the VA Blue Button the Vitals + Readings you self-enter will be labeled as Self-Reported. To access your information using the VA Blue Button , simply:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account. For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types.

  • Select Download My Data (Blue Button icon)

  • On the Download My Data page, Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information you want

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select Self Reported Vitals + Readings (if you have a My HealtheVet Premium* account, you can also select your VA Vitals and Readings as well)

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen


*To get a Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies your identity. This is done before allowing access to your VA health record.

Note: To help you identify Information that comes from your official VA health record, it always has VA in front of it. If it begins with DoD it comes from the Department of Defense. All other information is either self-entered by you. In the VA Blue Button, information you self-enter will start with the word Self-Reported.

Should I take a printed copy of my VA Blue Button: Self Reported and VA Vitals + Readings to my appointment with my non-VA provider?

Yes, you can use the VA Blue Button to download and/or print a copy of your Self Reported and VA Vitals + Readings. You can take this with you to your non-VA appointments. This will provide additional information for your non-VA providers.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Can my VA health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

No, your VA health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. Your VA health care team does not have access to information you have entered in My HealtheVet unless you share it.

What should I do if I have any questions about my Vitals + Readings?

If you have questions about your Vitals + Readings that you self-enter:

  • Go to the Learn More section under the About MHV tab. Here you can find general information about features in My HealtheVet. This includes VA Vitals + Readings and links to additional resources.

  • Visit the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about Vitals + Readings or about a specific health condition. The Medical Library has in-depth information.

  • If you still have questions or would like additional information, you can contact your VA health care team. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming VA appointment, or by using Secure Messaging. Your VA health care team can answer general questions you have about your Vitals + Readings.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Vitals + Readings feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the Self Reported Vitals + Readings feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

You can get to the Contact Us form by selecting the Contact MHV tab at the top of any My HealtheVet page.

My HealtheVet Features

How can I get information about my VA benefits?

My HealtheVet is not connected with VA benefits. You can obtain this information directly from the VA by one of these methods: You can submit your request by email to the VA through the Ask a Question link on, or contact a Benefits Representative at 1-800-827-1000 (Monday-Friday from 8 to 8 Eastern time). These VA specialists can answer any questions you may have.

I heard My HealtheVet would let me see my personal health record online. Is that right?

Yes. My HealtheVet is a free tool that allows Veterans to quickly access and manage their VA health records online and keep track of test results. Veterans can also record their health history, including allergies and immunization history.

My HealtheVet¿s prescription refill feature allows Veterans to request a VA refill online and track prescription deliveries. Veterans can also find a history of their VA prescriptions.

The Secure Messaging feature gives Veterans with a Premium account a safe and convenient way to communicate online with their VA health care provider between appointments. Veterans can discuss their health, follow-up care instructions, medications, lab results, and other non-emergent, routine questions. Veterans can also view upcoming VA appointments in My HealtheVet.

The VA Blue Button is a feature available to My HealtheVet members. This feature allows you to view, print, save, and/or download your VA health information in My HealtheVet. You may be able to access specific VA Blue Button features based on your My HealtheVet account type.

I want to print out more detailed self-entered information than what is available on the summary page. Can I do this?

You can print the comments fields for individual self-entered information entries. In order to print the comments fields and other details, follow these instructions:

  • From the Summary page, click the blue, underlined date or title that identifies the entry. This will show you the details of the record.

  • Click Printer Friendly link

  • Click the Print button

  • Your browser's Print dialog box will open and you can print from there.

What can I find in the Medical Library?

My HealtheVet offers two health education libraries. On the Research Health tab, you can access the Medical Library, which contains links to the Veterans Health Library and MedlinePlus® libraries. You can research topics that include conditions, diseases, medical tests, medications and other useful medical information.

New Users

What is My HealtheVet?

My HealtheVet is a web-based personal health record that gives Veterans information and tools to improve their health. Registration is required to have full access to all features. Registrants can access more than 18 million pages of health information from the site¿s Health Education Library. They are able to:

  • Add information to a personal health journal about over-the-counter medications, allergies, military health history, medical events, tests and allergies.

  • Record and track personal information such as contact information, emergency contacts, health care providers, and health insurance information.

  • Record and track personal health measurements (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, heart rate, body temperature, weight, and pain) in Vitals & Readings.

  • Print a wallet ID card with the personal information entered into the personal health record.

How will My HealtheVet benefit me?

With My HealtheVet you are able to:

  • Gain a better understanding of your health status

  • Explore a variety of options to improve your health

  • Learn to use the available tools to become partners with your caregivers in understanding and managing your personal health care

  • Easily access medical information from anywhere in the world with Internet access

  • Select your favorite links and make your own special health web pages

What do I need to use My HealtheVet?

You need a computer with Internet access at home or through public access like a library or Internet café. Computers may also be available for use at your local VA Medical Center.

What do I need on my home computer to use My HealtheVet?

Your personal computer should have an Internet browser (see MHV's Browser Compatibility List). You also need access to the Internet.

How can I use My HealtheVet if I don't have a computer?

You may be able to use computers provided for My HealtheVet access at your local VA Medical Center. Call or visit your local VA Medical Center to learn more about using their My HealtheVet computers. You may also use My HealtheVet on computers with a connection to the Internet, such as those at public libraries, Internet cafés, etc.

Do I need training to use My HealtheVet?

No formal training is needed to use My HealtheVet. My HealtheVet was created with the Veteran and doctor in mind. While every attempt has been made to make the site as easy to use as possible, if you have questions, please don't hesitate to utilize the Contact Us.

Do I need to log on before using My HealtheVet?

Some parts of the My HealtheVet site are offered without logging in, but you are required to log in to create a personal health record, and to use the planner and calendars. Logging in also enables you to personalize your health information using the Health Journal and Vitals & Readings. These journals and eLogs are your private and secure information and are located in the Track Health section, which is only visible when you are logged in.

Terms and Conditions

What are Terms and Conditions?

The Terms and Conditions is an agreement between My HealtheVet and its users. The agreement defines the rules and requirements for using the site. It includes how My HealtheVet conducts business and lists the services offered. It also explains how your personal information will be used.

Why are Terms and Conditions important?

Terms and Conditions explain My HealtheVet services and products and how they can be used. It also describes consequences for misuse. Before using My HealtheVet, users have the opportunity to read the Terms and Conditions and decide if they agree to accept them in order to use My HealtheVet. If so, they can select AGREE to the terms for use.

Do the Terms and Conditions apply to everyone?

The Terms and Conditions is an agreement between My HealtheVet and its users. It applies to anyone who wants to register for a My HealtheVet Basic, Advanced or Premium account and create a Personal Health Record. The agreement must be accepted before you can use the services My HealtheVet offers such as:

What are the benefits of accepting the Terms and Conditions?

