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OITE Services for Trainees

We at the OITE encourage trainees to focus their efforts in three areas while at the NIH:

  • Doing outstanding science
  • Attending to their career and professional development by taking advantage of both IC and OITE programs
  • Exploring and contributing to the community around them

The OITE offers comprehensive career/professional/personal development activities for trainees across the NIH and at all educational levels.

NOTE: All OITE programs and services are provided free of charge to trainees in the NIH Intramural Research Program.  Many of our programs are available to the extramural community via Videocast, as are our publications.

OITE Programs and Events

Detailed information on particular OITE events can be found Upcoming Events page.  Watch for announcements of

Some programs/resources are designed specifically for our postbacs.  These include

  • online resources, either Webinars or handouts on topics such as finding a mentor, writing professional e-mail, keeping a lab notebook, attending your first scientific meeting, and lab math;
  • career exploration brown bags on options like public health, pharmacy, and genetic counseling;
  • workshops on getting to graduate school; and
  • workshops on getting to professional (e.g., medical, dental, pharmacy) school.

Major Events

The OITE works with other NIH groups, including ICs, FelCom and the Graduate Student Council, often with sponsorship from the Office of Research on Women's Health, the Office of AIDS Research, or the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences, to present several regularly occurring major events.

The NIH Career Symposium assembles panels of individuals with doctoral training in the biomedical sciences to discuss the diverse career paths they have followed.

The NIH Graduate Student Research Symposium is a day-long celebration of the research conducted by graduate students at the NIH; it includes both oral and poster presentations.

The NIH Graduate & Professional School Fair invites representatives of graduate and professional schools from across the country to come to the NIH to recruit our postbacs and summer interns.

Summer Poster Day and Postbac Poster Day offer trainees in the NIH Intramural Research Program the opportunity to share their research with the NIH community and interested guests.

Community College Day at the NIH opens the NIH campus to students and faculty from area community colleges with the intent of introducing them to the NIH and to health and research career options.

The OITE Career Services Center

The OITE Career Services Center was established in 2007 to serve all the trainees in the intramural community at the NIH.  Its goal is to ensure that NIH trainees are aware of the many careers available to them, both at and away from the bench, and to provide the resources to help them identify good personal options.  The Center is staffed by certified career counselors, a pre-professional advisor, and a leadership and development coach.


If you have questions about OITE programs or services for trainees in the NIH Intramural Research Program, contact us.

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