Office for Victims of Crime - Justice for Victims. Justice for All
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Providers/Community Leaders

The Office for Victims of Crime facilitates training through the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC), cooperative agreements with partner organizations, and grantees, to assist the field in building its collective capacity to serve crime victims. Select from the following options to learn more about these opportunities.

OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center Opportunities

OVC Training and Technical Assistance CenterOVC TTAC provides comprehensive training, technical assistance, and other support to assist the field in building its collective capacity to serve crime victims.

OVC TTAC continues to expand OVC’s outreach through in-person and Web-based trainings. This requires ongoing capacity building to better serve victims and address the enduring and emerging issues in the field.

  • Training is available through an array of standardized courses and webinars, and face-to-face trainings on topics relevant to victim service providers and allied professionals.

  • The National Victim Assistance Academy (NVAA) uses a blended learning approach to provide an intensive, interactive learning experience for professionals and volunteers who assist victims and survivors of crime. Its programs include Victim Assistance Training Online and the Advanced Skills Institute, Leadership Institute, and Advanced Trainer Institute.

  • A variety of webinars and other online trainings are available to complete at your convenience.

  • Instructor materials are available for presenters who are providing training in specialized topic areas.

  • The Professional Development Scholarship Program offers scholarship support for multidisciplinary teams, victim service professionals, and others in the field with at least 1 year of experience to attend victim-focused trainings and conferences that will enhance their ability to work with victims of crime.

  • Customized training and technical assistance (TTA) is offered to meet your organization’s needs. All TTA is designed to help you build capacity in a variety of settings and improve the quality of the services you offer victims of crime. In addition, TTA is also provided to a variety of stakeholders by supporting the work of OVC’s grant recipients involved in services for human trafficking victims, promoting collaboration and communication among human trafficking task forces, and building capacity among general victim service providers, allied professionals, and the general public. Visit the Human Trafficking web page for more information.

  • Attorneys, victim service providers, victims, and the general public can access VictimLaw to search victims' rights' statutes, tribal laws, and other legal information.

To learn more about OVC TTAC, visit and sign up to receive notifications about future training events.

Legal Assistance for Crime Victims

OVC TTAC works collaboratively with national experts to offer TTA opportunities to the legal community. OVC TTAC provides attorneys with the tools they need to increase their knowledge of crime victim issues and their capacity to provide pro bono or no-cost legal representation to crime victims.

Visit the OVC TTAC website to learn more about Legal Assistance for Crime Victims TTA opportunities.

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Putting the Pieces Together: 2018 OVC Grantee Orientation Webinar

The recorded OVC Grantee Orientation Webinar equips 2018 OVC grantees with the knowledge and resources necessary to successfully manage grant awards.

OVC 2018 discretionary and formula grantees are strongly encouraged to view this recording to learn about OVC and the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center, special conditions, grant management, and program monitoring.

The webinar will help grantees—

  • Gain a greater understanding of OVC’s mission.
  • Identify your key grant documents.
  • Understand the terms and conditions of your award, including reporting responsibilities.
  • Recognize your obligation to comply with federal requirements.
  • Become familiar with available grant and victim service resources.

Visit the OVC Grantee Orientation Webinar Archive for orientation materials from 2017 OVC Grantee Orientation Webinar.

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VOCA Administrators Training and Technical Assistance

The VOCA Administrators Training and Technical Assistance web page provides resources to help improve the management of Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funds.

State Victim Assistance Academies Training and Technical Assistance

State Victim Assistance AcademiesTraining and technical assistance, for both prospective and established State Victim Assistance Academies (SVAAs), is available through the SVAA Resource Center, operated by the National Center for Victims of Crime.

Contact the SVAA Resource Center at 202–467–8700 or to learn more.

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Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center

OVC Help Series for Crime Victims. Who To Call. Facts To Know. Download Brochures.