The benefits of accepting the Terms and Conditions in My HealtheVet are:

  • You are provided with important information about using My HealtheVet products and services

  • You can create your own private and secure Personal Health Record, available anywhere there is internet access

  • You can view your self-reported information at any time

  • If you are a Veteran, use the VA health system and are registered on My HealtheVet as a VA patient, you can refill your VA medications online

  • If you are a Veteran, use the VA health care system and have an upgraded My HealtheVet (Premium) account you may be able to:

    • View VA Chemistry/Hematology Lab results

    • Receive information on your VA Appointments, including email reminders

    • View VA Allergy and Adverse Reactions records

    • Receive VA Wellness Reminders

    • View your VA Immunization records

    • View additional parts of your VA health record as they become available

    • Use Secure Messaging to communicate with your VA health care team

    • View Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information


What happens if I choose NOT to accept the Terms and Conditions?

If you choose NOT to accept the Terms and Conditions, you will not be able to:

  • Register for My HealtheVet

  • Use My HealtheVet products and services to build your Personal Health Record, such as:

    • Medications - to self-enter all medications you take

    • Track Health - to record and monitor health measures

    • Health Journals - to keep food and activity journals

    • Health History - to record self and family health histories

    • Military History - to self-enter important information about your military history


  • Order your VA medication online for VA patients with an Advanced account

  • Upgrade to a Premium My HealtheVet account to:

    • View VA Chemistry/Hematology Lab results

    • Receive information on your VA Appointments, including email reminders

    • View VA Allergy and Adverse Reactions records

    • Receive VA Wellness Reminders

    • View additional parts of your VA health record, as they become available

    • Use Secure Messaging to communicate with your VA health care team

    • View Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information


Is there only one set of Terms and Conditions for My HealtheVet?

There is one general My HealtheVet Terms and Conditions for use of the site. Additionally, there are also specific Terms and Conditions for certain features such as Secure Messaging and Prescription Refills.

If you have a Premium My HealtheVet account, you can select the check box for Secure Messaging located at the bottom of the general Terms and Conditions page. Just remember, you still need to select AGREE, for the general Terms and Conditions.

If I choose not to accept the Terms and Conditions can I come back later and accept them?

Yes, you can do this at any time. To get to the Terms and Conditions go to the bottom of any My HealtheVet page and select the link Terms and Conditions. After reading the Terms and Conditions, simply select AGREE.

Can I print a copy of the Terms and Conditions?

Yes, you can use the Printer Friendly link at the top of the page to print a PDF version of the general Terms and Conditions.

However, this does not apply to Terms and Conditions for certain other features such as Secure Messaging and Prescription Refills. Once you accept those you will not be able to pull them back up again.

If I accept the Terms and Conditions will my personal information be used in research?

Research is important to improving the health care of Veterans. You may be invited to participate in research activities. However, your personal information will NOT be used in research without your permission. You are free to choose whether or not you want to participate in research projects.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

Yes. My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected. Remember that you also have a responsibility to keep your health information safe by not sharing your password, or leaving printed material where someone else can see it.

If I accept the Terms and Conditions will my personal information be shared with outside organizations?

My HealtheVet does not share your personal information with outside organizations. This includes your personal identifiable information such as your name and Social Security Number. Personal information about Veterans who use My HealtheVet is protected.

Who do I contact if I have a problem with the Terms and Conditions?

You can contact My HealtheVet about problems you have with the Terms and Conditions. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your question within three (3) business days.

Disconnecting Accounts

What is meant by Disconnecting Accounts?

Disconnecting Accounts is a process that removes the link to external accounts (for example, DS Logon, or a 3rd party credential) that you have connected to your My HealtheVet account. You have the option to disconnect these accounts at any time.

How can I disconnect my external accounts from My HealtheVet account?

To disconnect your external accounts from your My HealtheVet account:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Personal Information tab

  • Select the My Account icon

  • Select the Disconnect Accounts link

  • Follow the steps to disconnect your accounts

May I choose which external account(s) I want to disconnect from My HealtheVet?

At this time, you cannot choose which external accounts to disconnect. If you choose to disconnect your accounts from My HealtheVet, all your external accounts will be disconnected.

What happens to the external accounts that I have disconnected from My HealtheVet account?

Disconnecting your external accounts does not change or delete them. It will only unlink them from My HealtheVet.

For example:

If your DS Logon account is connected to your My HealtheVet account, you may access My HealtheVet directly through a link on eBenefits. An additional login to your My HealtheVet account is not required.

However, when you disconnect your DS Logon account from your My HealtheVet account, your accounts will be unlinked. You will no longer be able to access My HealtheVet through eBenefits. You will need to visit the My HealtheVet website to login directly (with your My HealtheVet User Name and Password).

Can I still access my external accounts that have been disconnected from My HealtheVet account?

Yes, you can still access your external accounts that have been disconnected from your My HealtheVet account. To access these accounts, you must log in separately at each of their sites with the User Name and Passwords you created for that specific website.

How can I access My HealtheVet if I disconnect my external accounts?

Disconnecting your external accounts will only unlink them from your My HealtheVet account. You can still visit the My HealtheVet website to login with your My HealtheVet User Name and Password.

Can I reconnect my external accounts that I have disconnected from My HealtheVet account?

You can always reconnect external accounts that you have disconnected from your My HealtheVet account. To learn more about connecting your accounts, visit Connecting Accounts Frequently Asked Questions.

Who do I contact if I have an issue with disconnecting my external accounts from My HealtheVet?

You can contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk if you have an issue with disconnecting your external accounts. Simply complete the Contact Us form. The staff will respond to you within three (3) business days.

DS Logon Account Request Portal (ARP)

What is the DS Logon Account Request Portal?

The DS Logon Account Request Portal allows My HealtheVet users who have completed the In-Person Authenticated (IPA) process obtain a DS Logon authentication credential (user account). The My HealtheVet IPA process proves a VA patients identity. The Account Request Portal allows them to obtain a DS Logon without additional in-person validation.

What is DS Logon?

Department of Defense Self-Service Logon (DS Logon) is a self-service authentication credential the Department of Defense (DoD) offers to Servicemembers and eligible family members. In the past, this credential was only used by DoD for secure access to DoD web-based self-service applications. DoD is working with the Department of Veterans Affairs to extend the use of this credential to VA web applications.

Servicemembers may keep their DS Logon credentials after separating from service to have secure and convenient access to several VA applications. Veterans who have already separated from service now have the opportunity to obtain a DS Logon credential.

Why should I register for DS Logon?

The DS Logon credential is being used as the primary authentication credential for many VA and DoD web applications, including the VA eBenefits Portal. The DS Logon credential is expected to be accepted by other VA websites, including My HealtheVet. Using a DS Logon credential benefits a Veteran by:

  • Creating a seamless transition from active duty to Veteran status. Servicemembers will keep their DS Logon credential when they separate from service and become eligible for VA benefits.

