Resources Available Through Prevent Child Abuse Georgia

Prevent Child Abuse Georgia’s 1.800.CHILDREN helpline is an information and referral line for people who are concerned about the healthy development of children and the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Callers can talk to a trained individual who cares and wants to help. The Helpline is professionally staffed by operators from Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies and operates Monday to Friday from 8 a.m.- 7 p.m.

The Helpline Is:

  • Toll Free
  • A safe place to discuss options
  • Open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m.-7 p.m.
  • Professionally staffed
  • Bilingual (Spanish/English)
  • A source of information 

The Helpline Is NOT:

  • A hotline or crisis line
  • A function of DFCS
  • Where child abuse reports are taken