  • Increasing VA/DoD interoperability and collaboration.

  • Reducing the number of user names and passwords Veterans need to remember.

Where can the DS Logon authentication credential be used?

A DS Logon authentication credential provides secure web access to applications. DS Logon access is accepted at:

  • Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE)

  • TRICARE Online (TOL)

  • DS Access Center

  • Transferability of Education Benefits (TEB),

  • myDODbenefits

  • VA's eBenefits Portal

Additional web sites (including My HealtheVet) will use the DS Logon authentication credential in the future to allow access to their applications.

Where can I find other information about DS Logon?

The DS Access Center Home Page and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for DS Logon can be found at:

What is the DoD Self-Service Access Center?

The Department of Defense (DoD) Self-Service (DS) Access Center is a website that allows Veterans to request a DoD Self-Service Logon (DS Logon) authentication credential (user account). This site is also used to manage a DoD Self-Service Logon credential.
For more information regarding the DS Access Center, please visit:

Who do I call if I have problems with my DS Logon account?

If you have any questions regarding your DS Logon account, please visit the DS Access Center Home Page ( or call the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Support Center (DSC) toll free at (800) 477-8227. The DSC is available 24x7x365.

What do I do if I forget my DS Logon Username?

To retrieve your DS Logon username, you will first need to prove your identity at the DS Access Center web site. You will be asked to answer security questions which you previously set up. To access this service, go to

If you have problems with the site or need additional assistance, please call the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Support Center (DSC) toll free at (800) 477-8227. The DSC is available 24x7x365.

What if I forget my DS Logon Password?

To reset your forgotten DS Logon password, you will first need to prove your identity at the DS Access Center web site. After supplying your DoD Self-Service Logon username, you will be prompted to answer security questions which you previously set up. To access this service, go to

If you have problems with the site or need additional assistance, please call the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Support Center (DSC) toll free at (800) 477-8227. The DSC is available 24x7x365.

How do I unlock a suspended DS Logon credential?

To unlock your suspended DS Logon account, you will first need to prove your identity at the DS Access Center web site. After supplying your DS Logon username, you will be asked to answer security questions which you previously set up.

Go to:

If you have problems with the site or need additional assistance, please call the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Support Center (DSC) toll free at (800) 477-8227. The DSC is available 24x7x365.

Why did I receive Error 29 when I tried to establish a DS Logon account?

Error 29 indicates you already have a DS Logon account. The link provided within the error message ( will allow you to retrieve a forgotten DS Logon username or password, or unlock a suspended DS Logon account.

If you have problems with the site or need additional assistance, please call the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Support Center (DSC) toll free at (800) 477-8227. The DSC is available 24x7x365.

healtheliving assessment

What is the healtheliving assessment?

The healtheliving assessment is a feature of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record.

The healtheliving assessment is a Health Risk Assessment (HRA). It asks you questions about your health history and habits. This includes questions about your diet, exercise, your past health, and your family medical history. At the end, you will receive a personalized report. The report indicates your current health status. It also suggests changes you can make to improve your health and reduce risks of major diseases in the future.

Are there requirements to use the healtheliving assessment?

Yes. To use the healtheliving assessment, you need to have a My HealtheVet account. For more information about the different account types and what you can view, visit My HealtheVet Account Types. If you do not have a My HealtheVet account, take time and Register Today.

If you are enrolled in the VA Healthcare System, you may want to upgrade to a Premium account. This gives you full access to all the features My HealtheVet has to offer. To get a Premium account you will need to go through authentication. VA verifies your identity with this process. This is done before allowing access to portions of your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

How do I access the healtheliving assessment?

Log into your My HealtheVet account*. On the homepage you may access the healtheliving assessment two ways---you may:

  1. Select the healtheliving assessment icon

  2. Or select the red Track Health tab at the top of the page. This will take you to the Track Health landing page, there, you may:

  • Select the word HEALTHELIVING ASSESSMENT located on the top navigation bar

  • Or select the healtheliving assessment image

  • Or under the healtheliving assessment image, select the word More>>

When you select the healtheliving assessment it takes you to a Consent message.

  • The Consent message gives you a choice to allow some of your personal information in your My HealtheVet account, such as your name, date of birth and gender, to be used by the healtheliving assessment. If you agree, select the Continue button. This will take you to the healtheliving assessment starting page

  • If you choose not to allow the healtheliving assessment to use some of your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, gender, select the Cancel button. This will return you to the previous My HealtheVet page

  • The Consent message also has a link to Learn More. If you select the link it will take you to added information about giving consent to share your information

*Visit My HealtheVet Account Types to learn more about what each account type offers

Is there anything I need to know before I take the healtheliving assessment?

You will need to know information about your health and health history. You will be asked questions about your health choices and history. For example, there are questions about what you eat and your physical activity. You are also asked about your immunizations, whether you smoke and other choices that affect your health status. You will also be asked about your health history. Although not required, having your immunization record and cholesterol test results on hand and knowing your blood pressure will be helpful.

How long will it take me to complete the healtheliving assessment?

It will probably take about 20 minutes to answer the questions. After you submit your answers, you will receive your Summary Report and a more detailed Full Report. You can read these reports on the computer screen, save them to your computer, and print them out.

Do I need training to do a healtheliving assessment?

No. The healtheliving assessment is easy to follow. You just select Track Health and you are on your way. Remember to answer every question. If you need to stop before completing the questions, you can save your answers and return on another day to finish the assessment.

What are the benefits of doing a healtheliving assessment?

  • You will receive a personalized health report that tells you about your current health status

  • You will be aware of your risks of developing major diseases in the future if you continue your current habits

  • You will find ideas for changes that you can make to improve your health now and in the future. Even making a few small changes now can have a big impact on your future health

  • On the Summary Report, you can select health recommendations and observe the impact on your health if you make these changes

  • You can save and print the report to discuss with your health care team at your next appointment

  • Your health care team can use this report to help create a personalized health plan to help you achieve your goals

Will I get a health report after I complete the healtheliving assessment?

Yes, you will get two customized reports at the end of the assessment:

  • The first is a one-page Summary Report. This interactive report lets you check boxes that show how small changes can improve your health. You can also select the information button to learn more about each topic

  • The second report is the Full Report. This report is divided into 16 topics by health risk and lifestyle choice. It provides greater detail and links to additional resources

How soon will I be able to view my reports?

After you submit your answers, it takes a few seconds to analyze your information. Then you will be able to view your reports right away.

Can I print a copy of my healtheliving assessment and reports?

You may print out both the Summary and the Full reports. To do this, simply select the Print link at the top of each report.

Are others able to view information in my healtheliving assessment?

Only you will be able to view your answers. Your personalized health report is just for you. You may choose to share it with your health care team, but that is your choice. The purpose of the healtheliving assessment is to provide a way for you to privately view the impact of your health habits and choices - now and in the future.

Is my information protected, secure and private?

Yes, your information is protected, secured and completely confidential.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Why should I share my healtheliving assessment report with my health care team?

You become a partner with your health care team when you share your health information. Your healtheliving assessment may provide them with important information about you. Together, you can identify health goals you are able to achieve. They may also help address any questions you may have about your current health status and your disease risks.

How do I share the results of my healtheliving assessment?

You may print a copy of your Summary and Full reports after you complete the assessment. During your next appointment, take your printed copy of your reports to share with your health care team.

Can I email my provider the results of my healtheliving assessment?

The healtheliving assessment tool does not email your health reports to your VA health care team. You can print a copy of your reports and take them to your next appointment. You may also save the reports to your computer.

Important to Note: You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure. Learn more about Protecting Your Personal Information

Will information from my VA health record or from my My HealtheVet account appear in the healtheliving assessment?

Yes, it may.

You may notice that some areas on your assessment are prefilled. This is information that may come from your VA health record or My HealtheVet. Prefilled information may include your name, gender, and date of birth.

If you have a My HealtheVet Premium account, it may display information that comes from your VA health record. This may include your height, weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol values.

Am I able to save my healtheliving assessment?

Yes, you may save it on your desktop computer or on a mobile storage device, such as a flash drive. To save, simply go to the top of the Summary Report or Full Report and select the word Save located next to the icon.

Please be aware: The reports are in PDF file. Anytime you open/download a PDF file you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. Your healtheliving assessment can be visible to other users of this computer. Learn more about Protecting Your Personal Information

What happens if I stop before I complete the entire healtheliving assessment?

The answers you already entered will be saved. Just select the Save & Exit button to leave and come back later. You have a whole month to complete your assessment. The next time you log in, you will be given the option of completing the assessment you already started.

What is the Assessment History?

The Assessment History provides a list of the assessments you have already completed. You may view, save, and print previous assessments. It will also show you if you have an assessment that has been started and is waiting to be completed.

How do I find an assessment I have complete, so I can print a copy or save it to my home computer?

In the upper right corner of the screen, select Assessment History. This will show you a screen that lists all of the assessments you have completed. Select the link View Save Print for the assessment desired. Then you may print a copy and/or save it to your computer.

How can I find an assessment I started but did not finish?

You may have waited too long to finish your assessment. Once you start, you have 30 days to complete your assessment. If you do not come back within this time period, your assessment is considered out-of-date and it will be deleted. You should start a new assessment and enter more recent information.

How often should I do a healtheliving assessment?

Complete a new assessment each year. Doing this will show you your progress over time. If you are making some major changes in your health habits, you might find it helpful to complete an assessment after six months.

Each time I do a healtheliving assessment will I have to answer all the questions again?

No, if you have already completed a healtheliving assessment, many of your previous answers will be prefilled in your next assessment. So your second assessment will go much faster. If you have completed an assessment before, you can just review your previous answers and make changes as needed. Some questions will ask you for new responses, just to assure that your reports are based on your most current information.

Where can I learn more about a health condition(s) I may be at risk for?

  • Go to the About MHV tab. Here you can find additional resources such as Learn More, Frequently Asked Questions, User Guides, etc.

  • Use the Medical Library to find information on prescription drugs, over-the-counter, supplemental and herbal medications. You can also find information about specific health conditions. The Medical Library has in-depth information about health issues as well and what you can do to prevent illness and stay healthy.

  • If you still have questions or would like additional information, your health care team and/or Pharmacy may be able to help. You can contact them by phone or during an upcoming appointment. If you have a My HealtheVet Premium account, you can use Secure Messaging to send a question to your VA health care team.

What do I do if I have questions about the healtheliving assessment?

If you need help concerning how to respond to a question:

  • First select the information button. This may answer your question.

  • If you have concerns about information in your report, you should contact your health care team

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the healtheliving assessment feature?

If you need technical assistance with the healtheliving assessment feature, please contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk:

  • You can send us details using the Contact Us form. Our goal is to reply to you by the next business day.

  • Or call us directly at 1-877-327-0022 Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m. (Central Time) or, 1-800-877-8339 (TTY).

My Goals

What is My Goals?

My Goals is a tool in My HealtheVet that helps you set and achieve Goals. Using My Goals may make it easier to achieve specific Goals you set for yourself.

How will using My Goals benefit me?

My Goals has six steps that can help you overcome common reasons people have difficulty reaching their Goals.Setting up Goals in My HealtheVet may help you find ways to improve your health.

My Goals may benefit you by:

  • Helping you name a Goal to work toward

  • Tracking your progress toward your Goal

  • Sending you email reminders

Why would I want to set up Goals in My HealtheVet?

Writing down your Goals and making a plan can help you achieve your Goals. Setting a Goal helps provide direction and purpose. My Goals will help you identify the Obstacles that you need to overcome to achieve your Goal. By identifying your Obstacles, you can create Tasks to help you identify the specific activities needed to overcome each Obstacle. This could help you meet your Goal. My Goals uses a six-step process to make it easier to accomplish and achieve your Goals. An advantage to using My Goals is the ability to set up email reminders. You can access your Goals on the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Can anyone else see My Goals?

You are the only one who can see your Goals and all of the information you have entered in My Goals. You can print a copy of your Goals to share with your health care team or someone who supports you in achieving your Goals.

Can I set up Reminders?

Yes, you can set up reminders for your Tasks that will be sent to your email. Reminders help you remember when it is time to work on a Task. You can set up reminders by using the Health Calendar features.

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Get Care tab

  • Select the Health Calendar tab

  • Select Preferences to set up your email reminders

Who can I contact for help with My Goals?

You may contact a member of your health care team to help you identify your Goals. The health care team can also help you with all of the steps for achieving a Goal.

Who can I contact with questions or suggestions for improving the My Goals feature of My HealtheVet?

My HealtheVet welcomes all comments or suggestions. To send your feedback, please use the Contact MHV tab at the top of any page on the website.

Who do I contact for support?

You can contact a member of your health care team to help you identify your Goals. If you have a technical question related to My Goals, please use the Contact MHV tab at the top of any page on the website.

Example: You get an error message you do not understand.

  • Select the Contact MHV tab at the top of any page on the website

  • Select the Contact Help Desk box on the right side of the page

  • Fill out the Contact Us form and Submit

  • You can also go to Contact MHV to call us directly.

What do I need to use My Goals?

You need a computer with Internet access. If you do not have your own computer, you may want to go to your public library. Computers may also be available for use at:

  • Your VA facility

  • Your VA Outpatient Clinics

  • Local Internet Cafes

  • Local Veteran's Service Organization

Note: When you use a computer it is important that you take steps to protect your passcodes and personal information. Learn more about protecting your personal health information.

How do I create a My HealtheVet account?

Go to the Internet to create a My HealtheVet account:

  • Go to the My HealtheVet ( website

  • Select the Register Today button on the right side of the screen

  • Enter all the required information and select the Save button

Then you can login to your My HealtheVet account using your new User ID and Password.

What do I need to use My Goals on my home computer?

All you need is a computer and Internet access. Log on to the My HealtheVet website ( Then follow the steps below:

  • Login to your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the My Goals tab

Do I need training to use My Goals?

Formal training is not needed to use My Goals. My HealtheVet provides an online training course for My Goals. This course is located in the Resource Center & Related Links section of My Goals. You may view the course by selecting the link labeled Creating Goals With My Goals. You must be logged into My HealtheVet to view this course. If you have questions, please contact a member of your health care team or you can use the Contact MHV tab.

Is there someone at my local VA facility who I can contact if I have questions?

Yes, please ask for the My HealtheVet Coordinator at your local VA facility for more help.

Can I download and print a list of My Goals?

Yes, you can download and print information about your Goals from most of the My Goals pages. To print, select one of the Print buttons. The print button will open your printer's dialogue box. You must be connected to a printer to use this feature. The pages are designed to be printed on a standard sheet of paper (8 ½ by 11 inches).

Why can't I see all of My Goals on the View and Track My Goal page?

Only active Goals are displayed on the View and Track My Goal page. You can view completed Goals on the View My Completed Goals page.

Can I make changes to My Goals after they are created?

Yes, there are many opportunities to change the information you have entered into My Goals. You will see several buttons labeled with the word "Change..." throughout My Goals. You may select these Change buttons to edit information related to your Goals, Strengths, Obstacles, Tasks and Rewards.

Can I delete a Goal if I decide it is no longer important to me?

Yes, a delete option is available on the View My Goal page. If you select the Delete Goal button, all Strengths, Obstacles, Tasks and Rewards for the Goal will be removed and no longer be available.

I do not use my computer every day. Can I track my Tasks on paper and later enter them into My Goals?

Yes, you can track your Tasks on paper using the Weekly Task(s) Tracking Worksheet. You may enter them into My Goals at a later time when it is convenient for you.

Secure Messaging Attachments

What is a Secure Messaging attachment?

A Secure Messaging attachment is an electronic file sent along with a Secure Message. This is a simple method to share documents and images with your VA health care team or other VA staff (such as medical and administrative assistants).

Why would I want to include an attachment on a Secure Message to my health care team?

You may want to share the results of tests, procedures, or health care summaries obtained from non-VA providers with your VA health care team or other VA staff (such as medical and administrative assistants).

What are the requirements for attaching a file to a Secure Message?

You must be registered in My HealtheVet with a Premium account in order to access Secure Messaging and attach a file to a message.

How do I access Secure Messaging to send files to my health care team or other VA staff (such as medical and administrative assistants)?

To access Secure Messaging, log in to your My HealtheVet Premium account.

Under Messages on the homepage dashboard, select the link of the Secure Messaging folder you want to access. You can also access these folders from the Secure Messaging tab at the top of the homepage.

How do I include an attachment on a Secure Message?

  • Select the Add Attachment link on a new Secure Message or on a Secure Message that you are replying to
  • Select the Browse button to search for the file you want to attach to the Secure Message
  • Select the Attach button

Note: If you are unable to attach a document to a Secure Message:

  1. Check your browser settings to be sure JavaScript is enabled.
  2. Use a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 such as Chrome or Fire Fox.
  3. Confirm that your document meets the requirements for size and type.
  4. If your problem persists, please contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk.

Can I include more than one attachment on a Secure Message?

You may attach up to 4 files on a Secure Message.

Is there a size limit for the attachment I include on a Secure Message?

You can include one (1) attachment on a Secure Message not to exceed three (3) megabytes (MB), and the total size of all the attachments cannot exceed 6 MB.

What kind of Attachments can I include on a Secure Message?

You can include the following file formats as Secure Messaging attachments.

  • Text file (txt): a filename extension for text files
  • Portable Document Format (pdf): a file format used to represent documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating system
  • DOC file (doc): a word processing file format, typically used by Microsoft Word
  • DOCX file (docx): a word processing file format, typically used by Microsoft Word that It replaces DOC
  • Microsoft Excel file format (xls): a spreadsheet file format
  • Microsoft Excel file format (xlsx): a spreadsheet file format that that It replaces DOC
  • Graphics Interchange Format (gif): a bit map image format
  • Joint Photographic Group (jpg): bitmap compression format for picture and image files
  • Rich Text Format (rtf): a document file format developed by Microsoft for cross-platform document interchange
  • Portable Network Graphics (png): a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression

Is the information I include in the Secure Messaging attachments protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Important to Note: You are responsible for protecting your personal information you print out or download. It is important to protect your information. Protect this information the same way you would protect your banking or credit card information. Do not leave your printed information on a printer. Do not save your downloaded information to a public computer. When using a public computer, save your information to a CD and/or thumb drive. Remember to take the CD or thumb drive with you when you finish. You should never send an email that contains personal health information. This is because email is not secure.

Who will be able to view the Secure Messaging Attachment once I send it?

Only members of your VA health care and other VA staff (such as medical and administrative assistants) will have access to your Secure Message attachments.

Will the Secure Messaging attachment become part of my medical record?

In order to provide you with outstanding health care services, your health care and other VA staff (such as medical and administrative assistants) may decide to save some of your Secure Messaging attachments in your VA medical record so they can refer to the information at a later date.

What will happen to the Secure Messaging attachment if it is not saved in my VA medical record?

The attachment will be saved in the Secure Messaging database.

Can I print my Secure Messaging attachments?

  • Yes, you can print your attachments as long as your computer is connected to a printer
  • To print, open the Secure Message that contains the attachment, open the attachment and follow the steps required for your computer printing functionality.

What should I do if I have any questions about including an attachment on a Secure Message?

  • Contact your VA health care team or other VA staff (such as medical and administrative assistants) if you have any questions related to your care or your Secure Messaging attachments.

Whom do I contact if I have a technical problem with attaching a file to a Secure Message?

The My HealtheVet Help Desk will provide you with assistance. You may contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk at the Contact link on the My HealtheVet home page. Or, call us directly at 1-877-327-0022, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. (Central Time). For TTY, call 1-800-877-8339.

Secure Messaging (General FAQs)

What is Secure Messaging?

Secure Messaging is a secure, web-based message service that allows you to communicate non-urgent, non-emergency health-related information with your VA health care team.

How will Secure Messaging benefit me?

With Secure Messaging you are able to:

  • Communicate non-urgent, non-emergency health care issues and concerns with your participating health care team

  • Request test results and health information

  • Request medical appointments

  • Request prescription renewals

How do I participate in Secure Messaging?

First, talk to your VA health care provider to determine if Secure Messaging would be a good way to communicate with them about your health care. If they agree, you may participate in Secure Messaging if you are:

  • A VA patient enrolled in a VA facility

  • Registered as a VA patient in your My HealtheVet account (

  • Completed the My HealtheVet In-Person Authentication (IPA) process. Details on the IPA process can be found on the My HealtheVet website at the In-Person Authentication page

How can I access Secure Messaging?

  • You may access Secure Messaging through your My HealtheVet account anywhere there is a computer with Internet access. To access Secure Messaging, log in to your My HealtheVet Premium account.

  • Under Messages on the homepage dashboard, select the link of the Secure Messaging folder you want to access. You can also access these folders from the Secure Messaging tab at the top of the homepage.

How long do secure messages stay in folders?

Secure messages stay in your folders for 12 months. After 12 months, they are maintained in the Secure Messaging database, but are no longer visible in your account. If your health care team saved your secure message as a VA Note in your VA health record, you may retrieve it by using the Blue Button Reports feature. Otherwise, older secure messages can be obtained by submitting a request to the Release of Information Office at your local VA health care facility. For the nearest facility location, use the VA Facility Locator.

Can Secure Messaging be used for medical emergencies?

No. If you think you have a medical emergency, we recommend you call 911 immediately. Do not attempt to access emergency care through Secure Messaging. If you are not sure what type of care you need, please contact your local medical clinic or facility.

How is Secure Messaging different from email?

Secure Messaging is an online service that allows you to send and receive messages from your VA health care team who have chosen to participate in Secure Messaging. You do not have to have an email account to use Secure Messaging. You can access Secure Messaging from your account on My HealtheVet.

Is my information protected and private?

All of your personal health information is secure, protected and private.

Will Secure Messaging be available 24 hours-7days a week?

You may send a non-urgent, non-emergency message at any time. Your VA health care team should respond to your message(s) within 3 business days. Business days are Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. Business days do not include after hours, weekends, or federal holidays.

What should I do if I do not get a response from my health care team in 3 federal business days?

If you do not receive a response to your message in 3 federal business days, contact your VA health care team by telephone.

How do I know if my VA provider participates in Secure Messaging?

Ask your VA health care team to if they are participating.

Who will have access to and who will respond to my messages?

Only members of your VA health care team will have access to your messages and will respond to your messages.

Can I send a message to more than one member of my VA health care team?

When you send a message it only goes to your VA health care team. Your message will then be forwarded to the appropriate health care team member to respond.

What if I do not understand the information sent by my VA health care/triage team?

If you do not understand the information in the message from your health care team member, you can reply to the message asking for another explanation.

What if the health care team does not understand my message?

If your VA health care team does not understand your question they will send you a message asking for more information. They may also contact you by telephone.

Can I communicate with a non-VA provider through Secure Messaging?

No, Secure Messaging is a way for you to communicate non-urgent, non-emergency health care issues or concerns with your VA health care team. You cannot use Secure Messaging to communicate with a non-VA provider.

Will my messages become part of my VA medical record?

In order to provide you with outstanding health care services, your health care team may decide to save some of your messages in your official VA medical record so they can refer to the information at a later date.

Can I tell if the message I sent has been read?

You can view a Read Receipt for all messages in the Sent folder. A message that has been opened by your health care team will display READ in the Read Receipt column.

Can my ability to use Secure Messaging be taken away?

Participating in Secure Messaging is a service offered to VA patients who are willing to comply with established policy and guidelines. Patients who demonstrate inappropriate communication patterns may have the service taken away.

Who do I contact if I have a problem with Secure Messaging?

The My HealtheVet Help Desk will provide you with assistance. You may contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk at the Contact US link on the My HealtheVet website,

What additional references are available to me?

The Secure Messaging User Manual is a tool you may find helpful

  • On the My HealtheVet homepage, select the About tab at the top of the page

  • Select User Guide

  • Under User Guides select the link Secure Messaging User Guide

Your health care team or My HealtheVet Coordinator can also provide you with information.

Additional information is available at Frequently Asked questions.

What is the Secure Messaging Delete Message feature?

The Secure Messaging Delete Message feature allows users to select and move Secure Messages to the Deleted folder.

How can I move a Secure Message to the Deleted folder?

Patients can move Secure Messages to the Deleted folder as follows:

  • From the Inbox, select the Secure Message(s) to be moved to the Deleted folder and then select the "Delete Selected" button. The selected message(s) will be moved to the Deleted folder.

  • A Secure Message can also be moved to the Deleted folder by opening a Secure Message and then selecting the "Delete Message" button. The message will be moved to the Deleted folder.

Note: Draft Secure Messages that are deleted will be permanently deleted and will not be moved to the Deleted folder.

How long will deleted Secure Messages be available in the Deleted folder?

Secure Messages stay in the Deleted folder for 12 months. They are then archived in the Secure Messaging database. To get archived messages, contact the Release of Information Office at your local VA health care facility. For the nearest location, use the VA Facility Locator.

What is the Secure Messaging/Veterans Health Library feature?

The Secure Messaging/Veterans Health Library (VHL) feature allows health care team members to send patient education information by including Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) from the Veterans Health Library via Secure Messaging.

How do I use the Secure Messaging/Veterans Health Library feature?

If you receive a Secure Message with a link to Veteran Health Library material from your health care team, click on the URL and the web page will open in a new window or tab.

Note: "Education" may be displayed in the Subject field of the Secure Message.

What is the Secure Messaging blocking feature?

The Secure Messaging blocking feature allows health care team members to block a patient's access to Secure Messaging. It is also possible for health care team members to block a patient's access to specific Triage Groups in Secure Messaging.

Note: If you have been blocked from using Secure Messaging you will automatically be Opted-Out. You will be required to Opt-In if your access to Secure Messaging is restored.

How will I know if I have been blocked from using Secure Messaging?

If you have been blocked from using Secure Messaging the following message will display:

"Your provider has restricted your access to Secure Messaging. If you think your access was restricted by mistake and you want to continue using Secure Messaging, contact your My HealtheVet Coordinator at your local VA Medical Center."

How will I know if I have been blocked from sending new Secure Messages to specific Triage Group(s)?

If you have been blocked from sending a new Secure Message to a specific Triage Group the following message will display:

"You have been restricted from a Triage Group(s). You are unable to send messages to those Triage Groups."

How will I know if I have been blocked from replying to Secure Messages from specific Triage Group(s)?

If you have been blocked from replying to a Secure Message from a specific Triage Group(s) the following message will display:

"Your access to this Triage Group has been restricted. You cannot send messages to this Triage Group. If you think your access was restricted by mistake, contact your My HealtheVet Coordinator at your local VA Medical Center."

What is the Veterans Health Benefits Handbook?

The Veterans Health Administration created a Veterans Health Benefits Handbook for Veterans enrolled in the VA Health Care System. All new enrollees receive this personalized handbook in the mail, generally three weeks after enrollment has been confirmed. My HealtheVet allows users with a Premium My HealtheVet, DS Logon or account to download the handbook. The Veterans Health Benefits Handbook is tailored specifically for you and provides detailed and updated information about the VA health care benefits you may be eligible to receive such as medications, prosthetics and dental care.

What information is included in the Veterans Benefits Handbook?

Each personally customized Veterans Health Benefits Handbook includes:

  • Contact information for the Veteran's local VA facility

  • Steps on how to schedule appointments

  • Information regarding co-pay responsibilities, if applicable

  • How to communicate treatment needs

  • Guidelines for accessing the Veteran's heath record

  • Patient rights

  • Answers to common questions

How do I access my Veterans Health Benefits Handbook?


Premium My HealtheVet account users can download their Veterans Health Benefits Handbook.

  • Log on using your My HealtheVet User ID and Password, DS Logon Premium Account or

  • Select the Personal Information menu tab on the homepage

  • Select My Profile

  • Click on the MY HANDBOOK quick link

Who should I contact if I want additional information about my Veterans Health Benefits Handbook?

For information about your Veterans Health Benefits Handbook, or to request a replacement, call 1-877-222-8387 (VETS).

To view a sample handbook, visit:

VA Admissions and Discharges

What is Admissions and Discharges?

Admission is the process that occurs when you are treated at a VA hospital and require an overnight stay to continue treatment or care. This is also called an Inpatient stay. A health care provider advises if an overnight stay should occur. There are many reasons for admission but it is typically for medical/nursing/mental health treatment, necessary medical observation, rehabilitation, or surgery. Admissions can extend beyond one day.

Discharge is the process that occurs at the end of the hospital stay when you leave for another destination. This includes but is not limited to home, non-VA facilities, special VA health care units, extended leave of absence, or death.

Note: Your Discharge Summary contains information about your hospital stay. This may include:

  • Diagnosis

  • Results of lab tests and procedures

  • Medications

  • Your condition when you left the hospital

The Discharge Summary also provides information on future plans for tests, procedures, medications and follow-up appointments.

What is the VA Admissions and Discharges report?

VA Admissions and Discharges is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record (, found under the VA Blue Button section. Here VA patients can view their VA Admissions and Discharges reports.

Where does information in my VA Admissions and Discharges come from?

Information in your VA Admissions and Discharges comes from your official VA health record.

What information will I be able to view in my VA Admissions and Discharges?

  • Admission Date/Time: The day, month, year and time recorded for the beginning of the hospital stay

  • Admitting Location: Where the hospital stay occurred. For example, the name of the VA Medical Center

  • Admitting Physician: The name of the physician that admitted you to the hospital for inpatient care

  • Discharge Date/Time: The day, month, year and time recorded for the end of the hospital stay

  • Discharging Physician: The name of the physician that discharged you from the hospital

  • Discharge Summary: Contains information about your hospital stay. This may include:

    • Diagnosis

    • Results of lab tests and procedures

    • Medications

    • Your condition when you left the hospital


The Discharge Summary also provides information on future plans for tests, procedures, medications and follow-up appointments.

What is the difference between the Patient Discharge Instruction Sheet and the VA Admissions and Discharges report?

When you are discharged from the hospital, you will receive an easy-to-read guide known as the Patient Discharge Instruction Sheet. It includes information about your hospital stay and may provide advice for follow-up activities. You will receive this sheet prior to leaving the hospital.

VA Admissions and Discharges can be viewed, downloaded and printed from the VA Blue Button. It is a more detailed view of your hospital stay and includes medical terminology. It is intended to be used by your health care team and provider(s) to determine the best course of treatment for you.

What do I do if the VA Admissions and Discharges section has wording I do not understand?

Visit the Medical Library to learn all that you can about the condition or diagnosis. You can also use Secure Messaging to send a message to your VA health care team.

What are the requirements for viewing VA Admissions and Discharges?

To view your VA Admissions and Discharges you must:

  • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • Be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • Have an upgraded Premium* My HealtheVet account*

* To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

What are the benefits of having VA Admissions and Discharges information in My HealtheVet?

The benefits of having VA Admissions and Discharges information in My HealtheVet are:

  • You can view your information at any time, anywhere you have Internet access

  • You are provided with important information which may help you make informed decisions about your health

  • You are able to share your important medical or mental health events with caregivers or non-VA health care providers

  • You can work in partnership with your health care team to ensure that you have a better understanding of your health issues

How can I use information in my VA Admissions and Discharges report?

Sharing your VA Admissions and Discharges information with your non-VA health care providers helps them make better decisions about your health care.

How do I view, print, save or download my VA Admissions and Discharges?

To access your VA Admissions and Discharges:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Medical Reports link in the dashboard

  • Select Continue

  • You can now select the Types of Information

    • Choose Select one or more types of information

    • Select VA Admissions and Discharges

    • Select Submit

    • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (.pdf file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file)

    • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

    • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen

  • Please be aware: Anytime you open/download a .pdf file, you create a temporary file on the computer you are using. There is a risk of exposing your information when you download a .pdf file, especially on public or shared computers. Learn more about protecting your personal health information.

How soon will I be able to view my VA Admissions and Discharges information in My HealtheVet?

Before you can view your VA Admissions and Discharges information it has to be signed and verified by your provider. Generally, your information is available for viewing three (3) calendar days after your VA health care team member signs the note.

If you still cannot view your information in My HealtheVet after seven (7) business days, you can use Secure Messaging to contact your participating VA health care team. You can also contact your VA health care team by telephone.

Should I take a printed copy of my VA Admissions and Discharges to my appointment with my non-VA provider?

Yes, you can use VA Blue Button to download and/or print a copy of your VA Admissions and Discharges.

Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

What should I do if I have any questions about my VA Admissions and Discharges information?

If you have questions about your VA Admissions and Discharges information:

  • You can contact your VA health care team. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming appointment,  or by using Secure Messaging

Can I change the information in my VA Admissions and Discharges report?

No, your information is presented to you the way it is in your official VA health record. If you have questions about your results, please contact your VA health care team or provider.

If you have information regarding your admissions and discharges from non-VA medical facilities, you are encouraged to share this information with VA health care team.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Admissions and Discharges feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Admissions and Discharges feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your inquiry within three (3) business days.

VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

What is the My HealtheVet VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions record?

Your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions record lists things in your VA electronic medical record that you are allergic to and provides information about how you reacted.

  • An allergic reaction can be caused by something you consume, such as a medication or food. Insect bites or stings can cause an allergic reaction. You can also have an allergic reaction from something you came into contact with or inhaled, like latex or mold.

  • An adverse reaction is how you reacted to the thing you are allergic to. This can be a mild reaction, such as itching, sneezing or causing your eyes to water. It can be a moderate reaction, such as a rash or hives. Depending on your symptoms you may need to see your provider. It can be a severe reaction, such as difficulty breathing. A severe reaction requires immediate medical attention.

This online feature also lets you view a combined list of allergy and reaction information in your VA electronic medical record and allergy information that you self-entered in your My HealtheVet account. With this information, you can better partner with your VA health care team to monitor your health.

What are the requirements for viewing VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions in My HealtheVet?

To view VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions you must:

  • be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

  • be a registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

  • have an upgraded account *

* To get an upgraded account you must complete a one-time process called In-Person Authentication or "IPA." You can upgrade your account at your VA Medical Center or Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC).

How do I access My HealtheVet VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions?

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select the Allergies tab

What are the benefits of using My HealtheVet VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions?

  • Remember important information about what you are allergic to or have had an adverse reaction to

  • Reduce your risk of coming into contact with something to which you are allergic

  • Be more involved in your own health care

  • Access both summary and detailed information about your allergies

  • Share your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactionsinformation with your health care team, caregivers and others

What information is provided in the VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions record?

The Summary page includes:

  • date entered

  • the allergen/reactant (what caused your reaction)

  • your reaction/side effect (how you were affected)

  • name and location of the VA facility that reported your allergy or adverse reaction

The Detailed page includes:

  • if the allergy is to a food, drug, or other

  • VA drug class

  • if a health care provider saw the allergy or adverse reaction or found out about it another way

  • comments from your health care team

Self-entered Allergy information:
If you choose to enter information yourself about other allergies or adverse reactions, you can keep track of:

  • the date the allergy occurred

  • the name of the allergy or adverse reaction

  • if your reaction was mild, moderate, or severe

  • if a health care provider diagnosed you with the allergy

  • the reaction or side effect you experienced

  • other comments

Can I add information in my VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions record?

You can view your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions record from the VA, but you cannot edit the record. You can also view a combined listing of your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions and self-entered Allergy records. You can add, edit or delete your self-entered Allergy record for allergies and adverse reactions you have experienced.

To add information to your self-entered Allergy record:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select the Allergies tab

  • Set the Source to "Non VA" or "Both"

  • Select the Add/Edit Self Entered Allergy link

Note that "Non VA" refers to your self-entered information, not information entered by a health care provider from outside of VA.

Is the My HealtheVet VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions information protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Can I change the way I view VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions?

Yes, you can change the way you view VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions.
VA Allergies and Adverse Reaction gives you a view of both your VA electronic medical record and your self-entered information.

You can choose to view your allergy information that comes from:

  • your VA electronic medical record only

  • your self-entered information only

  • a blended view of your VA record and self-entered information

To change the view of your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions records:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select the Track Health tab

  • Select the Health History tab

  • Select the Allergies tab

  • Under Source, select

    • VA - to see only information from your VA electronic medical record

    • Non VA - to see only your self-entered information

    • Both - to see a blended view of your VA record and self-entered information


Can my health care team view VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions records that I have entered?

Your health care team can view the Allergy and Adverse Reactions information in your VA medical record, but they cannot view any information in your My HealtheVet account unless you share it.

Can I print my VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions?

Yes, there are two ways you can print your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions:

  • VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions tab

  • Blue Button custom download of your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

To print the VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions Summary page or Detail page:

  • Select the Printer Friendly link at the top right side of the Summary or Detail page

  • Select Print

  • Select the Done box to return to the previous screen

To download your data using the Blue Button:

  • Log into your My HealtheVet account

  • Select Download My Data

  • Select Download Only My Selected Data from My HealtheVet

  • Select Continue

  • Select VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions

  • Select Submit

  • Select either Download PDF File for a format that is easy to read and print (PDF file) or Download for a simple text format (.txt file) if you want an electronic copy

  • Select View/Print if you want a printed list

  • Select Print

Why can't I see my VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions when using the VA Blue Button to print or download?

To see your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions with the VA Blue Button:

  1. You must be a VA patient with allergies or adverse reactions at a VA facility.

  2. Add your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions data in My HealtheVet.

  3. To put your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions in My HealtheVet just:
    • Select the Track Health tab

    • Select Health History

    • Select VA Allergies & Adverse Reactions

    • You may need to select a Refresh button, if you see a message to do this


If you have checked the above and still cannot see your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions,contact the Help Desk using the Contact MHV tab at the top of every My HealtheVet page.

What should I do if I have any questions about my VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions information?

Contact your VA health care team if you have any questions related to your care or your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions record.

What should I do if I think my VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions record is incorrect?

If you think information in your VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions is incorrect, please contact the Release of Information Office at your VA facility. The Release of Information staff can guide you through the process to request a correction to your VA medical record.

Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the VA Allergies and Adverse Reactions feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. The staff will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

VA Medical Images and Reports

What is the VA Medical Images and Reports feature?

My HealtheVet offers Veterans who have a Premium account another way to access and share their information. The VA Medical Images and Reports feature enables Veterans to view and download a copy of their diagnostic quality medical images and the associated report. Currently, Radiology Imaging studies are available.

Note: Not all VA Radiology Imaging Studies are available, however VA Radiology Reports are available using the Blue Button Medical Reports feature. This is linked from the My HealtheVet homepage under Health Records.

What types of medical images are included in the VA Medical Images and Reports feature?

Currently, Radiology study images are available, including:

  • Mammograms (screening and diagnostic)

  • Radiographs (chest X rays, abdominal x rays, bone x ray)

  • Digital radiography (DR), computed radiography (CR)

  • Fluoroscopy (barium swallow, upper GI, barium enema)

  • Ultrasounds

  • CT scans images and nuclear medicine images (may include Magnetic resonance (MR) in facilities with PET/MR)

  • MRI, MR angiography, MR Venography

  • Angiography radiographs and cine loops

  • Interventional Radiology as part of the procedure (may include radiographs, ultrasound, CT, or cine loop)

NOTE: Ultrasounds and Nuclear Medicine may have color images.

When are medical images available in the VA Medical Images and Reports Feature?

Reports are available three (3) calendar days after they are verified. This feature also makes the associated DICOM images available.

What is DICOM?

DICOM, which stands for Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine, is a medical imaging technology standard that provides storage and convenient access to images from multiple types of equipment. It allows communication between various image sources and computer devices so that users can view, store and print medical images.

How long are completed requests available? What happens if they are not retrieved during that time?

Completed requests are available for 3 calendar days. If needed, you can submit the request again at any time.

How many studies can be requested at one time?

You can request up to three studies at any one time. If more than three studies are requested, the system will display a message to let you know that you can request additional studies once the current requests have completed.

Where can I find step-by-step instructions on how to use the VA Medical Images and Reports feature?

Step-by-step instructions to guide you on how to access VA Medical Images and Reports can be found in the VA Medical Images and Reports User Guide.

What should I do if I have a question about my medical images or report?

If you have a question about your medical images or the associated report, contact your VA health care team.